Koon Yew Yin's Blog

Money Politics - Koon Yew Yin

Koon Yew Yin
Publish date: Sun, 18 May 2014, 12:54 PM
Koon Yew Yin
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An official blog in i3investor to publish sharing by Mr. Koon Yew Yin.

All materials published here are prepared by Mr. Koon Yew Yin

May 13 Comes and Go; Ahmad Said Resigns and Returns


Koon Yew Yin


This past week has been notable for two events. Firstly the anniversary of May 13 came and went without much fuss. The mainstream media largely ignored the event and so did politicians and the general public. There were a few exceptions to the absence of attention given to May 13. A press statement from over 20 civil society organizations pledged to defend peace, inclusion and freedom in Malaysia and calling on all political parties and politicians to openly declare that they will govern and administer on behalf of all Malaysians, irrespective of ethnicity, belief, gender and any other social standing and group membership.


By and large it is a good development that the tragic anniversary day was trouble free and also threat-free. In the past, UMNO politicians have played the racial riot card on this day; and their extremist supporters have threatened to run amok anytime they have felt that the “pendatang” are unreasonable in their demands for equality in the country.


Can another May 13 happen again in Malaysia? I personally do not think so for the following reasons.


  1. The elite Malays of today in the palaces, Putrajaya, business world and other sectors where they dominate have too much to lose. There is no way they will allow a Malay instigated racial riot to take place – even a limited one – because the cost to their own economic and financial interests will be too heavy. If it was just a few Malays who belong to the elite and they have a small share of the national wealth, then perhaps it may happen. But the Malay upper class and elite now number in their tens if not hundreds of thousands; and they probably own just as much of the country's wealth as the non-Malay elite.

  2. Secondly, we now have an educated and politically savvy Malay middle and upper class. I am sure that many who have voted for the opposition are aware of the way in which UMNO manipulated the political environment after the 1969 elections which was a major factor in triggering off the racial blood bath. I am confident that this group will resist any attempt to frighten and instigate the Malays into senseless violence.

  3. Thirdly - this is where the statement of the civil society organizations mentioned above is relevant – we have a Malaysian public – educated as well as less educated – who will not allow their futures to be hijacked by racial extremists. I know that many analysts have doubts on whether the silent majority in the country will be able to react rationally should racial violence break out again. As for me, I am confident that Malaysians of all races will respond sensibly, protect their friends and neighbors irrespective of their race and religion, and help preserve the peace.

  4. Fourthly, the spread of new communications technology in the form of social media and on the spot recording and feedback makes the waves of killings that took place in different parts of KL during May 13, 1969 impossible to replicate. Eye witness response to the first killings in any new racial violence will ensure that biased accounts will be immediately repudiated and official censorship of news quickly exposed.

  5. Finally, as with MH 370, the eyes of the world will be on Malaysia. Those who instigate racial violence will not get away with it in the way they were able, 45 years ago.


Antics of UMNO Member Ahmad Said


The other event which was featured prominently in the news was the aborted resignation of the Trengganu Mentri Besar, Ahmad Said from UMNO. So much has been written about this political wayang that it is not necessary for me to add further to the comments of other analysts. All I need to say is that if a similar situation was to take place in the private sector – let us say that the CEO of a listed company resigns and calls a press conference to announce his departure from the company - the company will never accept him back. I stress the word “never”.


To me, the whole episode says all that needs to be said about the lack of honour, integrity and dignity in the country's most dominant political party. It is sad that this party is setting the standard for Malay political behavior.


If readers think my opinion is too harsh, they should read the following comment from the blogger, Syed Ali Akhbar. His analysis (which comes with font and colour emphasis) on the aftermath of the resignation is reproduced below:


Terengganu cri$i$ i$ over

$orry folk$. The 'eth' key on my laptop i$ jammed. I have to u$e the $ in$tead.

Thi$ i$ from The $tar

  • KEMAMAN: The political cri$i$ in Terengganu i$ over. Former Mentri Be$ar Ahmad $aid i$ back in Umno along with the two BN a$$emblymen who left the party with him.

