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170 comment(s). Last comment by EngineeringProfit 2019-11-25 16:55

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-17 12:28 | Report Abuse

Well done, Piai. You speak for all of us....so loudly and clearly!

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-17 12:33 | Report Abuse

Gonna fall on deaf ears too....like other nationwide by-elections so far?

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-17 12:46 | Report Abuse

Tell ya a joke!! All the efforts by Bersatu in gearing up its Malay Muslim support had resulted in even less Malay votes. Conversely it helps UMNO and ,PAS, MIC and MCA to get what they could not gain in the last 20 years i.e. the non-Muslim vote.

Joker, 2019

Posted by stockmarket101 > 2019-11-17 12:51 | Report Abuse

All Chinese should regard PAS as the plague! DAP - wake up know or you're doomed!


14,760 posts

Posted by DickyMe > 2019-11-17 13:21 | Report Abuse

Chinese could have very well voted for Gerakan in protest of racist and extemist BN and lying Pakatan Harapan. However, being Chinese and the interest in "what's in it for me" they chose to sleep with the known parasite, extermists, racist and kleptocrats.


6,213 posts

Posted by ahbah > 2019-11-17 14:14 | Report Abuse

PETALING JAYA: Pakatan Harapan today reminded Najib Razak that his father, Abdul Razak Hussein, the country’s second prime minister, had retained an MCA president as finance minister after he had questioned Lim Guan Eng’s appointment to the post.

The ruling coalition said that Razak had retained Tan Siew Sin as the finance minister for four years from 1970.

Tan, it said, also served as the finance minister under Tunku Abdul Rahman from 1959.

“Weren’t the dignity of the Malays taken care of during Tun Razak’s administration and during Tunku Abdul Rahman’s time because they appointed a finance minister who is of Chinese descent?” it said in a statement.

The statement was signed by PH secretariat chief Saifuddin Abdullah, PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution and his counterpart from PPBM, Marzuki Yahya, Amanah deputy secretary-general Abang Ahmad Kerdee; and DAP national organising secretary Loke Siew Fook.

At a ceramah last night, Najib was heard asking “where was Malay dignity” when the finance minister was from DAP.

“Will he be able to take care of Malay dignity? He wouldn’t know about the Malay agenda,” the former prime minister was heard saying.

The finance minister, they said, should be judged based on his integrity, competence and moderation in handling the country’s finances.

They went on to accuse Najib of playing the race card by singling out Lim “only because he was Chinese”.

“The former prime minister tried to instigate hatred towards the Chinese community by questioning the finance minister’s race.”

They added that as a former prime minister, Najib should talk about economic issues and the country’s administration if he wanted to criticise the government.

“He should not embarrass himself by attempting to champion race issues.”


480 posts

Posted by teoct > 2019-11-17 14:28 | Report Abuse

In all the discuss about TAR Uni/College, there was no mentioned of the many current DAP leaders (and ministers too) that studied there - A. Loke, T. Kok and many more.

So how did MCA brain washed the TAR students? This in itself null LGE explanation that MCA controls the college.

Nonetheless, all politicians are for themselves only. Mr Lee, while your intention is honorable, expecting these politician (that will sell their own mothers if required) to achieve the vision of Malaysia that you espoused is a dream, nothing but a dream.

And another failure on your part, you mentioned Chinese many time, why, you mean the other races are not interested in educating their children to their best ability???

To really move forward, I will suggest that we should look at all issues as MALAYSIAN!!!!!

TAR Uni/College are open to all races for your information.


6,248 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2019-11-17 16:05 | Report Abuse

Dear teoct,
TAR Uni/College and vernacular schools are open to all races despite the fact that they receive little assistance from the government.

It’s also a fact that Malaysian Chinese will scarified everything in wanting to give the best education they can possible affords to their children, when others are taking for granted their government scholarship given to them and wasted it by not study hard and failing their exam.

If we do not speak out then others will speak on your behalf with their distorted narrative that Malaysian Chinese are racial and vote only for Chinese candidate and conveniently forgotten that it is Malaysian Chinese that overwhelmingly vote for PH irrespective of the candidate race that put PH int0 government in GE14.

