Sslee blog

“Letting go” please Tun M

Publish date: Fri, 01 Nov 2019, 08:36 AM
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This is my blog

Dear all,

A comment I posted at Tun blog,

Dear PM Tun Dr Mahathir,

Please allow and pardon me for pouring out what is inside my aching heart:

Sometimes you simply have to throw yourself into the ring…for everyone’s sake. (Take on a gargantuan responsibility)
But sometimes you have to let go of everything…for your own sake. (Relinquish your responsibility and let other take over)
And sometimes you simply have to let go of your Self…for God’s sake!” (To be in peace and ease with oneself and others)

It had been a nail-biting and an emotional roller-coaster ride for me as a true Malaysian. We have our high and low, love and hate, happiness and sadness, hope and despair, anxiety and relieve, respect and disdain, enthusiasm and indifference, gratitude and anger, patience and frustration, humility and arrogance, contentment and disappointment, good time and bad time, have and have not, affirmation and discrimination, meritocracy and mediocracy, egalitarianism and elitism, democracy and Kleptocracy, old Malaysia and new Malaysia and whatever you can name it, we have it.

But at the end of the day, we need to let go. Letting go is the hardest decision everyone had to make because it means letting go control of every aspects of your past and your wish lists. It also means letting go of your expectation of how things should have been or will have to be, it hints of being wrong and allowing someone else to be right. But exactly what is right and what is wrong? Only time will tell but will it matter anymore as you are not the one to make the judgment?

So what will matter?
Ready or not, someday it will all come to an end.
There will be no more sunrises, no minutes, hours or days.
All the things you collected, whether treasured or forgotten, will be passed to someone else.
Your wealth, fame and temporal power, will shrivel to irrelevance.
It will not matter what you owned, or what you were owed.
Your grudges, resentment, frustrations and jealousies will finally disappear.
So too your hopes, ambitions, plans and to-do lists will expire.
The wins and losses that once seemed so important will fade away.
It won’t matter whether you were beautiful or brilliant.
In the end it won’t matter where you come from, or on which side of the track you lived.
Even your gender and skin colour will be irrelevant.
Then, how will the value of your days be measured? So, what will matter?
What will matter is not what you bought, but what you built: not what you got, but what you gave.
What will matter is not your success, but your significance.
What will matter is not what you learned, but what you taught.
What will matter is every act of integrity, compassion, courage or sacrifice that enriched, empowered or encouraged others to emulate your example.
What will matter is not your competence, but your character.
What will matter is not how many people you knew, but how many will feel a lasting loss when you’re gone.
What will matter is not your memories, but the memories that live in those who loved you.
What will matter is how long you will be remembered, by whom and for what.
Living a life does not happen by accident; it’s not a matter of circumstance but of choice and of much patience, perseverance and determination.

Tun had served Malaysia well even at this advanced age of 94, but how much longer can Tun continue grappling with national’s problems of which some need a long term plan to resolve.

As of Tun’s blog article “KRISIS KEWANGAN”. Quote, “Saya minta maaf kerana tindakan saya mengatasi krisis kewangan 1997-1998 menguntungkan taikun. Unquote”

Tun needs no apology for how Tun handled the 1997 Asian Financial crisis.

Tun had explained very clearly in Tun’s Book: The Malaysian Currency Crisis: How And Why It Happened.

Indonesia was the country hardest hit by the1997 Asian Financial Crisis. It caused the fall of President Suharto’s authoritarian army regime marred in excessive corruption, collusion, nepotism, cronyism, abuse of power, human right violation and suppression of political opposition. At the height of the crisis, President Suharto finally gave way to popular demand and resigned from his presidency and vice president Habibie was appointed as president. President Habibie managed to hold the presidency for one year and then a hanged parliament appointed Wahid to the presidency. Two years later President Wahid was forced to resign from office due to alleged involvement in corruption scandal and handed over the presidency to vice president Megawati. In 2004 Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono a former army general won Indonesia’s first free direct presidential election and in 2014, Joko Widodo became the first popularly elected president from outside the military and political elite. He was recently re-elected for another 5-years term in 2019.

Today Indonesia has reformed itself from an authoritarian regime to a relatively stable democratic country where the rule of law had replaced the rule of man, with check and balance in place. With an independent Corruption Eradication Commission (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi) to prevent and eliminate abuse of power, corruption, collusion, nepotism and cronyism. It was under this relatively stable conditions and clear economy policy which attracted foreign and local investments into Indonesia. Indonesia is on its way to become Asian Economy Power House due to its reform agenda, bigger land size and population whereas Malaysia even though had our regime changed in 2018 GE14 but alas the promised reforms and rebuilds are still a work in progress as politicians on both side of the fence are still in election mode, busy with unending political “Wayang Kulit” puppet-shadow play, religion and race-baiting, political horse trading, in-fighting, flip-flop policy and no clarity as to when Tun will hand-over the Premiership to the PH agreed 8th PM of Malaysia, Datuk Sri Anwar Ibrahim.

