
Gadang(9261) - 持之以恒,水到渠成 - bluefun

Publish date: Wed, 19 Apr 2017, 11:22 PM



今天2017年4月19日,万众期待嘉登兄的 FY17Q3 quarterly result 终于放榜啦,哈哈哈。

bluefun 就好像抱着学生考完试的心态等待着成绩公布放榜的那一刻  XDD。 基本上来

说,Gadang FY17Q3 季度业绩摊开 revenue 下滑之外,其他方面还算不错的,至少公司依然能够 maintain

(i) > 35m  profit before taxation 

(ii) > 25m  profit after taxation

(iii) improvement in cash flow 

       (a) +21m in net CFFO

       (b) -67m in payables

       (c) +39m contract customer

       (d) +21m receivables

       (e) -20m borrowings

 在 completion of major contract works之后,construction division 的 revenue dropped 属于

意料中事。 不过 high contribution from property division 却打救了 Gadang FY17Q3的 net

profit。 虽然整体上 revenue -27%,可是嘉登兄依然能够给力般的改善 profit margin +14.30% 

,让 FY17Q3 26.0m 的 PAT 超越了 FY16Q3的 PAT 25.5m,只能用“佩服”两个字来形容, :D

FY17Q3 - Quarterly result & YTD result


Comparison Q vs Q

1. Revenue drooped about 47m, from 176m in FY16Q3 reduced to 129m in FY17Q3, -27%
2. Profit before taxation increase about 1.8m, from 34.90m in FY16Q3 increase to 36.70m in FY17Q3, + 5%
3. Net profit increase about 0.5m, from 25.50m in FY16Q3 increase to 26.00m in FY17Q3,+2%
4. EPS increase about 0.10cents, from 3.88cents in FY16Q3 increase  to 3.98cents in FY17Q3, +3%

5. Although revenue is huge dropped due to completion of some projects in FYE16 in construction division,but overall profit margin achieve great improvement   +14.73%, from 25.08% in FY16Q3 to 39.38% in FY17Q3, WOW!!!
6. Rolling 4Q(F16Q4+FY17Q1,Q2,Q3), Adjusted EPS = 15.59cents, with today share price(19/04/2017) =  RM1.27, P/E ratio about 8.15, market cap = (654,060)*1.27 = 830.656m。 

Comparison Rolling 4Q

Adjusted EPS calculation after share split, bonus issue & ESOS exercised

Revenue & Profit/(loss) before taxation Analysis

Overall, Gadang achieved satisfied FY17Q3 quarterly result compare to FY16Q3. An increase

PBT for 2 main division which is construction + 1.2m  & property + 3.6m.

While for utility & investment division, increased in about 0.67m & 2.55m in loss before

taxation. Since Gadang didn't provided any info regarding investment in FY17Q3 result, we

still remain unknown for the actual reason caused loss before taxation. 

Cash flow Analysis:

1. Great improvement in CFFO,from -58.33m in FY16Q2 to 20.77m in FY17Q3

Real Growth = Turn the profit to cash in flow :)


2. Reduce debt & payables in CFFF,interest saving, healthy balance sheet

Cost saving = other income :)

Fundamental Analysis of Gadang 

Share price RM1.27 - 19/04/2017

1. ROIC - 0.22

2. EBIT multiple - 5.90 , Earning yield = 0.17

3. CY =  6.48%


Business prospect 



也许对于还不够了解 Gadang 的属性的投资者们会对嘉登兄 FY17Q3 的季度

业绩感到彻底地失望,因为没有所谓的 significant  jump in profit。


 But,试着想一想,嘉登兄已经连续 7年里 improvement in profit before

taxation,从 2011年开始起到 2017,PBT 年年进步,年年派股息,去年还

share split,bonus issue, free warrant 奖励忠诚的股东们。 若是在这严峻的

经济环境下依然能够 maintain profit 算 “差劲”的话,天晓得这是一个天天大的大笑话,哈哈哈 XD

俗语说:“富不过三代”。 然而 Gadang 却已经 连续 7 years improvement in



当 FY16 cash flow 不佳的时候, FY17 cash flow 改善了

当order book 快陷入不健康水平的时候, 952m MRT2 project 到手了



(construction), 房产 (property), 水务(Utility) 与 种植 (plantation)。 很多的

时候,banker 在 cover 分析报告中都遗漏了 Gadang 这一家稳扎稳打,信誉

高的 mid size construction company。 这就是为什么 Tan Sri Kok Onn 在

2016年 11月的 AGM 里说, Gadang 是一家一步一脚印,特专注于公司业务,

慢慢成长的建筑公司。 也因此,投资者们需要更多的耐性与等待,给予公司的

董事与员工们更多的时间奋斗与努力,让耐性证明 sustainable growth kikiki 。

 bluefun对于 FY17Q4季度业绩 与嘉登未来的小小希望:

(1) Net profit > 31m
(2) Dividend > 3.5cents 
(3) LRT3 project
(4) Hospital project
(5) Highway project
(6) Gadang's fun run or marathon 

不管今天明天后天的 share price如何, bluefun 依然会守候 Gadang。 都拥抱31个月的时间了,至少 Gadang 没有让我失望,至少 Gadang 培养了我的耐性 patience XD。 

感谢有您的陪伴,让我坚信在投资的世界里坚持自己的信念往往比随波逐流更加重要。 心中有信,一定会大赢, kikiki :P

FY18 的你会更加的 sexy & 绽放更多的光芒, plantation & utility 开始贡献 recurring income。

当耐性有了,计划有了,就等待东风的来临,把你带上另一个高峰, market cap 1 billion  不再只是遥不可及的梦想,有梦就去追,一定可以慢慢的,一步一步地实现。

Patience + Passion = Power of compound interest 



P/S: This article is just for sharing purpose, this is not a buy call or sell call, any trade please on your own risks.

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9 people like this. Showing 6 of 6 comments


Thanks for the information

2017-04-20 00:02



2017-04-20 08:21


FY2017 is another strong year.

2017-04-20 09:37


invest is all about a company future prospect/future earning

invest v patience & passion to meet the power of compound interest

well diversification in few divisions to migrate the risk too rely on construction & property

FY18 onwards - Shining star will be rise - Gadang

Let's us steady & sustainable growth v Gadang, kikiki


2017-04-20 09:59


Can I request the excel file that u r using now?
This is really what I wish to have for fundamental analysis...
If u r willing to share, this is my e-mail address:
Thanks in advance!

2017-04-20 14:10


all the analysis is for nothing if they didn't win the $ 1 billion new contract.

now, they have won $ 1 billion contract, released their results, is it a strong BUY?

did you not realise the share price actually under performed the market in last 3 months? Why is that so?

2017-04-21 14:33

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