  • Confirming hi$ return to the fold at a pre$$ conference at hi$ private re$idence in Kijal ye$terday, Ahmad pledged hi$ full $upport for hi$ $ucce$$or as Mentri Be$ar, Datuk Ahmad Razif Abdul Rahman.

  • The Kijal a$$emblyman earlier expre$$ed $upport for Prime Mini$ter and Umno pre$ident Datuk $eri Najib Tun Razak at their meeting in Putrajaya after a “mi$understanding” had been cleared up.

  • Ahmad $aid the mi$understanding wa$ over the date of hi$ daughter’$ wedding.

Alamak $o that$ what it wa$ all about. Just a $illy old mi$under$standing over a $imple wedding. We went to the election$, voted for the party and $illy thing$ like that to put an effective gomen in place.

But we are all $uch idiotic, kampong simpleton$. We forgot to a$k Ahmad $aid about hi$ daughter'$ wedding. Oh well.


Anyway a little bird called ye$terday and $aid that Ahmad $aid wanted 18 million duck$ for the daughter'$ wedding khenduri. That wa$ obviou$ly a gro$$ mi$calculation. 18 million duck$ i$ way too many. Finally Ahmad $aid $ettled for a much $maller number. But $ome duck$ were delivered.


$o the Terengganu cri$i$ i$ over.



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6 people like this. Showing 25 of 25 comments


I hope I3 admin will be fair to all. That this forum strictly for investment purpose and not turn into political forum. Everyone has the right to express their investment views but no one is privilege to use this forum for his own political view.

2014-05-18 13:12


Political issue have deep impact on our investment! Dude!

2014-05-18 14:06


Go read all of MR Koon's article before you make a comment.

2014-05-18 14:18


Politics DO have an impact on investments.

2014-05-18 14:40

Tay Chin Hock

support Mr koon comment.

2014-05-18 14:47


In Malaysia, politics is business, business is politics. Political views are business views.

2014-05-18 14:55


It's not fair that only Mr. Koon using I3investor for his own political views. While the rest of us refrain from doing so. Furthermore, almost all Mr. Koon stock recommendations have not move at all. To be fair to all, i hope Mr. Koon and admin can do some justice to all.

2014-05-18 15:07


the state n level of politics have serious ramifications n weight on investors' decisions n appetite b4 they put their hard earned money..

2014-05-18 16:14


Mr Koon, I really like to read the articles written by you because your articles range from politics, investment, philanthropy etc. Do you think of compiling it into a book and published?

2014-05-18 18:34

Koon Yew Yin

Have you read my book? It is called Malaysia: Road Map for Achieving Vision 2020. It has taken me many years to do it. It cost a lot of money and frustration.

2014-05-18 18:41


ramkarpalsigh , if you dont like this thread then just go to other thread nobody force you to come here.

2014-05-18 18:55


Lol no one can predict the future ramkarpaldouche, not even good stock pickers. That's the fun thing about investing and also the reason why 95% of day traders and contra players lose money. Look at some straight up undervalued and really awesome companies like Uzma, Plenitude, Eupe..all not as high as their intrinsic business value should be. Mr.Market may not be right all the time, so take it easy and go drink some todi.

2014-05-18 19:46


if you don't like mr koon comment n stock recommendations, just leave i3. go to your TV3!. tq.

2014-05-20 12:44


koon always post all kind of useless article, koon, pls leave i3, don't create tension here

2014-05-20 12:47


Katak katak yang senantiasa duduk di bawah tempurung, takda untung,
Menurut berita blok Pak Cik Koon "Teluk Intan dan Money Politics", Katak katak sementara yang berani keluar menari di-luar tempurung BN
dah untung banyak $$$$$$$$

Sebagai pelabur, Apa kah ROE atau ROIC Katak katak sementara tu?