Time and opportunities wait for no-one, as investment are pouring into other ASEAN countries by-passing Malaysia as foreign and local investors are put off by Malaysia political in-fighting, political uncertainty and flip-flop economic policy. Malaysia economic/Bursa is among the worst performing in the ASEAN region and many Malaysians are unable to find a meaningful employment, those with job suffer from low starting wages, wage stagnation, increasing cost of living and house price shooting beyond the reach of average household income.

May I remind PH leaders that GE14 is done and dusted. PH won and was given a 5 years mandate by Malaysians to govern the new Malaysia. Please stop all the toxic divisive politics, the politics of one-upmanship and a very dangerous Machiavellian politics game of race, religion and numbers. We vote for PH (PKR, BERSATU, AMANAH, DAP and WARISAN) and in PH we put our trust to reform and rebuild our new Malaysia and put us on the path towards unity, justice and prosperity

Tun, whom people trusted the most to lead the narrative of new Malaysia, appears immersed in Tun’s own political agenda. Tun appears unconcerned about maintaining and preserving unity and consensus with other PH component parties, or listening to the pulse and sentiments of the peoples on the ground or Malaysia interest and unity which should come first. Nowadays Malaysians and foreigners are at a loss and tired of second guessing Tun’s mindset or Tun's intention as Tun put on so many hats playing so many roles on local and international issues at a cost to Malaysia’s economy interest and racial unity.

It's official! Tun Mahathir sworn in as 7th Prime Minister

Pakatan Harapan chairman Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was officially sworn in as the seventh Prime Minister of Malaysia on Thursday night. He took his oath of office as Prime Minister before Yang di-Pertuan Agong Sultan Muhammad V at the Istana Negara at 9:57pm, May 10 2018.

Tun had done the impossible and I together with many Malaysians will forever be grateful to Tun and will always treasure this historic moment where I cried in joy when Tun was officially sworn in as the seventh Prime Minister of Malaysia. I was full with hope that finally a New Malaysia is dawned on us and on its way to reform, rebuilds and on course towards unity, justice and prosperity. Today I cried again because I see the same old Malaysia of racial divide, religion bigotry, suppression of dissenting views and injustice.

Please pardon me to say perhaps Tun had lose the plot and it is time for Tun to let go and not over-stay Tun's welcome but make a gracious exit. We Malaysians would want to preserve and maintain Tun’s rich legacy and remember Tun as a true iconic statesman with whom Malaysia was blessed with and a true Malaysia’s son that we Malaysians are proud of.

Thank you

Yours truly,


PS: Looking back at GE14, many mainstream news writers were trying their best in recording the historical narrative as events unfolded on GE14.

I’m very impressed by the writer of the article below: He or She possesses a great deal of critical thinking, imagination, creativity, humor, political satire, a good command of English, writing flair and thought-provoking ideas.

Dr M's unnaturally long life was the result of a curse placed by the Spirit of the Moon, Nik Aziz, that he may walk the earth forever till he sees the Monster of BN fall. In his later years the doctor would grow weary of life, yet life would not leave him. His heart had stop beating on multiple occasions, and yet by the power of the IJN, it continues,

When the Rainbow Avatar, Anwar Ibrahim, found his powers out-matched by BN in the satay fields of Kajang, Dr M realized that salvation will never come from the hands of Heroes, no matter how Bersih they are. For no hero can oppose the might of the C4 Detonation Lady Rosmah, or the armies of the Federal Reserve Unit.

I built this monster, Dr M realized. Through it I ruled the Multiracial Land by Divide and Conquer. I have moved on, but the monster continues. Only in me is there power to unmake it.

Visiting the citadel of the Lims, Dr M apologized for all the blood he has spilled. And for putting both of them in jail previously. "If I save the country from the God of Negativity, Najib, will I finally rest in peace?"

The Lims answered."For half a century we have fought the likes of you. We've always lost. Yet now is no time to revisit past quarrels. You are the only one of us who cannot be killed or imprisoned. For you are 92 years old. The protective magic of Public Opinion will not allow BN to harm you."

And so Dr M received the Flaming Sword of 1MDB to fight the darkness.

