My Trading Adventure

Speculative stocks

Publish date: Tue, 05 Feb 2013, 01:01 PM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

In dauly basis, we will see some tiny penny stocks being actively traded. Well, most of these counters are without much strong fundamentals for us to buy into them. So, these are called speculative stocks. It will make us wonder who will be buying into them? They are cheap ... and a bit or two will give us profitss!! It could give quick profits!! So, it fits nicely into what greedy retails wanted : CHEAP and QUICK PROFIT.

But, cheap could not be good? Quick to shoot up also quick to dive down, right?

Etitech : I have posted the chart of Etitech (code : 0118 = yat-yat fatt!! wow) in

Some of active speculative counters trading today :-

Patimas : Into PN17 ... at 0.075 vs 0.08 today. Well, check the interesting chart.


and so on.

I have also wanted to write about CAP, TMS and Omedia. Well, won't have the time to do that. Perhaps, I will write more about speculative counters in pages.

Got to go for another 4 hours of classes.


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promoting his tratles ... non stop Mr Teh works hard to promote his worthless group.
I was told he dont play penny stocks. Wonder why he is posting chart on penny stocks?

2013-02-05 16:25


he will claim that he had change his tratles mindset not to buy penny stocks. hahaha
but let ask him how much he had lost in blue chips or mid liners ? hahaha

2013-02-05 16:35


Post removed.Why?

2013-02-05 18:57


Wa albert lim, non stop hantam

2013-02-05 19:10


Tony... have to la... this Mr Teh is only here to promote his tratle group. not honestly want to share .... he is not a good trader to share his experience with us where he charge exorbitance. I got more than 10 years in market... but i never ever thot of teaching others bcos not easy to teach furthermore i feel bad when i took people's money but they still lose money following my trade...
i understand many readers here are naive but to go to mr teh & learn is like paying someone to screw yr backside... hahaha

2013-02-05 20:49


many here are really sharing without charging a single cent... that is real SHARING.. I found out that if you dont pay monthly fee to Mr Teh, he will kick you out from his group.

2013-02-05 20:54


Post removed.Why?

2013-02-05 21:53


if not p.stock bursa revenue will cut half, no one who is serious in making $ can ignore p.stock too

2013-02-05 22:31


Albert, a decade in the market. An era of better internet broadband.
During the first 2 years how did you start? Reading by your self?

2013-02-06 01:04


Are you serious? A maths teacher can turn into stock market expert by reading and attending classes? I wonder how did he achieve this in a short period of time? Even a person with CFA qualification cannot claim this.

2013-02-06 05:34

King Kong73

penny stock rocks!...i vote for penny stock.

2013-02-06 06:44


Personally, i dont like penny stock cuz kena burn before .. Serious, I really wish to learn something from this guy, if someone believe and teach TA why cannot use TA to trade and so naive on penny stock one, ok fine assume should consider FA, why no gut to hold stock during bad time one ? ok fine, assume no enuf capital, why stock expert got no money one yet want to tell ppl the ways to become millionaire ?

teacher, just publish some of ur trading proof like trans slip, that one of the best marketing tool. .. probably a lot ppl will shut up, and maybe will join ur stock watch...

Thinking that did not go thru processing, is it an idiotic thinking ? What is think think think... I'm still learning...

2013-02-06 07:45


cp teh also mention knm was spaculative stock. for me this year is good year for TP is 1.200 .tq

2013-02-06 07:49

Melvin G

Another cursing cycle begin!

2013-02-06 08:31


Yes Melvin..I'll just take a glance at this thread..

2013-02-06 08:33


Anybody likes to kill his own karma by attacking an innocent and good person? There must be some reasons for all these comments.

I also heard that payment is for half a year, not monthly. After joining for one month and if you decided to discontinue, you cannot get your refund of 5 months. In other words no warranty. If the appliance is faulty, blame yourself for paying.
Same as stock, if you lose, blame yourself for buying.

2013-02-06 08:55


there is another 'STOCK GURU MY' he too charges 5o ringgit per month. but when market go south they are very silent.

Jan 25, 2013 09:36 AM | Report Abuse

news out... buy buy buy

2013-02-06 10:23


High Risk No Return - Wallet Breakfast

2013-02-20 15:10


Tony Lim... hope you are not my long lost brother... hahaha
I started with the help of my remisier who that time will tell me what to buy & sell.... then he moved abroad I was headless, then i start to read books & familiarise with market.

2013-02-07 11:08


Read books only cukup ka.
No need practical!

2013-02-07 13:35

Mat Cendana

Reading related books... yes, they do help. But it's the baptism of fire, that is in doing the practical of trading and investing, that will be the real teachers. However, our selves must also be right in that we must learn from both profitable and losing trades. The losing trades especially, which are expensive lessons. But if we learn from these, they will definitely help in future investments. No matter how long one has been in the market, there's always something to learn.

For me, among the lessons learned during the past month or so:
1) when prices of some quality counters go down to a certain level, I have to buy regardless of the general gloom and pessimism ... BUT

2) use only one-third or at most half of the capital allocated for a specific counter. Should things not work out my way immediately, I still have two-third or half of the capital left. This provides the option of either averaging down or wait or buy something else. Should the counter go up immediately, there will also be choices in either taking the profit or averaging up by buying more.

3) at times, it might be better to do nothing - neither buying nor selling. And this one is the most difficult of all.

2013-02-11 08:38


Do not speculate any stock with accounting fraud.

2014-01-11 12:08

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