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2 months ago | Report Abuse

Converting innocent people to fundamentalism is immoral because it undermines their autonomy and ability to make independent decisions. Fundamentalist beliefs often promote intolerance and can lead to harm, discrimination, and violence. Such conversions suppress critical thinking and intellectual growth by encouraging dogmatic adherence to specific doctrines. Additionally, the conversion process frequently involves manipulative tactics, compromising ethical standards. Fundamentalism fosters societal division and an "us vs. them" mentality, undermining social harmony. Moreover, it imposes restrictive lifestyles that can lead to psychological stress and a diminished quality of life. Ethical belief systems should prioritize freedom, critical inquiry, and respect for individual autonomy and diversity.

News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

That's a well known fact - it's like RM1 never exchange for SGD 3.50


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Dividing people by religion and race is profoundly immoral as it contradicts the fundamental principle of human equality and historical lessons on the devastating consequences of such divisions. It fosters hatred, violence, and undermines social cohesion, leading to economic and social inequalities. This division stifles human potential, innovation, and progress by limiting opportunities based on arbitrary factors. Addressing global challenges like climate change and pandemics requires collective action, which divisive ideologies hinder. Promoting unity and inclusivity honors the intrinsic value of every individual, reflecting our moral integrity and commitment to justice, compassion, and shared humanity. Ultimately, embracing unity is essential for creating a just, peaceful, and prosperous world.

News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

Not really- over time, the syllabi have become extremely tough


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Curriculum Reform 101

1. Critical Thinking Skills: Incorporate philosophy, logic, and debate into the curriculum to foster independent thinking.

News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

While excessive drinking is discouraged, breweries are legitimate, tax-paying businesses recognized by the government. They contribute to education through corporate social responsibility without conditions, and they have never imposed on promotion of their products in return for their support.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

The disappearance of proper jobs is largely be attributed to the misallocation of public funds, which are squandered on bureaucratic inefficiencies rather than used to drive improvement and enable better services. Significant resources are funneled into "paper mills" within government departments, institutions, and ministries, creating unnecessary bureaucratic positions that add little value to society. This includes hiring "Little Napoleons," petty bureaucrats who enforce excessive and often redundant regulations. Such practices result in an inflated bureaucracy that stifles genuine talent and productivity. Talented professionals are restricted by excessive red tape and bureaucratic obstacles, preventing them from performing efficiently and innovatively. Instead of supporting those who provide excellent services, the bureaucratic system handicaps and suffocates them, leading to frustration and a decline in service quality.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

The spiraling down phenomenon where the poor vote for religious promises of a heavenly afterlife while the government exploits them by keeping them poor and uneducated is a deeply concerning cycle. Breaking this cycle requires a concerted effort to promote education, critical thinking, and economic opportunity, coupled with political reform that ensures transparency and accountability. By addressing the root causes of poverty and promoting intellectual and economic empowerment, society can move towards a more equitable, progressive and promising future.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Sarawak has moved beyond dividing it's people under race and religion cards: "Free tertiary education is for qualified students, whether they are from the rural or rural areas and whether they are from the poor or rich families, regardless of their racial and religious backgrounds," Abang Jo


2 months ago | Report Abuse

That's not a bad thing to do in the 6th Century.......But, now......mmmh


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Looks like they still preserve some traditional linguistic thingy ...yet, the increasing Islamisation and Arabisation are eroding traditional cultural values, leading to the decline of local arts like kuda kepang and wayang kulit. This cultural shift promotes uniformity over diversity, marginalizes indigenous traditions, and creates a cultural identity crisis. Restrictions on traditional performances, educational policies focusing on religious studies, and the adoption of Middle Eastern customs and names are contributing factors.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

I see your point.

Posted by Sslee > 43 seconds ago | Report Abuse

Know how many Vernacular schools (SJK(C), SMJK(C)) graduate obtain A in SPM English and Bahasa Malaysia exam?
Know how many kelatanese failed SPM English and Bahaza Malaysia exam?

You just need to go to Kelatan to see whether you understand their dialect.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Embarrassed and ashamed - yes, you should feel. Indeed you should be ashamed of yourself for oversensitive, over-patronising and failure to respect others as they are. The best outcome of education is leavers with maturity. Mature enough to gauge: Respecting adults’ language preferences and skills is essential for recognizing their individuality and cultural identity. Strong character, integrity, and ethical living are more important than linguistic proficiency and contribute significantly to society. Patronizing others based on language fosters elitism and division, whereas promoting inclusivity and tolerance strengthens social cohesion. Practical skills and the ability to earn a legitimate wage are critical indicators of a person's capability. Avoiding supremacist attitudes ensures a fair and equitable approach, upholding dignity and respect for all. Valuing character and practical competence over language mastery fosters a more inclusive, respectful, and just society.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Vernacular Against Division, Stagnancy & Discriminatory

Verrnacular schools in Malaysia should not be blamed as a source of disunity among the people. 1. **Preservation of Cultural Heritage**: - Vernacular schools play a crucial role in preserving the linguistic and cultural heritage of various ethnic communities in Malaysia. They provide an environment where children can learn and appreciate their mother tongue, traditions, and cultural values. This cultural education fosters a sense of identity and pride among students, which is essential for maintaining the multicultural fabric of Malaysian society. 2. **Addressing Marginalization and Discrimination**: - Many parents choose vernacular schools because they perceive that their children are marginalized in national schools. Instances of racism and preferential treatment towards certain groups in national schools can create a hostile and unfair environment for minority students. By opting for vernacular schools, parents ensure their children receive fair treatment and are not subjected to discriminatory practices, which is a legitimate concern for fostering a just and equitable society. 3. **Parental Autonomy and Educational Choice**: - Parents have the right to choose the type of education they believe is best for their children. This includes selecting schools that align with their cultural, religious, and linguistic preferences. Vernacular schools offer an alternative to national schools, allowing parents to exercise their autonomy in making educational decisions that they feel will benefit their children most. 4. **Protection from Ideological Indoctrination**: - Some parents fear that their children may be exposed to ideological indoctrination in national schools, which could conflict with their own cultural and religious beliefs. Concerns about covert conversions and brainwashing at school assemblies highlight the need for an educational environment that respects and upholds the diversity of beliefs in Malaysia. Vernacular schools provide a safeguard against such risks, ensuring that children are educated in a manner consistent with their family’s values. 5. **Promoting Unity Through Diversity**: - True unity in a multicultural society like Malaysia is achieved through respect for diversity rather than forced assimilation. Vernacular schools contribute to this by fostering understanding and appreciation of different cultures. When students from various cultural backgrounds come together in higher education or the workforce, their prior experiences in vernacular schools can promote mutual respect and collaboration. 6. **Educational Quality and Outcomes**: - Vernacular schools often emphasize high educational standards and have a track record of academic success. Many parents choose these schools because they believe they offer a better quality of education compared to some national schools. Ensuring quality education for all children, regardless of the type of school, is paramount for national development and should be a priority over concerns about disunity. 7. **Addressing Root Causes of Disunity**: - Blaming vernacular schools for disunity overlooks deeper societal issues such as systemic racism, inequality, and lack of intercultural understanding. Addressing these root causes requires comprehensive reforms in national education policies, promoting inclusivity and equity in all schools, and encouraging intercultural exchange and dialogue. By addressing the genuine concerns of parents and acknowledging the positive contributions of vernacular schools, Malaysia can work towards a more inclusive and cohesive society where diversity is celebrated and respected.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Verrnacular schools in Malaysia should not be blamed as a source of disunity among the people.