"You cannot win," the prophets at Merdeka Centre said. "The monster has grown too strong even for the likes of you. And there is a Spoiler, the Taliban fanatics, who will complicate things for you."

"If I lose, I die. Which is good. I have been trying to rest for some time. But the spirit of those I murdered won't let me join them. I am cursed. A terrible curse."

Dr M drew his sword and struck the gates of Johor. The birthplace of BN has never been breached, and yet it could not hold back the doctor's tsunami. The water overflowed into the Nine Pocket Realms, and they too were overcomed despite not being the target. Najib could only look on in shock.

BN's own BR1M counter attacks in Selangor and Penang were easily stopped. The Lims could not be bribed. And Azmin Ali could, but the price was not high enough.

The God of Negativity, Najib, called out to Dr M. "You cannot win. For I have gerry-mandered the crap out of Sabah and Sarawak. They will keep my power alive."

Dr M answered."Oh my sweet summer child, my former apprentice, I taught you everything you know about gerry-mandering. You will need more skills than that to deal with the likes of Me."

Najib looked at Sabah again, and was surprised to see an unknown army of Warisan natives suddenly materialize out of the forest to wreak havoc. Where did these native Avengers came from, Najib wondered. Now I cannot retreat there.

"Take me north", Dr M commanded his Uber/GrabCar driver. "Take me to Langkawi."

As he travelled along the North-South Highway Dr M saw a commotion. He asked his taxi driver what is going on.

"The people have rebelled against BN rule, doctor. They heard about what you did in Johor and overthrew their masters here."

"And where exactly is here?"

"Malacca." At this Dr M's aged lips curled into a smile. The oldest state in the Multiracial Lands. Fitting tribute to an old man like him.

"Reports are Perak is in rebellion too, doctor." Dr M scoffed. "Perak is always in rebellion. But did they win?"

"No doctor. They destroyed BN there but were unable to take over. So it's lawless now."

"That works. Anarchists remaining in anarchy. Many frogs there. You can never stop a frog from jumping."

Dr M arrived in Langkawi, Kedah to be welcomed by a massive crowd of Hopeful Warriors. "Citizens, I was born in this state. Hence here is where the final battle will take place."

BN's forces soon arrived. A huge army of water cannons, riot gear and corrupt lawyers. Even the third force, the Taliban, appeared. Everyone is here, Dr M realized. He looked into the shadows and realized even the dead are here. He could almost see the face of the late Nik Aziz.

Dr M raised the sword of 1MDB against the darkness, sighed, and then casually dropped it. For righteousness, hope, love, none of these have power here. This is my birthplace. The Rice Shadow Lands. I cannot fight using 1MDB.

"How will you defeat two armies without a weapon, Dr M?"  Najib sneered.

"You think Death is your ally, Najib. And yet Death runs from me. I cannot be killed. I've tried, and yet it eludes me."

Dr M then took on the combined armies of BN and the Taliban by himself. As the minions soon discovered, they could not do anything to him. Their ranks slowly dwindled. The fight went on all night. BN still had power in the morning but they realized it would be an endless war against the doctor.

"Its time to surrender. You know how this ends. Drag it out if you want, but you've already lost everywhere except in two states. Perlis, the tiny kingdom. Pahang, the national park. It is almost cute."

Dr M even allowed himself the privilege of laughing like a super villain for a bit. Hey, I am not a hero. Saving the Multiracial Lands is just an ironic twist of fate.

Najib trembled in fear as he knew what had to be done. The doctor was far too powerful for him and there was no weapon evil enough to unseat him. The master of evil, now the master of good also. The only man fit to rule the Multiracial Lands.

"I surrender. Now do I go to jail?"

"No. At least, not yet. I am finally free of my curse. I declare a day of Rest."

As the two Lim knights appeared in the horizon, coming to escort the victorious Dr M to the capital, the doctor had one last thought.

"Actually make that...two days of rest."

-Writer remains anonymous-

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i lost all hope on pakatan harapan already, as i see it is nothing more than just BN 2.0 with Bersatu as the Umno 2.0, DAP as MCA 2.0.
Totally lost all respek with DAP as witnessed DAP become lap dogs in PH. DAP is no more the tiger of the rakyat who speak out for the rakyat

2019-11-01 09:28

Shinnzaii government how to survive? PAS, UMNO, MCA, NGO try everything hanky panky to make PH slump to secure their personal interest...hehe

2019-11-01 09:33


nolah, it is PH killing themselves by revealing themselves as liars & hypocrites

2019-11-01 09:34


No choice. Multi-racial country with majority who is not really working will only get this result.

Only if everyone starts working hard like China and Singapore, Malaysia only got hope.

