
ToneeFa | Joined since 2020-08-03

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2020-11-17 23:17 | Report Abuse

@chivalry @Toneefa ignore them. Look at their id and nickname. One look, its not worthwhile giving them so much info. SUPERMAX qr and earnings is justifiable profitable comoany by many times till 2021. Banks are not even close this year.

Haha thanks my fren , its ok to share and hopefully all can huat together!!


2020-11-17 23:11 | Report Abuse

@glovefinish It is meaningless to look and to talk about the EPS of glove company because the its high EPS and its super profit are all already expected and known by all funds and big players. These are all within their expectation and they would not come back to glove stocks just because of these.
17/11/2020 10:46 PM

The funds are only concerned of drop in demand and ASP post Covid pandemic for all glove counters. But I don't think the funds has considered the long term direct Govt supply contracts and the global market out reach offered by the OBM biz model. Maybe the next QR notes can offer better insight into these long term contracts and their potential sustainable earnings. Pls read @freetospeak sifu article on Supermax Evolving Globally. For a company that can declare 60% PAT margin, I m willing to take the risk to hold and wait to see what else is coming. Active trading and trying to second guess Mr Market is too taxing for me. I better spend my time taking care of my own business.


2020-11-17 22:49 | Report Abuse

@glovefinish All the glove stock price would definitely drop very much below current price due to lower glove demand, higher glove supply, lower asp and lower company profit (no super profit, only normal profit) after the pandemic over. Thus, glove stocks u bought at current price not suitable for long term investment. If u really want to keep glove stocks as long term investment, u should sell off all your glove stocks now at high price and then wait for the price drop to a much lower level to buy back.
17/11/2020 10:39 PM

What you said is true for other glove counters. That's why I only buy Supermax for investment in glove counters. As I said earlier which is extracted from the QR notes, It is on the way to become a global glove&PPE giant. With the PAT > 1B per quarter for the next 6 quarters, imagine what it can do to further expand its global footprint.


2020-11-17 22:41 | Report Abuse

@Stockisnotfun I only want next high from shares price. QR higher or not none of my biz.
17/11/2020 10:33 PM

You want So High share price the earning have to Soar High also la. Otherwise you will end up a sorhai


2020-11-17 22:36 | Report Abuse

The conservative estimate for coming QR EPS is 36c, in Jan21. Why need to panic? It will easily have another 6 quarters of such fantastic result, likely to be even higher going forward.


2020-11-17 22:30 | Report Abuse

You need to worry about enlarged share base if it is not supported by earning. But from last Qr result, with the enlarged share base, the realized earning per quarter is the highest in KLSE at 30c. Coming QR will be even higher. Apa lagi mau!


2020-11-17 22:15 | Report Abuse

@Sweetchocalates Stanley didnt buy back? Tg keep buying back. Wasting cash.
17/11/2020 9:45 PM

Likely TG buying for coming share dividend. Supermax was doing the same one month before Qr announce.


2020-11-17 22:00 | Report Abuse

@glovefinish Don't dream, wake up. Funds and big investors know most small investors like you all holding glove stocks waiting to sell off. They would not be so stupid come back to push up the price to let you all to sell. All funds and big players have software to see the particular stock holding situation. They know all glove stocks holding by minor holders from the software waiting to sell at higher price. Thus, they would not be back to glove stocks. Furthermore, they know they can not hold glove stocks until next year and they need to clear all the glove stocks soon and early and can not wait until last minute next year.
17/11/2020 9:40 PM

They are banking on that , when the big wave comes, that all the bilis will sell to them fast fast. If you watch the price movement carefully, actually Supermax is the glove counters leader. It goes down, every glove counter go down and vice versa. The big funds are eyeing Supermax and they are trying to accumulate at cheap price now. Supermax is dealing direct with various Gov't for long term supply contracts and in return building glove and PPE factories in those countries. No need to worry about post Covid pandemic. Stanley is playing on a different league altogether. TG can compare with Supermax only because of quantity.