1. **Preservation of Cultural Heritage**:
- Vernacular schools play a crucial role in preserving the linguistic and cultural heritage of various ethnic communities in Malaysia. They provide an environment where children can learn and appreciate their mother tongue, traditions, and cultural values. This cultural education fosters a sense of identity and pride among students, which is essential for maintaining the multicultural fabric of Malaysian society.

2. **Addressing Marginalization and Discrimination**:
- Many parents choose vernacular schools because they perceive that their children are marginalized in national schools. Instances of racism and preferential treatment towards certain groups in national schools can create a hostile and unfair environment for minority students. By opting for vernacular schools, parents ensure their children receive fair treatment and are not subjected to discriminatory practices, which is a legitimate concern for fostering a just and equitable society.

3. **Parental Autonomy and Educational Choice**:
- Parents have the right to choose the type of education they believe is best for their children. This includes selecting schools that align with their cultural, religious, and linguistic preferences. Vernacular schools offer an alternative to national schools, allowing parents to exercise their autonomy in making educational decisions that they feel will benefit their children most.

4. **Protection from Ideological Indoctrination**:
- Some parents fear that their children may be exposed to ideological indoctrination in national schools, which could conflict with their own cultural and religious beliefs. Concerns about covert conversions and brainwashing at school assemblies highlight the need for an educational environment that respects and upholds the diversity of beliefs in Malaysia. Vernacular schools provide a safeguard against such risks, ensuring that children are educated in a manner consistent with their family’s values.

5. **Promoting Unity Through Diversity**:
- True unity in a multicultural society like Malaysia is achieved through respect for diversity rather than forced assimilation. Vernacular schools contribute to this by fostering understanding and appreciation of different cultures. When students from various cultural backgrounds come together in higher education or the workforce, their prior experiences in vernacular schools can promote mutual respect and collaboration.

6. **Educational Quality and Outcomes**:
- Vernacular schools often emphasize high educational standards and have a track record of academic success. Many parents choose these schools because they believe they offer a better quality of education compared to some national schools. Ensuring quality education for all children, regardless of the type of school, is paramount for national development and should be a priority over concerns about disunity.

7. **Addressing Root Causes of Disunity**:
- Blaming vernacular schools for disunity overlooks deeper societal issues such as systemic racism, inequality, and lack of intercultural understanding. Addressing these root causes requires comprehensive reforms in national education policies, promoting inclusivity and equity in all schools, and encouraging intercultural exchange and dialogue.

By addressing the genuine concerns of parents and acknowledging the positive contributions of vernacular schools, Malaysia can work towards a more inclusive and cohesive society where diversity is celebrated and respected.

News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

Moral 101 (What to ban?): Can adult male cross dress in front of young children?

It depends on what we focus on- what you say ia correct if the issue is fertility and practically. But it should become an issue if we focus of thr issue of cross dressing, transgender and homosexuality.

Posted by DickyMe > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

The sarong was meant for men in countries with hot weather.
Wearing a pants/trousers is akin to putting testicles in a oven.
Perspiration is another problem which will drench the underwear.

News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

No lah. Over 90% of stock market traders lose money not primarily because of poor trading strategies, lack of knowledge, market volatility, or insufficient capital, but because of **cognitive biases**. Cognitive biases, such as overconfidence, confirmation bias, and loss aversion, lead traders to make irrational decisions, deviate from their plans, and misinterpret market signals. These psychological pitfalls cause traders to hold onto losing positions for too long, sell winning positions too early, and chase trends without proper analysis, ultimately resulting in consistent losses. Recognizing and mitigating these biases could dramatically improve trading outcomes, more so than any technical or fundamental analysis alone- or anything you mention in your article for that matter


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Immoral 101: Indoctrinating innocent young minds to become "hammers"

Fundamentalist indoctrination in schools can lead to the development of rigid, simplistic thinking in adults, akin to the adage "when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." This educational approach emphasizes strict adherence to a particular set of beliefs without encouraging critical thinking, questioning, or understanding of diverse perspectives.

1. **Stunted Critical Thinking**: Fundamentalist indoctrination discourages students from questioning or critically examining the beliefs they are taught. This results in adults who lack the ability to think deeply or critically about issues, leading to superficial and often flawed conclusions.

2. **Lack of Adaptability**: Such an education fosters a mindset that is resistant to change or new information. As the world evolves, these individuals struggle to adapt, clinging to outdated beliefs and practices. This rigidity can hinder personal growth and societal progress.

3. **Oversimplification of Complex Issues**: Complex social, political, and ethical issues are often reduced to black-and-white terms. Adults educated in this manner tend to see the world in absolutes, leading to polarized thinking and difficulty in understanding nuanced viewpoints.

4. **Increased Intolerance**: Fundamentalist indoctrination often promotes an us-vs-them mentality, where those who do not share the same beliefs are viewed with suspicion or hostility. This can result in increased intolerance and a lack of empathy towards others, harming social cohesion and cooperation.

5. **Perpetuation of Non-Issues**: These adults may fixate on non-issues or misidentify problems, seeing threats or moral decay where there are none. This distracts from addressing real and pressing issues, wasting resources and energy on battles that do not contribute to genuine progress.

By promoting a more open, critical, and inclusive educational approach, schools can help cultivate mature, adaptable adults capable of nuanced thinking and constructive engagement with the world's complexities.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Fundamentalist indoctrination in schools can lead to the development of rigid, simplistic thinking in adults, akin to the adage "when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." This educational approach emphasizes strict adherence to a particular set of beliefs without encouraging critical thinking, questioning, or understanding of diverse perspectives.

1. **Stunted Critical Thinking**: Fundamentalist indoctrination discourages students from questioning or critically examining the beliefs they are taught. This results in adults who lack the ability to think deeply or critically about issues, leading to superficial and often flawed conclusions.

2. **Lack of Adaptability**: Such an education fosters a mindset that is resistant to change or new information. As the world evolves, these individuals struggle to adapt, clinging to outdated beliefs and practices. This rigidity can hinder personal growth and societal progress.

3. **Oversimplification of Complex Issues**: Complex social, political, and ethical issues are often reduced to black-and-white terms. Adults educated in this manner tend to see the world in absolutes, leading to polarized thinking and difficulty in understanding nuanced viewpoints.

4. **Increased Intolerance**: Fundamentalist indoctrination often promotes an us-vs-them mentality, where those who do not share the same beliefs are viewed with suspicion or hostility. This can result in increased intolerance and a lack of empathy towards others, harming social cohesion and cooperation.

