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83 comment(s). Last comment by Tey Tian Foo 2015-06-29 15:39


14,490 posts

Posted by Probability > 2015-06-27 00:14 | Report Abuse

Completely agree with your thoughts Mr. Koon...

As a scientist my only worry is due to the fact:

'the fittest genes are not necessarily the smartest or the strongest'...its simply the one that has the right environment for procreation and has a selfish attitude.

We know which clan of the population in Malaysia has the highest growth....and even among that same clan....the ones thats really producing kids more than they can handle are the less educated who can be easily influenced by the 'religious interpreters'.

And you know election depends on vote counts...not the weight of each vote.
If at all it has any.....


1,132 posts

Posted by TengkuFaisal > 2015-06-27 00:29 | Report Abuse

no hope for bolehland. it will be in deep recession for next 10 yrs at least.

the weakening ringgit to 1998 lowest level is a barometer of how useless the ruling govt as well as how useless of the opposition in check and balance.

Mr koon can hope and wish opposition can win in next election but with the mentality of "most" malaysian as being so abusive and anti-progress.
it is just another Greece in the making. but worst than Greece, bolehland doesnt have a taiko like ECB neither a member of Eurozone.

pegging ringgit to thai bath is only a matter of time. trust me.


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2015-06-27 00:47 |

Post removed.Why?


1,132 posts

Posted by TengkuFaisal > 2015-06-27 01:14 | Report Abuse

Posted by fortunebullz > Jun 27, 2015 01:10 AM | Report Abuse

No doubt without Pas, Pakatan is dead! The malays see the Lims in control of Pakatan 2.0 hence turning they away! You can't make rejects from Pas and name it Pasma to attract gullible malays! In fact Pas is so influential now as their hate for Dap grew stronger! Hence the strong base for Isis to take root! I doubt the Lims really understand malay sentiment, nor the sentiment of extremist Pas! Kopitiam talk already hot regarding the Lims threat towards Azmin to resign and make way for Wan Azizan! Malays are no fools as they have been ruling for over 50 years! They know if they let the Lims control Pakatan 2.0, it's the end of malay supremacy! The end losers are chinese! And we chinese are simply to proud to vote other than Dap! Believe me, it takes another 15 years before we vote for MCA or Gerakan! By then, it's all too late! We will be living in different Malaysia where banglas making 2nd biggest population and talibanis culture thrive! Like i said, don't be afraid of the corruptable Umno pirates, but be very afraid of the uncorruptable extremist in Pas! I foresee after next general election, Pas, Umno and Pkr forming Unity Government! Without representation of chineses, the malays will grew comfortable and may accept that they can govern with fundamental Islam as core! We are dangerously becoming another Syria! If you can't see this then you are blind! As for Mr. Koon confidence that BN will lose the next general election, he is half right! Umno and Pas will gain majority votes and as for East Malaysia, Umno didn't call it fix deposit for nothing! You know in East Malaysia, the majority voters are paid voters imported during Mahathir time! And here in peninsula we already have paid voters imported from Bangladesh! Just ask any malays who is in control of Pakatan 2.0 and you get angry respond from them!


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2015-06-27 01:14 |

Post removed.Why?


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2015-06-27 01:21 | Report Abuse


Raja Petra Kamarudin

It is interesting to note that Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail has lodged a Qazaf report against Muhammad Shafee Abdullah (READ THE NEWS REPORT BELOW). I say interesting due to the following.

According to the Oxford University Islamic Studies (I did Oxford’s study of world religions and not Islamic Studies):

Hadd means limit or prohibition (plural Hudud): a punishment fixed in the Quran and Hadith for crimes considered to be against the rights of God. The six crimes for which punishments are fixed are theft (amputation of the hand), illicit sexual relations (death by stoning or one hundred lashes), making unproven accusations of illicit sex (eighty lashes), drinking intoxicants (eighty lashes), apostasy (death or banishment), and highway robbery (death). Strict requirements for evidence (including eyewitnesses) have severely limited the application of hudud penalties. Punishment for all other crimes is left to the discretion of the court; these punishments are called tazir. With the exception of Saudi Arabia, hudud punishments are rarely applied, although recently fundamentalist ideologies have demanded the reintroduction of hudud, especially in Sudan, Iran, and Afghanistan.

