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1 month ago | Report Abuse

Strongest bear in bursa this year

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

Yet extinguishing curiosity among their citizens is of paramount importance in some countries neighbouring to Singapore - else they will ask how could their nations so backward compared to Singapore

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

And, Sslee, indoctrination and fundamentalism are the most effective killers of curiosity. They extinguish curiosity by creating an environment where questioning is dangerous, critical thinking is suppressed, and exploration is limited. They replace the natural human desire to learn and grow with a forced conformity that values obedience over discovery. As a result, curiosity, the driving force behind innovation and understanding, is effectively extinguished.

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

Still many parents fail their children by forcing, compelling and restrcting them to perceive and understand life, the world and the universe from the imperfect perspective and flawful conclusions of people of ancient or medieval past


1 month ago | Report Abuse

7. In a society where people are easily offended, there is a constant pressure to self-censor. This suppresses free speech, stifling creativity, intellectual discourse, and the exchange of ideas. People may avoid discussing important issues for fear of backlash, leading to an echo chamber where only "safe" and "accepted" ideas are allowed to flourish.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

6. Such societies often cultivate a victimhood mentality, where individuals or groups seek to gain moral superiority by portraying themselves as victims of perceived offenses. This can lead to a culture of entitlement, where the focus shifts from personal responsibility and resilience to demanding that others cater to their sensitivities.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

5. An easily offended society is prone to deep divisions and polarization. When people are quick to take offense, they are also quick to form in-groups and out-groups, leading to social fragmentation. This erodes the fabric of community and fosters an "us versus them" mentality, where compromise and understanding are increasingly difficult to achieve.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

4. Immature societies often respond to offense with intolerance, seeking to silence or punish those who offend them. This can lead to authoritarian tendencies, where the state or dominant groups enforce strict codes of conduct, often through censorship, punitive laws, or social ostracism. The result is a chilling effect on personal freedoms and a society that becomes increasingly repressive.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

3. Personal growth often comes from facing challenges, including those that offend or discomfort us. In a society that prioritizes avoiding offense, individuals may be shielded from experiences that build resilience, critical thinking, and emotional maturity. This creates a cycle of immaturity, where people are ill-equipped to handle adversity or differing perspectives.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

2. Innovation thrives in environments where diverse ideas and perspectives can be freely expressed and challenged. In an easily offended society, the fear of backlash can stifle innovation, creativity, and cultural expression. Businesses may avoid taking risks or exploring new ideas, leading to economic and cultural stagnation.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

1. Minor disagreements or misunderstandings can quickly escalate into major conflicts in a highly sensitive society. When people are quick to take offense, they are also quick to react emotionally, leading to a cycle of retaliation and escalation. This can result in ongoing feuds, legal battles, or even violence, destabilizing communities.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

The dangers of an easily offended and immature society are profound and multifaceted. Such a society risks becoming a breeding ground for intolerance, polarization, and stagnation, ultimately undermining the principles of freedom, diversity, and progress that are essential for a healthy and thriving community. Encouraging resilience, open-mindedness, and constructive dialogue is crucial in countering these dangers and fostering a more mature and robust society.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Long red candle kah?

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

The stake is irrationally too high in a developing country - causing backdoor sheraton move etc etc. Lower the stake is the only way out- not anti frog or antihopping laws


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Drop until budget out......................


1 month ago | Report Abuse

In essence, the free exchange of genes in autosomes contrasts sharply with the more constrained genetic dynamics of sex chromosomes, reflecting their different roles and evolutionary pressures in maintaining genetic diversity and adaptation.

Gene Exchange Benefits for Autosomes: Autosomes benefit from extensive recombination and genetic exchange, which enhances genetic diversity, adaptive potential, and evolutionary flexibility. This recombination helps maintain a robust genetic pool and allows for effective repair and selection processes.

Restricted Exchange for Sex Chromosomes: Sex chromosomes, particularly the Y chromosome, experience limited recombination with their homologous partner (the X chromosome) and thus face different evolutionary pressures. This limited exchange can lead to reduced genetic diversity, gene loss, and specialization. The X chromosome still undergoes some recombination and benefits from the preservation of essential genes, but it also faces unique regulatory mechanisms like X inactivation.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Global recession coming....lagi add kah? Got experience market during COvid pandemic?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Going back to sub RM1 kah?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

More epidemic coming on a more regular basis- catpox, fishpox, foxpox, akmalpox, etc etc


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Unlike COVID-19, where vaccines were rapidly developed and distributed, effective vaccines and treatments for mpox are less advanced. Limited availability or slower development of vaccines could hinder control efforts.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Healthcare Burden: Severe cases of mpox could overwhelm healthcare systems, especially if the number of cases spikes rapidly. This would place additional strain on hospitals, medical professionals, and healthcare resources, potentially leading to higher mortality rates.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Potential for Increased Transmission: If mpox were to develop new mutations or variants that enhance its transmissibility or alter its modes of transmission, it could spread more widely. Factors like changes in viral shedding patterns or longer infectious periods could increase transmission rates.