Below comment in Tun’s blog:

Twinpeaks comment:
1) voters still clearly vote according to racial interests. the Malays still with UMNO despite Najib went round campaigning for the party as UMNO represents their interest better than Bersatu (e.g. never allowing a non-Malay as the Finance Minister when in power). And the Chinese turn against DAP despite the party being historically better known to fight for their community but is seen not punish their children by not supporting TARuc, and

2) the notion is very false that the various races INCLUDING the younger generation of voters have discarded voting according to narrow racial interests, ie. the dawn of a NEW MALAYSIA is very false, and

3) if the government of the day hopes to win the future general elections, it has No Choice but to return back to the template that was created for this country by BN, and finally

4) this is a slap on the face for Bersatu party (my party) by the Malay community, for thinking that racial politics has disappeared after the 2018 general elections.
For me, the by-election results indicate what any Prime Minister has to do to win back the majority race onto their side. That is to be seen as better in looking after the interest of the Malay community interests, as clearly the Malays of all generations are not yet ready to embrace the New Malaysia concept, a concept where all races live as one single equal citizens. The Prime Minister has no choice but to return to the old days of politics of discrimination, of favouring the majority Malay-Bumiputera interests. Tun will probably have to do this by swapping the incumbent Finance Minister with another portfolio so that a Malay takes the post. At the same time, the TARuc issue must be settled quickly to the satisfaction of the Chinese community.

Vernacular education has succeeded in creating a permanently divisive society along racial lines. So my congratulations to the supporters of vernacular education.
The New Malaysia concept is as good as dead. For now.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-17 16:23 | Report Abuse

Simple and plain

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-17 16:23 | Report Abuse

dap just fails like mca

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-17 16:31 | Report Abuse

They have to take full responsibilitiea or the downfall of dap and its impact on pH that follows

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-17 16:49 | Report Abuse

They must stop pretending day by day. PPP of Lee Kuan Yew can.....can they achieve anything close?


3,263 posts

Posted by chinaman > 2019-11-17 19:52 |

Post removed.Why?


480 posts

Posted by teoct > 2019-11-17 20:23 | Report Abuse

Mr Lee,

After reading many times what you wrote, you basically want to preserve the Chinese school system that in your view is providing good education for "all" Malaysian. Good education (provided by vernacular schools) is very debatable.

The point I want to make is the "Chinese" after Malaysian, why?

Since you can say it, then why stop the Malay from also fighting for what they think is important to them? This is so tribal, there will be no end to it.

If it is just excellent education you are after, then, would you not think the Finnish system would be better for ALL Malaysian?

If we want our leaders to move away from racial line, then we as citizen will need to also move away from racial wants, Chinese vernacular school, Chinese finance minister, etc, etc. Instead, we should emphasis the quality of the person more rather than what tribe he/she comes from.

It is difficult, very difficult, birds of the same feather flock together as the saying goes.....


528 posts

Posted by amzarb44 > 2019-11-17 22:13 | Report Abuse

Kenapa yiu pertikai bajet untuk JAKIM? ISLAM agama PERSEKUTUAN you all xde hak nak pertikaikan pasal allocate bajet untuk hal ehwal ISLAM


4,094 posts

Posted by Ron90 > 2019-11-17 22:56 | Report Abuse

ok..Chinese always right.. even their vernacular education system the best in the whole world, etc..Malay the most stupid, etc... give malaysia back to BN and Najib especialaly coz..with that.. China communist can rule over this nation and Chinese like you most welcome...a betrayal even to those Chinese who fought and die to defend this nation from Communist rule.. don't forget.. BN and Communist are partner.


6,248 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2019-11-17 23:39 | Report Abuse

Dear all,
Before we spiral downhill into education, religion and race baiting, please allow me to post below article for everyone to ponder.

