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1 month ago | Report Abuse

The new education blueprint focuses on nurturing an all new generation that values ethanian inclusivity and rejects mahthirism divisive narratives.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Children must learn to spot lowly preachers who often ignore or dismiss this genetic evidence, which strongly supports evolutionary theory. Modern genetics has shown that all life on Earth shares a common genetic code, with humans sharing over 98% of their DNA with chimpanzees.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Children must learn to spot lowly preachers who often argue that mutations are harmful and cannot lead to increased complexity. While some mutations are harmful, others are neutral or beneficial and can lead to new traits that are advantageous, contributing to evolutionary change. Over time, beneficial mutations accumulate, leading to the development of complex organisms.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Children must learn to spot lowly preachers who often argue that natural selection cannot account for the complexity of life. However, natural selection is a process where organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring, driving evolution over time. The complexity of life can be explained by cumulative changes over millions of years, something he overlooks.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Children must learn to spot lowly preachers who often claim that there is no fossil evidence to support evolution, a statement that contradicts the vast amount of fossil records showing transitional forms. For example, the fossil record of early hominins demonstrates a clear evolutionary path from earlier species to modern humans.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Children must learn to spot lowly preachers who often dismiss evolution by stating it is "just a theory," implying that it's speculative or unproven. In scientific terms, a theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of evidence and multiple tests. The theory of evolution, like the atomic theory, is widely supported by extensive evidence across various scientific fields.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Children must learn to spot lowly preachers who often describe evolution as a process where one species suddenly changes into another (e.g., a monkey turning into a human). This is a fundamental misrepresentation. Evolution is a gradual process where small genetic changes accumulate over millions of years, leading to the diversity of life we see today. Humans did not evolve from monkeys but share a common ancestor with them.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Do's and Don'ts for educators to groom independent thinking individuals:

To Promote Curiosity and Questioning:

- Let children ask questions about everything. Respond with openness and curiosity rather than immediate answers. Help them explore possible answers themselves.
- Show how to ask thoughtful questions. Instead of giving direct answers, model how to explore different perspectives and evidence.

To Teach Critical Thinking
- Teach children how to assess information critically. Show them how to identify biases, evaluate sources, and consider different viewpoints.
- Introduce basic principles of logic and reasoning. Encourage them to understand cause and effect, recognize fallacies, and think through consequences.

To Provide Diverse Perspectives
- Expose children to a variety of perspectives on different topics, including culture, religion, and politics. Let them see that there are multiple ways to view the world.
- Create a safe environment for respectful debate and discussion. Let children practice defending their ideas and listening to others.

To Foster Independence
- Give children opportunities to make decisions on their own, even if it’s in small, age-appropriate ways. This builds confidence in their judgment.
- Encourage them to explore interests and passions without imposing predetermined paths or expectations.

To teach Emotional Intelligence
- Help children recognize their own emotions and understand how they influence their thinking. Teach them to separate emotions from logical reasoning.
- Encourage them to consider the feelings and perspectives of others, which helps in understanding and respecting differing viewpoints.

To Encourage Open-Mindedness
- Refrain from presenting any belief or idea as the absolute truth. Encourage a mindset that is open to change and new information.
- Teach children to question their own assumptions and the assumptions of others, fostering a mindset that is adaptable and open.

To Promote Intellectual Humility
- Show that it’s okay not to have all the answers and that uncertainty is a part of the learning process.
- Emphasize the importance of continuous learning and revising opinions in light of new evidence.

To Create a Safe Space for Mistakes
- Encourage children to see mistakes as learning opportunities rather than something to be feared or avoided.
- Help them reflect on what went wrong and how they can improve, fostering a growth mindset.

To Limit External Influences
- Teach children how to critically evaluate media, advertising, and social media. Show them how these sources can influence opinions and behavior.
- Be mindful of the types of content they are exposed to, and ensure it aligns with the values of open-mindedness and critical thinking.

To Be a Role Model
- Demonstrate independent thinking in your own life. Show how you question, evaluate, and revise your own beliefs.
- Show respect for their growing autonomy, allowing them to come to their conclusions, even if they differ from your own.

By fostering these qualities and practices, children can develop into adults who think independently, critically evaluate information, and make informed decisions without being swayed by indoctrination.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Do's and Don'ts for educators: To Promote Curiosity and Questioning:

- Let children ask questions about everything. Respond with openness and curiosity rather than immediate answers. Help them explore possible answers themselves.
- Show how to ask thoughtful questions. Instead of giving direct answers, model how to explore different perspectives and evidence.

