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1 month ago | Report Abuse

This is a tragic outcome, as it robs individuals of their potential to lead fulfilling, autonomous lives and contributes to a society where critical thinking, emotional maturity, and personal responsibility are in short supply. The "curse" of indoctrination is not just the loss of a child's potential but the creation of adults who are forever trapped in the limitations of their childhood beliefs.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Heavy indoctrination, especially when it occurs in young childhood, would severely hinder personal growth and maturity, leading to a lifelong state of arrested development often described as "Peter Pan Syndrome." This condition, where adults are unable or unwilling to grow up and take on adult responsibilities, is a stark consequence of the rigid mental frameworks imposed during their formative years.

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

Without this high level of quality education, many children will continue to suffer from Peter Pan syndrome for the rest of their lives

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

They must recognise that indoctrination at a young age is one of the most sinfully unforgivable form (in the most genuine sense of humanity) of child abuse by imposing rigid beliefs and limiting critical thinking. This approach can lead to stunted reasoning skills, psychological distress, social alienation, and a lack of autonomy. It fosters intolerance and perpetuates harmful ideologies, hindering emotional and cognitive flexibility. Additionally, it impairs problem-solving abilities and restricts personal growth.

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

You see - our education planners know nothing about children's brain. Given young children's brain plasticity, education planners must avoid harmful indoctrination and instead focus on fostering universalism, humanity, and scepticism. Children's brains are highly adaptable, making them vulnerable to rigid ideologies. Prioritizing universal values, ethical considerations, and critical thinking helps nurture open-minded, compassionate individuals. This approach ensures that education empowers children to evaluate information critically and embrace diverse perspectives, preparing them to contribute positively to society.

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

Yes, Sslee. Those stuff that you mentioned are for school children to conclude themselves. Just teach them the basics:

The human body contains about **7 octillion atoms** (7 x 10^27). Key elements by mass are **oxygen (65%)**, **carbon (18%)**, **hydrogen (10%)**, and **nitrogen (3%)**. Other elements include **calcium (1.5%)**, **phosphorus (1%)**, **potassium (0.2%)**, **sulfur (0.2%)**, **sodium (0.1%)**, **chlorine (0.1%)**, and **magnesium (0.05%)**. Trace elements like **iron, zinc, copper, iodine, selenium,** and **manganese** constitute less than **0.01%** of body mass but are crucial for various biochemical functions. These elements collectively sustain life and support the body’s complex systems.

The Earth can be considered a closed system in terms of matter because, although it exchanges energy (such as sunlight and heat) with the universe, it doesn't significantly exchange matter. This means that the atoms and molecules present on Earth today are largely the same ones that have been here since the planet formed over 4.5 billion years ago.

This has profound implications for the recycling of atoms and molecules, especially those involved in life processes. For example, the oxygen we breathe today has been part of the Earth's atmosphere for billions of years, constantly cycling through various forms and life forms. The oxygen molecules in the air could have been involved in countless chemical reactions, passed through the lungs of dinosaurs, ancient humans like Julius Caesar, or even religious figures such as Zoroaster.

When you breathe in oxygen, the individual atoms that make up those molecules might have been part of water molecules in prehistoric oceans, involved in the metabolism of ancient plants, or used by the respiratory systems of countless animals. These atoms don't disappear; they are continuously recycled through the Earth's biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere.

Consider the carbon cycle as another example. The carbon atoms in the CO₂ you exhale might once have been part of a leaf in a Jurassic forest, a cell in Julius Caesar's body, or part of a fuel molecule in the ancient Earth's crust. Over time, carbon is exchanged between the atmosphere, oceans, and living organisms in a process that breaks down and rebuilds molecules, but the atoms themselves remain.

This continuous recycling of atoms reinforces the idea that life on Earth is deeply interconnected across time. Every breath you take is a part of this ancient, ongoing process, linking you to all forms of life that have ever existed. So, in a very real sense, the oxygen you breathe today could contain atoms that once flowed through the lungs of a dinosaur, pigs or perhaps even Julius Caesar or Zoroaster, reflecting the incredible continuity of Earth's closed system.

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

Hear this: Failure to appreciate evolution and common ancestry has provided fertile ground for unscrupulous leaders, often in collusion with preachers, to exploit differences among people for their own gain. The concept of evolution, which reveals that all life on Earth shares a common origin, inherently promotes a sense of universal unity. Recognizing that all humans, regardless of race, ethnicity, or religion, are fundamentally connected through shared ancestry could foster global solidarity and diminish divisions.

