12 people like this.

103 comment(s). Last comment by DOROTHY10 2014-03-14 17:55


5,849 posts

Posted by yfchong > 2014-03-01 22:52 | Report Abuse

I am not sure how many of us have come across of Pisa assessment, but I do read in Japanese NHk kaisetsu that their people is very concern about the current score point which was no.5. (2013). They are making public comments and giving opinions. I think in our case it was not known publically., and not much of media coverage.,..


869 posts

Posted by soojinhou > 2014-03-01 22:57 | Report Abuse

What is even more shocking is that Malaysia's spending in education is not stingy. "In 2011, Malaysia's expenditure, at 3.8 percent of GDP, was higher than the OECD average of 3.4 percent." (Aliran 2014:Vol.33 No.8) Despite the huge spending, the result is just abysmal. Malaysia has got to stop becoming the default repository for unemployable graduates. Our future competitiveness is at stake.


5,849 posts

Posted by yfchong > 2014-03-01 22:57 | Report Abuse

I do find that the standard of UEC maintains by referring to their exam papers.,and if we put up all the test papers during the 70's to current., obviously there is a significant difference.,


1,365 posts

Posted by ohkns > 2014-03-01 22:57 | Report Abuse

Our students will never get better scores because the syllabus has been scaled down.


869 posts

Posted by soojinhou > 2014-03-01 23:07 | Report Abuse

And the BN gomen has got to stop making tests easier year after year, or lowering grade threshold, just to give the impression that our students are improving. The American SAT tries to maintain the mean at 500 (I think) by adjusting the difficulty of the test. So if the students get smarter, the tests get harder. There are so many people with full As now that there are insufficient scholarships to go around. For goodness sake, get the politicians out of the education system and put the educationists in charge.


1,365 posts

Posted by ohkns > 2014-03-01 23:27 | Report Abuse

Reasons to ponder :
1. Scaled-downed syllabus (basic topics like Set in Form 4 syllabus!).
2. Repetition of basic topics already learnt in primary school at secondary level.
2. Some teachers with just 2 E's and GP 5 for Form 6 entering Science with Education last time and they are teaching now!
3. Low passing mark for public exams (16 - 18 marks for Math or maybe lower).
4. Over-emphasis on nice programmes and paperwork with no consideration to output produced.
5. Too many subjects learnt with no mastery of any!
6. Teachers over-burdened with unnecessary programmes, meetings and paperwork, and endless keying-in of marks (a single mark sometimes has to be keyed-in twice and hand-written another 3 times!), not to say the sppbs server problem. Most teachers have no time at all to plan lessons.
7. People with absolutely no idea about education and with little knowledge proudly introduces new ideas (for peoples' benefit?).
8. Inconsiderate administrators forcing their ideas onto teachers without proper thought.
9. Promotion of teachers to become administrators so that the school can get rid of them.
10. Excellent teachers get discouraged because the reward of good work is more work.


5,849 posts

Posted by yfchong > 2014-03-01 23:32 | Report Abuse

Now the q need to be answered quantity or quality. It is no different fr a degree mill


867 posts

Posted by pilindo > 2014-03-01 23:38 | Report Abuse

Pengalaman saya dalam belajar english ni. Saya orang kampung, nak cakap english pun susah sampai sekarang. Masa sekolah rendah dan menengah pun cikgu english takder. saya tahu kepentigan english dalam mendapat pekerjaan sekarang untuk sector swasta. Saya boleh tulis dan cakap tapi takder la lancar. Tapi boleh la saya cakap english dengan orang Australia sini. Mereka pun faham jugak orang Malay susah cakap English. Tapi saya tak tahu kenapa di Malaysia minta perfect english. Maksud saya perfect adalah approx 70% bagus.

Makin saya banyak bergaul dengan orang British ni, makin saya ego tinggi tak nak belajar lebih mendalam english ni. Mereka pun persoalkan orang malaysia kenapa bila hantar email dengan management guna english. Malah mereka cakap orang malay takder identiti. semua ikut barat. Malu la macam ni!!!. saya bukan orang Melayu. Tapi bahasa Malaysia sudah menjadi separuh identiti saya selain bahasa ibunda.