To Teach Critical Thinking
- Teach children how to assess information critically. Show them how to identify biases, evaluate sources, and consider different viewpoints.
- Introduce basic principles of logic and reasoning. Encourage them to understand cause and effect, recognize fallacies, and think through consequences.

To Provide Diverse Perspectives
- Expose children to a variety of perspectives on different topics, including culture, religion, and politics. Let them see that there are multiple ways to view the world.
- Create a safe environment for respectful debate and discussion. Let children practice defending their ideas and listening to others.

To Foster Independence
- Give children opportunities to make decisions on their own, even if it’s in small, age-appropriate ways. This builds confidence in their judgment.
- Encourage them to explore interests and passions without imposing predetermined paths or expectations.

To teach Emotional Intelligence
- Help children recognize their own emotions and understand how they influence their thinking. Teach them to separate emotions from logical reasoning.
- Encourage them to consider the feelings and perspectives of others, which helps in understanding and respecting differing viewpoints.

To Encourage Open-Mindedness
- Refrain from presenting any belief or idea as the absolute truth. Encourage a mindset that is open to change and new information.
- Teach children to question their own assumptions and the assumptions of others, fostering a mindset that is adaptable and open.

To Promote Intellectual Humility
- Show that it’s okay not to have all the answers and that uncertainty is a part of the learning process.
- Emphasize the importance of continuous learning and revising opinions in light of new evidence.

To Create a Safe Space for Mistakes
- Encourage children to see mistakes as learning opportunities rather than something to be feared or avoided.
- Help them reflect on what went wrong and how they can improve, fostering a growth mindset.

To Limit External Influences
- Teach children how to critically evaluate media, advertising, and social media. Show them how these sources can influence opinions and behavior.
- Be mindful of the types of content they are exposed to, and ensure it aligns with the values of open-mindedness and critical thinking.

To Be a Role Model
- Demonstrate independent thinking in your own life. Show how you question, evaluate, and revise your own beliefs.
- Show respect for their growing autonomy, allowing them to come to their conclusions, even if they differ from your own.

By fostering these qualities and practices, children can develop into adults who think independently, critically evaluate information, and make informed decisions without being swayed by indoctrination.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

We must demand for the new blueprint to be designed to encourage children to grow up as independent thinkers via a thoughtful approach that fosters curiosity, critical thinking, and a sense of autonomy.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

True. Because they are used to play the role of toys to be brainwashed throughout their schooling lives. Encouraging children to grow up as independent thinkers requires a thoughtful approach that fosters curiosity, critical thinking, and a sense of autonomy.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Don't give up. Expect greatness. Expect only the best in the driver's seat. Demand a flawless blueprint—nothing less. Make sure we voters won't be shortchanged again.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Musk's decision to cancel opening Tesla in Msia involves several factors, including geopolitical considerations. Msia's busybody sibuk jaga tepi kain orang lain stance and involvement in the Palestinian-Israeli crisis and the resultant boycotts of American companies like McDonald's and KFC were perceived as significant, Musk, known for his strategic business moves and attention to geopolitical climates, views Msia's stance on international conflicts and its tendency to engage in boycotts as indicative of a volatile business environment. The boycotts of global brands such as McDonald's and KFC, driven by political sentiments,signal potential risks for Tesla's brand and operations. Concerns about public perception, potential backlash, and the stability of consumer markets make Msia an unattractive option compared to other more politically neutral or stable regions. Additionally, the interference of local politics in business operations could be seen as a deterrent. If the political climate is perceived as one where government or public interference could negatively impact business operations, it might dissuade Tesla from investing in the country. In this scenario, Musk might prefer to focus on markets with a more predictable and stable environment, minimizing risks associated with political and social instability.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

The new curriculum will ensure excellent representation of the history, culture, and contributions of all ethnic groups, leading to a healthy appreciation, deep understanding and mutual respect of the diverse cultural landscape of the country- from east to west- from its very origin to its ultimate formation. Students will be ensured to grow up with an excellent worldview and appreciation for multiculturalism.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Parents have the primary responsibility for the upbringing and development of their children, as recognized by international human rights standards. Covert conversion undermines this fundamental right and responsibility. Introducing a significant religious change without parental involvement can create rifts within families, leading to conflicts and a breakdown in family unity.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