Friday, 21 Dec 2018 11:35 PM MYT
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 21 — Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad announced tonight that the overhaul of Malaysian education will diminish the current focus on religion.
Speaking at his alma mater Sultan Abdul Hamid College’s (SAHC) annual dinner, Dr Mahathir said the focus on religion has caused students ill-equipped to get jobs.
“Someone changed the curriculum in school and now national schools have become religious schools.
“They are all learning about the religion of Islam and not learning anything else. As a result, those who pass in school are not very conversant with subjects that are useful for them to get jobs, but they are very good ulama,” he said.
Noting that the current school system produced many Islamic religious scholars or ulama, he said: “And when you have too many ulama, they always differ from each other, and they mislead their followers and they quarrel with each other.”

Face the truth, we are not out of the woods, warns Daim
Monday, 05 Aug 2019 3:11 PM MYT

I have said it before and I will say it again, no Economic Policy can be effective if we do not first attack the issues at the educational level. While educational reform is part of the PH agenda, the snail’s pace at which these reforms are taking place gives credence to the grumbles and complaints that perhaps the political will to push through real changes is severely lacking.

While we are still mired in the political rhetoric of languages, others around us have moved beyond English or Mandarin or Bahasa Malaysia into the language of programming and coding. When will we realise just how far behind we are and lacking?

So the question is: “Are we in Malaysia ready for this leap?” Let’s be brutally honest here – we are not. In fact we are far from ready. We are still playing catch up with IR4 training when others are already gearing for the 5th Industrial Revolution.

But while we focus on skills, we must also not forget the education of the soul. How we teach religion to our young, and what sort of values we instil in them at home and at the school level, will impact greatly on the type of adults they evolve into.

We must empower them with the ability to think critically, logically, wisely and to make their own informed decisions, no matter the situation. We must raise a new generation of leaders and great thinkers, not of sheep and cowards.

Positive moral values must be inculcated amongst our youth, and emphasised in the Malaysian workforce. We must take pride in our work and in ourselves. It is not too late for those of us who are adults to start living with integrity.

Do we gain anything by teaching the young that they have the right of entitlement over all others simply because of their race? Is it right to be instilling in students the thinking that all other religions are inferior to yours?

Is it moral to drill into students that other students are not entitled to certain privileges simply because they are not of a certain race, even if they are economically disadvantaged? Is it right to think that if you are of a certain race that is economically successful, then you look down on others from a race that isn’t?

Is it right that you are taught to feel superior because the language you are taught in is also the language of an economically powerful nation?
There needs to be understanding and empathy across the racial divide.

Once we were beautiful- Art Harun - On Jul 24, 2013

Are Chinese schools bad for national unity?
Dennis Ignatius - September 23, 2019 7:00 AM

Thank you

zhen wei & JP

1,173 posts

Posted by zhen wei & JP > 2019-11-17 23:53 | Report Abuse

After attending some dinner . A discussion that someone intend to shut down chinese school.
Let's bring our children into British school.


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2019-11-18 00:15 |

Post removed.Why?


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2019-11-18 00:24 |

Post removed.Why?


528 posts

Posted by amzarb44 > 2019-11-18 01:08 | Report Abuse

Tan sri lee walker if najib was good then, why you all voted for PH?


468 posts

Posted by sctan > 2019-11-18 06:18 | Report Abuse

Under ah jib time, tan Sri Lee can cari makan. Now can't ma. There's why he missed ah jib.


6,248 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2019-11-18 06:47 | Report Abuse

Dear Tan Sri Rick Walker,
The old man know and not afraid to say what wrong with our national school “Someone changed the curriculum in school and now national schools have become religious schools” As usual he blames others for the sorry state of our national school

So am I wrong to say vernacular schools and international schools are place of refuge from the “Ketuanan Melayu” ideologues and “Race and Religion” agenda. They have now become multi-race school of parent’s choice to prepare their children with holistic education that empower them with the ability to think critically, logically, wisely and to make their own informed decisions, no matter the situation?

As of Najib with his PR guru, he can stoop so low to become Ah Jib Gor 那鸡哥 and carry your balls to wet-wet song-song you before he blatantly sodomize you and rob you…. MALU APA BOSSKU!