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

And they don't have to spend for anything- holidays, transport, etc etc. These super rich ppl are sinfully spending overseas, impoverishing the nation and ballooning the country debt. When to put a full stop to their ridiculously dispropotionate take home$$$$$

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

And also they learn asymmetrical x and y genes- where boys and girls came about! This 21st Century syllabus will promote real understanding (not made-up delusional explanation) and end sex discrimination once and for all:

Autosomal Origins: The X and Y chromosomes are believed to have evolved from a pair of autosomes, which are chromosomes that are not involved in determining sex.

Genetic Differentiation: Over time, the chromosome that became the Y chromosome started accumulating genes related to male sex determination and spermatogenesis. The X chromosome retained genes that are essential for both sexes, as well as some that are beneficial for females.

Gene Loss and Degradation: The Y chromosome, due to its reduced recombination with the X chromosome, has undergone significant gene loss and degradation over evolutionary time. Many of the original genes present on the ancestral autosome have been lost or become non-functional on the Y chromosome.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Beware, a few pairs of sock could bungkus whole business


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Autosomal Origins: The X and Y chromosomes are believed to have evolved from a pair of autosomes, which are chromosomes that are not involved in determining sex.

Genetic Differentiation: Over time, the chromosome that became the Y chromosome started accumulating genes related to male sex determination and spermatogenesis. The X chromosome retained genes that are essential for both sexes, as well as some that are beneficial for females.

Gene Loss and Degradation: The Y chromosome, due to its reduced recombination with the X chromosome, has undergone significant gene loss and degradation over evolutionary time. Many of the original genes present on the ancestral autosome have been lost or become non-functional on the Y chromosome.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Understanding the evolution of sex determination gene: The divergence of the X and Y chromosomes from autosomes is a process driven by the evolution of sex determination mechanisms, genetic changes, and differing selective pressures. As the Y chromosome accumulates genetic changes related to male-specific functions and loses many of its original genes, it becomes more distinct from the X chromosome. Meanwhile, the X chromosome retains a broader array of functions and genes critical for both sexes. This ongoing divergence is a dynamic aspect of evolutionary biology, reflecting how chromosomes adapt to their roles in sex determination and reproduction.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Ending gender discrimination


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Hai yo Calvin. You keep asking ppl to buy from above 2.70....till now below 2.15.....

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

Therefore integrating these strategies into lifestyle early in a child's life would significantly enhance healthspan, extend lifespan and reduce the burden of age-related diseases, hospitals and health budget.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Pseudo-education refers to educational systems or practices that give the appearance of providing knowledge and skills but fail to address the fundamental aspects of personal growth and maturity. This kind of educational systems often fail to equip students with the skills necessary for responsible adulthood. This inadequacy can manifest in various forms, including a lack of self-discipline, moral responsibility, and rational thought. This situation not only impacts individuals but also has broader societal and financial repercussions, exemplified by the hypothetical scenario of needing to allocate public funds for lifelong HIV screenings for tertiary students who struggle with these issues.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Supposedly matured tertiary students couldn't executive self-discipline, moral responsibility and being rationally thoughtful- NOW NEED TO WASTE PUBLIC FUND TO SPEND ON THREE MONTHLY HIV screening for them- for life


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Clinical Trial report: Structural MRI studies have indicated that environments characterized by high levels of dogmatism or rigid belief systems is clearly associated with reduced gray matter volume in the prefrontal cortex. Studies have found that individuals from environments that demand gullibility and discourage exploration, skepticism and critical thinking exhibit alterations in the brain's prefrontal regions, which are crucial for mature reasoning and complex decision-making in the 21st Century of an ever-increasingly challenging era in humna history.

Functional imaging research indicates that individuals in highly fundamentalist settings may exhibit decreased cognitive flexibility. Studies by DeSoto et al. (2012) found that people with strongly enforced ideological beliefs, often associated with fundamentalism, show reduced adaptation and activation in the prefrontal cortex during tasks requiring cognitive flexibility.

Brain imaging research has shown that individuals exposed to environments with strong ideological constraints may have impairments in decision-making processes linked to the prefrontal cortex. Research by Paus et al. (1999) suggests that areas involved in executive functioning and decision-making are less active and less well-developed in those who have been socialized in environments that discourage skepticism, critical thinking and independent decision-making. They would naturally fall prey into 21st Century scammers with 1001 new modus operandi- political, business and investment scammers, etc etc


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Case study: Peter Pan Syndrome is prevalent in certain stereotypical communities can be linked to the failurre of shift to mature prefrontal cortex-based responsible rational decision-making from immature limbic emotion-based decision-making. The emotional control and dependency fostered by these environments seem to inhibit the development of mature cognitive functions necessary for adulthood.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Consideration 1: The control center of the brain undergoes significant changes from childhood to maturity, shifting in terms of the dominant regions involved in decision-making, emotional regulation, and behavior control.

