CP Teh is considered a newbie but he is willing to learn and brave enough to predict. Give him a chance for he will only get better.
2014-01-01 11:17
Lol... this albert Lim must be really butt hurt with this CP teh.
checking back his post, most of it is attacking this CP teh for quite some time. Seriously, i think you are nothing but a sore loser and kinda childish. Atleast this CP guy is posting something informative, though may not seem useful but its better than someone ranting like a child who just lose a video game. By the way, it was the i3 linked to CP Teh blog. You can check it by clicking the Author name. He didn't post anything for more than a month. I bet you didn't know that but if you do then i guess you are just some immature guy who keep attacking this poor CP Teh. Grow Up please
2014-01-02 00:01
hahaha… its ok.. say what ever you like as I know what I am doing is for those who appreciate. by the way, Mr Teh never took up my challenge.. what a joke he is
2014-01-18 13:47
its new high but Mr Teh is certainly a SOHAI…. kekekeke….
I will stop picking on you IF you stop coming here. I will stop exposing your con IF you stop coming here. I will stop coming here IF you stop coming here either. My resolution for 2014….
2013-12-31 23:50