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Ubah- Lagu Tema Kempen DAP Pilihanraya ke-13

Tan KW
Publish date: Wed, 03 Apr 2013, 10:16 PM
Tan KW
0 485,163

Ubah- Lagu Tema Kempen DAP Pilihanraya ke-13

Negara-ku, Tanggungjawab Bersama
Masa Depan, Milik Kita Semua
Jalan berliku, tentu mencabar
Bersama kita harungi

Orang muda, pikul harapan bangsa
Mara Depan, Negara tentu Cerah
Kuat semangat, kita berjuang
Bersama menuju, cita-cita rakyat

Ubah, Selamatkanlah Malaysia
Bersama pahatkan sejarah
Buka lembaran baru
Sama-sama kita menuju
perubahan di tangan mu

Ubah Sekarang! Selamatkan Malaysia!

明天- 民主行动党第13届全国大选竞选主题曲

Maatram மாற்றம் (Lagu Kempen Pilihanraya ke-13 DAP)

Umohon- Lagu Tema Kempen DAP Pilihanraya ke-13 (Edisi Bahasa Kadazan)


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2 people like this. Showing 20 of 24 comments



2013-04-03 22:38


What a great song!

2013-04-03 23:10


Ubah, bagus.

2013-04-03 23:42


Nice song...I like it!
Vote for future.

2013-04-03 23:50


Thread of hearts that form the communion of CARE and HOPE. Let's Malaysian as one fate community UBAH for Brighter Malaysia!

2013-04-04 06:17

Wendy Yap


Ubah Sekarang! Selamatkan Malaysia!
Ini kalilah!

2013-04-04 12:59


Malaysia sudah berubah. Nak apa lagi?

2013-04-04 16:04


nak UBAH for our sons n daughters, grand sonssss n grand daughterssss... they deserve Better Malaysia, as Malaysia deserves much more better.

2013-04-04 18:07


cara kampen DAP memang manrik 80%orang China:baca lah laporan bawah ini

UALA LUMPUR: With one week of campaigning left before Malaysians cast their votes for the 13th general election (GE13) this May 5, crude methods of attracting voters are being unleashed in a no-holds-barred manner.
The most recent one is an attempt at disparaging the image of Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

Several photos of an altar with candles, joss sticks, as well as hell notes (Chinese currency for the dead) placed near Najib's image, is being circulated on social networks.

Another 'altar' picture, this time complete with hell notes, a pack of cigarettes and a beer canMCA Young Professionals Bureau chief Datuk Chua Tee Yong, when contacted by Malaysian Digest said that the altar portrayed in the photos is a Chinese custom that signifies a person's demise.
Chua condemned the practice of tarnishing Najib's image in such a manner saying it was distasteful and disrespectful.

He said he has seen the photos himself and expressed deep sadness that political campaigning has gone to such an ugly extreme.

"Everyone has a different political stand and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but do not use social media as a hub for behaving in a bad manner," he said.
"Wait for May 5. Say it with your votes," Chua told MD.

Chua who will be defending the Labis Parliamentary seat this coming GE13 said that this kind of hate politics can escalate to violence and should be avoided.

He urges the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to investigate and act againts those involved.

"I know it is difficult to shut down some of these social media accounts responsible for distributing these photos, but something has to be done before matters get out of hand," he said.

Datuk Chua Tee Yong showing the 'altar' photo which he too received via messaging app, Whatsapp. Pic: The StarChua added that hate politics became worse after the 2008 general election, when the opposition began putting forth the idea of a two-party system.

"This has evolved into hate campaigns," he added.

The photos may cause anger amongst Malay voters from both political divide including fence-sitters as it is a jibe that not only is offensive to Najib but also the Muslim faith.

Meanwhile, Chua cited another example of 'false advertising' being used in party campaigns. A photo of Perak royalty, Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah and a quote from one of his speeches, has been made to look as though he endorses opposition party, PAS.

In a statement given last March, the crown prince of Perak was disappointed that his speech and its content has been manipulated for political gain.