The UNCRC's emphasis on the best interests of the child provides a robust framework for condemning covert religious conversions. Such actions disregard the child's well-being by imposing significant changes without the necessary oversight and consent, leading to potential psychological harm and disruption of their stable environment. Ensuring that any religious conversion of minors involves their parents or guardians is essential to protect their rights, support their development, and uphold the principles enshrined in the UNCRC.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Condemning the covert conversion of minors is essential to protect the rights and well-being of children, uphold parental rights, and maintain social harmony. Ensuring that any religious conversion is conducted openly and with full consent aligns with ethical, legal, and human rights standards, fostering a more respectful and cohesive society.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Raising adults with self-integrity- instilling transparency, honesty and sincerity- the basic sense of education

National schools are meant for children of pluralistic background. Hence, protection from Ideological Indoctrination: Parents from diverse bakcground can have peace of mind and do not have to fear that their children may be exposed to ideological indoctrination in national schools, which could conflict with their own cultural and religious beliefs. Concerns about covert conversions and brainwashing at school assemblies highlight the need for an educational environment that respects and upholds the diversity of beliefs, ensuring that all children are not educated in a manner in conflict with their family’s belief systems.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Just verbal diarrhoea, but no substance- right?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Riot à la Hong Kong


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Same old wine in new bottle.....that's it

Same old agenda....under new coalition....that's it

No new narrative at all


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Sincere inclusivity, Sense of Connectedness and Natural Unity

Schools have the foremost responsibility in promoting an inclusive atmosphere where every student feels equally respected and accepted, regardless of their faith.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

A Balanced Person Starts From A Balanced Worldview Mindset

National schools are associated with religious instruction, which present genuine inconveniences and unnecessary challenges for innocently nonbeliever children:

1. **Religious Bias and Curriculum**: National schools typically integrate religious teachings into the curriculum. For nonbeliever children, this can result in a biased educational environment where their beliefs or lack thereof are not acknowledged or respected. This can create a sense of alienation and marginalization.

2. **Social Pressure and Exclusion**: The strong religious emphasis in these schools can lead to social pressure to conform to religious norms and practices. Nonbeliever children might face exclusion or social stigma, affecting their social interactions.

3. **Curriculum Focus**: The focus on religious education may overshadow other subjects. Nonbeliever children may find the curriculum less relevant to their personal beliefs and educational needs, potentially affecting their overall engagement and academic performance.

4. **Perceived Inequality**: Nonbeliever children may perceive a lack of equality in the educational environment, where their perspectives and needs are not equally addressed. This perception can contribute to feelings of resentment.

5. **Limited Perspective**: The heavy emphasis on one particular religion can limit exposure to diverse perspectives and critical thinking skills. Nonbeliever children might miss out on opportunities to engage with a broader range of worldviews and ideas.

Addressing these issues requires creating an inclusive educational environment that respects and accommodates diverse beliefs and ensures all students receive a balanced and equitable education.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Universities in Malaysia, under the influence of uninspired education ministers and their sycophantic aides, have veered off course from their core mission. Traditionally, academia thrived on the pursuit of knowledge and excellence, with outstanding scholars leading and mentoring others to enhance their fields. In this ideal scenario, financial considerations were secondary to the genuine quest for understanding and innovation.

However, the current trend has seen materialistic values overshadowing true academic pursuits. The rise of "aesthetic science," where superficial metrics and industry alignment take precedence over genuine research and scholarship, has diluted the quality of education and research. This shift has been accompanied by questionable research practices and a focus on commercialization, which prioritize profit and marketability over academic rigor and integrity.

In this environment, authentic science and meaningful academic inquiry are increasingly rare. True experts are becoming harder to find, as institutions prioritize rankings and numerical metrics over substantive curriculum and rigorous academic programs.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Why young children's school education must never undermine inclusivity?

A single-religion-focused curriculum in a multiethnic environment would directly marginalize children from other religious backgrounds, making them feel excluded and undervalued. In fact, schools have the foremost responsibility in promoting an inclusive atmosphere where every student feels respected and accepted, regardless of their faith.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Why young children's school education must never stifle courtesy and respect?