Yes, that is what Oxford University said. Malaysia already has punishments for five of those six crimes: theft, drinking intoxicants (plus smoking, injecting, sniffing, etc., intoxicants), illicit sexual relations, robbery, and apostasy. The only crime not yet punishable is making unproven accusations of illicit sex.

Some of those crimes, however, apply only to Muslims (drinking, illicit sex and apostasy) while others apply to all Malaysians regardless of religion. On the crime of unproven sexual misconduct allegations, you may need to take civil action, unless the government arrests and charge you for criminal defamation (which can sometimes happen, like in my case).

Anyway, Wan Azizah has decided to go to the Shariah Court and she lodged a report for them to take action under Shariah laws. And chapter 24 of the Qur’an, Surah An-Nūr (The Light), actually provides for this.

The punishment for this crime, as Wan Azizah said (and as mentioned in verse 4, chapter 24 of the Qur’an) is 80 lashes. And this basically is what Hudud is all about.

Now, what I find most interesting is that Wan Azizah is falling back on Hudud to seek justice. And if Hudud is applied in Malaysia then for sure Shafee is going to be punished with 80 lashes unless he can get four witnesses to support his allegation.

The other way out would be for Shafee to swear fives times in the name of Allah that although he does not have any witnesses he is telling the truth (as stipulated in chapter 24 of the Qur’an). Once Shafee does that he would be considered as having told the truth and would be spared punishment (80 lashes).

However, that would mean Anwar, too, has to swear five times that he did not commit that sexual misconduct. If not Anwar would be presumed guilty. And if Anwar does not swear fives times then he would be punished with 100 lashes.

This is getting very interesting. Now that Wan Azizah has dragged Hudud and the Qur’an into this we shall certainly be monitoring its developments with bated breath. Now the debate as to why Malaysia must implement Hudud would be stronger in favour of Hudud. Wan Azizah herself wants Shafee whacked with Hudud.


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2015-06-27 01:22 |

Post removed.Why?


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2015-06-27 01:29 |

Post removed.Why?


14,490 posts

Posted by Probability > 2015-06-27 01:42 | Report Abuse

'welcome to the planet of the apes'....:)


13,598 posts

Posted by AyamTua > 2015-06-27 01:47 | Report Abuse

PUC, Glotec, TMS, XingHe, Dsonic, AAX ...

Posted by Fat Cat Tim Buddy > 2015-06-27 08:21 | Report Abuse

Koon Yew Yin and cipteh , who is the worser blogger?


2,248 posts

Posted by sunztzhe > 2015-06-27 08:49 | Report Abuse

Mr KYY article covers two main topics
- Topic No 1: All Islamic Nations are getting worse: How can religious preachers rule?
-Topic No 2: Barisan's Death Spiral

Do you agree with the facts brought up by Mr KYY that all Islamic nations are getting worse: How can religious preachers rule??? or Is BN on a death spiral as stated by Mr KYY??

If you DO NOT agree with Mr KYY views please state your own views to counter , to convince the forumers here on your rationale on why you do not agree with the Topic No 1 and/or topic no 2.

Mr Raja Petra Kamarudin is very capable of expressing his views and his blog is testimony to his capability. However what are your views to counter and rebut Mr KYY current article content??


1,445 posts

Posted by apini > 2015-06-27 12:27 | Report Abuse

what provocation and harsh remarks we chinese had used onto the malays ?

we chinese here are anak malaysia, what's wrong we are advocating for our right to live well here?

Lim keeps pushing the malay? true? but it is undeniable fact that DAP most welcome the participation of Malay in the party. this is a typical MCA style to mislead the chinese to accept thing what is not suppose to have

now most of the first class and top-brain chinese have and are ready to leave malaysia for better living, left behind are the ever decreasing helpless chinese population begging for the tolerance of the ruling malay to live and survive in our land of birth , what sort evil political ambition can the chinese here to conspire

the chinese can not change and save Malaysia,they do not have the number and the acceptance , but the Malays can and it must be the true farsighted moderate Malays


2,248 posts

Posted by sunztzhe > 2015-06-27 12:30 | Report Abuse

Syria was a rich secular peaceful society way back during Prophet Muhammad times. Prophet Muhammad had indeed visited Syria during the early days. Syria had been ripped apart by geopolitical powers compounded by religious discord between -Alawids n Shias against the Sunnis and the geopolitics is between the USA(and its allies) against Russia n its allies...somehow after the passing of prophet Muhammad, the Islamic world had become even more polarized, more divided between the Islamic Sunnis and the Islamic Shias.....This divide between the Shias and the Sunnis will continue in the future in the Middle East and they will continue to kill off each other.....It had happened for centuries with no end in sight...You may perhaps want to ask yourself this pertinent question... WHY THIS IS SO after the passing of Prophet Muhammad..What is the root causal factor for the continued fight through centuries between the Shias and the Sunnis???

