Sslee blog

How to eliminate COVID-19 Virus

Publish date: Fri, 20 Mar 2020, 10:38 PM
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This is my blog

Dear all,

Covid-19 is a flu virus; you need to breathe in the virus for it to enter your lung, attached to your lung cells and multiply. Your immune system detects this foreign invader and starts to produce antibodies to fight the foreign invaders (flu symptoms). The fight is to the death (Either the death of Covid-19 virus by your antibodies or your death (cannot breath or your own antibodies go haywire) together with Covid-19 virus).

The problem now is because Covid-19 start to multiply in your respiratory system (before symptom appear that is before your immune system produce antibodies to fight it) hence when you cough or sneeze the Covid-19 will be expel to atmosphere and settle on any surface for hours and when any person touch the surface with his hand and rub his nose, face and eye, Covid-19 virus are transferred very near to your nose where it can now enter your lung thro’ your breathing.

Covid-19 need human host to survive and multiply. If you break the chain of human host the Covid-19 will then disappear from this world (except those keep in the special freeze storage).

The only way to break this human chain is to isolate the Covid-19 patients and thus prevent them from spreading Covid-19 virus (cough and sneeze) onto any surface on common/public areas where healthy people pick this Covid-19 virus up by hand and then rub their face, nose and eye and breath into their lung and get infected. (Lockdown 14 days as current estimate Covid-19's incubation period of 14 days before symptoms show)

Thank you

Dear all,

Currently there are still no medicines or vaccine against Covid-19. Hence anything that can strengthen your lung function or immune system will help. Eventually science and technology will produce medicine and vaccine against Covid-19. Meanwhile what we can do currently is to identify (Nasal swab test to confirm present of Covid-19 virus) and containment/ isolation to prevent Covid-19 carriers from spreading Covid-19 virus onto any surface thro’ their coughing and sneezing.

Our immune system is like a full army, if our immune system can detect any foreign invader early then it will send in specially trained foot soldiers to kill off the invaders (Vaccine system) but because Covid-19 is so new to our immune system (somehow younger people rather than older people) are able to detect this foreign invader slightly early hence our next defense is by tanks unit follow by air defense target bombing, carpet bombing and finally nuclear warhead.

When our immune system enter the stage of target or carpet bombing it will cause damage to our lung air sacs thus causing breathing difficulty (Need ICU ventilator to breathe) without ventilator the patient cannot breath and die and when you die covid-19 die with you.

I am now wearing mask (to prevent unknowingly spreading Covid-19 virus to others if I’m a asymptomatic carrier) and when I breathe through mask I need to breathe harder and thus exercise by lung function and hopefully if I caught the Covid-19 virus  my lung still can stay strong for my immune system to kill off the Covid-19. When symptoms start to show it need about another 10 days for our immune system to fight off the Covid-19 you either come out victory (Younger people) or loser/dead (Older people) and the Covid-19 die with you.


Thank you






























Above 90



































































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Stop sharing fake news,story,theory esp Probability, Calvintaneng and Sslee! Stop being a scum!

2020-03-21 11:07


Dear cheated9999,
I do my biology in my form 5 MCE and we do study about disease, bacteria and virus group, gene and inheritance illness, how our immune system work and where baby come from.

I am just trying to use layman term to tell a very complicate Covid-19 virus so that people can know how Covid-19 transmit, (thus prevention of washing hands and social distancing) why the important of Nasal swab test to confirm present of Covid-19 virus (identification) and lockdown 14 days as asymptomatic carrier can spread the virus or self quarantine 14 days if you come to contact with confirm Covid-19 patient. Confirm Covid-19 patient containment, quarantine and treatment to help patients recover (important of ventilators to help severe patients breath) and to prevent further spreading of Covid-19

In Wuhan all confirmed Covid-19 patients (Non severe cases) were rounded up and quarantined in make shift hospital where medical staffs wearing protective gear to prevent getting Covid-19 virus into their respiratory system. The patients were treated with medicines to treat the symptoms or strengthen their immune system. Many recovered due to their own antibodies fight/kill off the Covid-19 Virus. (Confirm nasal swab samples do not contain Covid-19 virus anymore for several days before allowed to discharge) Many of these makeshift hospitals were closed now as many patients recovered and were tested negative for Covid-19 virus and drastic reducing of new Covid-19 cases (Elimination by breaking the human transmission chain)

Thank you
P/S: Yes what we have now is hope, that if we were infected with Covid-19 our immune system antibodies will fight/kill off these foreign invaders before our body succumb to it. And if you are healthy now do not assume you are not a Covid-19 asymptomatic carrier thus please put on a mask to prevent your love one especially the elder from getting infected by you.