5. **Perpetuation of Non-Issues**: These adults may fixate on non-issues or misidentify problems, seeing threats or moral decay where there are none. This distracts from addressing real and pressing issues, wasting resources and energy on battles that do not contribute to genuine progress.

By promoting a more open, critical, and inclusive educational approach, schools can help cultivate mature, adaptable adults capable of nuanced thinking and constructive engagement with the world's complexities.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

It depends on what we focus on- what you say is correct if the issue is fertility and practically. But it should become an issue if we focus of thr issue of cross dressing, transgender and homosexuality.

Posted by DickyMe > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

The sarong was meant for men in countries with hot weather.
Wearing a pants/trousers is akin to putting testicles in a oven.
Perspiration is another problem which will drench the underwear.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

A busy marketplace on a sunny afternoon. Sarah and Mom walking through the marketplace. Sarah spots Mr. Ali wearing a colorful sarong, buying fruits at a stall.

**Sarah:** (tugging on Mom’s sleeve) Mom, look! That man is wearing a skirt!

**Mom:** (smiling) That’s not a skirt, Sarah. It’s called a sarong.

**Sarah:** (curious) A sarong? Why is he wearing that?

**Mom:** (kneeling down to Sarah’s level) In many cultures, men traditionally wear sarongs. It’s a very common and comfortable piece of clothing.

**Sarah:** (still curious) But it looks like a skirt. Isn’t that for girls?

**Mom:** Not always, Sarah. Clothing doesn’t have to be just for boys or just for girls. The sarong is a versatile garment that men and women both wear. It’s part of our culture and heritage.

**Sarah:** (thinking) So, it’s okay for him to wear it?

**Mom:** Absolutely. People wear what they feel comfortable in, and that’s perfectly fine. It’s important to respect and appreciate different traditions.

**Mr. Ali:** (overhearing and smiling) That’s right, young lady. The sarong is very comfortable, especially in this heat. It’s like wearing a cool breeze!

**Sarah:** (giggling) That sounds nice!

**Mom:** (smiling at Mr. Ali) Thank you for sharing that, Mr. Ali.

**Mr. Ali:** (nodding) Anytime. It’s good for the young ones to learn about our traditions.

**Sarah:** (grinning) I want to try wearing a sarong someday!

**Mom:** (laughing) We’ll get you one soon, Sarah. You’ll see how comfortable it is.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Men wearing sarongs, akin to skirts, can challenge rigid gender norms and promote acceptance of diverse gender identities. This visibility normalizes non-binary expressions, providing psychological support for those exploring their identity. Drawing from historical practices, it encourages cultural blending and broader acceptance of transgender identities, fostering inclusivity and fluidity in gender expression.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Moral 101: Children are what they have been taught

Cross-dressing culture: Men wear and walk around in public in women's attire- skirt The sarong is undeniably a type of skirt for men due to its design, cultural significance, and practicality. It is a length of fabric wrapped around the waist, similar to a skirt, and worn in many cultures for comfort and ease of movement. Like skirts, it serves various functions from daily wear to formal occasions. Its structure and use align with the general concept of skirts, making it a traditional and practical male garment equivalent to a skirt.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Cross-dressing culture: Men wear and walk around in public in women's attire- skirt

The sarong is undeniably a type of skirt for men due to its design, cultural significance, and practicality. It is a length of fabric wrapped around the waist, similar to a skirt, and worn in many cultures for comfort and ease of movement. Like skirts, it serves various functions from daily wear to formal occasions. Its structure and use align with the general concept of skirts, making it a traditional and practical male garment equivalent to a skirt.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Defining failure of education policies: The irrelevance of national schools

Focusing on banning alcohol promotion instead of empowering responsible drinking through quality education represents a failure of schooling. Bans do not address the root cause of alcohol misuse and often lead to unintended consequences like black markets and increased allure. Comprehensive education fosters informed decision-making, critical thinking, and long-term behavioral change, preparing young people to handle real-world situations responsibly. Resources spent on enforcement could be better used in developing educational programs that promote moderation and safety. Education tailored to cultural contexts is more relevant and effective than blunt bans, respecting individual autonomy and promoting personal responsibility. Prioritizing education over bans creates a well-informed and responsible society, enhancing the overall effectiveness of schooling.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

All the wrongs and delusions have results from the childhood education of the critics. Failing to educate students on the importance of sustainability of pluralism, transparency, accountability, and humane inclusivity in governance can lead to severe societal consequences. Without understanding pluralism, social cohesion weakens, fostering discrimination and conflict. Neglecting transparency and accountability undermines democratic values, leading to corruption and loss of trust in institutions. This governance failure hampers economic growth by promoting corruption and inefficiency, deterring investment and innovation. Ignorance of humane inclusivity results in human rights violations, marginalizing vulnerable populations and provoking social unrest. Ultimately, disregarding these principles destabilizes governance structures, creating long-term instability and impeding sustainable development. Educating students on these aspects is crucial for fostering informed, responsible citizens and ensuring a just, prosperous, and harmonious society. The focus should be on these critical values, not alcohol or it's logo!

News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

All the wrongs and delusions have results from the childhood education of the critics. Failing to educate students on the importance of sustainability of pluralism, transparency, accountability, and humane inclusivity in governance can lead to severe societal consequences. Without understanding pluralism, social cohesion weakens, fostering discrimination and conflict. Neglecting transparency and accountability undermines democratic values, leading to corruption and loss of trust in institutions. This governance failure hampers economic growth by promoting corruption and inefficiency, deterring investment and innovation. Ignorance of humane inclusivity results in human rights violations, marginalizing vulnerable populations and provoking social unrest. Ultimately, disregarding these principles destabilizes governance structures, creating long-term instability and impeding sustainable development. Educating students on these aspects is crucial for fostering informed, responsible citizens and ensuring a just, prosperous, and harmonious society. The focus should be on these critical values, not alcohol or it's logo!


2 months ago | Report Abuse

But failing to educate students on the importance of sustainability of pluralism, transparency, accountability, and humane inclusivity in governance can lead to severe societal consequences. Without understanding pluralism, social cohesion weakens, fostering discrimination and conflict. Neglecting transparency and accountability undermines democratic values, leading to corruption and loss of trust in institutions. This governance failure hampers economic growth by promoting corruption and inefficiency, deterring investment and innovation. Ignorance of humane inclusivity results in human rights violations, marginalizing vulnerable populations and provoking social unrest. Ultimately, disregarding these principles destabilizes governance structures, creating long-term instability and impeding sustainable development. Educating students on these aspects is crucial for fostering informed, responsible citizens and ensuring a just, prosperous, and harmonious society.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

No doubts that politics can be dirty. It's all about winning, tactics and strategy.

Posted by qqq47660 > 6 hours ago | Report Abuse

some say Kamala is VP because of DEI policies, not meritocracy I think so too.