2020-11-17 21:40 | Report Abuse

@Agjl ToneeFa bro....haha thanks for ur advise. I was just fooling ard with him. I m too old to have the fire to fight or argue with him.....hope u made ur bucks today my fren
17/11/2020 8:59 PM

I m a long term investor of Supermax.. Whatever gain is only paper gain , who knows, tmr paper gain maybe be wiped out. But I m not worried, coz I ve faith Supermax will be a global giant in glove and PPE. The real potential of Supermax has just started.


2020-11-17 21:34 | Report Abuse

@Gigantor “It’s not vaccines that save people; it’s vaccinations that will actually save people,” Kelly said.
Katherine O’Brien, director of the WHO’s immunization department, said the discovery of a highly effective vaccine was like building a base camp on Mount Everest. “The climb to the peak is really about delivering the vaccines,” she said.
17/11/2020 8:48 PM

Likely need between 1-2 years to vaccinate 70-80% of the population for the first round consisting 2-3 doses. Vaccine immunity of first round only last a year so there will be many years of overlapping vaccination of the entire population.


2020-11-17 21:23 | Report Abuse

@gemfinder Only sorhai said doctors mist wear gloves when do injection. Swipe ur butocks wirh alcohol pad will do the job.
17/11/2020 7:46 PM

Some stupid dumbhead still living in the preCovid world, thinking vaccination don't need gloves. In the past, with flu and measles jabs its not necessary to use glove, but in our current pandemic, even my hairdresser have to wear PPE. The current Covid paranoia is at the highest level now. Every stranger is a suspect carrier. For medical workers, their SOP is to treat every patient as a potential carrier. Their treatment SOP is to avoid contracting Covid from patients and to avoid becoming the agent to spread it to other patients. Just imagine when you are going for ur vaccine jab, the nurse/doctor who is jabbing has no glove on, and he has been touching and jabbing hundreds of ppl before that. Won't you be paranoid? And the doctor himself would also be worried if he is not protected, since he potentially will come into contact with a stranger's fluid. And likely the SOP of using glove is a pair of glove per patient to avoid any potential contamination, since likely the cost of per pair of glove, would be borne by the patient or Gov't.


2020-11-17 20:05 | Report Abuse

@Agjl fren dun waste ur time explaining to glovefinish or educating him or her...his or her name says it all” glove already finish” he made up his mind so we all better respect him. Let him keep talking while u focus making your buck on any weakness...well, it may be finish one day. But before its finish we squeeze all the oportunities in between will be wiser than keep slurting right...cheers
17/11/2020 7:55 PM

Haha u r right Agjl . Likewise don't waste your time with germfinder too, that's why he has really foul and smelly mouth.


2020-11-17 19:41 | Report Abuse

@glovefinish Those who are still holding glove stock would be tied with these counters and your money put in would be burned because these stock price will only stagnant at current price that supported by its companies or will drop further at the time now and even in next year until the pandemic over. These glove counters would not be hot any more
and would be forgotten by people after the pandemic over. These glove stock price currently is supported by its company's super profit. However,it would be no more supper profit and would be back to normal profit after one year when the pandemic over. Then, the price would drop further because of no supper profit to support and u would be tied inside until next new pandemic to come.
17/11/2020 7:20 PM

I don't know about other glove co, but Supermax is becoming a global glove & PPE giant. Msia is too small for it now. It will be spreading its wing further as many more billions are going to be flowing into its coffer. Many ppl may think it will be shrinking back to the RM 1.50 price post Covid pandemic. You all know its impossible to happen, especially after the next coming 4 Qr. Another 2 more Qr it will outshine even TG.


2020-11-17 19:34 | Report Abuse

@glovefinish Those who are still holding glove stock would be tied with these counters and your money put in would be burned because these stock price will only stagnant at current price that supported by its companies or will drop further at the time now and even in next year until the pandemic over. These glove counters would not be hot any more
and would be forgotten by people after the pandemic over. These glove stock price currently is supported by its company's super profit. However,it would be no more supper profit and would be back to normal profit after one year when the pandemic over. Then, the price would drop further because of no supper profit to support and u would be tied inside until next new pandemic to come.
17/11/2020 7:20 PM

RHBIB7, pls don't be a pondan to comeback with a different Id.


