Publish date: Mon, 22 Sep 2014, 09:37 PM
A personal opinion in stock trading

Hi friends,

Congratulations to the winners recently, either you're trading, punting or whatever you want to call it. To others, be patient, nothing goes down forever or otherwise. Just don't give up. It's just a matter of time it will be your best time again if you're well prepared. 

One day,  I heard one said. 

Luck is about rolling a dice. Or finding a quarter on the ground. Or seeing a double rainbow after a quick storm. 

But now I am different, now I am older and I need luck to be constantly transfused into me or I run out of it. Without luck, I am dead. For me, good luck equals happiness. On a scale of happiness from 0-10, I am about 7-8. But that's a big improvement. As I was lying on the sick bed, I was probably about zero. So I am trending upwards. I get lucky when I stick to three goals. 

1. I want to be happy.

2. I want to be eradicated unhappiness in my life.

3. I want every day to be as smooth as possible. 

That's it. I am not asking for much. I need simple goals or I wouldn't achieve them.

There's at least ten times in my life seems so low that I felt like I would never figure out the above three things. Other times I felt like I was stuck at a crossroads and never figured out which road to take. But each time I bounce back. 

When I looked back on these times now, I realized it was a common thread. Each time there were only four things and only four things, that was always in place, in order for me to incorporate these four things into practice, so I would never dip low again. 


Being in physically and mentally healthy. Wake up every morning at 5 am, every day exercise and sweat. But it is hard. All you need to do minimally is to break a sweat about 10 minutes. So about 20 to 30 minutes a day will make up my day just to be healthy. You can't be happy if you aren't healthy. Spending this time better deal with your anxieties.


If someone is a drag for me, I just cut them out. If someone lifts me up, I bring them closer. Nobody is scared here. When the plane is going down, put the oxygen mask on your face first. But I will always there to help. I don't get close to anyone who brings me down. The rule can't be broken. And I never owed anyone an explanation. 

Another one important rule, always honest and its fun. But nowadays majority  is not honest anymore, and people are afraid of it. Try to be honest a day will be hell for some. It's amazing where the boundaries are of how honest one can be. It's much bigger than I thought can be.


Every day I think of ideas and I write them down. I write down so many ideas that it hurts my head to write down one more. I will try to think of 10 things that I can work on (be realistic that it can be implemented) The idea muscles atrophies within days if you don't use it. The idea muscles need to be polished. 


I feel some people don't like the word spiritual. They'll think it is about God or Religion. But it hasn't necessarily been. I don't know what it means to others. But I feel like I can a spiritual practice when I do as follows. 

1. Pray. Doesn't matter you pray to God, dead people or to the sun or moon, it means just being thankful and grateful even for a few seconds a day.
2. Silence. Silence or meditate for a few minutes can be hard and boring. Try it for five minutes. Every day. 
3. Grateful. I always think and I was grateful for what I have. Then I try to think of more people close to me. Then more,  and it's harder.
4. I picture everyone that has done me wrong. I visualize gratefulness for them. But not pity.

It's hard to do all this every day. Nobody is perfect. And I know, when I am doing all these things, it works. 

Happy, wealthy, healthy and mentally perfect investor? 

Not easy but not impossible.~~

P/s: no matter what people tells you, your character and idea will change you and the people you love.

5 people like this. Showing 3 of 3 comments

Lai Y. Keat

Since i turn to spirituAlity. My investing results has turn better.TA AND FA is good but spirituality is Even better.

2014-09-22 22:58

Kevin Wong

Nothing can keep the bad up for long. They unlikely to bounce back, often they sinks down even lower.
Nothing can keep the good down for long! The good always bounces back, and they often bounces back higher & even higher - everytime.
The above applies both to humans & shares.

2014-09-23 08:37


choose yourself - james altucher

2014-09-23 08:57

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