Kamala name was put up just because Biden wanted women votes and black votes.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

While there is significance of unique historical and cultural contexts, relying solely on these can lead to missed opportunities for improvement. Many nations, like South Korea and Singapore, have thrived by integrating global best practices with local conditions, demonstrating the benefits of evidence-based policies. Ignoring these international experiences can hinder progress and innovation. Embracing a progressive mindset entails being open to learning from the successes and failures of others, fostering more effective governance and economic strategies. By leveraging scientifically proven methods, countries can adopt policies that are both contextually relevant and informed by a broader understanding of successful practices globally. Therefore, while local history and conditions are crucial, they should not be the sole determinants of a country's policies. Integrating scientifically best evidence and progressive approaches can lead to more effective and innovative solutions, enhancing economic and political management outcomes.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

The use of fundamentalism as a tool to create an illusion of progress and improvement can set in motion a vicious cycle that is detrimental to a nation's socioeconomic health. Here's a detailed argument outlining this cycle:

### Illusion of Progress Through Fundamentalism

1. **Promoting Fundamentalism**: Fundamentalist ideologies often promise a return to traditional values and an idealized past, which can resonate deeply in times of uncertainty or perceived moral decline. Leaders who champion these ideologies claim to bring moral and societal improvements.

2. **Insignificant Progress**: The "progress" promoted by fundamentalism is often superficial, focusing on symbolic changes rather than substantive improvements in quality of life or economic conditions. This can involve strict social policies or public displays of piety that do not translate into actual development.

### Empowering Misuse of Public Funds

3. **Misallocation of Resources**: With public attention focused on religious or ideological purity, scrutiny of financial management wanes. Leaders can divert public funds to projects that support their fundamentalist agenda or enrich themselves and their cronies under the guise of these projects.

4. **Squandering Natural Resources**: The nation's natural resources may be exploited irresponsibly to generate quick revenue that funds these superficial projects. This short-term approach prioritizes immediate gains over sustainable management, leading to long-term economic and environmental degradation.

### Perpetuating Poverty and National Debt

5. **Economic Mismanagement**: Misuse of public funds and irresponsible resource exploitation lead to economic inefficiency and corruption. The lack of genuine economic development initiatives means that poverty persists or worsens, as the benefits of natural resource exploitation are not equitably distributed.

6. **Increasing National Debt**: To maintain the facade of progress and keep the populace placated, the government may take on increasing levels of debt. Loans are used to fund unproductive projects or cover budget shortfalls created by corruption and mismanagement.

### Weakening National Currency

7. **Currency Devaluation**: Persistent economic mismanagement, rising debt levels, and lack of investor confidence result in the devaluation of the national currency. This devaluation further exacerbates poverty as the cost of imports rises, leading to higher prices for goods and services.

### Divide and Divert Attention Through Apartheidism

8. **Social Division**: To maintain control and divert attention from economic failures, leaders may resort to apartheid-like policies, deepening societal divisions based on race, religion, or ethnicity. This divisive strategy ensures that the populace is too preoccupied with infighting to unite against the ruling elite.

9. **Diversion Tactics**: Apartheidism and other forms of social division serve as effective tools to divert public attention from the underlying issues of corruption, economic mismanagement, and poverty. By fostering a climate of fear and mistrust among different groups, the government maintains its grip on power.

### Perpetuation of the Cycle

10. **Cycle Reinforcement**: The continued use of fundamentalism and divisive tactics ensures that the underlying issues of poverty, corruption, and economic mismanagement remain unaddressed. As the economic situation worsens, the government increasingly relies on these same tactics to maintain control, perpetuating the cycle.

In conclusion, the use of fundamentalism to create an illusion of progress enables the misuse of public funds and justifies the squandering of natural resources. This leads to perpetuated poverty, increasing national debt, and a weakened currency. By dividing society through apartheid-like policies, the government diverts attention from its failures, ensuring the continuation of this destructive cycle.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Guardian Of Faulty System

The use of fundamentalism as a tool to create an illusion of progress and improvement can set in motion a vicious cycle that is detrimental to a nation's socioeconomic health. Here's a detailed argument outlining this cycle:

### Illusion of Progress Through Fundamentalism

1. **Promoting Fundamentalism**: Fundamentalist ideologies often promise a return to traditional values and an idealized past, which can resonate deeply in times of uncertainty or perceived moral decline. Leaders who champion these ideologies claim to bring moral and societal improvements.

2. **Insignificant Progress**: The "progress" promoted by fundamentalism is often superficial, focusing on symbolic changes rather than substantive improvements in quality of life or economic conditions. This can involve strict social policies or public displays of piety that do not translate into actual development.

### Empowering Misuse of Public Funds

3. **Misallocation of Resources**: With public attention focused on religious or ideological purity, scrutiny of financial management wanes. Leaders can divert public funds to projects that support their fundamentalist agenda or enrich themselves and their cronies under the guise of these projects.

4. **Squandering Natural Resources**: The nation's natural resources may be exploited irresponsibly to generate quick revenue that funds these superficial projects. This short-term approach prioritizes immediate gains over sustainable management, leading to long-term economic and environmental degradation.

### Perpetuating Poverty and National Debt

5. **Economic Mismanagement**: Misuse of public funds and irresponsible resource exploitation lead to economic inefficiency and corruption. The lack of genuine economic development initiatives means that poverty persists or worsens, as the benefits of natural resource exploitation are not equitably distributed.

6. **Increasing National Debt**: To maintain the facade of progress and keep the populace placated, the government may take on increasing levels of debt. Loans are used to fund unproductive projects or cover budget shortfalls created by corruption and mismanagement.

### Weakening National Currency

7. **Currency Devaluation**: Persistent economic mismanagement, rising debt levels, and lack of investor confidence result in the devaluation of the national currency. This devaluation further exacerbates poverty as the cost of imports rises, leading to higher prices for goods and services.

### Divide and Divert Attention Through Apartheidism

8. **Social Division**: To maintain control and divert attention from economic failures, leaders may resort to apartheid-like policies, deepening societal divisions based on race, religion, or ethnicity. This divisive strategy ensures that the populace is too preoccupied with infighting to unite against the ruling elite.

9. **Diversion Tactics**: Apartheidism and other forms of social division serve as effective tools to divert public attention from the underlying issues of corruption, economic mismanagement, and poverty. By fostering a climate of fear and mistrust among different groups, the government maintains its grip on power.

### Perpetuation of the Cycle

10. **Cycle Reinforcement**: The continued use of fundamentalism and divisive tactics ensures that the underlying issues of poverty, corruption, and economic mismanagement remain unaddressed. As the economic situation worsens, the government increasingly relies on these same tactics to maintain control, perpetuating the cycle.

In conclusion, the use of fundamentalism to create an illusion of progress enables the misuse of public funds and justifies the squandering of natural resources. This leads to perpetuated poverty, increasing national debt, and a weakened currency. By dividing society through apartheid-like policies, the government diverts attention from its failures, ensuring the continuation of this destructive cycle.

News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

The use of fundamentalism as a tool to create an illusion of progress and improvement can set in motion a vicious cycle that is detrimental to a nation's socioeconomic health. Here's a detailed argument outlining this cycle:

### Illusion of Progress Through Fundamentalism

1. **Promoting Fundamentalism**: Fundamentalist ideologies often promise a return to traditional values and an idealized past, which can resonate deeply in times of uncertainty or perceived moral decline. Leaders who champion these ideologies claim to bring moral and societal improvements.