2020-11-17 18:44 | Report Abuse

@kltower Tan Sri Lim damn confident, everyday 70mil SBB, next qtr out profit must be 2b above.
17/11/2020 6:37 PM

Buying cheap to support price to prevent margin call and use as issue for share dividend later.


2020-11-17 17:51 | Report Abuse

@Goldberg Uncle Upgraded SUPERMAX from Lame Duck To SUPER underrated stock.
17/11/2020 5:35 PM

Haha , I oredi predicted Uncle will comeback to promote Supermax once he is done with AT. With the profit from AT, he probably top up further on Supermax today and then write a nice report.


2020-11-17 17:32 | Report Abuse

@Djoker well done bro.
im thinking to hold 30% for the next 10 years or more with the believe "Covid will not be the last pandemic"
17/11/2020 5:13 PM

Good decision. Next 2 years , I cannot see any company capable of generating the kind of EPS that Supermax is gonna achieve. The economy is gonna take time to recover even with the vaccine. Provided the vaccines work perfectly and do not fail in anyway. 30-50% holding for 10 years is good investment for retirement fund :)


2020-11-17 17:05 | Report Abuse

@chivalry @Ibelieve if RHBI7 is a girl, her mouth is filthy! Always bad words came out..if she is a girl she probably dont know now make love also need to wear glove for hygene purposes
17/11/2020 4:59 PM

Don't think she is a girl, she sounds more like a tranny. She kept screaming coarsely non stop asking ppl to sell. :)


2020-11-17 16:53 | Report Abuse

Invest long term no need to stress like u guys. I just keep averaging down as it goes down. Of all the glove counters, Supermax will outshine the rest as a major global player in the coming years. No need to panic. It is not the same preCovid Supermax anymore. Its moving on at a fast pace to be a global glove and PPE player and to be reckon with as one of the top in the world soon. With so much cash in hand coming in the next few quarters, the possibilities are endless. I can totally trust a company that can generate a PAT margin of 60% and above. Only a company with integrity and can give you that.


2020-11-16 12:33 | Report Abuse

@DJoker89 Now wait 3th batch 7.60 if it happen

Huat arrrrr
16/11/2020 12:26 PM

I caught some at 8.35 just now
Now still waiting at 8.11
Next will be 7.80

Haha Post Pandemic Price from 4QFY2022 onwards would be ard RM12-13.
The next 8Qr with PAT >1B , wow fantastic opportunities abound !!! Huat ar


2020-11-16 12:16 | Report Abuse

@DJoker89 Recovery theme is in good price to sell...

SOLD all my banking woooo hoo.
As till waiting supermx 8.10

Lai lai
16/11/2020 12:02 PM

Ya I m shifting from my other portfolio more and more into Supermax too. I m preparing for RM 7-8 price range too as I have huge faith on EdwinYap86 and RHBIB7 they can do a superb job. I hope they don't disappoint me this time.


2020-11-16 12:12 | Report Abuse

RHBIB7 and EdwinYap86 pls don't just call for sell using weak arguments. I need u ppl to use strong arguments to convince more ppl to sell. Strong and indisputable arguments that will really put fear in the weak holders to really dump everything so that I also can collect more at this super dirt cheap price and below even lelong price now :)


2020-11-16 12:06 | Report Abuse

The Pfizer first batch release base on 94 infected case to be followed by next batch of 164 infected cases. After first batch release the CEO sold USD 5.6 million worth of shares, which coincide with the prearranged date for his sale earlier, which is part of the accepted trading rules. If you think about it, the company would have had much bigger collection of data and results in hand, quite likely they selected the best results to release to coincide with the date of the prearranged share sales. You cannot blame the company as they are not faking the results as they are only releasing the results in batches and the early results looks good so far. So I think we can expect the subsequent batches to show not so good results as more are released. That's why the CEO took the opportunity to sell off first. Probably they will save the worst results at the last few batches. Then the Pfizer price will drop and he can buy back cheap later.