Thank you
P/S: http://chedet.cc/?p=2387#comment-136954

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-18 08:11 | Report Abuse

The kids are innocent. In 21st century and beyond, they should not be labelled as a Christian children or Hindu children or etc. Still some fanatics are around and have the powers. Might has always been taken as right. How ridiculous their time-waster moral classes have been running. All they need is a book by Joy Wilt Berry entitled 'Yours and Mine'. It teaches them to balance rights and responsibilities. So we don't get leaders who make as much contribution as the damage they cause.


6,248 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2019-11-18 08:47 | Report Abuse

Dear teoct,
Agreed with you that we should just call ourselves MALAYSIAN as what I had written in my blog:

But the reality check is BN or for that matter PH treated us as MALAYSIAN?
I weep for you, Oh Malaysia
Dennis Ignatius- August 27, 2019 8:00 AM

Take Syed Saddiq, for example. Only a few days ago he called for Zakir Naik to be deported saying, “An attack against our Chinese and Indian brothers and sisters is an attack against all Malaysians.” And yet there he was fêting the same man who mocked his “brothers and sisters” and insisting that it’s time to forgive and move on.

Surely forgiveness must come from those who were aggrieved, not from some politician who’s too afraid to stand up for what is right. Does he even understand the depths of disappointment over the issue that many of the people he represents feel?

It’s hard not to conclude that they are all the same in the end – PPBM, PKR, Umno or PAS. They’d rather mollycoddle a fugitive Islamic preacher from India than keep faith with the millions of Malaysian Indians who voted for them. They’d rather dine with someone who taunts their “brothers and sisters” than reach out to the millions of Malaysian Chinese who helped bring them to power.

Perhaps they are now so blinded by power that they are no longer even capable of understanding the pain and angst of other communities.

Thank you


528 posts

Posted by amzarb44 > 2019-11-18 08:59 | Report Abuse

The way the writer wrote like questioning the budget allocated for JAKIM is totally UNACCEPTABLE? hv you writer read the CONSTITUTION?


1,902 posts

Posted by andry_ong > 2019-11-18 09:03 | Report Abuse

Old horse still want to be in control of everything and he want DAP, PKR to listen to him only without realizing he already outdated with all the politic maneuver and tactic to weaken DAP and PKR. He fail to decide anything good for the country and bring progress to the economy. By telling the whole world you are working 24 hours a day is meaningless as you are destroying the spirit, progress and hope of all Malaysian.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-18 09:10 | Report Abuse

Exactly. Simple minded ppl always got fooled. No the number of hours a person work. It is the output and outcomes that count. Likewise, it is not the number of university graduates that a country produces that is important. But would they live a formidable life thereafter that counts. Or would they just add on the the unemployment stat?


6,248 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2019-11-18 09:25 | Report Abuse

Dear amzarb44
Decades of Umno rule, of race-baiting and outright racist policies, of constantly belittling and disrespecting racial and religious minorities, of disowning them at every turn and seeing them as enemies, have taken its toll.

Many are now unable to think critically, logically, wisely and to make their own informed decisions, no matter the situation. There is no hope in rising a new generation of leaders and great thinkers, not of sheep and cowards.

You can now do anything in the name of JAKIM and no one should question the huge budget for JAKIM.

Speaking to FMT recently, Razaleigh said Jakim was a result of Umno’s attempt to out-Islamise PAS.
“So he went on with his Islamic programmes, setting up Jakim, for instance.
“Jakim is unconstitutional,” the former finance minister said.

Thank you


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2019-11-18 09:49 | Report Abuse

1st of all if u say hak....the constuition mentioned Islam as an official religion but they never mentioned how much monies must be allocated to it from the budget.

During Najib time BN budget allocated Rm 800m to fund islamic work, Pakatan allocated Rm 1.3 billion a very sharp increase mah!

But remember Islamic tax system already have their own tax system in their own form that raise tax (zakat) to fund their religious work, most of my muslim colleague and friend do not pay income tax but they pay income tax, the zakat tax raised is huge & could be even be more than the Rm 1.3b budget the govt had allocated .

Thus it is important, we raised the issue why the govt need to allocate so much increase to the islamic instuition, to ensure efficiency and avoid wastage....don forget tabung haji due to inefficiency already cost enormous Rm 10.3b from taxpayer mah...!!

