My Trading Adventure

To be great ... how?

Publish date: Thu, 30 Jul 2015, 12:24 PM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

Morning ... I m too busy to blog, actually .. zzz... dislike the word BUSY ... it is priority, actually. Is my BlogSpot a priority to me? Not really anymore ... I used to make a point to write a post everyday, without fail ... since 8th Aug 2008 ... for 5 years!! Until ... I m in KL ... getting busier with classes ... then, started trading-group (called tratles ... and site is ) and started my tuition-center biz ... I m as busy with the daily operations. So ... are those good excuses not to blog here? zzzz ... may be la ... wat to do, me time-management no good.

It is 11.50am ... lunch time soon, then classes and classes.

Last night I attended a market talk. BUY export-oriented stock, he said.


It is going to August soon ... I am going to start another new group which I called "8 to be great" ... it is a book-sharing group, where everyday I will try to post few quotes from the book which I m going to read. After that ... if successful, I will start another book-sharing group for STOCK TRADING next year.


If you are interested to join in(free la, of coz), to be motivated and together to be great ... you can add me in the facebook and I shall add u in the group. But ... I m going to delete those dormant, quiet, inactive, selfish, etc etc kind of people. Please do not join if you are those normal negative human. We have plenty of such people around. I need energy forming from the group.

Add me here :


There you are ... we are going to discuss topic-per-topic thru online e-meeting. I will READ the contents of the book and we all in the group have to make a commitment to attend, discuss and share!!

I have currently 17 members ... it is free, so I hv the rights to delete those irrelevant ones. Generally, only 20% succeed in anything ... so, I expect only about 4 of them left till the end of the year, to finish the book with me!! Then, I will call them out for a dinner to celebrate our months together and see if there is any POSITIVEness created from the group!! Those deleted ones ... well, they are just the normal 80%.


Passion to succeed in whatever we are doing ... if not, find that PASSION inside us. We have to last the pace ... might as well have to passion for it.

Need to plan the structure of the group, the rules and how to make all in the group to participate.

Let's start it ... maintain the PASSION ... go through the months of reading the book and be GREAT.


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listen to GENERAL LENO .... go fok INSAS at 81 sen !! Veli veli CHEAP !!

2015-07-30 15:45


stop arguing c2peed dam dam ... FOCUS ! FOCUS ! Arguing c2peed thing dun make u happi nor rich ! It make u more c2peed dam dam. Time to WHACK INSAS @ 81 sen !!

2015-07-30 15:49


I think now he busy trading Hong Kong stocks,
he no longer trading KLSE.

2015-07-30 15:52


Post removed.Why?

2015-07-30 19:30


Wah bullets flying again wahahaha

2015-07-30 20:20

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