Control Center Shifts:
- **Childhood**: The limbic system, especially the amygdala, dominates, leading to emotionally driven behaviors.
- **Adolescence**: The PFC begins to develop, but the limbic system still exerts significant influence, resulting in a mix of impulsive and reasoned behavior.
- **Adulthood**: The PFC becomes fully developed, taking over as the brain's control center, allowing for more rational, controlled, and mature decision-making.

This shift from limbic system dominance to prefrontal cortex dominance is crucial for the transition from the emotionally driven, reactive behaviors of childhood to the rational, controlled, and socially responsible behaviors of adulthood.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

21st Century Evidence-based All-New Policies


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Inhumane Side Is Evidenced
A 2020 report by the Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network revealed that over 1,000 children are detained in Malsia, lacking access to education and essential services. This situation starkly contrasts with the government's inconsistent treatment of other refugee groups. The decision to bring injured Palacenians to Malsia, though noble, involves significant costs, including air transport and medical care. This prompts a crucial question: Could these resources be better utilized?

Leadership Failure
Engaging neighboring countries like Egypt, Turkey, and Jordan, which are closer to Gaza and have the necessary medical infrastructure, might offer a more effective and collaborative approach to managing such crises.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Will explain more on the underlying pathogenesis, Peter Pan a.ka. GenoveseSioKanHisIBU


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Indoctrination significantly hinders the natural neurological shift from limbic system dominance to prefrontal cortex dominance, a shift that is essential for the development of maturity. By reinforcing emotional reactivity, suppressing critical thinking, creating cognitive rigidity, perpetuating dependency, inhibiting emotional regulation, and limiting experiential learning, indoctrination can trap individuals in a state of arrested development. This state, where they are unable or unwilling to grow up and take on adult responsibilities, is characteristic of Peter Pan Syndrome. Thus, indoctrination not only affects beliefs and behaviors but also has profound and lasting impacts on the brain's development, leading to lifelong challenges in achieving full emotional and cognitive maturity.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

The control center of the brain undergoes significant changes from childhood to maturity, shifting in terms of the dominant regions involved in decision-making, emotional regulation, and behavior control.

Control Center Shifts:
- **Childhood**: The limbic system, especially the amygdala, dominates, leading to emotionally driven behaviors.
- **Adolescence**: The PFC begins to develop, but the limbic system still exerts significant influence, resulting in a mix of impulsive and reasoned behavior.
- **Adulthood**: The PFC becomes fully developed, taking over as the brain's control center, allowing for more rational, controlled, and mature decision-making.

This shift from limbic system dominance to prefrontal cortex dominance is crucial for the transition from the emotionally driven, reactive behaviors of childhood to the rational, controlled, and socially responsible behaviors of adulthood.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Debt Burden on Future Generations: Borrowed money comes with interest, which the country will have to repay over time. Using these funds for purposes that do not yield any direct economic return or benefit to the general population can exacerbate the country's debt burden, ultimately leaving future generations to bear the consequences. The prudent citizens should view this as an irresponsible act that compromises their economic future.

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

Following evolution lesson, the school children can proceed to learn and understand that by manipulating sirtuins, mTOR, and telomere length, along with maintaining a healthy circadian rhythm, slows the biological body clock and prevents cancers and age-related cardiorenalmetabolic disorders. Without 21st Century syllabus for school children, the general population has become unhealthier than ever.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Emotional Immaturity: A heavily indoctrinated child is taught to suppress their own emotions and desires in favor of conforming to a prescribed set of prescribed beliefs or endorsed behaviors. This emotional repression prevents them from developing the emotional intelligence needed to handle adult relationships and responsibilities. As adults, they may struggle with interpersonal relationships (increasing divorce rate in face of hypermodern world challenges), conflict resolution (resorting to vigilantism, terrorism and boycottism), and self-regulation, perpetuating a childlike dependency on authoritative figure's validation.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Perpetuation of Dependency: Indoctrinated children are taught to rely heavily on the authority figures who imposed the indoctrination. This reliance can carry over into adulthood, leading to a lifetime of dependency on external validation and approval. These adults whether a country leader or conglomerate CEO, would find it difficult to make outstanding decisions independently or to trust their very own judgment, perpetuating a cycle of dependency that prevents them and their countries or GLCs from achieving true maturity.