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Bursa Should Regulate This Immediately - Salvador Dali

Tan KW
Publish date: Sat, 23 Aug 2014, 08:11 AM
Tan KW
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Friday, August 22, 2014 

The sell down in Sumatec, PDZ and a few small caps with huge volumes caused significant losses and uncertainty to investors and traders. As I have said before, brokers should be allowed to regulate themselves and protect themselves, i.e. manage their own risks.

However, I do not think there are rules currently to stop/regulate the measures to limit margin financing for certain stocks. If a market is hot and heady, like the market was over the last week, ANY brokers would have in their arsenal the CAPACITY and ABILITY to derail sentiment. Even among the brokers, whichever broker that makes the first move will come out smelling like roses, while the rest of the brokers will be left holding the "bag".

I believe that can be misused, or may even be construed as front running if you know the move before hand or is part of management decision to implement the decision. You and I know that any such move during a heated market will send the markets into a tailspin. As much as the losses were, if you knew beforehand, you can save a lot of money or even make money shorting on the way down (prop traders).

May I suggest the following:

a) any move to reduce the marginable amount of a certain stock, or the removal of certain stocks from a brokers' approved list for margin MUST be made public at least 5 working days before actual implementation. Even that is not a solid proposal as the act itself will be sufficient to derail the markets.

b) maybe a better way is for a broker to have issue a warning that they are considering reducing the margin for certain stocks or remove certain stocks, a grace period of 10 business days will have to be in effect before actual announcement of such moves

A warnings would send the right message, but be more orderly.

The current system is too open for chaos and unfair advantage to whoever calls the first shot. Its also to save the brokers from fighting one another as to who gets to make the RED CARD umpire call first, thus relegating the rest into chaos of picking up the pieces.

2 people like this. Showing 19 of 19 comments


Due to the present chaos the S.C. should come out with regulations to over come such happening in the future

2014-08-23 12:13


Some of these is due to greed. Eg if the investor dont chase after this stocks they won't get burned.. Also most prudent broker have a team to evaluate what's the price of each share and also will cap it..they don't usually give margin for penny stocks - its non marginable.. Pdz and Sumatec definitely is no value assign by my broker .. And. Whether u announce it 5 days before or after these stocks will still limit it works base on market forces.. If its overpriced eventually it will goes down.. So this suggestions are really not feasible ..And a bit childish ..

2014-08-23 17:44


its the lesser of regulations not the more of it. This is the market mind you. Of course its not perfect but more regulations will actually make it worst. Look at US flies up and down and everyone knows the invisible dangers lurking. Rarely do authorities steps in. Dali's suggestion is like asking him or the likes of him to give a 5days in advance notice that they will be publishing some stock highlights on their blogs. Not a bad idea come to think of it...everyone will be on level playing field again or will the field be ever leveled?

2014-08-23 18:28


Silly suggestions. It's like saying 5 days from now the stock will be designated . Meaning once this is announce, same thing will happen , the stock will go down like hell. Makes no difference actually .
It may also encourage speculation within the 5 days period .. Because people know its going to be down , they may offload until its worth zero.

2014-08-23 20:09


Might as well force counters with market capitalization below RM 20 billion to delist. Curb speculation maaa..

2014-08-23 20:12


At least all the longkang shark out there cannot afford to speculate bluechips.

2014-08-23 20:13


Or imposed 99% revenue tax on contra trading.

2014-08-23 20:14


Every time something happens;there is a clamour for further regulation.Dont shoot yourselves in the foot or mouth!!Some players get yellow cards frequently, some red cards and some never get carded...Its NEVER a level field.

2014-08-23 22:10


Agree with Dali 100%!

2014-08-23 23:11


If you wish to invest, invest in counter's above RM 3.00. If you wish to invest with day traders, then be prepared to buy and sell. Just need to know how and when. This is why there are stop loss implement's to be considered. Just like joerakmo said, always sore when lose.

2014-08-24 10:24


minus those so called margin bla bla bla, i will say healthy ... the broker firm collect sumatec and pdz early, below 40 cent and 20 cent each ... time to take profit ... if i bought this 2 stocks that morning and get burned, i only blame myself ... as this 2 are speculative counters ... same to glotec, if you only chase at 14 cent when it already up 30%, then you really need to learn some basic mathematic

2014-08-24 11:03

Lim AS

big timers should be subjected to the same trade brokerages and fees charged same as small timers so as to minimise the imbalance . At the moment big timers got special preferential treatments from the broker , so their fees are very much lower than the small fishes , this is not a level playing ground unless something is done to correct the imbalance. high time the Bursa should remedy this to reduce the vagaries in stock prices and keep the stock exchange more insane as an investment hub rather than big time casino...

2014-08-24 11:20


。。。。。。 水 至 清 则 无 鱼 。。。。。。

2014-08-24 14:55


。。。。。。 食 得 咸 鱼 抵 得 渴 。。。。。。

2014-08-24 15:02

Christine Goh

WAH TJ sooooooooo deeppp

2014-08-24 15:03


heheheeee ... ok æµ… æµ… çš„

hockkian people say ... beh hiau yu cui mai kong LP tang ... ok bo ?

kikikikikiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .... byeeeeeeeeeeee
happy sunday to you christ , good luck and wish u huat huat :)

2014-08-24 15:10


But my father Ayam Tua bought 28 sen, even down from 60 sen to 49 sen, still profit leh~~

2014-08-25 10:45


what is the difference between the two suggestions?

same what!

wah ka ka ka ...

: )

2014-08-25 11:01


thanks to Kenanga, the market is dead.
I'm going to close my Kenanga a/c and switch to another more responsible broker.

2014-08-25 11:20

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