Albukhary But anyway, your above portfolio is much much better than tiger, I'm glad you didn't buy Tiger. Thanks for your alert, I bought 1 million Tiger at 4.5 Sen and found out that the Datuk, his wife, his sister were goreng the shares. So,I felt that i should focus in , share investment and sold all my holding and probably lost Rm 6000 in the trading of TIGER .
U1818 自己的一点心得分享: 把自己投资的股票买入价和数量公诸于世,有好也有不好。 好处是:- 赚钱时可以满足自己的虚荣心,可以证明自己青出于蓝而胜于蓝。。。 坏处是:- 会有种 必须要跟大家交代的无形压力 影响你未来的 买卖决定 或转换策略 的决定,为了要证明自己是对的而导致买卖反应过慢,丧失了散户的优势,那就是灵活操作(flexible)。(同时也付出了输钱的代价) U1818...Thank you for your kind comment. I am new in share investment and I was lucky to have joined the i3, where there are many new friends willing to teach me. I put my purchase on board is not for showoff, but hopefully I will get some advices on my choice of stock. I am 65 now, reaching retirement age and need to make sure that ,the little saving I have,will not gone to waste in the share investment.
paperplane2016 Mr.Chong, if you really are a Civil Engineer,invest in things you are familiar with.For long-term,WCE should be quite OK if cost don't over run. paperplane2016...Yes, I was formerly worked in Jabatan Parit dan Taliair, Malaysia, in 1978-1983. Thanks for your kind advice, I will consider the counter in my next portfolio.
U1818. You have learned an unforgettable experience. You can really feel it and accepted and learned the mistake. I did experience this experience many times after sharing my portfolio with my family members and closed friends. Wakaka.
Mr.chong, or Mr. Meow actually? Just want to get your surname right. So, from your engineering expertise, if you study the route of WCE and Plus, you think which one will be preferable by drivers? If I am tourist, I think I prefer WCE. Shorter distance, also can play at small towns near by highways. Not sure from your experience, if you can enlightened us? Thanks
senior bro chong.... go to windscopo to dig out more blog .. not forgetting taiko for towards financial can dig more info...n his views......
paperplane2016 Mr.chong, or Mr. Meow actually? Just want to get your surname right. So, from your engineering expertise, if you study the route of WCE and Plus, you think which one will be preferable by drivers? If I am tourist, I think I prefer WCE. Shorter distance, also can play at small towns near by highways. Not sure from your experience, if you can enlightened us? Thanks Hi, My sir name is Chong(莊),if I asked to compare Plus and WCE,I will take Plus at this moment. The reasons are: 1.Plus infrastructure has already completed and the current and future expenditures are for road extension and maintenance. 2.Plus Income is stable and always on the rise, due to increase in toll and vehicle population. 3. WCE, is now constructing coastal highway, passing through many small towns, fishing villages where population is relatively smaller than cities served by plus network. 4.WCE will be like LIKAS, need time to grow its traffic volume. If the company has plenty of cash to sustain the first few years of losses, then it can survive. otherwise,the company will run into financial difficulty. These are my humble opinion, please correct me if I overlooked something.
yfchong senior bro chong.... go to windscopo to dig out more blog .. not forgetting taiko for towards financial can dig more info...n his views...... Thanks yf,will do.
ks55, I left government in 1983.working in my own consulting firm. I had accumulated a bit,but, mostly given to children to pay deposit for their condominium. Now, I plan my retirement.Hopefully can get some pocket money from share investment.
Relax investing is an art..... Not so mechAnic like science.... No Sop Practise flexibility........key is to buy into future...............................
ks55 , I bought ekovest , recommended by my wife's younger sister's hudsband,who is now working as a senior management staff in Ekovest. kC did not recommended me.
kC is 2 years my jonior in Malaya University and also my ex colleague in JPS.
I am new in stock investment, and with little money, need to be guided by sifu and also some friends to make sure that my money will not gone to waste. Anyway, than for your recommendation, and I will look into the possibility of purchasing plannitube.
Takashi , My first purchase of Ekovest was in early February 2017 @2.56, second purchase was in mid February 2017 @ 2.98. Maybe I will buy another 2 or 3 rounds, irrespective uptrend or down-trend.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
21,713 posts
Posted by paperplane2016 > 2017-02-15 00:22 | Report Abuse
Mr.Chong, if you really are a Civil Engineer,invest in things you are familiar with.
For long-term,WCE should be quite OK if cost don't over run.