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10 comment(s). Last comment by lotsofmoney 2012-02-23 09:47


87 posts

Posted by kltrader > 2012-02-22 23:00 | Report Abuse

Personally, I feel Ong Tee Kiat is a better debator than Sooi Lek and Guan Eng.

Guan Eng is just a mediocre speaker, while Sooi Lek lacks intelligent content. In the recent debate, they were not debating smartly about the topic, instead focusing on attacking each other and saying things to appeal/please their target voters/supporters.

Try comparing their debate to Obama vs McCain in the US Presidential debate, and you will see the difference.


87 posts

Posted by kltrader > 2012-02-22 23:16 | Report Abuse

The topic: "Are we heading towards an advanced high-income country?" is a no brainer. We would have been a high-income country if not for EPF and PNB to spent our 1Malaysia $$$ saving those GLCs like Proton and MAS.

I will compare them against Obama and McCain because they are still having the mindset that we Malaysian voters are stupid and would support those politicians who can't even have an intelligent speech about policies. It is time for our politicians to wake up and buck up, or they will loose our votes.


87 posts

Posted by kltrader > 2012-02-22 23:48 | Report Abuse

Of course I will vote, but my vote will go to the more intelligent candidate.

You can see the comparisons of debate between Obama/McCain and GuanEng/SoiLek in my blog post here: http://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/kltrader/1115.jsp

There are obviously a large gap that our politicians need to catch up.

Posted by Stephen Lee > 2012-02-22 23:55 | Report Abuse

Wasting too much time on this structured debate. Better do it at every states level between MCA and DAP. See for your self after nearly 50 years of independence, what has MCA done for the Chinese. Year in and year out still the number of chineses are lagged behind in terms of education (I meant up to University level) standard of living and entry to govt services and economic pie & etc. Please think and see things around and see the number of years as a record of that MCA has done for the people.

Posted by lotsofmoney > 2012-02-23 09:47 | Report Abuse

talking only, no action.

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