2020-11-16 11:52 | Report Abuse

RHBIB7, EdwinYap86, Come, Cockcrotch and mf, although I don't agree with u ppl style, but I gotta admit it works and thanks to u all for creating the opportunity for us to buy at dirt cheap prices XD


2020-11-16 11:49 | Report Abuse

@DJoker89 Come come 8.10
Don't waste my time waiting so long
16/11/2020 11:34 AM

Haha I m queuing at 8.11.


2020-11-16 11:27 | Report Abuse

RHBIB7 its strange for someone who keep bashing this counter is sounding more panicky than others as the price drop. Don't need to panic , just keep for 6 months, don't need to sell or buy from now if you have bought earlier. If you sell u never know if it rebound up anytime. So just let it be la, since post Covid pandemic price is estimated around RM 12-13 base on PE15, very conservative estimate. So current price is dirt cheap.


2020-11-15 14:20 | Report Abuse

@katsul51 In my opinion glove counters are still very relevant and important movers of Bursa. No need for any panic selling at this moment. All the scare is caused by parties that has a a lot to gain. My indicator of exiting the glove sector is 2022 when borders re open. At this time you can't even cross inter state. It is a very strong HOLD of the counters for me for the next 18 months and collect dividend.
15/11/2020 2:05 PM

Yes agree, while the recovery of the general economy is more hyped than real, the record profit of glove companies are undeniable. With such fantastic PAT > 1B for Supermax secured for the next 8 months, quite likely dividend and special dividends at every Qr is possible, together with further bonus issues. With KLCI and SGX dual listing coming, you would not want to miss out the greatest opportunities ahead.


2020-11-15 14:00 | Report Abuse

@DJoker89 10.00 by next week...
I'm the only one dare to say this at this moment.

Mark my words, or else I will disapear from this forum

Huat arrrrrrr
15/11/2020 1:13 PM

Now you are sounding more likeable, lets Huat together !!!


2020-11-15 13:59 | Report Abuse

We all can see by now, the on-going vaccine trials are in a way artificially manipulated to make the results look good so that the Govt's are more willing to pay for them and the population more willing to be guinea pigs for the coming inoculation. Its unethical but they don't have much choice. But one thing for sure the demand for gloves will shoot thru the sky and the world would see the highest demand due to converging demand from the Covid treatment, general SOP requirement and vaccination programs. But if the vaccines and their implementation are bungled , and many people died then glove demand at high ASP will be extended much more longer but the general economy will suffer further setback. In all scenarios, glove demand at high ASP will continue for many more years. The advantage of the BIg4 and especially Supermax is that they are right at the frontier of the game and making the highest profit ever in the coming 6-8 QR.


2020-11-15 07:38 | Report Abuse

@liewtz06 Vaccine news is overhype, and unfortunately the infection rate is not going to come down anytime soon. And in the next 3 months after the vaccine news cases are still hitting its ath, investors will start to look back and realized the tremendous growth of gloves companies and there's nothing that could hold them back.
14/11/2020 10:39 PM

@matmon Tradeview Commentaries 14th November 2020 - Unwavering Confidence In Glove Makers In Spite of Vaccine Newsflow
14/11/2020 11:17 PM

I ve this nagging feeling that the Govts and health authorities are not spelling out clearly to us about the nature of the vaccine development and their mass inoculation plans. Reading between the lines of their announcements I sense that there is a dilemma facing them, both the political and medical fraternities. I think the truth is that the Gov't and health authorities knew that there is no way a truly safe and effective vaccine can be produced at this speed or even if one can be found at all. As things become more desperate with the new cases numbers rising, they have to design the vaccine test to look good, such as the the Pfizer and Moderna trials only focus on eliminating symptoms of Covid-19, and not infections themselves. Asymptomatic infection is listed as a secondary objective in these trials when they should be of critical importance.

