KLSE Investor in Bursa Malaysia

KLSE Investor - First Day in Bursa Malaysia

Publish date: Wed, 15 Jun 2016, 10:55 AM
This blog shares my personal experience and encounters in KLSE.
The contents may not be applicable to everyone, it's just a form or recording and for sharing purpose.

Nowadays, almost all investors/traders, especially young generation, are managing their trade by themselves through online platform.

Do you still remember your very first time trading in KLSE?

The eager, with a little bit of hesitation, to place order, so afraid that you might not get the price you want to buy for a stock?

The seemingly confidence, with a little bit of doubts, on the stock that you are going to buy, simply based on reading rumors from newspaper, forums and blogs?

The anticipation, with a little bit of worry, after you bought, that the share is going to bring you profit in no time?


Most people have had these mixed feeling in their first trade.

This is extremely normal when we are making decision that involves our money.


Try to imagine when you want to try out a new restaurant/café, you may consider whether you should spend the money to try out, simply because you afraid that its food does not worth the price.

Likewise, spending money on ticket to watch a new movie, buying a new cellphone, enrolls in a new course and etc.


We have these mixed feelings because we worry our decision will make us lose the value of our money. Pay too much for a low quality products or services.

But if the products/services we obtained bring us the value that we think that exceeds the value of our money, we’ll feel worthy for that.


So, to avoid from having a bad decision making, we will usually do a lot of study and research before action. This is especially true when a big sum of money is involved, i.e. buying a vehicle or property.


After performing the same process a few times, we will slowly get used to it and can even have a rough idea of what we will get after we make a move.

This is experience.

But not even experience can guarantee us to be safe from making a bad move.



So buying a stock is exactly the same, study and research is necessary, especially for newcomers, including myself.

Having a mixed feeling is normal, because even after thorough study, the situation may still turn out to be the other way round.


I still remember my first trade in KLSE.

I bought 2000 units of SCICOM at RM0.925 (before bonus issue) back in April 2014.

Why did I buy it? Simply based on my feeling on it. That’s what I was.

After I bought, my remisier told me it has nothing special.

The stock traded flat for 2 months.

Since it didn’t earn me any cent, I sold it around mid of June 2014.

What happened next is SCICOM started to move up in early August 2014 and broke above RM2.00 (before bonus issue) around mid of Sep 2014.


I know not much about fundamental analysis and technical analysis back then

But I still remember that mixed feeling I had back then

That kind of feeling that you miss an opportunity to make money.


But even until today, I still encounter such situation some times

Because most of the time I was trading, but not investing.


I’m still learning, and the more I learn, the more I realize that I need to learn more.

To avoid from having such scenario to happen, one must spend time to learn.

Study and do research on the company we want to invest in.

By doing so, we can lower down the chance of having that unwanted mixed feeling.

By doing so, we are building our perseverance in stock market.


~Next article~


P/S: To sharpen my skill, I do share some stock watch in Invest for Life and facebook https://www.facebook.com/investforlife.com.my/.

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Apollo Ang

my 1st counter....tongkah harbour back in 1989

2016-06-15 12:15

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