2020-03-21 12:43


You are not answering my question. Are you doctor or scientist working on covid19? Did you think biology students are qualified in covid19? For god sake, student.

Don't divert the topic. Breather harder made your lung strong? You are seriously in self delusion mode.

"There is truly no place for people who lie. No place for those who purposely endanger others for their own selfishness,” posted Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Dr Siti Rohayu Kamarul Baharain.

Pls take note, probability, calvintaneng,sslee!

2020-03-21 12:53


Take lots of spices.

What spices, please ?

Turmeric ?

Garlic ?

Cayenne pepper ?

Cinnamon ?

union ?

2020-03-21 13:02


Dear all,
Not going to argue with any one here. Covid-19 is a new virus with still so many unkown about it. I am a chemical engineer graduate and out of my concern I wrote the above article for sharing my opinion about Covid-19 with the hope that everyone can stay safe.

Thank you.

2020-03-21 13:11


Yes, go hiding liar sslee.

2020-03-21 13:13


Dear cheated9999,
You are welcome to write your article on how to help out in this difficult time. So what stopping you?

2020-03-21 13:16


coronavirus = throw around the words and u will find some answer. veganism = Anyone here can answer these 2 words? Scrabble time . I will give answers after an hour. first prize....if answer correct

2020-03-21 13:16

enigmatic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I believe you have good intentions.
But for medical advice, it's best to listen to experts.
Not saying you can't post your views though

2020-03-21 13:17


Stop sharing fake news,story,theory esp Probability, Calvintaneng and Sslee! Stop being a scum!

That is best way to help!

Time to wear mask, breath harder and exercise lung - sslee advice

2020-03-21 13:19


guys...its really easy to beat the virus. The prescription is only 3 tablets below:

Tablet 1: Space

Keep distance of 2 meters. Stay at home - only go out for essential shopping.

Tablet 2: Time

Take the tablet 1 above for 14 days. In 14 days those who were infected either gets cured / died and will no longer be able to transmit.

Table 3: Cooperation - "simultaneous action by all"

Taking above tablet 1 & 2 by yourself alone will not wipe out the virus if others do not do it at the same time. Tablet 1 is easy to take...Tablet 2 requires a lot of patience...

Tablet 3 is the hardest pill to swallow and it has to be forcefully fed by the Government....this is the greatest battle.


Tablet 3 availability explains the difference between China and other countries..

2020-03-21 14:12


so the moment you see 'anyone' not cooperating...including religious group...please report to police immediately.

Call: 03-8886 8110, 03-8886 8126

Remember - you are doing this for the survival of your senior loved ones.

2020-03-21 14:47


The best is still social distancing.

Novel virus means our T-cells doesn't have any record of the virus footprint yet. When it enters your body through ducts in your eyes, nose, throat, mouth, our cells will say "Welcome!".

2020-03-21 16:26


Wuhan fatality rate lower than 0.2%!

Here come our saviour!now you realise your stupidity!

2020-03-21 16:36


Probability, please volunteer yourself to assist in hospital!why worry,dumb expert?

2020-03-21 16:38


Posted by probability > Feb 3, 2020 10:27 AM | Report Abuse

Fear should be directly proportional to the odds one would be dying due to this virus....allocating a reasonable low amount of resources (brain energy) for prevention.

the below posting earlier reasons why you should not be worried.

2020-03-21 16:46


Posted by probability > Feb 7, 2020 10:29 PM | Report Abuse

Noidea...we are not saying we dont care about the lives too felt very bad hearing about Dr. Li wenliang..

But the objective of this article is to assure market participants to feel relaxed and need not fear of an economic collapse or long term business implications

Probability - Market won't collapse.Such a bull god!