Saya ada kawan IQ tinggi. Boleh buat Matematik dengan mudah. Tapi bila you all soal Matematik dalam bahasa english, dia lambat nak.

Adakah kita perlukan perfect bahasa english ni untuk kita maju. Brunei pun semua english, tapi technology yang mereka cipta sendiri takder. Philipine pun sama. Singapore pun sama, semua technologi barat, jepun. Adakah bahasa english yang memajukan Singapore?

Nak majukan negara memang perlu bahasa internasional untuk bergaul dengan bangsa lain. Tapi paling penting, macam mana kita pertingkatkan teknologi, etc.

Masi banyak saya boleh debat pasal penggunaan english ni. Saya tak setuju jika, subject kimia, fizik, matematik, biology guna bahasa english.


225 posts

Posted by Saturn888 > 2014-03-01 23:39 | Report Abuse



1,365 posts

Posted by ohkns > 2014-03-01 23:42 | Report Abuse

pilindo, saya tidak setuju 'perfect adalah 70% bagus'. Adakah anda akan terima seorang doktor yang bercakap begini kepada anda?


867 posts

Posted by pilindo > 2014-03-01 23:48 | Report Abuse

perfect bermaksud 99% bagus. tapi saya tak tahu nak pakai perkataan apa untuk terangkan (70% bagus).

doktor cakap la bahasa malay. lagi senang pesakit faham. saya boleh buat offshore engineering dan programming. tp english saya takder la saya bagus sangat.


1,365 posts

Posted by ohkns > 2014-03-01 23:51 | Report Abuse

Persoalan di sini bukanlah tentang penggunaan bahasa tetapi tentang penurunan prestasi pelajar di negara ini.


867 posts

Posted by pilindo > 2014-03-02 00:11 | Report Abuse

Saya tahu. Tapi sekarang subject semua kritikal nak pakai english. kalau you tanya orang 1 campur 1, dengan mudah jawab 2. cuba tanya 1 plus 1, mungkin ada antara kita pening. nak ajar budak universiti pasal civil enginering, pasal pembinaan, nak sepenuhnya english. susah bagi orang yang separuh mahir english ni. dia nak buat penyelidikan pun susah, semua english.

saya bagi contoh ya.

bila you terangkan pasal benda complex dengan pelajar, contohnya mengenai, sound velocity in the water. banyak parameter2 kena kira seperti kemasinan, temperature. benda tu senang. tapi bila terangkan dalam english, saya yakin ramai pelajar yang masi tak paham2 terutamanya bagi kurang mahir english ni.


867 posts

Posted by pilindo > 2014-03-02 00:28 | Report Abuse

Bila tengok Korea, jepun, germany, france mereka tak guna english dalam banyak2 universiti. tapi inovasi memang salah satu terbaik di dunia.

kenapa boleh jadi terbaik dunia? sebab semua pelajar paham apa mereka sedang lakukan.

Ni Malaysia, nak buat buat kajian pasal pembuatan robot pun susah. yang berpeluang belajar adalah bagi mereka yang sudah mahir englih.


867 posts

Posted by pilindo > 2014-03-02 00:47 | Report Abuse

Persoalannya,adakah you expect semua pelajar faham mengenai sesuatu benda, sedangkan you menerangkan mengunakan bahasa yang mereka kurang mahir.

saya ada satu kawan Doktor gigi. dia dah tamat universiti dalam pergigian UKM. kawan sekampung la. Masa SPM di dapat 8A, kecuali english C. Dia memang rajin. dia sedaya upaya perbaiki english, tapi masi tak boleh. Bila tanya pasal IQ, dia adalah pelajar terbaik. memang IQ tinggi. Matrikulasi pun semua A. Cakap english jer dia lembab.


867 posts

Posted by pilindo > 2014-03-02 01:59 | Report Abuse

Saya berpendapat, salah satu penyebab penurunan prestasi pelajar sekarang adalah di sebabkan bahasa inggeris yang keterlaluan.

Iya jugak menyebabkan inovasi rakyat malaysia lembab.