Out of desperation, most Govts are willing to go along with prematurely developed vaccine candidates as long as it doesn't kill anyone during the trials and at least they should show some positive results. Politically and economically they need to provide a sense of hope and that things is may be coming back to normal, On the surface the politicians will talk with hope and a sense of confidence but in reality they are just crossing their fingers and hope for the best.

On the health authorities side, they also cannot spell out the truth, bcos the truth will cause the population to fear taking the vaccine en masse. The truth is that no one can really be certain how safe or effective these vaccines are at this stage but the health authorities need to convince the population that they are safe and effective enough to be used. For next stage, they need to inoculate at least 10% of the population to see what is the effect and collect the data to further understand the potential problems. As long as the vaccines don't kill, any amount of positive benefit is still better than nothing. The health authorities only hope is that people are willing to step forward to be guinea pigs in bigger numbers. They are also crossing fingers and hoping for the best. I think the most important factors they will look out for are % of death after the inoculation and % of infected against non infected. Maybe after 4-6 months, if the % of death is within expectation and % of non infected is encouraging, then the Govts may decide whether to roll out for the entire population or not. This may be the same modus operandi for every Govt around the world.
I think no one can be certain of anything at this stage until the above milestone is reached. Then the Gov'ts will decide whether to cross the bridge or not. But if the number of death and infected or the % that develop complications are higher than expected then the Govts may decide not proceed for the rest of the population. So at this stage many questions and uncertainty remains. In short , everybody is taking chances and hoping for the best outcome.


2020-11-14 18:25 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-11-14 17:58 | Report Abuse

by 2022 Supermax production capacity is at 48 billion pcs of glove. that is just glove alone and not including other PPE products


2020-11-14 17:49 | Report Abuse

It is not likely that the mass roll out of vaccine can happen anytime soon now. At most the next stage is vaccine roll out for 5-10% of a country's population, forming the phase 3-part 2 trial. This next trial on a much larger section of the population would be more challenging and God knows how long it will take to be successfully completed. 6 months ? 1 year? China vaccines SinoVac and Cansino started this larger participants trials much earlier, with numbers going into millions, but lately have been quiet about its results. There is a sense of resignation that it is impossible to comply with the strict testing requirements and data collection and analysis, within a short period of months. so maybe just throw caution out of the window and let just let people become guinea pigs. Pls read this article and you will a clear picture.

Pfizer and Moderna vaccine has not even been approved for the large number participants trial yet, but yet ppl are getting excited about it . This situation is similar to SinaVac and Cansino vaccine candidates excitement earlier. Quite likely once the next trial on millions of people is carried out, the excitement may fizzle out like the China vaccine. Anyway, if we assume the best case scenario, and all went well for phase 3 part 2 trial , it may take at least another 6 months to complete( this is a very optimistic assumption)

If the best case scenario happen then maybe mass roll out by 3Q21. If that happens then from 3Q21 to 3Q22, the global glove demand will be the highest in the history of mankind, as the overlapping demand from Covid treatment and general SOP needs to vaccine inoculation process converge. Supermax would have at least 6 more fantastic Qr result with PAT > 1B and any delay in the mass vaccine roll out would just extend it further.

So from above, its arguable that the most optimistic post Covid pandemic timeline is after 3Q22. After that Supermax PAT may slowly reduce to around RM 600 million range per Qr and at PE15 = RM 13 at post Covid pandemic fair value price. So current price at RM 8.78 is dirt cheap.


2020-11-14 16:27 | Report Abuse

Finally good to see everyone here getting excited :)

@Mabel, your magic formulae 22-55-77 is tattooed on my arms. Things are looking good for CPO in the coming months. Good luck to your coming new life "New Mercedes Benz, New Bungalow and New Boyfriend.." :)

@Calvintaneng, great article, the natural disaster is really wrecking havoc to agriculture productions everywhere. Latest victim is Philippines. Malaysia is lucky to be protected against major typhoons , except maybe coastal area of Sabah. Another good news to Malaysia is temporary work permits to be given to illegal plantation workers.

