
Junichiro | Joined since 2016-02-16

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2016-07-26 16:41 | Report Abuse

If u started yr working life abt 1982 n u have bought this share, u would have a great time savouring its dividends n the share weathered most of the market downturns including 1987.

News & Blogs

2016-07-26 16:37 | Report Abuse

One example, BP (British Petroleum). It is first wave started in abt 1982 n it completed its final 5th wave in abt 2006 by which time it started to correct.

News & Blogs

2016-07-26 16:26 | Report Abuse

We play the same shares over n over. Shares move in cycles. Once its 5 impulse wave is completed, the next cycle is down. So there is a saying "there is a time to sow n a time to unfold".

News & Blogs

2016-07-26 16:21 | Report Abuse

Really I do not consider 2014 a crash. Most of the counters staged a v shape reversal n I managed to make 1k even with the lousy counter FGV.

News & Blogs

2016-07-26 16:12 | Report Abuse

Those who opt to hold the shares thru' up n downs normally diversify their holdings.
But from my experience, diversification increase the risk. No matter how u diversify, it does not help much if the crash is like in 1997. I choose to sell off my entire holdings n wait to buy it back.

News & Blogs

2016-07-26 16:08 | Report Abuse

Most of the foreigners have already sold out. And local funds holding on to most of the blue chips. I do not think the market will crash like that in 1997 when a huge chunk of shares in KLSE is owned by foreigners.
Crashes are few and far between. When the moment comes, you must be brave enough to seize the moment. But your timing must be right. When the speculative attack began on the Thai Bath in Mar 1997, I sold off all my shares n bought it back on 1st Sept 1997. If u have bought in between, u might also end up selling at loss because the shares fell as if the market has not bottom.


2016-07-22 20:40 | Report Abuse

Both these gentleman are buying or selling?


2016-07-21 09:37 | Report Abuse

Hi connie, the 1MDB scandal is going to explode. It is official.


2016-07-20 16:06 | Report Abuse

Lundal has the foresight to keep spending the last few years on 4G n Maxis is reaping rewards now evident.


2016-07-20 14:59 | Report Abuse

Maxis posted stronger 2 qtr earnings


2016-07-18 14:36 | Report Abuse

Today there is a batch of call warrants issued by RHB IB with strike price of $5 expiring. RHB will ensure the price of Digi won't pass $5 or else they have to vomit out all the $$$ paid by those who bought their warrants.


2016-07-18 10:17 | Report Abuse

If it can pass 1.62, the next TP 1.8xx. This is the 2nd attempt to breach 1.59 levels.
Anyway, Tune is a safe bet. The only thing is you must be patient. It is not for those who like to hit n run.


2016-07-17 17:39 | Report Abuse

Are u sure? RHB IB gave the TP as 1.62 also.


2016-07-16 18:12 | Report Abuse

Turkey is unstable. The gomen there kept making enemies with its neighbours.


2016-07-15 12:31 | Report Abuse

I think this is also what connie is looking at. Put in yr setups, then the price zooms n u take profits. Close yr pc n enjoy the day.


2016-07-15 12:22 | Report Abuse

I have attended workshops for futures trading n have played CPO futures. Then 3 months later, this stupid IB phoned me n told me they want to cancel my direct access because I do not have 40 transactions per month.
Before I signed up, they told me they are promoting futures trading. After I signed up, this thing happened. So, I stop temporarily n try to learn whatever I can from the IB manager. He is a good guy. Only that the IB who employ him has no brains.
But I indicated to him I am willing to pay $68 per month for direct access n he keep sending me these setups. Maybe I have to find another IB which do not charge for direct access.


2016-07-15 12:12 | Report Abuse

Hi twobits, which IB do u use for futures trading?


2016-07-15 12:04 | Report Abuse

Actually, I am trying to learn. When he sends me setup, I would look at the chart n see if I myself is also seeing the same opportunity. If I rely on him, I think I can make $$$. But if one day, he is out of the IB, then I can't look after myself. So it is better to learn it myself. At times, I have to find out why he sees a good setup but I can't see.


2016-07-15 11:56 | Report Abuse

I am not pro lah. My broker sent me a setup this morning. At 9.15 a.m., FKLI buy 1660.5 - 1661.5, sell below 1658 At 9.40, he sent me the result ...lock profit at 1667 (RM275 profit) congratz to those who follow.

I do not think futures mart is that risky.


2016-07-15 11:42 | Report Abuse

I do not play KLCI futures cos there is not much volatility. Further, it can be easily manipulated. I prefer CPO futures. The strategy of hit n run is workable in futures trading but not in stocks cos there is not much volatility. In futures trading, we do not keep our positions overnight. If the setup fails, we just cut loss. Even if u do not cut, the broker will add n subtract fr yr a/c.

Each day, my broker would set me the setup via whatsapp .. soyabeans, gold, E mini crude oil etc whenever there is a good setup either to long or short. From what I see, 90% of his setups succeeds.


2016-07-14 22:25 | Report Abuse

Yes, twobits, you are right


2016-07-14 19:01 | Report Abuse

Uncle Lim said, "the results are positive but might not be good enough to earn FDA approval". It is 50-50.


2016-07-14 18:58 | Report Abuse

If it can't reach 1.62 how it can reach higher? The resistance level is abt 1.62 . This is what I see fr the chart.