So what Mr KYY had expressed that All Islamic Nations are getting worse: How can religious preachers rule??...indeed has a lot of credence and is a valuable learning experience for all Malaysians who want to live in peace, harmony and co-exist with one another. Malaysia must go back to its basic principle of preserving at all times its secular state...and become a shining example to all nations in this world especially to the Islamic world in the middle east which had been torn by religious discord for centuries.

One must not be guided by fear and emotional thinking but more so by clear strategic and objective driven "ALL INCLUSIVE thinking" ..Every Malaysian has a role to play in creating a better , more egalitarian, more peaceful, more tolerant society.....including you..


18,658 posts

Posted by Icon8888 > 2015-06-27 12:34 | Report Abuse

Only the Chinese using harsh language ? All sides are to be blamed


Posted by fortunebullz > Jun 27, 2015 11:24 AM | Report Abuse

Problem is we chinese are using provocation and harsh remarks unto malays thinking they will listen to us! Suppose to be this is a month long holy fasting month for them but just look at social media full of harsh offensive remarks about forcing non to drink their own piss, force non to eat in toilet, forcing non to wear sarong and so on! We never had this problem before! And the Lims keep pushing malays with threats and provocation to extend threating Azmin to resign and putting Wan Azizah as MB Selangor! We are pushing our luck too much! Don't push until they lose their tolerance! If you think by putting malays in bad lights will help you achieve your political ambition, think again! And to make matter worst, the influence of Pas and Isis getting stronger! Try to find moderate malays nowadays, all becoming extremist and many don't even want to sit same table with non! I am telling you guys to tone it down or else things will turn ugly! Syria was once a very peaceful country, in fact more peaceful than Malaysia! So be very careful!


2,248 posts

Posted by sunztzhe > 2015-06-27 13:00 | Report Abuse

Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfils the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things.

Posted by Ammar Roshidy > 2015-06-27 13:53 | Report Abuse

Many Muslims have not excepted the fact that Hudud will not kick of in Malaysia, simply because the ruling government does not want to loose the power that comes with the present law. They agree, when PAS request for Hudud, that is politics. Only with the present law, they can stay in power, put opposition leaders at bay, keep the royalties in line, and the list goes on. This is nothing but politics, nothing personal.

SO stop hating your neighbor just because he does not agree with you.


14,490 posts

Posted by Probability > 2015-06-27 13:57 | Report Abuse

40 years ago...John Lennon wrote the song 'imagine'

Has things changed?...nothing much isn't it :)


999 posts

Posted by Sunkist118 > 2015-06-27 14:07 | Report Abuse

Mr Luk is very clever. But I think it is Isis culture here hor


1,566 posts

Posted by kkng0819kk > 2015-06-27 14:19 | Report Abuse

Don 't go very far,just learn fr the tiny nation at southern msia.


106 posts

Posted by deOptimus > 2015-06-27 14:24 | Report Abuse

Spore used to b part of msia. Since breakout. U see the result of chinese intelligence and ability.
Enuf said.


53 posts

Posted by Rajapetra > 2015-06-27 14:25 | Report Abuse

I am not sure whether I want to write my ‘normal’ (meaning cheong hei) article today. Maybe I should write a short article and allow you time to read the special report by the United States regarding racism in Malaysia (READ HERE: http://www.malaysia-today.net/mtcolumns/special-reports/50328-institutional-racism-and-religious-freedom-in-malaysia). Anyway, let me start writing and see where I end up.

There are many reports, today and yesterday, which all have a tint of racism in them, including that item on Lim Guan Eng being harassed by those Perkasa chaps in Penang. We are very quick to jump at the Umno chaps, or the ‘Umno-sponsored’ chaps like those Perkasa thugs, but we fail to see that we too (meaning the opposition supporters) are no lesser racist in our actions and words. I mean; can we get by even just one day without you who post comments in Malaysia Today not using words like Mamak or refrain from Malay bashing?

