My Trading Adventure

Privitising my blog

Publish date: Mon, 15 Apr 2013, 07:17 PM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
KLCI still steady ... HSI dived with many gold-mining stocks down substantially. The risk in having GOLD as 'safe haven'?

Gold went below 1400 ... great. No longer safe having gold, right? Few articles written about gold now ... and same old stories ... do read if you wish to buy that gold-bar soon as it is cheap?

I am thinking of privitising my blog soon ... moving this blog to and only for those subscribers  That will encourage me(i hope) to write in, or else it is being abandoned. It is quiet there ... as I could not even find some time to sit still, writing this blog.

Yes ... my blog will be 5 years in August. So, i should move there in May?

So, i will just do that ... the contents will be analysis about stocks and anything related to financial that I am looking into. I have another 2 weeks to promote my

It will be RM10 per month for a person. Like my writing and analysis, do support my

I have paid for the site, the maintenance and all I need now is TIME to place some input. Being a blogger, I will certainly blog ... it is just me, just my pleasure.

So ... e-mail me( or message me in Facebook if you are interested. Thanks.

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oh my god !!!! still need to pay just to read his blog? hahahaha
I warn you all about him ... he is all about money money... Gosh ! I just cant believe my eyes when i read this .... please god save us all from this parasite Mr Teh.
Mr Teh, by all means pls just privatize your stupid blog & just get the heck off from here. Do us that favor please !!!

2013-04-15 20:53


are u mention cp teh blog

2013-04-15 21:02


hahaha FCTB... yes agree even Mr Teh give me RM100 per month to read the blog i also dont want la...

just get lost faster from i3... will throw party the moment his bog is gone from here... but somehow, i got a feeling he wont do it...

2013-04-15 23:42


you can charge RM10 for this, but i think your blog is not up to the subscriptiio level...some only casual the topic..bla bla sunday.... do you want your reader to pay for this? i think you should put more content of it.

2013-04-16 00:33


Why gold went down he feel great ? somehow I jus feel funny someone claim having good heart having joy.. maybe there is ppl kena burn..

I have few kilos in my safe deposit box, should I continue to keep ? If feel the gold not safe, can give it to me pls.

2013-04-16 07:28


Pay me some subscription to encourage and motivate me to write.. blogging is my hobby, I need some money to maintain my hobby.. I thought he is self motivated?

really I think your ways hard to produce students that ada standard one.. guess you still a class room teacher.. guess more more to improve.. I think if you do business in math tuition maybe you can make more..

2013-04-16 08:00


Mr Teh will NEVER leave us... Who wants to bet with me? He will do flip flop as always & he is egoistic arrogant teacher that I have ever heard of ... lucky for me I was NEVER in his group. From what I have been hearing from his ex tratles , he is really really NOT good... everything you see or read in his blog (stock related) are not his... some belongs to his tratles where he wants to show off to us readers that he spotted good stock bla bla bla...

I am certain he wont leave us but if he did, I will throw party. He keep saying sharing is caring we should help other bla bla bla... but still want to charge RM10 just to read his blog... hahahahahhahahaha... Even Dali's blog is free !!!! So damn cheapskate of Mr Teh...

2013-04-16 08:25


Walau eh, people can be so selfish and take advantage of others.

What a Shame...

2013-04-16 08:32


pls go & read his latest post.... i won !!! haha... he is not leaving us... this blog will be here for ever.... hahahahah

2013-04-16 09:06

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