1,305 posts

Posted by sosfinance > 2014-03-02 02:18 | Report Abuse

If I remember correctly, this issue was also discussed in Mr Tong Kooi Ong's blog. First, lets put the structure right, get the politician out of Education (knowing how competent is our politicians in Education). Secondly, this is a very very old issue, as proven, the government of the day failed to discharge its responsibility, period (and pity all the new generation students). Just look at MAS, Perwaja, Proton, Renong, Port Klang, University Malaya standard, since when did our government learn from their mistakes? It is just sad that this issue was drag for 40 years and we can't find a solution. Just look at our neighbour and learn (Singapore, HK, Korea or Taiwan system). And Malaysia was one of the top in Education after independent. What went wrong?


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-02 02:36 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha. Uncle Koon ni tak habis-habis kutuk BN. Ada saja orang tua ni buat pembohongan. Untuk makluman korang, arkitek DAP bukan lain kalau Uncle Koon, yes, dia memang orang kuat LKS. Apa-apa isu yang boleh buat orang cina benci MCA atau BN memang dia kaki goreng dari dulu. Kalau korang nak tau kenapa orang cina benci MCA, dipersilakan Uncle Koon, siapa yang mula kata MCA explotasi orang cina dan tipu orang cina, Uncle Koon. Dia ni buat banyak damage in race relation in Malaysia. Patut kerajaan buat sesuatu sebelum kaum cina terpinggir jauh dalam Malaysia. Bila MCA tidak berfungsi, maka bisniss tak licin dengan Umno, maka no money for chineses. Umno memang tak semua ni, persoalannya korang tau ke?


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-02 02:47 | Report Abuse

Okay, sebelum tu siapa Uncle Koon? Apa education background dia? Dia ni graduan dari KL Technical College, badan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). Dia bukan cream of the crop atau penuntut luar biasa, bukan graduan dari UM pun. Masa booming dulu dan kekurangan graduan maka very lucky dia boleh maju dan kayaraya selepas jadi pengasas Mudahjaya, Gamuda dan Ijm. Cerita pasal education ni bukan baru, dia suka pusing2 berpuluh kali dah macam dia pusing Jtiasa dia tu. So satu topic mungkin dah 10 kali dia kitar semula. Korang pun tau dah cerita seterusnya. So abang advise don't believe too much apa yang Uncle Koon cakap. Dia kaki putar, nak kaum cina benci MCA dan BN. Abang saying sangat saudara cina, jangan percaya sangat orang tua yang nak binasa future korang kat Malaysia. Korang pun mau kayaraya macam Uncle Koon, mungkin dia ada muslihat tak mau korang jadi success macam dia.


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-02 02:55 | Report Abuse

Uncle Koon ni ingat dia sangat hebat dan Malaysia tak maju kalau dia tak ada. Uncle Koon, sorry kacau ego you tapi kerajaan tak bagi datukship pun dengan Uncle, MCA pun benci dengan Uncle Koon sebab tau cakap semua peminpin2 MCA lose face.


867 posts

Posted by pilindo > 2014-03-02 03:13 | Report Abuse

Education skrg susah la. semua english. susah faham.


867 posts

Posted by pilindo > 2014-03-02 03:17 | Report Abuse

"Malaysia mati kalau takder penguasaan english" , statement tak boleh pakai punya. Cuba pakai bahasa Malaysia dalam subject kritikal seperti kimia, fizik, Mat, biology.


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-02 03:20 | Report Abuse

Pilindo, hahahahaha. Tak susah. Hari-hari baca suratkabar English, baca novel English. Internet pun semua English. Sebenarnya budak sekarang sepatutnya makin mudah banding zaman 80an dulu. Abang rasa otak budak sekarang tak berapa bagus, pemakanan tak bagus, terlalu banyak makan gula dan minyak sawit. Sebenarya abang lebih suka English kalau kerja dan university, mudah cari bahan. Tapi memang abang perasaan budak sekarang tak berapa English.


867 posts

Posted by pilindo > 2014-03-02 03:34 | Report Abuse

Saya suka english kalau cari bahan. memang mudah. semua senang.

Saya tengok cara orang british ni makin memperkecilkan kita. semua english. di orang merasakan mereka la yang mentamadunkan dunia. Saya malu berhadapan dengan orang putih yang berlagak.

dulu saya ke Framce, orang France sendiri tanya, kenapa belajar english melampau sangat?