This will really help to boost the production level for major plantation companies.

@KAQ 4468, haha...all new including wife.... looks like many ppl look to TDM to regenerate their life. All the best .


2020-11-13 23:30 | Report Abuse

@Agjl fren, the reason i open for discussion cos i find it hard to believe. To believe an economist with assumption that an effective vaccines will fully eradicate the virus to zero??? Thats the reason i would like to listen to others who may share the same view as UBS economist....lets have a fruitful open discussion. Anyone just feel free to express logically and respectfully to others
13/11/2020 9:43 PM

Agjl, pls read what I posted yesterday on my thoughts about the vaccine and its current status. I don;t believe the mass rolled out can happen anytime now. At most the next stage is vaccine roll out for 5-10% of a countries population, forming the part 2 of phase 3 trial. This next trial on a much larger section of the population would be more challenging and God knows how long it will take to be successfully completed. 6 months ? 1 year? If the best case scenario happen then maybe mass roll out by 3Q21. If that happens then from 3Q21 to 3Q22, the global glove demand will the highest in the history of mankind, as the overlapping demand from Covid treatment and general SOP needs to vaccine inoculation process converge. Supermax would have at least 6 more fantastic Qr result with PAT > 1B and any delay in the mass vaccine roll out would just extend it further.


2020-11-13 21:28 | Report Abuse

Agjl Brothers and sisters, “UBS economist predicts that covid cases in USA will drop to near zero in 6 mths time”.

Lets open for discussion. What all of you think. Who want first?
13/11/2020 9:18 PM

Extract from the article :
“We might get a situation where reported cases of Covid in the United States fall very close to zero in Q2 (second quarter) of next year. That six month difference, that two-quarter difference matters a lot, it means an extra 1 to 1.25 percentage point gain in GDP next year,” Seth Carpenter, chief U.S. economist at UBS, told CNBC’s Joumanna Bercetche on Thursday.
Carpenter’s comments differ to the caution portrayed by experts such as White House coronavirus advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci. He warned Thursday that a vaccine may not be enough to help eradicate the disease.

Who would you trust on medical matters? an economist or a coronavirus expert?


2020-11-13 21:24 | Report Abuse

@kltower re: toneefa ya 70mil x 4 = 280mil already...he must be very confident next qtr profit above 2b ..
13/11/2020 9:08 PM

The orders and profit visibility must have been very clear to him


2020-11-13 21:20 | Report Abuse

@freetospeak KYY...When its annual production is 2.6 billion pieces annually, its projected profit after tax will be Rm 150 million per year. The total issued shares is 3,250 million. Earnings per share will be 4.6 sen. Assuming the share will sell at P/E 15, its share price should be 70 sen. The current price is around 25 sen.
SUPERMAX by next month PE will be only 10...with real profit...this AT with no real profit and only few lines next month...
TG by next month qtr out only PE 15. how can AT same PE with TG with real profit.
IF u value AT at future3 1 yr profit at pe 15...SUPER and TG future PE is below 5...
How can AT future PE is higher 3 x than TG n SUPER..
AT the most can only value at pe 5 for its future 1 yr future profit.
so is 4.6 x5 =23 sen jus beware...
anything below 22 sen still reasonable...anything cautious..but goreng got no logic..jus buy n sell with profit...
13/11/2020 6:30 PM

Looks like KYY has upgraded to be a direct promoter for new glove co looking for a trusted face to lure investors in. He has built a reputable image as a stock analyst over the years but of late that reputation has been slightly dented due to some bad calls. Since he is now entering his twilight years, he might as well monetize what's left of his reputation, since he has nothing much lose. This is a brilliant move as he can double his profit both from the share and sponsorship.
Freetospeak perhaps you and your CIA gang can take a cue from the brilliant sifu.