2. **Insignificant Progress**: The "progress" promoted by fundamentalism is often superficial, focusing on symbolic changes rather than substantive improvements in quality of life or economic conditions. This can involve strict social policies or public displays of piety that do not translate into actual development.

### Empowering Misuse of Public Funds

3. **Misallocation of Resources**: With public attention focused on religious or ideological purity, scrutiny of financial management wanes. Leaders can divert public funds to projects that support their fundamentalist agenda or enrich themselves and their cronies under the guise of these projects.

4. **Squandering Natural Resources**: The nation's natural resources may be exploited irresponsibly to generate quick revenue that funds these superficial projects. This short-term approach prioritizes immediate gains over sustainable management, leading to long-term economic and environmental degradation.

### Perpetuating Poverty and National Debt

5. **Economic Mismanagement**: Misuse of public funds and irresponsible resource exploitation lead to economic inefficiency and corruption. The lack of genuine economic development initiatives means that poverty persists or worsens, as the benefits of natural resource exploitation are not equitably distributed.

6. **Increasing National Debt**: To maintain the facade of progress and keep the populace placated, the government may take on increasing levels of debt. Loans are used to fund unproductive projects or cover budget shortfalls created by corruption and mismanagement.

### Weakening National Currency

7. **Currency Devaluation**: Persistent economic mismanagement, rising debt levels, and lack of investor confidence result in the devaluation of the national currency. This devaluation further exacerbates poverty as the cost of imports rises, leading to higher prices for goods and services.

### Divide and Divert Attention Through Apartheidism

8. **Social Division**: To maintain control and divert attention from economic failures, leaders may resort to apartheid-like policies, deepening societal divisions based on race, religion, or ethnicity. This divisive strategy ensures that the populace is too preoccupied with infighting to unite against the ruling elite.

9. **Diversion Tactics**: Apartheidism and other forms of social division serve as effective tools to divert public attention from the underlying issues of corruption, economic mismanagement, and poverty. By fostering a climate of fear and mistrust among different groups, the government maintains its grip on power.

### Perpetuation of the Cycle

10. **Cycle Reinforcement**: The continued use of fundamentalism and divisive tactics ensures that the underlying issues of poverty, corruption, and economic mismanagement remain unaddressed. As the economic situation worsens, the government increasingly relies on these same tactics to maintain control, perpetuating the cycle.

In conclusion, the use of fundamentalism to create an illusion of progress enables the misuse of public funds and justifies the squandering of natural resources. This leads to perpetuated poverty, increasing national debt, and a weakened currency. By dividing society through apartheid-like policies, the government diverts attention from its failures, ensuring the continuation of this destructive cycle.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

The disappearance of proper jobs is largely be attributed to the misallocation of public funds, which are squandered on bureaucratic inefficiencies rather than used to drive improvement and enable better services. Significant resources are funneled into "paper mills" within government departments, institutions, and ministries, creating unnecessary bureaucratic positions that add little value to society. This includes hiring "Little Napoleons," petty bureaucrats who enforce excessive and often redundant regulations. Such practices result in an inflated bureaucracy that stifles genuine talent and productivity. Talented professionals are restricted by excessive red tape and bureaucratic obstacles, preventing them from performing efficiently and innovatively. Instead of supporting those who provide excellent services, the bureaucratic system handicaps and suffocates them, leading to frustration and a decline in service quality. The overall effect is a restrictive environment where funds that could foster job creation and economic growth are wasted, pulling back individuals who could otherwise drive significant improvements in public services and the economy. To reverse this trend, public funds need to be redirected towards productive investments and streamlined processes that support rather than hinder talented service providers.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

The disappearance of proper jobs is largely be attributed to the misallocation of public funds, which are squandered on bureaucratic inefficiencies rather than used to drive improvement and enable better services. Significant resources are funneled into "paper mills" within government departments, institutions, and ministries, creating unnecessary bureaucratic positions that add little value to society. This includes hiring "Little Napoleons," petty bureaucrats who enforce excessive and often redundant regulations. Such practices result in an inflated bureaucracy that stifles genuine talent and productivity. Talented professionals are restricted by excessive red tape and bureaucratic obstacles, preventing them from performing efficiently and innovatively. Instead of supporting those who provide excellent services, the bureaucratic system handicaps and suffocates them, leading to frustration and a decline in service quality. The overall effect is a restrictive environment where funds that could foster job creation and economic growth are wasted, pulling back individuals who could otherwise drive significant improvements in public services and the economy. To reverse this trend, public funds need to be redirected towards productive investments and streamlined processes that support rather than hinder talented service providers.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Moral 101: Truth vs lies

In the 21st century, gender equality, rather than patriarchy, is essential for preserving healthy relationships in marriage and other social aspects of modern living. This shift towards equality reflects evolving societal values and the recognition of individual rights and contributions, regardless of gender. Here are several arguments to support this stance:

1. **Mutual Respect and Partnership**: Gender equality fosters mutual respect and partnership in relationships. When both partners have equal say and responsibility, it creates a balanced dynamic where decisions are made collaboratively. This reduces resentment and power struggles, leading to healthier, more stable relationships.

2. **Economic Benefits**: Equal participation in the workforce and household duties allows both partners to contribute financially and domestically. This shared responsibility can relieve stress and financial burdens, making the relationship more resilient to economic challenges.

3. **Personal Fulfillment**: Gender equality allows individuals to pursue personal goals and career aspirations without being confined to traditional gender roles. This leads to greater personal satisfaction and fulfillment, which positively impacts their relationships and overall well-being.

4. **Positive Role Models**: Gender-equal relationships provide positive role models for children, teaching them the value of fairness and respect. This helps to break down harmful stereotypes and promotes a more inclusive society.

5. **Reduced Domestic Violence**: Societies that promote gender equality tend to have lower rates of domestic violence. When power is shared equally, there is less likelihood of abusive dynamics where one partner seeks to dominate the other.

6. **Legal and Social Recognition**: Modern legal frameworks and social policies increasingly support gender equality. Aligning relationships with these principles ensures compliance with laws and social norms, reducing conflicts and fostering harmony.

7. **Emotional Well-being**: Equality in relationships enhances emotional well-being by ensuring that both partners feel valued and heard. This emotional support is crucial for mental health and the overall quality of the relationship.

8. **Adaptability and Growth**: Gender-equal relationships are more adaptable to change, as both partners are encouraged to develop skills and share responsibilities. This adaptability is crucial in a rapidly changing world where traditional roles may no longer be practical or relevant.

In conclusion, gender equality is fundamental to building and maintaining healthy relationships in the 21st century. It ensures fairness, respect, and shared responsibility, which are essential for personal fulfillment and societal progress. Embracing gender equality is not only a moral imperative but also a practical approach to fostering stronger, more resilient relationships and communities.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Educators and policy makers can't be too simpleton and thoughtless. Shielding children from important knowledge, such as understanding responsible moderate alcohol consumption, the risks of addiction, and the potential negative consequences, is both dangerous and naïve. Such an approach fails to equip young individuals with the critical information they need to make informed decisions and navigate real-world situations effectively.