In a multiethnic school, respect for all cultures and religions of paramount importance. Singling out only one religion would breed resentment and disrespect among students from different backgrounds, perpetuating to an ever divided and incrasingly hostile school environment for young learners.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Why young children's school education must never compromise moderation and balance?

Education must foster critical thinking and balanced viewpoints, instead of promoting dogmatism and discouraging students from questioning and exploring different ideas, which is essential for developing a moderate and open-minded outlook.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Bringing a single religion's teachings into multiethnic schools is detrimental to everyone, as schools should focus on cultivating empathy, compassion, integrity, courtesy, consideration, moderation, and inclusivity. Here's why:

### Undermines Inclusivity
A single-religion curriculum in a multiethnic environment can marginalize students from other religious backgrounds, making them feel excluded and undervalued. Schools should promote an inclusive atmosphere where every student feels respected and accepted, regardless of their faith.

### Hampers Empathy and Compassion
Exposure to diverse beliefs and cultures enhances students' ability to empathize with others. Focusing on one religion restricts this exposure, limiting students' understanding and appreciation of different perspectives, which are crucial for developing genuine compassion.

### Erodes Integrity and Consideration
Teaching a single religion can create an environment where certain beliefs are seen as superior, which can erode the integrity of the educational system. It may lead to bias and unfair treatment, undermining the principle of consideration for all individuals' beliefs and backgrounds.

### Compromises Moderation and Balance
Education should foster critical thinking and balanced viewpoints. A single-religion focus can promote dogmatism and discourage students from questioning and exploring different ideas, which is essential for developing a moderate and open-minded outlook.

### Stifles Courtesy and Respect
In a multiethnic school, respect for all cultures and religions is paramount. Prioritizing one religion can breed resentment and disrespect among students from different backgrounds, leading to a divided and hostile school environment.

### Conclusion
To cultivate a nurturing and cohesive community, schools must prioritize universal values like empathy, compassion, integrity, courtesy, consideration, moderation, and inclusivity. Embracing a diverse curriculum that respects all beliefs encourages a more harmonious and respectful society, benefiting everyone in the long run.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Ethanian Universal Connectedness

When you eat, drink, or breathe, many of those atoms become part of your body. Conversely, when you sweat, exhale, or excrete, those atoms return to the Earth's biosphere, potentially becoming part of other living beings. The human body, composed mostly of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen, is a dynamic system where over 90% of its atoms are replaced annually. Remarkably, only 4% of your cells are uniquely yours, while the rest are blood and bacterial cells.

This constant exchange of atoms underscores our interconnectedness. The atoms in our bodies today may have once been part of ancient plants, animals, or even historical figures. This profound connection highlights the shared and cyclical nature of life on Earth.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Darwinian Evolution: Fostering a sense of unity, empathy, and responsibility towards all living beings.

Children learning, internalizing, and appreciating Darwinian evolution can foster a better and deeper sense of universalism, connectedness, and unity in several ways:

### Understanding Common Origins

1. **Shared Ancestry**:
- **Concept**: Darwinian evolution teaches that all living organisms share a common ancestor.
- **Impact**: This idea can foster a sense of kinship and shared heritage among humans, promoting the notion that we are all part of a large, interconnected family.

2. **Human Evolution**:
- **Concept**: Understanding the evolutionary history of humans highlights the commonalities among all people.
- **Impact**: Recognizing that all humans have evolved from the same ancestors can help children appreciate the superficiality of differences based on race, ethnicity, and nationality.

### Promoting Empathy and Cooperation

3. **Evolutionary Biology**:
- **Concept**: Studying evolution includes learning about the behaviors that have evolved to enhance survival, including cooperation and altruism.
- **Impact**: This can teach children the evolutionary benefits of working together and helping others, fostering empathy and cooperation.

4. **Natural Selection**:
- **Concept**: Natural selection demonstrates how traits that promote group survival can be advantageous.
- **Impact**: Understanding this can encourage children to value traits like kindness, collaboration, and social cohesion, seeing them as essential for the survival and thriving of their communities.

### Appreciating Biodiversity and Environmental Stewardship

5. **Biodiversity**:
- **Concept**: Evolution explains the vast diversity of life on Earth.
- **Impact**: Learning about the interconnectedness of all life forms can foster a deep respect for nature and a desire to protect the environment, recognizing that the well-being of all species is interconnected.