However, when this scientific understanding is disregarded or outright rejected, it allows divisive narratives to thrive. Leaders and religious figures who seek power through division can manipulate these narratives, emphasizing superficial differences rather than our deep-rooted similarities. By focusing on distinctions like race and religion, they can more easily "divide and rule," pitting one group against another to maintain control and suppress collective action.

This deliberate fragmentation has historical roots, with centuries of conflict fueled by artificially constructed divides. The failure to embrace our shared evolutionary history allows for the perpetuation of myths that justify inequality, prejudice, and exclusion. Instead of viewing all humans as part of a broader family, societies are splintered along arbitrary lines, making them more susceptible to manipulation by those who benefit from discord.

In essence, by ignoring the unifying truth of our common ancestry, humanity has been kept divided and distracted from achieving greater collective progress. Acknowledging evolution and the interconnectedness of all life could serve as a powerful antidote to the divisive tactics of those who seek to exploit differences for their own ends, paving the way for a more harmonious and inclusive world.

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

That's superficial. I taught my great grandchildren much deeper than that - of iron and the common power generator for all living cells- the proton pump! The proton pump, essential for energy production in all living cells, likely originated in the Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA) around 3.5 to 4 billion years ago. Early Earth's harsh environment, especially in hydrothermal vents, created natural proton gradients that early life forms could exploit for energy. Proton pumps evolved to maintain these gradients, driving ATP synthesis through chemiosmosis. This adaptation provided a significant survival advantage, allowing LUCA and its descendants to efficiently harness energy. Over time, these molecular machines became more specialized, leading to the development of the highly conserved F-type ATPase found in all domains of life. Proton pumps are now integral to processes like oxidative phosphorylation and photosynthesis, reflecting their deep evolutionary roots. The evolution of the proton pump was a crucial step in the diversification and complexity of life on Earth.

Posted by leno > 4 minutes ago | Report Abuse

in animal and plants cells got mitochondria. Do u know mitochondria was actually foreign cell inside main cell. Even sperm is independent cell, and ovum is another cell. They look different, One got tail, another round in shape, but when sperm got into ovum cell, they nucleus got blend together and the 2 cell become one cell which multiply become multicellular animal, me and you.

News & Blogs

2024-05-20 11:19 | Report Abuse

Concepts learned at a young age tend to stick longer. The early introduction of abstract ideas can form a mental framework that supports further learning in these areas as children grow older. This contrasts with older students who might learn the same concepts more quickly but may not retain them as well due to less active neural plasticity.

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

Young children haven’t yet developed rigid ways of thinking. They are more open to different methods of problem-solving and understanding, which is crucial when dealing with abstract concepts. Calculus, quantum theory, and Planck’s equations all require a level of flexible thinking that can be more easily fostered in young, open minds.

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

Young children’s brains are highly plastic, meaning they are more adaptable and capable of forming new neural connections quickly. At this age, their minds are like sponges, eager to absorb new information without the preconceptions or mental blocks that older students might have developed. This makes it easier to introduce abstract concepts, as children are less likely to be intimidated by the complexity or think that certain subjects are "too hard" for them.

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

Young man, you're talking to someone who raised his children in the 1920s - got or not, what do you think? And teaching complex subjects like calculus and quantum theory to very young students, such as those in Primary 1, might seem daunting, but there are compelling reasons to argue that it's actually easier to introduce these topics to younger children than to older students.

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

That's why these doctors can't explain simple diseases like autoimmune disorder. Evolutionarily, all life forms, including humans and pathogens like viruses and bacteria, share common ancestors. This common ancestry has resulted in a certain degree of molecular similarity between our cells and those of potential triggering agents. For example, certain viral proteins may closely resemble normal proteins in our own bodies, making it easier for our immune system to mistakenly target our own cells—a key mechanism in autoimmune diseases.

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

Dump your myopic lens and open your mind and heart. Rethink. Introducing children to concepts from the perspective of evolution can offer them a more grounded and meaningful start to life. By beginning their education with an understanding of evolution, children can grasp the fundamental principles that shape the natural world, which can foster critical thinking and curiosity from an early age.

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

That's what our children learn in school. In summary, the asymmetry observed in the human body is a testament to our complex evolutionary history. It reflects the series of adaptations and modifications that occurred as our ancestors moved from water to land, and later, as they evolved into the diverse range of terrestrial creatures we see today. The balance between symmetry and asymmetry in the human body is an elegant solution to the challenges posed by different environments and lifestyles throughout evolutionary history.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Yup, wait to go in for another round

Posted by moneyontheway

need at least two rounds


2018-08-19 10:15 | Report Abuse

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has made statements regarding the prevention of Hamas terrorists from entering Australia. In a 2024 press conference, he said:

"We will not allow anyone with ties to terrorist organizations, including Hamas, to enter Australia. Our focus is on ensuring the safety and security of Australians and maintaining our strong stance against terrorism."


