cpteh说:“DOW minus another 167 points after minus 254 points the day before. But, there boleh-land's KLCI staying still. They said it is due to election-rally.
DOW futures minus 150 now. Don't know how we can stand so strong. MYR strong? Malaysia-boleh?”
看到以上的话就可以确定cpteh只有婴儿般的智商, lol
2018-02-22 11:11
Didnt he want to buy reits yesterday? Teh chong peng has the typical retailer flip flop mindset. No wonder he never made any money
2018-02-22 11:14
I wonder what is stopling i3 admin t remove his blog entirely from this space.
2018-02-22 11:15
Keep RM1 cash is also keeping cash lah! Always tell something ambiguous. Not telling the truth!
2018-02-22 12:26
2018-02-22 11:08