6. **Interconnected Ecosystems**:
- **Concept**: Evolutionary theory shows how different species evolve and adapt within ecosystems.
- **Impact**: This understanding can lead children to appreciate the balance of nature and the importance of preserving habitats and ecosystems for the survival of all species, including humans.

### Cultivating Critical Thinking and Open-Mindedness

7. **Scientific Inquiry**:
- **Concept**: Evolutionary theory is based on evidence, observation, and the scientific method.
- **Impact**: Teaching evolution encourages critical thinking and open-mindedness, as children learn to evaluate evidence, ask questions, and understand complex systems. This mindset can help them approach social issues with a rational and inclusive perspective.

8. **Challenging Dogma**:
- **Concept**: The acceptance of evolution often requires questioning pre-existing beliefs and being open to new ideas.
- **Impact**: This can help children develop the ability to challenge dogma and embrace diversity of thought, leading to more inclusive and progressive attitudes.

### Enhancing Global Awareness and Responsibility

9. **Global Perspective**:
- **Concept**: Evolutionary theory is a global concept that transcends cultural and national boundaries.
- **Impact**: Learning about evolution can give children a sense of global citizenship, understanding that scientific truths and the challenges faced by humanity are universal.

10. **Responsibility for the Future**:
- **Concept**: Evolution teaches about the long-term processes that shape life.
- **Impact**: This long-term perspective can instill a sense of responsibility in children to consider the impact of their actions on future generations and the planet.

### Practical Steps for Education

- **Interactive Learning**: Use hands-on activities, such as fossil analysis and evolutionary trees, to make learning about evolution engaging and relatable.
- **Storytelling**: Share stories of different species’ evolutionary journeys to highlight the interconnectedness of all life.
- **Field Trips**: Visits to natural history museums, zoos, and nature reserves can provide tangible examples of evolution and biodiversity.
- **Inclusive Curriculum**: Incorporate examples from diverse cultures and environments to show the universal application of evolutionary principles.

By integrating these aspects into their education, children can develop a more profound understanding of their place in the natural world, fostering a sense of unity, empathy, and responsibility towards all living beings.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Darwinian Evolution: Fostering a sense of unity, empathy, and responsibility towards all living beings.

Children learning, internalizing, and appreciating Darwinian evolution can foster a better and deeper sense of universalism, connectedness, and unity in several ways:

### Understanding Common Origins

1. **Shared Ancestry**:
- **Concept**: Darwinian evolution teaches that all living organisms share a common ancestor.
- **Impact**: This idea can foster a sense of kinship and shared heritage among humans, promoting the notion that we are all part of a large, interconnected family.

2. **Human Evolution**:
- **Concept**: Understanding the evolutionary history of humans highlights the commonalities among all people.
- **Impact**: Recognizing that all humans have evolved from the same ancestors can help children appreciate the superficiality of differences based on race, ethnicity, and nationality.

### Promoting Empathy and Cooperation

3. **Evolutionary Biology**:
- **Concept**: Studying evolution includes learning about the behaviors that have evolved to enhance survival, including cooperation and altruism.
- **Impact**: This can teach children the evolutionary benefits of working together and helping others, fostering empathy and cooperation.

4. **Natural Selection**:
- **Concept**: Natural selection demonstrates how traits that promote group survival can be advantageous.
- **Impact**: Understanding this can encourage children to value traits like kindness, collaboration, and social cohesion, seeing them as essential for the survival and thriving of their communities.

### Appreciating Biodiversity and Environmental Stewardship

5. **Biodiversity**:
- **Concept**: Evolution explains the vast diversity of life on Earth.
- **Impact**: Learning about the interconnectedness of all life forms can foster a deep respect for nature and a desire to protect the environment, recognizing that the well-being of all species is interconnected.

6. **Interconnected Ecosystems**:
- **Concept**: Evolutionary theory shows how different species evolve and adapt within ecosystems.
- **Impact**: This understanding can lead children to appreciate the balance of nature and the importance of preserving habitats and ecosystems for the survival of all species, including humans.

### Cultivating Critical Thinking and Open-Mindedness

7. **Scientific Inquiry**:
- **Concept**: Evolutionary theory is based on evidence, observation, and the scientific method.
- **Impact**: Teaching evolution encourages critical thinking and open-mindedness, as children learn to evaluate evidence, ask questions, and understand complex systems. This mindset can help them approach social issues with a rational and inclusive perspective.