Sebahagian kecil pelabur pelabur i3 disini dah catatkan rekod ROE atau ROIC 30%, 100%, 300%, 1000%, 10,000% atau kadar yang lebih besar
Kebanyakan pelabur saham i3 di sini untung sikit ,rugi sikit atau rugi besar
Namun begitu "invested capital atau equity capital" para pelabur pelabur saham tu dah berkurangan

Katak katak sementara takda "invested capital atau equity capital"
IQ tinggi pun takda,IQ sederhana ja
Cuma memperolehi EQ dan keberanian yang canggih ja
Macam mana nak nilai EQ yang canggih tu?
Siapa di antara pelabur pelabur i3 forum ni boleh menilai EQ yang canggih tu?
Nampak nya setakat ni tak boleh menilai EQ yang canggih tu

Oleh tu, apa kah ROE atau ROIC katak katak sementara tu?
Nampak nya ROE atau ROIC katak katak sementara tu ia lah "Infinity"
Katak katak sementara tu dah mecapai ROE atau ROIC yang paling tertinggi
Rekod ni susah di cabar oleh pelabur pelabur saham i3 yang tercanggih

Satu soalan: Siapa yang lebih beruntung? Pelabur saham sebagai icon88888 atau Katak Katak sementara BN tu yang terkandung dalam blok pak cik Koon?

Hahahaha Huhuhuhu Hahahaha huhuhuhu

2014-05-20 13:34


Menurut blok "Teluk Intan serta Money politics" pak cik Koon tadi "ABU" para katak katak sementara tu bermakna

ABU= Aku Baru UNTUNG $$$$$$$$

ABU= Aku Banyak UNTUNG $$$$$$$$

ABU = Aku Baru UNDUR

Hahahaha Huhuhuhu Hahahaha Huhuhuhu

2014-05-20 16:13

johnny cash

Post removed.Why?

2014-05-27 18:05


Post removed.Why?

2014-06-05 02:41


if u guys dun like mr koon's article then leave. nak baca tapi tak suka. there will be millions of articles like that out in the open. can't tolerate free press/opinion then leave. no one is going to stop writing because u dont like it. not for a small, insignificant prick like u. too bad.

2014-06-07 15:09


Malaysia out of control and no leader leh. Johor looking at own housing bill, taxi driver protest coming Monday, extremist making base in. Malaysia, Jakim crashing other cultures' wedding, Jakim making false report on Cadbury.........
Only Mahatir came out to criticize Jakim and he is not even in the govt anymore

2014-06-07 15:15


sign of decadence every where. unilateral action forbids others to response, but on the other hand in the name of race and religion, keep doing the nonsensical.

damage to Cadbury business is enormous, its worldwide, just because some nitwit thinks he can do whatever he likes, contaminated samples that is now cannot be ignored or proven...I am just wondering.....

2014-06-07 19:32


Get a new laptop or iPad la mr koon.. U can afford it ..
I think we all know about the money politics part already ..
Maybe if u are passionate enough , can u go over to Sabah and Sarawak to educate them
They lack Internet and knowledge
And without Sabah Sarawak - NO WAY PKR can win
They can just continue to rot ... Haha simple as that

2014-06-07 19:39


Have to agree with you Mr Koon, there will not be racial bloodbath but there will be instigators like Perkosa, Isma and many other UMNO sponsored so called pressure groups disguised as NGOs. The purpose is of course to keep the rent seeking gravy train running by having their loud presence to justify UMNO's aids to these people.

2014-06-07 20:06

johnny cash

Post removed.Why?

2014-06-07 20:29


What we need to do now as Malaysians is to rise above the current mental mindsets ,personal trivialities and suspicions, put aside the long ingrained perceived differences, feelings of hatred amongst the people arising from the practice of the Divide and Rule policies and steadfastly work together to build a better wholesome Malaysian society for everyone, our fellow citizens, our colleagues, our friends, our families, our children and our loved ones and live in a Malaysian society where we can one day truly stand tall amongst our global peers as the Malaysian society, its standard of living, its living culture, its social standing and its plentiful economic opportunities is second to none in this globalized society.

2014-06-08 21:55

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