I know Umno is Malay. Umno makes no bones about the fact that it is Malay. Does not the ‘M’ in the Umno name stand for ‘Malay’? Umno declares that it is a Malay party. It does not hide the fact that it fights for the Malays. Umno openly propagates Malay nationalism or Ketuanan Melayu. But when we whack Mamaks or vilify the Malays then we are also hitting out at the non-Umno Malays who, just like you, may not support Umno or may even, just like you, hate everything that Umno stands for.


53 posts

Posted by Rajapetra > 2015-06-27 14:25 | Report Abuse

I admit that I am one of those Malays (who is also a member of the royal family) who has become tawar hati with the opposition. I still support the opposition cause. If not I would not have published that special report I mentioned above. But while I am still gung ho about the opposition cause, I am no longer gung ho about the opposition like I used to be for 30 years from 1978 to 2008. Since the 2008 general election, I have begun to see the dark side of the opposition supporters. And I no longer feel the same way about the opposition like I did for 30 years from 1978 to 2008.

As I said in an earlier article a few days ago, yes, I have turned. I have turned from being a die-hard opposition supporter to becoming a critical opposition supporter. As this point of time I am still an opposition supporter. But I am a different type of opposition supporter now. Now, I am an opposition supporter who has become slighted by the actions and words of the other opposition supporters and I now feel alienated.


106 posts

Posted by deOptimus > 2015-06-27 14:25 |

Post removed.Why?


53 posts

Posted by Rajapetra > 2015-06-27 14:26 | Report Abuse

The opposition supporters, in particular the Chinese supporters, are talking as if the Malays, Muslims, royalty, Umno members, etc., are solely responsible for what ails Malaysia. And they speak with much venom in their words. They have forgotten that 22 years ago, back in 1990, the Malays were already voting opposition while the Chinese, Indians and minorities of East Malaysia were still voting Barisan Nasional. It is only of late, four years ago in 2008, that the Chinese and Indians (not yet the minorities of East Malaysia) started voting opposition. But they talk as if the fight for change was a purely Chinese and Indian effort since the beginning of time.


53 posts

Posted by Rajapetra > 2015-06-27 14:26 | Report Abuse

The Chinese and Indians are Johnny-come-lately. Terengganu and Kelantan have been under opposition governments since around the time of Merdeka. Since Merdeka, the Malays have been divided into Umno and PAS. Even Gerakan, which won Penang as an opposition party in 1969, joined the ruling coalition. And were the Chinese angry? Did the Chinese kick Gerakan out in the following election? For almost 40 years the Chinese continued to vote for Gerakan in spite of the fact that it sold out the voters and joined the ruling government. It took almost 40 years for the Chinese to eventually wake up and kick Gerakan out. And now, after 40 years of sleeping, the Chinese wake up and talk so much, as if the opposition cause is entirely a Chinese effort.


53 posts

Posted by Rajapetra > 2015-06-27 14:27 | Report Abuse

Baru satu pilehanraya and talk so much. Talk so much as if the whole country is being saved by the Chinese. The truth is, the country is in a mess because of the Chinese. It is the Chinese who are to be blamed for what is happening. If it were up to the Malays, Umno would have been kicked out a long time ago. But because of the Chinese and Indians, the Malays were not able to kick Umno out.


53 posts

Posted by Rajapetra > 2015-06-27 14:27 | Report Abuse

Malaysia could have been saved a long time ago if not because of the Chinese and Indians. And now, cakap banyak! What a load of bull these Chinese and Indians. They know they are to be blamed but they pretend as if they are innocent victims of Umno’s injustice. I don’t mind if Umno wins the next election just so that the Chinese and Indians can face a few more years of punishment for the sins they have committed in keeping Umno in power for so long


106 posts

Posted by deOptimus > 2015-06-27 14:29 |

Post removed.Why?


1,502 posts

Posted by travoltakeong > 2015-06-27 14:30 | Report Abuse

New York on ISLAM....

very interesting....

Watch this....

I am impartial...



999 posts

Posted by Sunkist118 > 2015-06-27 14:31 | Report Abuse



14,490 posts

Posted by Probability > 2015-06-27 14:41 | Report Abuse

I think in every argument / points of discussion....its not 100% black or white...grey is a better description. We need to realize the overview - where is the color strength now....more black or more white?...and where it should be.