Saya tak setuju jika kita ajar anak kita lebih pentingkan berbahasa ingeris ni. Nak masuk kerja pertanian pun kena english bagus.


867 posts

Posted by pilindo > 2014-03-02 03:43 | Report Abuse

Ramai pelajar keluaran luar negara. Tapi banyak yang sudah jadi lebih begong. pengaruh barat punya pasal.


867 posts

Posted by pilindo > 2014-03-02 03:52 | Report Abuse

Kalau kerja management, acct, ok la pakai english.

Tapi jangan la terlalu mengagungkan bahasa ingeris. Dalam iklan pekerjaan pun tak der dah nyatakan "Fluent in Bahasa Malaysia is compulsory". Semua iklan nyatakan fluent dalam ingeriss jer.

Ramai korean saya jumpa tak pandai inggeris. Kita lagi pandai. kenapa di orang boleh maju dalam education. Singapore jangan cakap la. tiada produk sendiri.


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-02 04:10 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha. Abang sebenarnya biasa campur gaul dengan orang Amerika, so slang abang pun memang slang Amerika. Orang ingat abang syiok sendiri, tu pasal abang lagi selesa cakap melayu. Kalau depan cina, india abang buat tak tahu English...hahahaha. sebenarnya pronunciation kita memang teruk dan salah, sebab kita langsung tiada interasi dengan orang putih pun.


867 posts

Posted by pilindo > 2014-03-02 04:11 | Report Abuse

Sekarang nak email pada bos pun kena pakai english. Kalau bahasa inggeris bos tu bagus tak per.

Harap2 bila sudah kumpul duit banyak di Australia ni, boleh la saya balik Malaysia dan cakap Malaysia balik. Nak belajar bahasa Cina la.


867 posts

Posted by pilindo > 2014-03-02 04:19 | Report Abuse

Duitbesar. betul tu. Singapore punya orang banyak rosakkan bahasa english. salah satu orang English slalu main2 pasal bahasa singapore adalah "Why like that". "why like that" tu salah dalam english.

Tapi takper la. memang bukan bahasa ibunda. memang bagus blajar bahasa asing. tapi saya tak nak terlalu mengagungkan nya.
semua subject sains dan matematik kena pakai bahasa malaysia.


88 posts

Posted by boonwei98 > 2014-03-02 07:49 | Report Abuse

Perhaps pilindo and duit besar can use Thailand as a case study. Many companies by passing Thailand to Malaysia due to language barrier.


1,365 posts

Posted by ohkns > 2014-03-02 08:15 | Report Abuse

pilindo dan duitbesar, komen anda seperti B Inggeris ialah sebab penurunan prestasi pelajar. Prestasi pelajar sudah menurun masa subjek-subjek sains diajar dalam B. Melayu awal tahun 1990'an.


1,365 posts

Posted by ohkns > 2014-03-02 08:20 | Report Abuse

Jgn kritik background Uncle Koon. Saya dapat 4A dalam HSC dan ijazah kelas pertama tetapi apakah yang saya dapat walaupun emak saya kena kerja tambahan untuk menambah pendapatan keluarga? Kerajaan tidak memberi peluang kepada saya untuk menjadi guru walaupun saya layak. Kawan saya yang mendapat 5A untuk STPM sekarang mengajar di kolej swasta sebab kerajaan Malaysia menolak permohonannya menjadi guru di sekolah kerajaan.


1,365 posts

Posted by ohkns > 2014-03-02 08:25 | Report Abuse

Apakah kelayakan anda berdua memberi komen dalam bidang pendidikan? Saya masih terlibat dalam bidang pendidikan dan pernah mengajar dalam kedua-dua bahasa untuk mata-mata pelajaran Sains. Kawan-kawan saya termasuk profesor dan graduan dari Cambridge dalam bidang pendidikan yang telah menjalankan penyelidikan yang meluas.


1,365 posts

Posted by ohkns > 2014-03-02 08:27 | Report Abuse

Prestasi pelajar dalam sains dan matematik menurun walaupun B Melayu digunakan.