First and foremost, keeping children in the dark about alcohol can foster ignorance and curiosity-driven experimentation. When young people are not adequately educated about alcohol, they are more likely to seek out information on their own, often from unreliable sources or peers. This can lead to risky behaviors and uninformed decisions regarding alcohol consumption. A comprehensive education that includes the benefits and risks associated with alcohol allows children to understand the full spectrum of its effects.

Moreover, ignorance about responsible drinking can leave children unprepared to handle situations where alcohol is present. By teaching children about moderate drinking, parents and educators can impart valuable lessons on self-control and the importance of setting limits. Children who are educated about responsible drinking are more likely to make measured decisions, avoiding the pitfalls of overconsumption and addiction. Studies have shown that early education about alcohol can reduce the likelihood of binge drinking and alcohol-related problems in adolescence and adulthood .

Understanding the risks of addiction is equally crucial. Alcohol addiction, or alcoholism, can have devastating consequences on an individual's health, relationships, and overall well-being. By being transparent about these risks, parents and educators can help children recognize the warning signs of addiction and understand the long-term implications of alcohol misuse. This awareness is essential for fostering a healthy relationship with alcohol and preventing the development of harmful patterns of behavior.

Furthermore, shielding children from the reality of alcohol's negative consequences can create a false sense of security. When children eventually encounter alcohol, they may be ill-prepared to handle its effects or recognize the dangers of overindulgence. Educating children about the potential negative consequences of alcohol, such as impaired judgment, accidents, and health issues, helps them understand the gravity of irresponsible drinking. This knowledge can act as a deterrent and encourage more cautious behavior.

In addition, education about responsible alcohol consumption can promote a culture of openness and trust between parents and children. When parents discuss alcohol openly and honestly, it fosters a sense of mutual respect and encourages children to seek guidance when faced with difficult decisions. This open dialogue is essential for building a supportive environment where children feel comfortable discussing their experiences and concerns.

Finally, equipping children with knowledge about alcohol empowers them to make informed choices that align with their values and goals. Understanding both the benefits and risks of alcohol allows children to weigh their options carefully and make decisions that promote their well-being and success. Ignorance, on the other hand, leaves them vulnerable to peer pressure and the potential for harmful behaviors.

In conclusion, the danger, ignorance, and naivety of keeping children from being exposed to important knowledge about responsible moderate alcohol drinking, the risks of addiction, and the negative consequences are clear. Comprehensive education on alcohol is essential for fostering informed decision-making, promoting responsible behavior, and protecting young individuals from the potential harms associated with alcohol. By providing children with the knowledge they need, parents and educators can help them navigate the complexities of alcohol consumption and develop healthy, balanced relationships with alcohol.

News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

Educators and policy makers can't be too simpleton and thoughtless. Shielding children from important knowledge, such as understanding responsible moderate alcohol consumption, the risks of addiction, and the potential negative consequences, is both dangerous and naïve. Such an approach fails to equip young individuals with the critical information they need to make informed decisions and navigate real-world situations effectively.

First and foremost, keeping children in the dark about alcohol can foster ignorance and curiosity-driven experimentation. When young people are not adequately educated about alcohol, they are more likely to seek out information on their own, often from unreliable sources or peers. This can lead to risky behaviors and uninformed decisions regarding alcohol consumption. A comprehensive education that includes the benefits and risks associated with alcohol allows children to understand the full spectrum of its effects.

Moreover, ignorance about responsible drinking can leave children unprepared to handle situations where alcohol is present. By teaching children about moderate drinking, parents and educators can impart valuable lessons on self-control and the importance of setting limits. Children who are educated about responsible drinking are more likely to make measured decisions, avoiding the pitfalls of overconsumption and addiction. Studies have shown that early education about alcohol can reduce the likelihood of binge drinking and alcohol-related problems in adolescence and adulthood .

Understanding the risks of addiction is equally crucial. Alcohol addiction, or alcoholism, can have devastating consequences on an individual's health, relationships, and overall well-being. By being transparent about these risks, parents and educators can help children recognize the warning signs of addiction and understand the long-term implications of alcohol misuse. This awareness is essential for fostering a healthy relationship with alcohol and preventing the development of harmful patterns of behavior.

Furthermore, shielding children from the reality of alcohol's negative consequences can create a false sense of security. When children eventually encounter alcohol, they may be ill-prepared to handle its effects or recognize the dangers of overindulgence. Educating children about the potential negative consequences of alcohol, such as impaired judgment, accidents, and health issues, helps them understand the gravity of irresponsible drinking. This knowledge can act as a deterrent and encourage more cautious behavior.

In addition, education about responsible alcohol consumption can promote a culture of openness and trust between parents and children. When parents discuss alcohol openly and honestly, it fosters a sense of mutual respect and encourages children to seek guidance when faced with difficult decisions. This open dialogue is essential for building a supportive environment where children feel comfortable discussing their experiences and concerns.

Finally, equipping children with knowledge about alcohol empowers them to make informed choices that align with their values and goals. Understanding both the benefits and risks of alcohol allows children to weigh their options carefully and make decisions that promote their well-being and success. Ignorance, on the other hand, leaves them vulnerable to peer pressure and the potential for harmful behaviors.

In conclusion, the danger, ignorance, and naivety of keeping children from being exposed to important knowledge about responsible moderate alcohol drinking, the risks of addiction, and the negative consequences are clear. Comprehensive education on alcohol is essential for fostering informed decision-making, promoting responsible behavior, and protecting young individuals from the potential harms associated with alcohol. By providing children with the knowledge they need, parents and educators can help them navigate the complexities of alcohol consumption and develop healthy, balanced relationships with alcohol.

News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

This is 21st Century. Children should be encouraged to live by evidence, not hearsay. The fact is educators must nurture skills in decision-making and practical knowledge in children- preaching them nothing- no lies, but only the most up-to-date truth. Moderate alcohol consumption has been associated with a longer lifespan in several studies with clear beneficial effects on cardiovascular health. Research has shown that moderate drinking can lead to a reduction in the risk of coronary artery disease and other heart-related conditions. For instance, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that moderate alcohol intake was linked to a lower risk of myocardial infarction in men. The study highlighted that men who consumed moderate amounts of alcohol had a 30-35% lower risk of heart attack compared to non-drinkers .

The American Heart Association acknowledges that moderate alcohol consumption can raise levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, also known as "good" cholesterol, which helps protect against heart disease. HDL cholesterol facilitates the removal of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, or "bad" cholesterol, from the bloodstream, reducing the risk of plaque buildup in arteries and subsequent cardiovascular events .

A large-scale study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology further supports these findings. The study analyzed data from over 333,000 participants and concluded that moderate alcohol consumption was associated with a lower risk of death from all causes, particularly cardiovascular disease. The researchers noted that moderate drinkers had a 25% lower risk of dying from cardiovascular diseases compared to abstainers .

