Morning Mr. Teh, what sort of info we can gain from your post? If just write something like a diary or facebook stuffs, better post it at other channel. Everybody keep attacking you and I am feel sorry to you too.
Change your style of writing and let everybody gain something and discuss after you post. Thank you.
2017-02-05 11:08
For a year now talk about CUT LOSS CUT LOSS CUT LOSS or CRASH CRASH CRASH...suddenly stupeed want to learn how to trade
2017-02-05 11:31
Duit......Got to agree with you lah. A learner with 5 yrs of experience teaching newbies how to run where he himself couldnt walk properly. He has yet to show his proven track records( winning trades ) and till now he has yet or dare to join the yearly stock pick contest. Many hv joined and proven better than how Mr Teh, dare to join ???
2017-02-05 15:08
this sort of blog also can kah?
2017-02-05 10:40