1,365 posts

Posted by ohkns > 2014-03-02 08:32 | Report Abuse

Cuba tengok Geografi yang masih diajar dalam B. Melayu dalam PMR. Adakah prestasi pelajar dalam Geografi memuaskan? Cuba tanya pelajar sekarang konsep-konsep asas Geografi.


1,365 posts

Posted by ohkns > 2014-03-02 08:35 | Report Abuse

Syarikat swasta memerlukan pekerja yang fasih dalam B Inggeris sebab kena berinteraksi dengan klien yang menggunakan B Inggeris. Apakah pendapat klien jika pekerja syarikat salah interpretasi maksud semasa temu-bual?


206 posts

Posted by tena > 2014-03-02 08:44 | Report Abuse

Pre 1978 all Fifth (OSC/SC/MCE) Form Exam Papers were from Cambridge. Exam answers were sent back to England for marking.

English Football.

The competition is formed as the Premier League, 22 teams compete in the first season.... the best and top teams from Division 1.

Malaysian Football.

Then malaysia "ikut sama".... but the quality "tak ikut sama".


1,365 posts

Posted by ohkns > 2014-03-02 08:45 | Report Abuse

Uncle Koon is doing an excellent job giving scholarships to excellent students rejected by the government.


205 posts

Posted by lohman > 2014-03-02 10:33 | Report Abuse

Is there hope for education, for the judiciary, for... in fact, for almost every branch of the civil service insidiously corrupted by the rotten BN government since the Mahathir days. I think not, I think under the BN government, Malaysia must inevitably first fail as a nation and be bankrupted before it can hopefully be re-born as a better place for all. Not till all Malaysians endure the unendurable, will they wake up and realize how they have been lied to and robbed all these years by their so-called leaders.


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-02 11:35 | Report Abuse

Uncle Koon ni terlalu jump to conclusion especially on education. Dia hentak BN pasal education. Firstly, apa purpose education? Contoh, kalau you belajar jadi mekanik di vokasional selama 5 tahun, tapi bila dah habis belajar starter kereta pun tak tahu, its complete failure education system.

Kedua, masa National Education Blueprint dikaji semula, didapati budak2 menunjuk kemerosotan bila Sains and Maths diajar dalam Bahasa English, macam Pilindo cakap, ramai yang susah paham! Ini memang benar, tak tau kenapa budak sekarang orang diorang tak boleh makan English! Untuk pengetahuan Uncle Koon, lama sudah Sains dan Maths diajar dalam English pun. Uncle Koon cuba check silibus sekolah menengah dan rendah, mostly in English.

Ketiga, tak pernah lagi graduan keluaran tempatan dikatakan sebagai low quality employees kecuali dari segi Bahasa English memang rendah. So most employers judge bakal pekerja yang bergelar graduan dari segi penguasaan English(tetapi mereka yang cakap cina memang senang dapat kerja pun).

Uncle Koon, tentang UNITAR memang Uncle Koon buat musuh besar dengan peminpn MCA. You took the glory from hardwork of MCA leaders on establishment of UNITAR. Bukan setakat bagi malu besar tapi jahanamkan MCA dimata orang cina.

Just because you make tons of money does not mean you have the right to be right all the time. Dalam ribu peminpin MCA looks like you are the only person who is right compare to all of them who are wrong and evil.

Uncle Koon, better you terus tolong orang susah dan biar generasi baru yang handle. Anak2 you put semua dah migrate, tolong jangan jahanamkan kaum cina kat Malaysia. You don't know the damage you have done.


1,104 posts

Posted by BuLLRam > 2014-03-02 11:55 | Report Abuse

its a screwed up disaster.some grads cant even carry a conversation without sounding like a retard..how to work in a public listed co. or even a GLC?, where english is the main form of communication? n u hv meetings n nego w foreign counterparts? all the rich elite n ministers sent their children to international schs n frg unis overseas but they still want the local masses to study in a sch system where they wud not sent their own children.even the DPM's granchildren are in private international schs..damn hypocrites...rakyat get screwed forever..


1,104 posts

Posted by BuLLRam > 2014-03-02 12:20 | Report Abuse

m'sian edu system same like our football..last time in the 70s we can beat S.Korea n Japan..now we struggle w Laos n Myannmar..real niamah leh..