2020-11-13 20:37 | Report Abuse

@Arsenewenger8383 When TG do SBB, our lovely boss here just keep their money bcoz they believe this counter not yet touch the lowest price yet.. hahahha.. so why u all want to buy now??
13/11/2020 6:50 PM

I think Stanley knows that TG is the first line of attack to push the Big4 price down by the sharks. Once they can bring TG down then they can cause panic amongst the bilis, who would then panic sell, which will affect the other Big 3 too. So if LWC is defending the fort well , then he doesn't need to fight for now, unless the defence starts to crumble.


2020-11-13 20:21 | Report Abuse

@kltower Tan Sri Lim 4 consecutive day share buy back.
13/11/2020 6:10 PM

Likely LWC is countering the sharks short selling his counter.


2020-11-13 17:40 | Report Abuse

@RHBIB7 Based on the historical events,
good earning news didn't help Supermax price at all.
13/11/2020 4:49 PM

Its accumulation time for the second wave. After 1st wave nobody knows how serious the second wave will be nor how the vaccine story will pan out. Now things are getting clearer. From how I understand it , its very clear that the next 6 quarters will be fantastic for Supermax. Apa lagi mau.


2020-11-13 16:49 | Report Abuse

@RHBIB7 Big bosses start transferring their risky stocks to the real blue chips.

Obviously, supermax is not one of them.
13/11/2020 4:38 PM

Then its their loss cause they will regret later. I believe for the next 6 quarters Supermax will earn PAT >1B each quarter. Supermax will have the best EPS in whole of KLSE for the next 6 quarters. This is not a speculative assumption but a highly probable estimation.
13/11/2020 4:47 PM


2020-11-13 16:42 | Report Abuse

__RHBIB7 To me what is important is my mother can earn some money..i dare not go home ,.ah long waiting ..
Who wants my mother..weekend sleepover with your dog rm 20
13/11/2020 4:35 PM

Whoever your mother is I really pity her bcos when giving birth to you, she would have really suffered excruciating pain more than other women do, bcos you insisted to come out from the other hole.


2020-11-13 16:36 | Report Abuse

@RHBIB7 Supermax back to 7.70 again !!
Who wants to invest in this half-dead stock?
13/11/2020 4:31 PM

Pls get ur eyes check , its 8.70 and the operators trick is after pushing the Big4 to the base level, started to play the penny stocks so that ppl like you will become impatient and will sell off your gold and trade it for marbles.


2020-11-13 16:31 | Report Abuse

This AT is a classic con job, like so many before it. Those still holding big amount over the weekend will not have a peaceful weekend.


2020-11-13 16:23 | Report Abuse

For AT those who bought at 0.28 yesterday, this morning if sold oredi almost lost underwear. If still holding then next week sure underwear also gone.


2020-11-13 16:18 | Report Abuse

Those who bought AT and still holding better run now, otherwise will lose underwear later


2020-11-13 12:41 | Report Abuse

My Dec TP for the Big4:
TG - 10.0 TPE 26
SPM - 12.0 TPE 17
Harta - 12.0 TPE 40
Kossan - 7.0 TPE 15
Others are welcome to provide their Dec TP here. Don't need to talk so much cock. See who can predict correctly.


2020-11-13 12:13 | Report Abuse

I believe Supermax would have PAT > RM 1B for at least next 6 good quarters, in view of the best case scenario for vaccine to roll out to the mass population by 3Q21. Any delay in vaccine roll out or difficult logistic issues to resolve would only extend the record PAT further maybe 2 more quarters.


2020-11-13 00:03 | Report Abuse

@kltower re: toneefa yeah logistic is an issue need ultra cold storage -70℃ how to deliver vaccine from US to other countries ??...that's why after announcement pfizer ceo disposed shares quietly because he only can guarantee certain percentage of the vaccine, but he knew delivery is a big problem...

most likely who ever want pfitzer vaccine need travel all the way to US for injection. yes vaccine only cost USD 20 but air ticket hotel transport etc lum sum cost USD 2,000... lol
12/11/2020 11:40 PM

Ya good point, only the rich can save themselves first. So the question of when is the "post Covid19 pandemic" gonna happen is still a mystery.