2020-03-21 16:49


I admit i was wrong in terms of containing the cases within China only (they did contain it) - the error was thinking it will not spread to countries and areas which has poor controls like in Malaysia

now that is has spread - we need extreme precautionary actions enforced

2020-03-21 16:55


if everyone cooperate n practises social distancing strictly,then Cv will dies off slowly in time...

2020-03-21 17:02


Good!You admit your fault probability.
Sslee,learn to be humble and admit wrongdoing.

You don't ask medical advice from engineer!!!know your limit!

2020-03-21 17:03


besides 1) always wear a mask going out 2) wash you hands 3) stand 3 ft apart when speaking to

2020-03-21 17:04


then everything will be ok soon

2020-03-21 17:05


if you cannot get mask , make one at home ....better than none

2020-03-21 17:07


then... a vaccine will be produced

2020-03-21 17:09


notice everyone in China wear masks

2020-03-21 17:10


stay healthy for Bursa to rebound

2020-03-21 17:12


Dear all,
The Covid-19 outbreak is now a world Pandemic, like many previous pandemic many will get through it but some may not. The survivor rate is dependent on how you act now in breaking the chain of infection.
You can check above link on Countries: Cases: Deaths: Recovery numbers.

Thank you

2020-03-21 17:23


no.........its now a pandemic........outside China.......China ok already.....................................

China has turned disaster into advantage.

2020-03-21 18:20


Peter2357 > Mar 21, 2020 5:12 PM | Report Abuse

stay healthy for Bursa to rebound

herd immunity .........the way to stay healthy is to get to herd immunity.

2020-03-21 18:23


the chances of 1 April, every thing normal is ZERO............

2020-03-21 18:38


12 months from many died?

2020-03-21 18:43


Haha qqq3,
An asteroid will hit Earth on 1st April?

2020-03-21 18:44


Experts say travel restrictions and testing are the two most effective ways to slow down the spread of disease.

we got zero testing...........and all kinds of other use meh?

2020-03-21 18:46


we got zero testing...who wants to go to hospital to test?

not sick also become sick if go to hospital to test..........

2020-03-21 18:48


Sslee > Mar 21, 2020 6:44 PM | Report Abuse

Haha qqq3,
An asteroid will hit Earth on 1st April?

government to announce another 2 weeks ...and another 2 weeks....etc.........

2020-03-21 18:49


Haha qqq3,
A normal seasonal flu session killed 23-59k Americans.

2020-03-21 18:52


ed by Sslee > Mar 21, 2020 6:52 PM | Report Abuse

Haha qqq3,
A normal seasonal flu session killed 23-59k Americans.

just like share is not how many u kill that matters.........its what people do with the information that matters.

2020-03-21 18:57


qqq3 is telling an April fool joke or spreading fake news?

2020-03-21 18:57


asteroid is your fake news, not mine.

2020-03-21 18:59


Kenny Rogers dies at 81

2020-03-21 19:00


the bright side.............China will come out of this as the only super power left standing...............and Trumpland is a mess.

2020-03-21 19:07


What a surprising twist of event

2020-03-21 19:14


China is now like America after WW2

Everybody in ruin it is the only one standing

2020-03-21 19:15


Post removed.Why?

2020-03-21 19:19


Trumpland want to blame China ask them what have u done with the 2-3 months notice?

On 3 January China shared every thing they know about the virus including its DNA profile....for scientists to start making test kits.

2020-03-21 19:22


y Icon8888 > Mar 21, 2020 7:15 PM | Report Abuse

China is now like America after WW2

Everybody in ruin it is the only one standing

its a good analogy.........the young and with relevant skill will survive.......better still go to China....

the old and with multiple conditions, too bad.

2020-03-21 19:25


chinaman > Mar 21, 2020 7:19 PM | Report Abuse

both also kanasai. 50% US military brought to wuhan. 50% leaking of biolab in Wuhan. which theory? anyway, both bring misery to the world.

scientific evidence suggest it is natural causes and evolution.

2020-03-21 19:27


it's human man made. I dont believe in god natural cause such havoc. Both supepower engage in biowarfare causing misery to human man kind. Both owe us an explanation why this happen. Airport must remain lockdown till the day vaccine found, available in the market

2020-03-21 19:32


i reaalyt wonder if this is tit for tat

2020-03-21 19:39


corona virus maths..........

2020-03-21 20:01

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