Usually...its natural for one to stress on one ends argument points when they realize things are swayed too much towards the other - wrong extreme.

One should try to obtain the bigger picture the opposition is trying to tell...though the 'individual argument' points may sway to the extreme and may prove invalid.

This should not be held as a reason to dispute the bigger message one is trying to convey...

Do not focus on the sentences...and grammar to find mistakes...and refute the main message of the claim.


999 posts

Posted by Sunkist118 > 2015-06-27 14:49 | Report Abuse

But hor I try to change different color for my writing cannot hor. Always black only


85 posts

Posted by thser1 > 2015-06-27 14:58 | Report Abuse

Rajapetra, mass media play an important role in shaping public opinion. Pre-2000, we only get information from mainstream media. Post-2000, with the Internet, people are starting to wake up to the reality of the situation and opinions are being shaped. Don't think about it in terms of race/religion ; urban/rural , but rather how information is being disseminated to the people.


106 posts

Posted by deOptimus > 2015-06-27 15:01 |

Post removed.Why?


1,502 posts

Posted by travoltakeong > 2015-06-27 15:12 | Report Abuse

Top Stars Celebrities Convert to Islam Why they chose


Peace yo...

Posted by Samtuckfatt > 2015-06-27 15:13 | Report Abuse

My opinion is that rajapetra forgot the power of Internet and alternative media , the past 40years is just like the past 40 month now . The benefit of IT is that the govt dirt got nowhere2 hide .


1,502 posts

Posted by travoltakeong > 2015-06-27 15:33 | Report Abuse

A Chinese man converted to Islam just before his death



5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2015-06-27 15:36 |

Post removed.Why?


18,658 posts

Posted by Icon8888 > 2015-06-27 15:48 | Report Abuse

There is a moron called optimus trying to pump and dump careplus

Posted by deOptimus > Jun 27, 2015 03:01 PM | Report Abuse

Moronic bolehland ppls.


2,848 posts

Posted by 8u29song > 2015-06-27 15:58 | Report Abuse

sekarang harga barang semua dikawal kerana gst. selepas tempoh kawalan tahun depan, semua harga barang pasti naik 20-30%. mati semua...........


715 posts

Posted by Ny036 > 2015-06-27 16:04 | Report Abuse

Dun know why ppl still dun understand even they already see so many incident. Now even your child want to drink also got problem. This is so basic. Every your right will take away. Wake up.


715 posts

Posted by Ny036 > 2015-06-27 16:15 | Report Abuse

At least gst is more fair. Everybody feel it.


715 posts

Posted by Ny036 > 2015-06-27 16:18 | Report Abuse

Will sabah n Sarawak accept hudud? All politican twisting words.


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2015-06-27 17:21 |

Post removed.Why?


715 posts

Posted by Ny036 > 2015-06-27 17:28 | Report Abuse

Look like no way out. Any practical way then?
Hope more moderate Malay? Possible?
No future for next generation? Migrate? Or turn to bumi status?
Let country go backward until default and need external help? Social problem then?
No political party win next election! Hug Goverment! Every state take their own care?
Just some my laymen thought.


14,490 posts

Posted by Probability > 2015-06-27 17:31 | Report Abuse

Fortune...look at izoklse argument... I suggest all indians and chinese convert to islam...and embrace hudud.

Afterall...whats is the battle for?
No matter how rational you are.....the fundamental forces of your deep motives are just sex and money,i.e power.

let go of your ego...
just enjoy 'making love' with the apes....
they are not very different than you are.


14,490 posts

Posted by Probability > 2015-06-27 17:38 | Report Abuse

the only problem after that is...
the apes may again try to separate again with
shiite and sunni belief..
and may be fragmented further..

then again another party might emerge..
and i suggest you chose the majority party at that time..
less headache for u!

well..at least in principle thats how we should select stocks..
he he ..:)

Posted by little_snake > 2015-06-27 17:55 | Report Abuse

a long long statement to support ur BN... wat a joke... hah


14,490 posts

Posted by Probability > 2015-06-27 18:49 | Report Abuse

..little snake...did u address to me?
I am not a politician...i do not vote...
I encourage people to think out of the box.

If you are not inheriting the 'ape' genes or not influence by any religous believes...
u should be be able to..
understand the hidden messages..
written under frustration..

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