
Junichiro | Joined since 2016-02-16

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2016-10-27 10:45 | Report Abuse

That is why India cannot catch up with China. This is immaterial. If u look at the volume, gomen have no funds to push up the GLCs.


2016-10-21 16:41 | Report Abuse

NOw PM giving political speech. Nothing else.


2016-10-21 16:30 | Report Abuse

That is the only important piece of announcement. The rest about GDP is bulllshit. GDP growth means the richer are getting richer not the rest of ppl getting better.


2016-10-21 16:26 | Report Abuse

GST remains at 6%


2016-10-20 09:11 | Report Abuse

Budget nothing much to offer. Gomen no money. Local authorities raising assessment fees for houses sky high.

News & Blogs

2016-10-17 09:33 | Report Abuse

MAHB one of the worst airport in the world


2016-10-13 11:32 | Report Abuse

Soon we will be facing machines instead of humans. When u call them, a machine will answer "credit cards, press 1". When u finally reach them, no one will pick up the phone. This is already happening.


2016-10-05 16:32 | Report Abuse

CIMB Investment Bank Bhd said Malayan Banking Bhd (Maybank), RHB Bank Bhd and AMMB Holdings Bhd could incur provision on Perisai Petroleum Teknologi Bhd's bond default.

News & Blogs

2016-10-05 14:39 | Report Abuse

It is common knowledge that most ppl does not have huge sums of $$$ in their EPF a/c. So it does not make any difference except for the few who are overpaid.


2016-10-04 19:27 | Report Abuse

Even Telenor is planning pare down its stake in Digi, seeing a matured market, stiff competition and little growth.


2016-10-04 09:28 | Report Abuse

If cash strapped Perisai defaults on its bond payment, a few S'pore O n G firms will be affected. Do not know if Maybank has lend to these firms.


2016-10-03 16:59 | Report Abuse

But gomen is not reading this blog.


2016-10-03 10:22 | Report Abuse

What is in the analysis are all historical figures. Share prices are forward-looking. Insiders know a lot more than us. When Maybank share were at 9XX, a lot of their senior staff queued to sell off all their entitlements.


2016-09-30 22:45 | Report Abuse

I do not think KLSE plunged because of the hoax. It is likely to be caused by a retreat in crude prices.


2016-09-30 09:10 | Report Abuse

Iran which is exempted fr production cuts n the shale oil producers will pump at full capacity, bringing any rise to a halt unless world demand goes up.

News & Blogs

2016-09-28 17:04 | Report Abuse

It is easier said than done. To hold a stock fr 1971 till now. One have to go thru some many big downturns which offered great opportunity for those who sold off during the highs to buy it again. It is great in theory but is hard to put into practice.


2016-09-28 14:41 | Report Abuse

The problem is: is there something which insiders know but we ikan bilis do not know? The way it kept breaching its support levels means there is some info we do not know. Are some bulky NPL provisions coming in??


2016-09-28 14:29 | Report Abuse

He is just an unlucky guy caught in the crossfire of politics. Anyway, that man in India got the spectrum but have no money to roll out the infrastructure n no Indian banks want to lent him the money as he is in their bad books. Thus he negotiated with a few parties to sell his company but no deals were made. Seemingly they want a cheap bargain. Along came Ananda n he offer him a high price n the deal was done.

Today, the seller claimed that he was forced to sell to Ananda. But was he? Before Ananda came in, he has already negotiated with few parties with a view to sell.

To me, Ananda is just an unlucky man.


2016-09-28 12:04 | Report Abuse

I would peg its support level at 7.36


2016-09-27 16:31 | Report Abuse

Call the police

News & Blogs

2016-09-23 12:26 | Report Abuse

Ting Pek Khing's Ekran & Pacific Chemicals above $20.00 those days..


2016-09-22 09:45 | Report Abuse

The big players are probably selling into strength. Buy on rumours, sell on news. They will only push up the market if the outlook is bullish. probably the bull is not within sight.


2016-09-20 16:03 | Report Abuse

The technical signals points to a bearish outlook. It broke its weekly H & S neckline at 8.20. Once broken, the probability of it going up is not much until it completes its correction. Even if they say the lookout for Q3 is set to improve. After all, it is only an expectation. If u say miracles can happen, who knows? It can also happen. It all depends on yr risk profile.


2016-09-20 15:30 | Report Abuse

The outlook now is bearish. The candle fell right into the Ichimoku cloud


2016-09-19 16:04 | Report Abuse

U can read it in The edgemarkets. It said that is the reason for the fall.


2016-09-19 14:49 | Report Abuse

It is already in the the news now. Telonor plans to pare its stake in Digi due to intense competition in M'sia.


2016-09-07 09:43 | Report Abuse

BNM do not have much room to cut rates. A US rate hike would see a slide in oil prices n MYR.


2016-09-06 09:21 | Report Abuse

RHB -MBSB merger failed to take off because of asset quality issues. If MBSB followed the guidelines of BNM as regards NPL, then it is not worth the price it intended to sell to RHB. It would have a large asset impairment. Hence they called a rights issue now to remedy this.