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Violation of Public Trust: The people elect their leaders with the expectation that they will act in the nation's best interest. Using borrowed money to fund activities that are not directly aligned with the national interest could be perceived as a betrayal of that trust. The public may see this as a misuse of power and a lack of transparency in government spending.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Damned Mentality: Borrow money, spend money

Violation of Public Trust: The people elect their leaders with the expectation that they will act in the nation's best interest. Using borrowed money to fund activities that are not directly aligned with the national interest could be perceived as a betrayal of that trust. The public may see this as a misuse of power and a lack of transparency in government spending.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Under peemmmx's government, several budget cuts and subsidy reforms have been implemented as part of efforts to address the country's fiscal challenges and improve the efficiency of public spending. Key areas affected include hospitals, universities, and fuel subsidies.....


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Supposed to abolish toll also no money......everything else no money

Hospital and university budget cut 40% plus 30%

Here 1 million dollar funding per family per $

No new project, no money masuk poket


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Setting the Right Priorities: A country leader must have a clear vision of what is most important for the nation's growth and well-being. This involves identifying and focusing on key issues such as economic development, healthcare, education, and national security. Leaders who set the right priorities allocate resources effectively and create policies that address the most pressing needs of the country. When priorities are misplaced, resources are squandered, and the nation suffers from stagnation or regression. Thus, a leader’s ability to discern and act upon the most critical needs of the country is a hallmark of effective leadership.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Accountability in Spending Public Funds:
Public funds are a nation’s collective wealth, entrusted to leaders by the people. A quality leader understands that every dollar spent must be justified, transparent, and directed towards the public good. Accountability in spending ensures that funds are used efficiently, corruption is minimized, and the public trust is maintained. Leaders who fail to uphold this accountability not only squander resources but also erode the social contract between the government and its citizens, leading to distrust and instability. Therefore, rigorous oversight, transparent processes, and a commitment to public service are essential for any leader who seeks to manage public funds responsibly.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

A country leader's quality is measured by their ability to prioritize national interests, uphold accountability in managing public resources, and aboid jaga tepi kain orang luar negara. These principles are not only essential for good governance but also for building a stable, prosperous, and cohesive society. Leaders who embody these values are better equipped to navigate the complexities of their roles and to steer their nations towards a brighter future.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

What use of a leader who cannot get the priority right?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Cut diesel subsidy...get moeny to fund foreign operation


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Economic Consequences: Flying in injured Palacenians and their families for treatment and accommodation is not just a financial burden but also strains the country's healthcare system, which is already facing challenges. The additional costs of accommodation, healthcare, and logistics for foreign nationals could have been allocated to improve the country's own healthcare system, which serves the rightful people.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Political Ramifications: The Prime Minister's actions could be seen as politically motivated, aiming to gain favor or influence in the Middle East at the expense of domestic priorities. This could lead to a loss of his original hopeful voters' support and credibility within the country, as citizens may feel that their needs and interests are being sidelined for the sake of international relations.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Neglect of Domestic Issues: The country faces numerous undeniable domestic challenges, including economic inequality, unemployment, healthcare needs, and educational gaps. The allocation of funds to foreign causes, while noble, may lead to resentment if the rational people feel that their own issues are being neglected. The government's primary responsibility should be to address the needs of its citizens before extending significant resources abroad.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Misallocation of National Resources: Borrowed money is intended to be used for projects or initiatives that directly benefit the citizens first, particularly in improving infrastructure, education, healthcare, and economic stability. Diverting these funds for international purposes, such as the treatment of foreign nationals and accommodating their families, could be seen as a neglect of the government's responsibility to its own people. Given the major economic challenges the country faces post-pandemic, prioritizing foreign interests over domestic needs is questionable and could lead to public dissatisfaction.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Hutang keliling pinggang......misuse of borrowed fund........military, health, country resources

If out of own pocket ok lah


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Evolved to be PM of palacenian


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Wow Sslee, you make great profit$ here. Cheers!!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Hope can buy close to 7.00


1 month ago | Report Abuse

The holy book emphasizes that slander and false accusations have severe eternal consequences. Those who engage in such behavior are warned of a severe punishment in the Hereafter, which is described as one of the gravest forms of divine retribution.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

After keeping so long baru ada profits


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Since the motives behind the ban are to slander Hew and suppress dissenting viewpoints for political gain, the actions of DUMNO and PASout are hypocritical, especially if these parties position themselves as defenders of morality and good values. Engaging in slander, even indirectly by supporting the ban, would be in direct contradiction to the ethical standards they purport to uphold. Such behavior would be considered sinful in any religious contexts, as it involves knowingly spreading falsehoods or exaggerations to harm another's reputation and income.