8. **Challenging Dogma**:
- **Concept**: The acceptance of evolution often requires questioning pre-existing beliefs and being open to new ideas.
- **Impact**: This can help children develop the ability to challenge dogma and embrace diversity of thought, leading to more inclusive and progressive attitudes.

### Enhancing Global Awareness and Responsibility

9. **Global Perspective**:
- **Concept**: Evolutionary theory is a global concept that transcends cultural and national boundaries.
- **Impact**: Learning about evolution can give children a sense of global citizenship, understanding that scientific truths and the challenges faced by humanity are universal.

10. **Responsibility for the Future**:
- **Concept**: Evolution teaches about the long-term processes that shape life.
- **Impact**: This long-term perspective can instill a sense of responsibility in children to consider the impact of their actions on future generations and the planet.

### Practical Steps for Education

- **Interactive Learning**: Use hands-on activities, such as fossil analysis and evolutionary trees, to make learning about evolution engaging and relatable.
- **Storytelling**: Share stories of different species’ evolutionary journeys to highlight the interconnectedness of all life.
- **Field Trips**: Visits to natural history museums, zoos, and nature reserves can provide tangible examples of evolution and biodiversity.
- **Inclusive Curriculum**: Incorporate examples from diverse cultures and environments to show the universal application of evolutionary principles.

By integrating these aspects into their education, children can develop a more profound understanding of their place in the natural world, fostering a sense of unity, empathy, and responsibility towards all living beings.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Quoted from GTCWenn's LETTER entitled Education Ministry needs to get its house in order (dated 5/8/2024):

Selfishness. insensitive or lack of thoughtfulness?
"The worst part was, as I was feeling uncomfortable in continuously receiving the religious sharing, which became mixed up with announcements from the school, I raised my request to be excluded from receiving the Hadith 40 in my WhatsApp, and the class teacher accused me of trying to prevent them from carrying out the ministry’s instruction on sharing the Hadith 40 to Muslims.

Why is the Education Ministry forcing non-Muslim parents to receive Hadith 40?"

Being exclusive, uncivilised or lack of empathy?
"Even before this, my children were forced to sit in Islamic classes because no other programmes or classes were arranged for non-Muslim students during that period (Tasmik).

Non-Muslim students were told to just sit at the back of the class and do their own work or even sleep if they liked.

Despite the numerous times my children have told the teachers that they are not Muslims and wouldn’t want to sit in the Tasmik classes, the teachers ignored them and forced them to sit in."
Inconsiderate, ignoble or lack of courtesy?
"Why are the non-Muslim students’ rights not respected in Sekolah Kebangsaan while we never do the same to the Muslim students?

As I recall, I didn’t send my children to Sekolah Agama but rather Sekolah Kebangsaan. The name Kebangsaan means national, meaning the school is meant for all Malaysians regardless of their background, including religion.

But it seems there is a process of wiping out non-Muslim students from Sekolah Kebangsaan. Is the Education Ministry for all rakyat or only for certain groups of rakyat?"


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Quoted from GTCWenn's LETTER entitled Education Ministry needs to get its house in order (dated 5/8/2024):

Selfishness. insensitive or lack of thoughtfulness?
"The worst part was, as I was feeling uncomfortable in continuously receiving the religious sharing, which became mixed up with announcements from the school, I raised my request to be excluded from receiving the Hadith 40 in my WhatsApp, and the class teacher accused me of trying to prevent them from carrying out the ministry’s instruction on sharing the Hadith 40 to Muslims.

Why is the Education Ministry forcing non-Muslim parents to receive Hadith 40?"

Being exclusive, uncivilised or lack of empathy?
"Even before this, my children were forced to sit in Islamic classes because no other programmes or classes were arranged for non-Muslim students during that period (Tasmik).

Non-Muslim students were told to just sit at the back of the class and do their own work or even sleep if they liked.

Despite the numerous times my children have told the teachers that they are not Muslims and wouldn’t want to sit in the Tasmik classes, the teachers ignored them and forced them to sit in."

Inconsiderate, ignoble or lack of courtesy?
"Why are the non-Muslim students’ rights not respected in Sekolah Kebangsaan while we never do the same to the Muslim students?

As I recall, I didn’t send my children to Sekolah Agama but rather Sekolah Kebangsaan. The name Kebangsaan means national, meaning the school is meant for all Malaysians regardless of their background, including religion.