Additionally, the antioxidant properties of certain alcoholic beverages, such as red wine, have been credited with promoting heart health. Red wine contains resveratrol, a compound that has been shown to protect the lining of blood vessels in the heart and reduce inflammation and blood clotting. This was supported by research published in Nature, which demonstrated that resveratrol could mimic the effects of caloric restriction, a practice known to extend lifespan in various organisms . Certain alcoholic beverages, like beer and wine, contain essential nutrients and antioxidants. For example, beer contains B vitamins, selenium, and silicon, which can contribute to bone health. Wine, particularly red wine, contains polyphenols, which have been studied for their potential health benefits.

While the benefits of alcohol is undeniable, not all of its consumption has the same effect.Hence, iIt is essential to educate, emphasize and differentiate between moderate, responsible drinking and excessive, harmful consumption. Overgeneralizing by claiming that alcohol is 100% bad ignores the nuances and context-dependent nature of its effects.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

This is 21st Century. Children should be encouraged to live by evidence, not hearsay. The fact is educators must nurture skills in decision-making and practical knowledge in children- preaching them nothing- no lies, but only the most up-to-date truth. Moderate alcohol consumption has been associated with a longer lifespan in several studies with clear beneficial effects on cardiovascular health. Research has shown that moderate drinking can lead to a reduction in the risk of coronary artery disease and other heart-related conditions. For instance, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that moderate alcohol intake was linked to a lower risk of myocardial infarction in men. The study highlighted that men who consumed moderate amounts of alcohol had a 30-35% lower risk of heart attack compared to non-drinkers .

The American Heart Association acknowledges that moderate alcohol consumption can raise levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, also known as "good" cholesterol, which helps protect against heart disease. HDL cholesterol facilitates the removal of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, or "bad" cholesterol, from the bloodstream, reducing the risk of plaque buildup in arteries and subsequent cardiovascular events .

A large-scale study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology further supports these findings. The study analyzed data from over 333,000 participants and concluded that moderate alcohol consumption was associated with a lower risk of death from all causes, particularly cardiovascular disease. The researchers noted that moderate drinkers had a 25% lower risk of dying from cardiovascular diseases compared to abstainers .

Additionally, the antioxidant properties of certain alcoholic beverages, such as red wine, have been credited with promoting heart health. Red wine contains resveratrol, a compound that has been shown to protect the lining of blood vessels in the heart and reduce inflammation and blood clotting. This was supported by research published in Nature, which demonstrated that resveratrol could mimic the effects of caloric restriction, a practice known to extend lifespan in various organisms . Certain alcoholic beverages, like beer and wine, contain essential nutrients and antioxidants. For example, beer contains B vitamins, selenium, and silicon, which can contribute to bone health. Wine, particularly red wine, contains polyphenols, which have been studied for their potential health benefits.

While the benefits of alcohol is undeniable, not all of its consumption has the same effect.Hence, iIt is essential to educate, emphasize and differentiate between moderate, responsible drinking and excessive, harmful consumption. Overgeneralizing by claiming that alcohol is 100% bad ignores the nuances and context-dependent nature of its effects.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Arguably, nothing could be worse than misusing of fund to fuel fundamentalism among young children. Funding and spreading fundamentalism, characterized by a strict adherence to specific theological doctrines often in reaction against modernist theories, has profoundly detrimental effects on societies, making it one of the worst uses of resources. Such funding fosters intolerance and extremism, promoting an "us versus them" mentality that leads to social fragmentation, sectarian conflicts, and the suppression of religious, cultural, and intellectual diversity essential for a progressive society.

Fundamentalism stifles the exchange of ideas and mutual respect, creating an environment of suspicion and hostility- see what happened in supposedly and rationally "non-issue" cases like kk socks and vern shoes. Additionally, it impedes progress by advocating for outdated educational practices that reject scientific advancements and critical thinking, hindering intellectual growth and innovation.

This regression leaves societies ill-equipped to deal with modern challenges and results in economic stagnation and poverty, as businesses avoid investing in regions plagued by instability and regressive policies. The threat to human rights is significant, as many fundamentalist movements impose severe restrictions on nonbelievers', outgroup's, minors' and women's rights and freedoms, perpetuating gender inequality and discrimination while suppressing freedoms of speech, religion, and assembly. This suppression leads to persecution of dissenters and those who question the prevailing ideology.

Global security risks also escalate as funding fundamentalism can lead to the radicalization of individuals who may resort to violence, vigilantism and even terrorism , posing a significant threat to global security through terrorist activities and destabilizing entire regions, leading to conflicts and wars. Such instability has far-reaching consequences for global peace and security.

From a moral and ethical perspective, investing in fundamentalism represents a gross misallocation of resources that could be better used for proper and productive education, up-to-date healthcare, and poverty eradication. It prioritizes dogma over human welfare, contradicting the ethical responsibility of individuals and nations to promote peace, tolerance, and understanding. Funding fundamentalism contributes to a more divided and violent world, undermining social cohesion and impeding progress. Instead of fueling fundamentalism, resources should be directed towards initiatives that promote education, tolerance, innovation, and peace, thereby contributing to a more just and prosperous world. By doing so, we can foster intellectual growth, economic development, gender equality, and global security, ensuring a brighter future for all.

News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

Arguably, nothing could be worse than misusing of fund to fuel fundamentalism among young children. Funding and spreading fundamentalism, characterized by a strict adherence to specific theological doctrines often in reaction against modernist theories, has profoundly detrimental effects on societies, making it one of the worst uses of resources. Such funding fosters intolerance and extremism, promoting an "us versus them" mentality that leads to social fragmentation, sectarian conflicts, and the suppression of religious, cultural, and intellectual diversity essential for a progressive society.

Fundamentalism stifles the exchange of ideas and mutual respect, creating an environment of suspicion and hostility- see what happened in supposedly and rationally "non-issue" cases like kk socks and vern shoes. Additionally, it impedes progress by advocating for outdated educational practices that reject scientific advancements and critical thinking, hindering intellectual growth and innovation.

This regression leaves societies ill-equipped to deal with modern challenges and results in economic stagnation and poverty, as businesses avoid investing in regions plagued by instability and regressive policies. The threat to human rights is significant, as many fundamentalist movements impose severe restrictions on nonbelievers', outgroup's, minors' and women's rights and freedoms, perpetuating gender inequality and discrimination while suppressing freedoms of speech, religion, and assembly. This suppression leads to persecution of dissenters and those who question the prevailing ideology.

Global security risks also escalate as funding fundamentalism can lead to the radicalization of individuals who may resort to violence, vigilantism and even terrorism , posing a significant threat to global security through terrorist activities and destabilizing entire regions, leading to conflicts and wars. Such instability has far-reaching consequences for global peace and security.