He reiterated that the palace should not, for whatever reason, be dragged into the trenches of party politics.

PAS has been using several quotes made by His Royal Highness, taken out of context to denote his support and alleged endorsement of the opposition party.
The quote by Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah has been taken out of context and has incurred the crown prince's displeasure"As a concerned person, it is my hope that everyone exercises restrain," Chua added.

Earlier, another 'death' jibe was made by Opposition leader, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, targeted at former Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.

In a campaign speech at Kampung Abdullah in Segamat, Johor last Wednesday, Anwar called on Mahathir to 'just die' instead of campaigning for Barisan Nasional (BN).

"Sudah mau mati, dah 83 tahun. Berapa la lama lagi? Kalau dah nak mati, mati saja lah," Anwar said.

("It's almost time for him to die, at 83 years old. How long more? If you are going to die, just die.")

The New Straits Times reported that when asked to comment on Anwar's remarks, Mahathir said that the former deputy Prime Minister was merely exercising his rights of freedom of speech.

2013-05-01 09:45


So you are try to create riot? Everybody with proper mind already boycott NST and the Star because these papers are putting out false news and cheating the people.

2013-05-01 09:51

Ooi Teik Bee

Post removed.Why?

2013-05-01 10:12


Ya, these are the work of Barang Naik. Lazy. Only know how to cut and paste. Never even bother to find out the fact. Only know how to makan the peoples' money. Make us suffer only.

2013-05-01 10:25

Ooi Teik Bee

Chua condemned the practice of tarnishing Najib's image in such a manner saying it was distasteful and disrespectful.

He said he has seen the photos himself and expressed deep sadness that political campaigning has gone to such an ugly extreme.

"Everyone has a different political stand and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but do not use social media as a hub for behaving in a bad manner," he said.

Question ask :

Did BN Penang did that to Chief Minister of Penang Lim Guan Eng ?

BN Penang even worst, send a coffin to Chief Minister of Penang Lim Guan Eng. Pot is calling kettle black.

Did I talk with fact ?

Please vote wisely.

2013-05-01 10:44


Yes, Malaysia sudah berubah, tapi semakin buruk. Cost of living is increase drastically. Power of earning (whether is under employment or doing business) is reducing tremendously. Earning far less than cost of living. Nak apa lagi ? I want to see a betterment of Malaysia in term of social economic development.

We pay tax. and we want to see Government use our tax money to do something which private sectors not afford to do, like infrasturecture projects, to represent Malaysia to invite more foreign investment etc. I personally don't like government to involve directly in business which many private sectors can do. Government can regulate (via their association etc)in term of price, quota, etc method which can bring to same result, No need to open 1Klinik, 1Buku, 1Insurance, 1Runit, 1Restoran, 1cuti-cuti msia, etc......

Just receive 1Malaysia Products Catalog 58pages long and surprisingly to see >200 products under 1Malaysia. Government is doing business now and going to do a big business. Compared to USA, is the government doing business ??? Our tax money must be spent / invest wisely. If government doing business and losing money, who will suffer ? higher selling price to consumer ? or goverment give more subsidy (to who ?) and Rakyat must pay more tax ? and/or loan more from IMF etc...

We want Malaysia to be better and not a detriment.

2013-05-01 11:21


Vote BN
They give out so many informative phamphlets in good quality paper which we can use to 'bungkus' all sorts of shit, cat shit, pads, etc

2013-05-01 11:24


EC Trying to cheat? First EC head say ink cannot come out and assures public and now they admit. Is their assurance so weak?

2013-05-01 11:30


Apparently the EC staff did not shake bottle well...or was it deliberate. The news all along was to allow the civil servicemen to vote this happening ?

2013-05-01 11:39


The "Allah House" billboard has affected me deeply.
I have lost all my sarcasm.

2013-05-01 12:04


Ranger is this you? Same as you, he cannot diff between 180 and 360 degrees. Hope u can understand degrees now.."lol

2013-05-01 16:47

Ooi Teik Bee

Post removed.Why?

2013-05-01 18:55

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