But it seems there is a process of wiping out non-Muslim students from Sekolah Kebangsaan. Is the Education Ministry for all rakyat or only for certain groups of rakyat?"


2 months ago | Report Abuse

In the healthcare sector, "little Napoleonism" refers to the undue influence and control exerted by third-party administrators (TPAs) and bureaucratic entities over clinical operations. This phenomenon has severe repercussions for both healthcare providers and patients. Key grievances include unfair fee structures, delayed payments, complex administrative processes, and unilateral decision-making by TPAs, all of which undermine the quality and accessibility of patient care.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Education Blueprint Reform

### 1. **Segregated Schooling System**
Malaysia has a multi-stream schooling system, consisting of national schools (Sekolah Kebangsaan), Chinese vernacular schools (Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina), and Tamil vernacular schools (Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil). This segregation from an early age means children primarily interact with peers from their own ethnic group, limiting opportunities for cross-cultural understanding and friendships. The lack of a unified schooling system contributes to maintaining ethnic silos rather than fostering integration.

### 2. **Cultural and Religious Emphasis**
National schools emphasize the Malay language and Islamic studies, reflecting the country's demographic and political landscape. While this is important for preserving cultural heritage, it can alienate non-Malay and non-Muslim students, making them feel like outsiders in the national education system. This alienation can deter non-Malay parents from sending their children to national schools, further perpetuating segregation.

### 3. **Curriculum and Representation**
The curriculum in national schools is often criticized for not adequately representing the history, culture, and contributions of all ethnic groups in Malaysia. This can lead to a lack of appreciation and understanding of the diverse cultural landscape of the country, undermining efforts toward integration. Students may grow up with a limited worldview, lacking the necessary appreciation for multiculturalism.

### 4. **Higher Education Quotas and Policies**
At the university level, affirmative action policies favoring Bumiputera students in public universities can create feelings of resentment and division among non-Bumiputera students. The preferential treatment in university admissions and scholarships can be seen as discriminatory, leading to a lack of meritocracy and exacerbating ethnic tensions. This can discourage non-Bumiputera students from seeking higher education within Malaysia, driving them to pursue studies abroad and reducing opportunities for integration.

### 5. **Limited Interaction Opportunities**
Both the schooling and university systems offer limited structured opportunities for meaningful interaction among students from different ethnic backgrounds. While there may be extracurricular activities and events, these are often insufficient to bridge the significant divide created by the segregated educational paths. Without deliberate and sustained efforts to encourage interracial interactions, students may remain within their ethnic comfort zones.

### 6. **Socialization Patterns**
The segregation in schools often extends to social circles and extracurricular activities, where students primarily engage with those from their own ethnic background. This pattern continues into higher education and beyond, reinforcing social barriers and reducing the likelihood of interracial friendships and collaborations.

### 7. **Language Barriers**
Language can be a significant barrier to integration. While Malay is the national language, the prevalence of vernacular schools means many students are more comfortable in their mother tongue, which can limit their ability to communicate and form connections with peers from different ethnic backgrounds. This language divide perpetuates separation rather than promoting unity.

### Conclusion
To foster true social and interracial integration, Malaysia's education system would benefit from reforms that promote a more inclusive and unified schooling experience. This could include creating a more balanced and representative curriculum, encouraging multilingual proficiency, increasing opportunities for interracial interactions, and ensuring that all students feel valued and included in the national narrative. Without such changes, the current system risks perpetuating divisions and hindering the development of a cohesive and integrated society.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Discrimination: Instilling sexist beliefs in children perpetuates gender discrimination, limiting opportunities for individuals based on their gender rather than their abilities. Economic disparities as it contributes to the gender pay gap and limits career advancements for women and men who defy traditional roles.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

The argument for vernacular schools are cause by Adzhar Ibrahim is a fallacy. The answer is sexism. Sexism hinders the growth of true human and a prosperous nation.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Brainwashing children to be sexist and practice sexism can have severe and long-lasting negative impacts on individuals and society as a whole. Major drawbacks include:

1. **Perpetuating Inequality**:
- **Discrimination**: Instilling sexist beliefs in children perpetuates gender discrimination, limiting opportunities for individuals based on their gender rather than their abilities.
- **Economic Disparities**: It contributes to the gender pay gap and limits career advancements for women and men who defy traditional roles.