2016-09-02 15:40 | Report Abuse

I bought Maybank shares last Feb n continued to hold even as it went above $9.00. Eventually, I sold off at a small profit below $9.00. In hindsight, I should have sold when it went above $9. I kept holding believing that EPF would support the shares.
I became suspicious when I noticed that EPF is in fact disposing.


2016-09-02 15:28 | Report Abuse

My view is that since EPF has divided its funds into syariah n conventional, it now has excess of Maybank shares as the syariah portion cannot hold any finance sector shares. Hence, the need the rebalance its portfolio. Most of the notice to KLSE is 'disposal' by EPF since its rally in Feb.
Even as it rallied up in Feb n went above $9.00, EPF is still 'disposing' rather than 'acquiring.'


2016-09-01 22:40 | Report Abuse

The reality is what goes up must also go down. When the stock finished its 5 wave rally, it will encounter a correction to its previous rally. The same applies to KLCI.
That is the reason I never keep my shares long term. For Keynes said "in the long term, we are all dead".


2016-09-01 20:37 | Report Abuse

Just for the fun of it.
The time it took to fall to the lowest borders of its channel line in 1998 to the next fall to the lowest borders of the same channel is 10 years. Thus that year was 2008. Using the same channel, project 10 years forward and the year would be 2018. The projected price then is abt 6.00


2016-09-01 17:03 | Report Abuse

yes, it is not an active share. The buy side does not want to chase the price up. The sell side is anxious to sell n sell. They may have accumulated a lot at lower prices. PPl can easily buy 10,000 shares to profit for a few cents. Whenever the price move up a bit, u can sell a whole bunch of sellers selling n willing to sell lower.


2016-09-01 14:56 | Report Abuse

I do not believe EPF is losing $$ on Maybank. It has held huge chunks of Maybank shares since day one. Even if they buy, their avg cost is low.


2016-09-01 14:51 | Report Abuse

But there is no more upside.


2016-09-01 14:49 | Report Abuse

An MVNO company not telco. It rents its line wholesale fr telcos. Looking at it, telcos are going to increase the wholesale rental soon.


2016-08-31 22:16 | Report Abuse

I have a feeling that Maxis have the intention to make private placement of its shares at a discount to the current market price to certain investors. It does not make sense to push up its price as most analyst price it at 5xx.

For me Maxis is win. I have 1 win n 3 losses for Digi.


2016-08-31 16:21 | Report Abuse

Fr the Feb rally in KLSE till now, most of EPF notice to the exchange is 'disposed' rather than 'acquired'.


2016-08-31 16:11 | Report Abuse

I believe EPF have holdings of Maybank more than it needed in its finance sector holdings. If it just transferred all Maybank shares into its conventional side, then if may have over-invested in the finance sector. This part of its risk management.


2016-08-31 16:08 | Report Abuse

Genting is in fact doing well. Unfortunately, those ff are trading rather than investing n Genting would be up if they are buying n down when they are selling. It exerts a big mental impact on retail players when they keep selling non-stop. Taurx is an addition n Genting can go on doing well without it.


2016-08-31 16:03 | Report Abuse

Thanks. My bearish view is based on EPF recent decision to separate the funds into syariah n conventional. The funds under syariah are not buying any financial sector stocks. Thus, EPF was seen in the 1st half of the year selling Maybank. But I do not know if it has finished paring down its holdings in Maybank.


2016-08-31 15:58 | Report Abuse

Well, it is just thru' the lens of a layman investor. I assume telcos would have to borrow the one off payment. Maxis n Celcom is highly leveraged n thus have to cut their div. As to Digi, it is less impacted but its profit would be affected.
2017 would see the rest of its spectrum expire for all telcos n MCMC would again demand another one off payment n year payment.
Based on this, I am bearish on telcos.
I have already hive off all my telco shares n I would prefer other sectors instead.
Do let me have a glimpse of yr point of view.


2016-08-31 13:41 | Report Abuse

The whole market is murky now. Just look at the huge sum the telcos have to pay to gomen. Sell down of telcos will affect the whole market.


2016-08-31 13:38 | Report Abuse

In the short term, I think all telcos are overvalued now. As all the telcos price their products higher, a new normal can be achieved.


2016-08-31 13:32 | Report Abuse

"Don't worry, Maybank is dropping now because it is being shorted.

There will be short covering soon. Short squeeze will push the price up very fast."

I suppose you taking about the futures market. How to short in KLSE? Tell me how as I want to short too.


2016-08-31 13:28 | Report Abuse

Probably telcos would price their products higher instead of cheap packages now that all these fees are taking a huge slice of their profits. I expect them to cut dividends also to avoid over-borrowing.


2016-08-30 23:07 | Report Abuse

It is a generic drug maker. It exports to third world countries e.g. Africa... A high risk business even if it is LC based. From my experience, some African banks delays payment for months although the claimant has complied with all terms n conditions of the LC. They have no money in their USD accounts maintained with the US banks to draw on.


2016-08-30 22:59 | Report Abuse

816 million plus and annual fee 70 million. Maxis to cut div further??


2016-08-30 22:55 | Report Abuse

The spectrum fees have already been announced.