Posted by EngineeringProfit > 3 hours ago | Report Abuse

By embedding universal values and critical thinking into the educational system, Malaysia can cultivate a generation of youth who are more open to diversity, less susceptible to racial and political manipulation, and ready to contribute to a harmonious and progressive society. This would lay a strong foundation for dismantling race-based politics and building a more unified nation.

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6 comment(s). Last comment by EngineeringProfit 3 hours ago

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 3 hours ago | Report Abuse

Celebrating Common Heroes and Values: Highlight national figures who championed justice, equality, and unity rather than focusing solely on ethnic or religious identity. This could nurture a sense of shared pride in the nation's history and achievements.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 3 hours ago | Report Abuse

Unified National History: Ensure history lessons do not favor one group over others but instead present an integrated Malaysian narrative. This can foster a shared sense of belonging among students of all backgrounds.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 3 hours ago | Report Abuse

From Race-based Entitlement Brainwashing to Service Learning: Implement community service programs where students from different backgrounds collaborate on solving local problems, which promotes a sense of shared responsibility and unity.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 3 hours ago | Report Abuse

Same Ethical and Moral Education For All Children: Focus moral education on universal values such as fairness, compassion, integrity, and justice, rather than tying ethics to a specific religion or ethnicity. This approach can guide students to transcend sectarian loyalties.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 3 hours ago | Report Abuse

Retrain educators, teachers and administrators for major paradigm shift: Train educators to handle diverse classrooms sensitively and to discourage racial or religious segregation in learning environments. Teachers are key influencers in shaping students' views on race and identity. Ensure that rewards, opportunities, and recognition are based on merit, character, and contribution rather than ethnic or racial quotas. Teach children how to handle disagreements and conflicts through dialogue and cooperation, fostering a spirit of compromise and unity that can be translated to political life later.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 3 hours ago | Report Abuse

Std 3 Bahasa version For dividendguy67: Untuk mendidik kanak-kanak Malaysia supaya menghargai nilai sejagat dan membantu menghapuskan politik perkauman, sistem pendidikan perlu diubah ke arah keterangkuman, pemikiran kritis, dan nilai kemanusiaan bersama. Beberapa pendekatan asas perlu dilaksanakan termasuklah mengubah kurikukum dan penulisan sejarah untuk menekankan penghayatan berbilang budaya; galakkan pemikiran kritis dan pembelajaran berasaskan soal jawab secara intelektual tanpa emosi; tingkatkan kemahiran berinteraksi dan komunikasi, bina identiti kebangsaan yang inklusif.

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