419 posts

Posted by jonatlau79 > 2014-03-02 12:57 | Report Abuse

No point gaduh gaduh...the plan must go on...so what...


2,517 posts

Posted by mc121534 > 2014-03-02 13:06 | Report Abuse

To myself :

In addition of the funny things written and the political issues raised, I want to start teaching me the life lessons from my dad. I have learned that the topic of politics are so interwoven into emotions, moral believe and sense of identity that bring up points that go against or even question a persons already established viewpoint....

Well it's always ends up becoming an insult, a threat, arguments or a display of arrogance. It could put us into a danger of being perceived as self righteous and judgemental even if I have the purest intention.

While it's seems most people are familiar with the fact politics are sensitive subjects, I recently learned that
the topic of "The Food We Don't Eat" is also equal to one's emotions, moral of believe, and sense of identity.

The article shared here isn't worth at all. It's dividing the people. It's suppose to make them included and feel united instead of dividing them. And I notice someone continue to to that. If someone say that there are no winner, then why keep posting and what's the interest and intention? Is someone and their family has
anything to gain from the side they support?

For the past month or so, I have seen that openly talking about the same subject, even just asking questions,
isn't a alternative way to do any good to unite the people, rather than dividing the people?
"Sometimes it's better to remain silent thought of fool, than open my mouth and remove all doubt."

When it comes to talking about politics and government, why not focus more on humility, more than anything else. Which is more important aspects of what I believe anyway.

Democracy and politics are about three wolves and a sheep voting for what to have for the dinner.
The weak will be slaughtered any way.

Regarding to politics and "The Food I Don't Eat" remain as much as a mystery as possible until...people
specifically asked or it works into conversation more naturally.


Jal 贾彬得

1,563 posts

Posted by Jal 贾彬得 > 2014-03-02 13:15 | Report Abuse

our prime minister children never studied in government schools simply shows our education system is indeed a failure dont need argue and yes private education college or university are making loads of money cause of government wanted to make our country a best place for this buisness and i heard there was a back fire since a lot of foreigners came to our country and instead of studying causing social problems such as drugs theft gangs and many others.


986 posts

Posted by mk88 > 2014-03-02 13:17 | Report Abuse

Reality, the system is a disaster, economically too

Politically, the system is good for the government, to keep standard low and ensure the majority to depend, support and maintain the government. I guess that is the education's vision and mission


869 posts

Posted by soojinhou > 2014-03-02 13:24 | Report Abuse

I think jaguh kampungs like Duiitbesar don't understand that education standard is benchmarked internationally, through PISA tests, THES rankings etc. Its not what we say that matters. Its not even what Uncle Koon says that matters. It is what the international community says that matters. What they say affect international perception and ultimately FDI. Without competent workforce, Malaysia can only attract poor quality FDI like Lynas whereas all the high quality FDI goes to Singapore. Katak bawah tempurung don't understand that Malaysia's education ranking has been on a steady slide. So please, don't say Uncle Koon is right or wrong dumbass. You should instead be answering why is our students doing so badly in PISA tests, and why despite generous public spending, our universities struggled to remain on the THES list? Why is our country stuck in the middle income trap, unable to move away from labor intensive industries like palm oil plantation? Faham? Or perhaps you prefer to remain a katak and ignore international rankings?


1,365 posts

Posted by ohkns > 2014-03-02 13:53 | Report Abuse

If only school subjects are shares, then
1. Buy Sejarah. This subject has been made a compulsory pass and open-book test has been incorporated. % pass for SPM is sure to go up.
2. Sell Mathematics, Science,Physics, Chemistry and Biology. They want to justify that BM must be used as the medium of instruction. So, to get rid of English, they will surely let the percentage go down and in-line with PISA and TIMMS results.
3. Buy English as long term investment. % for SPM sure to go up gradually before English is made a compulsory pass.

Common rakyat. Are we fools??


1,365 posts

Posted by ohkns > 2014-03-02 13:59 | Report Abuse

pilindo and duitbesar, common, language is not the cause of the problem here. Language problem is the effect of lousy education system.


2 posts

Posted by focus > 2014-03-02 15:04 | Report Abuse

Obviously duitbesar cannot accept the reality, trying very hard to turn wrong into right. Hahaha

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