From a moral and ethical perspective, investing in fundamentalism represents a gross misallocation of resources that could be better used for proper and productive education, up-to-date healthcare, and poverty eradication. It prioritizes dogma over human welfare, contradicting the ethical responsibility of individuals and nations to promote peace, tolerance, and understanding. Funding fundamentalism contributes to a more divided and violent world, undermining social cohesion and impeding progress. Instead of fueling fundamentalism, resources should be directed towards initiatives that promote education, tolerance, innovation, and peace, thereby contributing to a more just and prosperous world. By doing so, we can foster intellectual growth, economic development, gender equality, and global security, ensuring a brighter future for all.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Even science doesn't guarantee 100% as science is about building models and theories that best explain the available evidence with a certain level of confidence. It embraces uncertainty- rather than making guarantee. Trueducation focuses on increasing our understanding of the world through a continuous process of testing, revising, and refining. This probabilistic approach allows scientific knowledge to remain flexible and adaptive in the face of new discoveries and evidence.

If you want guarantee entry to heaven, join the majority lots- to the place of altars


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Dead cat rebound kah?


2 months ago | Report Abuse

The argument that young children's minds intoxicated by fundamentalism is not better than the analogy of grown-up minds intoxicated by alcohol hinges on several key points.

1. **Impaired Judgment**: Both situations result in impaired judgment. Fundamentalism can limit children's ability to think critically and objectively, just as alcohol impairs an adult's ability to make sound decisions.

2. **Influence on Behavior**: Just as alcohol can lead to erratic and harmful behavior in adults, fundamentalism can instill rigid, intolerant, and sometimes extreme behaviors in children. Both conditions can lead to actions that are harmful to themselves and others.

3. **Long-term Impact**: The effects of both can be long-lasting. Chronic alcohol use can lead to lasting physical and mental health issues. Similarly, early indoctrination into fundamentalism can lead to lifelong difficulties in accepting diverse perspectives and adapting to a rapidly changing world.

4. **Social Consequences**: Both intoxication scenarios can lead to social problems. Alcoholism can strain relationships and disrupt families, while fundamentalism can create societal divisions, intolerance, and conflict.

5. **Loss of Potential**: Alcohol addiction can rob individuals of their potential, career opportunities, and personal growth. Similarly, fundamentalism can restrict a child's educational and personal development, limiting their ability to reach their full potential.

6. **Dependency**: Just as alcohol can create a dependency that is hard to break, fundamentalist indoctrination can create a psychological dependency on rigid beliefs and authority figures, making it difficult for individuals to think independently and question their surroundings.

In summary, both scenarios involve a form of intoxication that impairs judgment, influences behavior negatively, has long-term impacts, leads to social issues, results in a loss of potential, and creates dependency. Therefore, exposing young children to fundamentalist ideologies is as detrimental as an adult being addicted to alcohol.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Arguably knowing that nothing can guarantee anything is the hallmark of trueducation (vs fakeducation that guarantees heaven and h*ll with 100% certainty


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Education Reform 202:

Fundamentalism, characterized by rigid adherence to specific doctrines and an uncompromising attitude towards different beliefs, can be more toxic and cloud the mind than alcohol for several reasons:

1. **Rigid Thinking and Closed-Mindedness**:
Fundamentalism promotes black-and-white thinking, discouraging critical thinking, questioning, and open-mindedness. It often requires followers to reject any evidence or perspectives that contradict their beliefs, leading to intellectual stagnation and a closed mind.

2. **Intolerance and Division**:
Fundamentalism fosters intolerance towards different viewpoints and lifestyles, often resulting in social division and conflict. This divisiveness can erode the social fabric, fostering hatred, discrimination, and even violence against those perceived as "other."

3. **Suppression of Individuality and Freedom**:
Fundamentalist doctrines often demand strict conformity, suppressing individual thought and expression. This suppression can stifle personal growth, creativity, and the pursuit of knowledge, trapping individuals in a mental straitjacket.

4. **Perpetuation of Ignorance**:
By rejecting scientific and empirical evidence that contradicts its dogmas, fundamentalism perpetuates ignorance. This can hinder progress in fields like medicine, education, and social sciences, negatively impacting society as a whole.

5. **Emotional Manipulation and Fear**:
Fundamentalism frequently uses fear and emotional manipulation to maintain control over its followers. The threat of eternal damnation, social ostracization, or divine retribution can create a constant state of anxiety and fear, clouding judgment and rational thought.

6. **Inhibiting Social Progress**:
Fundamentalist ideologies often resist social change and progress, clinging to outdated practices and beliefs. This resistance can delay or prevent advancements in human rights, gender equality, and overall societal development.

7. **Psychological Harm**:
The mental rigidity and fear instilled by fundamentalism can lead to significant psychological harm, including stress, anxiety, and depression. The internal conflict between personal beliefs and fundamentalist doctrines can also cause profound emotional turmoil.

In contrast, while alcohol can impair cognitive functions and decision-making temporarily, its effects are usually short-lived and can be mitigated with responsible use. Alcohol's toxicity primarily affects physical health and does not inherently dictate or restrict one's belief systems, intellectual curiosity, or capacity for empathy and social harmony.

Thus, while both alcohol and fundamentalism can be harmful, fundamentalism's pervasive influence on the mind and society can be far more insidious and long-lasting.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Problem with narrow mindedness of a significant portion of the society

Arguing against the demand that no compromise should be given to donations from beer companies involves addressing several key points:

### Economic Impact
1. **Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Contributions**: Many companies, including beer companies, engage in CSR activities to give back to the community. These donations fund essential services such as healthcare, education, and disaster relief, which benefit society at large.
2. **Economic Growth**: Beer companies contribute significantly to the economy through job creation, taxes, and local investments. Banning their contributions could harm economic stability and reduce available funding for social programs.

### Ethical and Social Considerations
1. **Neutrality of Funds**: The source of donations should not automatically disqualify them if they are used for positive social outcomes. Rejecting these funds purely based on the company's industry can be seen as a form of bias.
2. **Community Benefit**: Many communities benefit from donations made by beer companies, especially in times of crisis. Disallowing these contributions could deprive vulnerable groups of much-needed support.

### Counterproductive Outcomes
1. **Reduction in Charitable Contributions**: If beer companies are prohibited from donating, the overall pool of charitable funds may decrease. This reduction can negatively impact social services and community development projects.
2. **Inefficiency in Resource Utilization**: By refusing donations from specific industries, organizations might spend more time and resources seeking alternative funding sources, which could be less efficient and delay important initiatives.

### Real-world Examples
1. **Case Studies**: Numerous case studies show how beer companies' donations have positively impacted communities. Highlighting these examples can demonstrate the tangible benefits of accepting such contributions.
2. **Global Practices**: In many countries, beer companies are recognized for their positive contributions to society. Adopting a more inclusive approach aligns with global best practices and encourages responsible corporate behavior.

### Practical Solutions
1. **Regulated Acceptance**: Instead of outright rejecting donations, implementing strict guidelines and transparency measures ensures that the funds are used ethically and effectively.
2. **Public Awareness Campaigns**: Educating the public on the positive impacts of these donations can shift the narrative and reduce irrational opposition.

By considering these points, it becomes clear that an uncompromising stance against beer company donations is irrational and counterproductive, ultimately hindering societal progress and development.