### Conclusion
The motives behind the ban on Hew Kuan Yau's book could indeed be argued as sinfully slanderous if they were driven by political opportunism, fear-mongering, and a desire to suppress dissent rather than genuine concern for national security. By framing the book as a threat and pushing for its ban, UMNO and PAS may have been engaging in morally questionable behavior that not only undermines intellectual freedom but also sows division and distrust in society for their own political gain. Such actions, if proven to be motivated by slanderous intent, would represent a serious ethical breach, contradicting the values these parties claim to represent.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

You got good appetite

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

"Feed them with dream if they buy in delusion," Dawkins


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Malsia's firm stance on supporting Palestine and opposing Israel could inadvertently affect its potential leadership in the electric vehicle (EV) industry. This stance may lead to strained relationships with countries that are key players in the global EV supply chain, particularly those aligned with Israel. As a result, Malsia might face challenges in securing partnerships, technology transfers, and investments needed to boost its EV sector. This could create an opportunity for Indonesia, which may have more neutral international relations, to step in and lead in the EV industry within the region.

Indonesia, already an emerging player in the EV industry, could capitalize on this by attracting foreign investments, leveraging its vast nickel reserves (crucial for EV batteries), and fostering stronger ties with international stakeholders. Malsia's political stance is shifting the competitive advantage towards Indonesia, positioning it as the regional leader in the burgeoning EV market.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

3. Division Through Ideology:
Ideologies, whether political, economic, or social, provide frameworks for understanding the world. However, when ideologies become rigid and dogmatic, they can lead to the dehumanization of those who think differently. Satan, in this metaphorical sense, works to harden hearts and close minds, making it easier for people to justify discrimination, exclusion, and even violence against those who do not share their views. By fostering an environment where ideology trumps empathy, Satan drives a wedge between people, turning potential allies into enemies.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

2. Division Through Religion:
Religion is meant to be a source of spiritual guidance and community, yet it can also become a tool for division when interpreted or used in a way that excludes or demonizes others. Throughout history, religious differences have been at the root of many conflicts, where people have been pitted against each other based on differing beliefs. In this context, Satan can be viewed as exploiting these differences, twisting religious teachings to promote intolerance and violence, rather than love and understanding. By turning faith into a weapon, Satan effectively divides communities, leading to hatred and war instead of peace and unity.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

National Unity Module

Satan works to divide people through politics, religion, or ideology by tapping into the idea that divisiveness is a tool for chaos and discord. Satan is seen as the embodiment of evil, chaos, and deception, working to undermine harmony and unity among people.

1. Division Through Politics:
Politics is a powerful force that can unite people for a common cause, but it can also be manipulated to create divisions. When political ideologies become more about power and control rather than the common good, they can foster an "us vs. them" mentality. Satan, as a symbol of discord, can be seen as exploiting this by encouraging leaders and followers alike to prioritize their own interests and identities over unity and collective well-being. The result is a society fragmented by partisanship, where cooperation and understanding are replaced by conflict and hostility.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

For a pluralistic society, the political emphasis should shift from linguistic uniformity to linguistic inclusivity. The focus would be on ensuring that all citizens, regardless of their linguistic background, can engage in national conversations with equal clarity and recognition. By doing so, the nation would cultivate a more cohesive society, where communication bridges gaps rather than widens them, and where the richness of cultural diversity is seen as a strength rather than a challenge to national unity


1 month ago | Report Abuse

When you try to politicize the wrong issue, like claiming the national language is underused, you end up missing the real target. Instead of focusing on unity and effective communication, it becomes about stirring controversy. The real aim should be about fostering a single tone of communication, a shared wavelength where everyone is heard and understood, regardless of the language they speak. It’s not about forcing a language but creating a common ground where all voices resonate with equal clarity.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Wow...if everyone shun away from these paper mills, all would gulung tikar


1 month ago | Report Abuse

The new education blueprint must focus on nurturing an all new generation that values ethanian inclusivity (science, humanity and compassion unite everyone) and rejects mahthirism divisive narratives (learn from history - as case study: Extremism, dogmatism and fundamentalism divide the world of LUCA's descendents)


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Children must learn to spot lowly preachers who often critique of the theory of evolution by relying on misunderstandings, misrepresentations, and selective interpretations rather than engaging with the robust scientific evidence that supports evolution.