2. **Psychological Impact**:
- **Low Self-Esteem**: Children who are taught sexist beliefs may develop low self-esteem if they feel inferior or if their ambitions and interests are discouraged due to their gender.
- **Mental Health Issues**: Gender-based discrimination and rigid roles can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems.

3. **Stunted Personal Development**:
- **Limited Potential**: Sexist beliefs restrict children’s exploration of their full potential by confining them to traditional gender roles.
- **Reduced Skills and Interests**: It discourages the development of skills and interests that are seen as inappropriate for their gender.

4. **Negative Social Dynamics**:
- **Hostile Environment**: Sexism creates hostile and unhealthy social environments, fostering bullying, harassment, and violence.
- **Poor Relationships**: It leads to unhealthy relationship dynamics, including domestic violence and unequal partnerships.

5. **Impact on Society**:
- **Social Inefficiency**: A society that supports sexism is less efficient, as it does not fully utilize the talents and capabilities of all its members.
- **Cultural Backwardness**: It fosters cultural stagnation and resistance to progressive changes that promote equality and justice.

6. **Interpersonal Issues**:
- **Conflict and Division**: Sexism breeds conflict and division between genders, leading to a fragmented society.
- **Empathy Deficit**: It reduces empathy and understanding among individuals, as sexist beliefs often dehumanize and diminish the experiences of others.

7. **Legal and Ethical Concerns**:
- **Violation of Rights**: Teaching sexism infringes on basic human rights and equality principles, violating ethical and legal standards.
- **Legal Repercussions**: Promoting and practicing sexism can lead to legal consequences, including lawsuits and penalties for discrimination and harassment.

8. **Hindrance to Progress**:
- **Innovation Stifling**: A sexist culture stifles creativity and innovation by discouraging diverse perspectives and ideas.
- **Resistance to Change**: It creates resistance to social changes aimed at promoting gender equality, hindering societal progress.

Promoting gender equality and teaching children to value all individuals regardless of gender is essential for creating a fair, just, and progressive society.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Stunted Personal Development - Limited Potential: Sexist beliefs restrict children’s exploration of their full potential by confining them to traditional gender roles. Reduced skills and interests as it discourages the development of skills and interests that are seen as inappropriate for their gender.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Negative Social Dynamic - Hostile Environment: Sexism creates hostile and unhealthy social environments, fostering bullying, harassment, and violence. Poor relationships as it leads to unhealthy relationship dynamics, including domestic violence and unequal partnerships.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Impact on Society - Social Inefficiency: A society that supports sexism is less efficient, as it does not fully utilize the talents and capabilities of all its members. Cultural backwardness happens as it fosters cultural stagnation and resistance to progressive changes that promote equality and justice.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Interpersonal Issues - Conflict and Division: Sexism breeds conflict and division between genders, leading to a fragmented society. Sexism causes empathy deficit as It reduces understanding among individuals, as sexist beliefs often dehumanize and diminish the experiences of others.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Violation of Rights - Propagating sexism: Infringes on universal basic human rights and equality principles, violating ethical and legal standards.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Hindrance to Progress -Innovation Stifling: A sexist culture stifles creativity and innovation by discouraging diverse perspectives and ideas.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Sexism & its draksides (fakeducation)


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Marvel, Disney & Peter Pan syndrome


2 months ago | Report Abuse

In essence, fundamentalists can be seen as suffering from Peter Pan syndrome because they resist adapting to a changing world, prefer simplistic answers to complex questions, avoid broader responsibilities, live in a nostalgic fantasy, see the world in childlike dichotomies, and resist personal growth. These traits keep them in a state of emotional and intellectual immaturity, hindering their ability to fully engage with and contribute to the broader society.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

"Mentega Terbang" is a Malaysian film that has sparked controversy due to its provocative themes and content, making it unsuitable as a children's movie. This controversy highlights the broader issue of how a limited perspective can shape one's interpretation and response to various situations. Just as the saying goes, "If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail," relying on a single viewpoint or approach can lead to oversimplification and misjudgment. In the context of "Mentega Terbang," those who view the film through a narrow lens may miss its deeper messages and nuances, emphasizing the importance of having a diverse set of tools and perspectives to effectively navigate and understand complex issues.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

3rd World War is coming.......falling knife.......runnnnnnn