2016-07-14 18:54 | Report Abuse

Hi connie, just google 'Patrick Mikula'. On his webpage find "Dr Alan Andrews" e book. It is free. Combine with Elliott waves and it make a lot of difference.


2016-07-14 17:06 | Report Abuse

Probably, the start of the wave 3 for Tune. The first TP 1.62


2016-07-14 16:40 | Report Abuse

Hi connie, you are right. MyEg has no momentum up n carries a lot of risk. Probably will dip to down channel at abt 1.71


2016-07-13 16:15 | Report Abuse

RHB IB selling Maybank to keep the their below 8.20 so that the warrants they issued n which is near maturity will be out of the money.


2016-07-13 15:51 | Report Abuse

BNM reduced OPR to 3%


2016-07-13 15:46 | Report Abuse

Digi on the early stage of wave 3?


2016-07-13 15:40 | Report Abuse

Digi is clearly on the early stages of an uptrend.


2016-07-13 15:35 | Report Abuse

I think so. That is how Investment Banks get income.


2016-07-13 15:30 | Report Abuse

Probably the start of the 3rd wave for Digi.


2016-07-13 15:08 | Report Abuse

I agree with The One. RHB IB keep selling to prevent its price from going up to make it out of the money.


2016-07-13 15:05 | Report Abuse

Since Maxis, downgraded by a whole bunch of analyst, can break $6.00, maybe there is something in the telco industry we do not know.


2016-07-13 15:00 | Report Abuse

Resistance at $4.80 broken. Read nextrade analysis.


2016-07-12 12:25 | Report Abuse

Hi connie, just learned something useful from you.


2016-07-12 11:54 | Report Abuse

Hi connie, shares, unlike futures, does not have the kind of volatility which enables a trader to profit. The 15 mins time frame is the one I use for futures trading. For example. CPO futures have an average volatility for 47 points daily. If a trader can make just 10 points, the profit is $250. But share have none of that. All we can do is buy and sell higher n have to wait for a long time.


2016-07-12 09:58 | Report Abuse

It has hit the low end of the down channel. I expect it rebound to around 1.88 from the view of Andrews pitchfork structure.


2016-07-11 20:11 | Report Abuse

MyEg has probably completed its 5 waves n is now on its corrective wave down. The Andrews Pitchfork structure shows MyEg clearly on the down trend.


2016-07-11 15:21 | Report Abuse

Ppl say Maxis will be hit hard. But the opposite happened. Maxis is up n up.


2016-07-11 15:15 | Report Abuse

Profit drop again.


2016-07-09 17:54 | Report Abuse

"The Group is still dependent on aviation sector" says it all. Anyway I would say that Tune is for the long term and is not for fast bucks.

By the way, when I bought my new car, the dealer insured it with Tune. When it is up for renewal, I found that Tune does not have an office in my town even though I found an office with the signboard of Tune. The agent there was not eager to do business so I went to RHB Insurance.


2016-07-08 09:11 | Report Abuse

As I said, it depends on Airasia n does not have a broad base of customers other than the aviation sector. It is like a semi conductor company having only Intel as its customer. The ex CEO Junior tried to broaden its customer base n it takes time. Maybe because of this, there is less big investor interest in the share.


2016-07-04 10:24 | Report Abuse

Why Digi no energy? Maxis above $6 already.

News & Blogs

2016-06-30 09:23 | Report Abuse

I owned this stock in the past when analyst give it glowing TP which never came. I do not believe them n I did not keep the stock for long n sold it for a small profit. Its weakness is it depended very much on AirASIA for business. It has an EPS abt 10 cts.


2016-06-27 22:45 | Report Abuse

This time through the General Elections which the UK Gomen would be expected to call.;


2016-06-27 22:38 | Report Abuse

Ha Ha, Brexit may not be final...
See Next Trade about Brexit written by Alex Lu. A tactic by Cameron to appease Brexit supporters within his own party. The final decision may well be the General Elections in which this issue would be put before the voters again. This time the UK voters will vote Bremain.


2016-06-27 22:33 | Report Abuse

See Next Trade about brexit written by Alex Lu
...Meanwhile HMS London is rudderless. The Conservatives will likely elect a new leader to spearhead Brexit in October. After all, Brexit referendum was Cameron's tactic of appeasing a faction in his party that wants the UK to exit the EU. Any deal negotiated by the new leader with Brussels is likely to be put before the people. Thus, the UK will probably have a second referendum in the form of a General Election where the Conservatives would argue for the people’s ratification of the Brexit deal while Labour party will argue against it. That General Election will decide the final exit from the EU. And, it's because of this likely General Election in a not-so-distant future that Labour party leader, Jeremy Corbyn is now experiencing a challenge within his party. Many of his party leaders want a more dynamic leader to lead them into the next General Election....

He gave a glimpse of what is to come for UK after Brexit.

News & Blogs

2016-06-26 17:30 | Report Abuse

Britain is not an economic power. Nor is she a superpower. What are u afraid of ???


2016-06-26 17:21 | Report Abuse

A drop in value of Pound would mean less profit for Genting M. But our RM also dropped. The effects are not linear. Like they say El Nino cause palm oil prices to rise. But the quantity of fruits harvested dropped. So the net effect is less than what ppl expected.