My Trading Adventure

Stock Analysis : Faber and Favco

Publish date: Sun, 23 Jun 2013, 07:08 PM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

Faber : This was given to my stock-watch group before breakout of 1.64 levels. Then, it broke higher to hit high at 1.85. I've exited 1.79 as the volumes significantly increased. Well, we do not like the spike too-fast-n-furious ... it is a SELL when retailers jumping in. The dividend 10cents is NOT a new announcement. So, nothing to justify the huge spike. 1.64 to 1.84 is about 20cents appreciations, more than the 10cents dividends, right?

Technically, it is supported at 10MA, but I wont touch it at the moment. Watching 1.72 as support, with 20MA at RM1.67.

Favco : Bought at RM2.42, and taken profits at RM2.59. Then,  breakout of 2.64 and I grabbed back at RM2.70 before market closing. Then, it gapped up the next day, I cleared at 1.89, told my whole group ... some sold at 2.90 ... happy with that. But, it shot to 2.99, actually. Supported at 5EMA at the moment, for short trading, this will be good. It might re-testing RM2.99 again.
These two are what I shared here before breakout. So, they are still in my stock-list but unlikely to trade them again after 2 successful trades on them each. I have cleared many too, to stay in cash ... as I am re-structuring my funds and trades.
Determined to change my daily schedules ... and my focus. So, as I will be more focus ... my tratles group, e-stock analysis group and my stock-watch group will be my priorities. I will be back blogging ... hoping to do it more professionally. : Most of my analysis and learning posts will be placed here ... will revamp the pages and taking it private. Yes, besides the analysis, members could learn how to start to analyse ... and it is good for newbies-novices, a platform to get them informed. I will also share some of my readings and such.
It is for subscription and members only. Those who wish to subscribe, do contact me at It will start in AUGUST.
This blog will be used to show few of my trades, for sharing purposes, and also more about financial ideas.
Hope all my 'loyal' readers will join me in ... see you there!!
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Another salesman's advertisement !

2013-06-23 21:12


hahaha... advertising his group so that many will join... hahaha... why only show the good trades?? what happen to those trades that you lost ? come on... I know you did lose money...

2013-06-23 23:38

Frank Soweto

The remisers of these 'traders' will be kayalah - keep trading to support the liquidity ya :)
@ albert maybe u can 'share' teacher's losses :)

2013-06-24 00:17


My dear royal readers, as long as you pay me you are my royal readers... come on la if you got no value to him you think he want to help you huh and say you are royal readers ! royal readers.. he doesn't know you one la, he only know your $$

2013-06-24 07:49


The guy come here and tell like forum is nonsense place, bullshit and bla bla and he doesnt believe in these nonsense, but keep promoting or encouraging ppl to join his forum.

2013-06-24 07:55


somemore tell all this shit in other ppl forum, like quit this forum and join my forum.. the owner is really kind to let you do it here..

2013-06-24 07:59


Let be a human and educate more stupid ppl

2013-06-24 08:11

Micheal Teo

Hi...cpteh U must be d world renowned trader making profits in every trade.

2013-06-24 15:21


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2013-06-24 16:39

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