Even the British never foresaw the kampung mentality could wild spread like fire in this country that ruined the prosperity.

Political tricks to use race as a tool actually push the country into further sea bed. Racial card is the easiest way to win elections as majority voters like easy lifestyles. Just listen to the xxx minister. He was really deeply brain washed. He believed the old tricks started back in 1946.

2019-11-01 09:40


PH score many own goal in the first half. My only hope is how they going to play the ball on the second half with new captain and players.

2019-11-01 09:41


Captain will be the same but with weaker players in the second half. Weak players are easier to be controlled by the captain.

2019-11-01 09:43


PH controlled by "The Wise","The Wise" is the keyword...many ministry edi mentioned...decision is based on "The Wise"...hehe

2019-11-01 09:44


If Indonesia can do it. No reason why Malaysian can't do it.

2019-11-01 09:49


Malaysian politicians too power crazy!

2019-11-01 10:14


Malaysian polititicians are quilty of too power crazy. Similarly Malaysians are too occupied with race, religion and politicking no-end and forget about building bridge.

2019-11-01 10:53


Not Malaysian cant do when do it then you will lose support because of "Race"...too focus on "Race" rather than interest on nation...just like recognition of UEC, difficult...

2019-11-01 10:54


Dear Rick Walker,
We are in no delusion that Tun M is an angel. In fact the above article correctly pointed out that Tun M is the master of evil

Dr M realized that salvation will never come from the hands of Heroes, no matter how Bersih they are. For no hero can oppose the might of the C4 Detonation Lady Rosmah, or the armies of the Federal Reserve Unit.

I built this monster, Dr M realized. Through it I ruled the Multiracial Land by Divide and Conquer. I have moved on, but the monster continues. Only in me is there power to unmake it

Najib trembled in fear as he knew what had to be done. The doctor was far too powerful for him and there was no weapon evil enough to unseat him. The master of evil, now the master of good also. The only man fit to rule the Multiracial Lands.

We are caught between a rock and a hard place, what choice to we have? We are now on uncharted road and we need to come together to make it happen. I am doing my part in saying directly to Tun M in his blog as of what is wrong with Tun and Malaysia. I can only write, hope upon hope and pray that there will be a peaceful transfer of power to DSAI (After all Tun is 94 year, how many more years do Tun have) and things will be better when DSAI take-over.

Thank you

2019-11-01 18:22


True.....he most trusted Jho Low too

the oly PM my Chibese neighbour got CNY card from....

Ever produced best CNY greeting video too

2019-11-01 19:12


Dear Rick Walker,
When you robbed billions like Najib then of cause you can spare a few million to pacify/bribe/buy over people royalty. And Najib beside “cash is king”, “Malu Apa Bossku” is also king of showman (Ah Jib Kor) all are for show "form against substance".

I am very disappointed with DAP especially the banana LGE/NKM come across as arrogant, spiteful, selfish just wanted his revenge on MCA and prepare in cutting off the nose (UTAR) to spite the face . What a stupid idiot and why just keep silent when non-Chinese is challenging the Chinese community on the legal right of Vernacular school.

Thank you

2019-11-01 19:45


The community has no bribe that will tempt a wise man. You may raise money enough to tunnel a mountain, but you cannot raise money enough to hire a man who is minding his own business. An efficient and valuable man does what he can, whether the community pay him for it or not. The inefficient offer their inefficiency to the highest bidder, and are forever expecting to be put into office.(Henry David Thoreau)

2019-11-01 19:52


Dear EngineeringProfit
Can any businessman not obey an order disguise as request from PM. Remember what happen to PR guru LIMKOKWING, Airasia Tony Fernandes and supermix MD Stanley Thai.

And all the PR guru in Najib team with many staged events holding I love PM card.

Thank you

2019-11-01 20:18


relex...wait a little longer, real pakatan will rise after the true color Bersatu appear. Pkr, Dap and Amanah just play dumb and giving Bersatu chance to show their true identity and ideology. If Tun M didnt pass the button, sure enough pkr, dap and amanah walk out from this government and let Bersatu run it alone r with umno or pas, or..Parliment bubar. No point keeping Tun M until 2023. That would be a laughing stock for the whole world.. before this we got Kleptocrat PM, than we gonna have Krepot PM !!.. existig governemnt yes.. BN No.2.

2019-11-01 20:31


A man, who cannot keep his promises, has no dignity to defend

For dignity is the state or quality of being worthy of honour or respect

2019-11-01 20:40


total cost of 1 MDB $ 50 billion.........

2019-11-01 21:12

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