Now u look at tiny Rm 30m allocated for TAR, already cut by LGE and Mahathir, this is a pathetic amount compare to tabung haji bailout and the Rm 1.3b budget allocation by the govt.

We must ensure all taxpayers monies are efficienly spend, thats why we raise our concern as malaysian, bcos the budget monies are raise by taxes on all malaysian mah....!! If it is from zakat we have no say at all mah.....!!

Posted by amzarb44 > Nov 17, 2019 10:13 PM | Report Abuse

Kenapa yiu pertikai bajet untuk JAKIM? ISLAM agama PERSEKUTUAN you all xde hak nak pertikaikan pasal allocate bajet untuk hal ehwal ISLAM

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-18 09:52 | Report Abuse

Let be same amount as of 600 AD. Fair?

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-18 09:53 | Report Abuse

Follow His time's budget? No?

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-18 09:53 | Report Abuse

Stick to old.....or can update?

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-18 09:55 | Report Abuse

Tradition is holy? 21st century is gold? Or what?


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2019-11-18 09:56 | Report Abuse

1st of all if u say hak....the constuition mentioned Islam as an official religion but they never mentioned how much monies must be allocated to it from the budget.

During Najib time BN budget allocated Rm 800m to fund islamic work, Pakatan allocated Rm 1.3 billion a very sharp increase mah!

But remember Islamic tax system already have their own tax system in their own form that raise tax (zakat) to fund their religious work, most of my muslim colleague and friend do not pay income tax but they pay , the zakat tax raised is huge & could be even be more than the Rm 1.3b budget the govt had allocated . Unlike income tax,This zakat tax does not go to the Ministry of FINANCE, it goes directly to the religious instuition loh.!

Thus it is important, we raised the issue, why the govt need to allocate so much increase to the islamic instuition from the finance ministry budget, to ensure efficiency and avoid wastage....don forget tabung haji due to inefficiency, already cost enormous Rm 10.3b from taxpayer mah...!!

Now u look at tiny Rm 30m allocated for TAR, already cut by LGE and Mahathir, this is a pathetic amount compare to tabung haji bailout and the Rm 1.3b budget allocation by the govt.

We must ensure all taxpayers monies are efficienly spend, thats why we raise our concern as malaysian, bcos the budget monies are raise by taxes on all malaysian mah....!! If it is from zakat tax we have no say at all mah.....!!

Posted by amzarb44 > Nov 17, 2019 10:13 PM | Report Abuse

Kenapa yiu pertikai bajet untuk JAKIM? ISLAM agama PERSEKUTUAN you all xde hak nak pertikaikan pasal allocate bajet untuk hal ehwal ISLAM

Page 1


3,114 posts

Posted by Shinnzaii > 2019-11-18 10:05 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...no need ask why larh...new malay economic policy mah...we dont even know whether EPF KWSP got left right hand exchange of TH fund restructuring or not...

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-18 10:21 | Report Abuse

I told ya'll a joke. Excuse me for a light moment of my favourite punch line. It is unrelated to ya guys' debate/argument.

Mula sebagai hak-hak
Lama-lama mula rompak
Jiwa mulia jadi korup
Negara kaya jadi bankrup


528 posts

Posted by amzarb44 > 2019-11-18 11:05 | Report Abuse

Sslee, blame UMNO again Hahaha.... If you think Malaysia is not fair to you, then, angkat kaki blah dari negara ni, mudah tak?


528 posts

Posted by amzarb44 > 2019-11-18 12:37 | Report Abuse

UEC is TAIWAN syllabus ... Why want it?


6,248 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2019-11-18 13:01 | Report Abuse

Dear amzarb44,
I do not blame you for your attitude of entitlement (hak-hak) since you are the product of national school but please be fair to your own Malay-Muslims brother and sister that are trapped in B40. Please help them if you can or make sure the aid mean for them is not hijacked by Malay elite with political connection.

As engineer I had done by part in training and motivated many of my Malay subordinates with the required knowledge, skill, confident and encourage them to believe in themselves that they are capable of achieving great success if they put their mind on it and work hard to achieve it. I am glad to know many of my former subordinates are holding higher post in many multi-national companies and they call me “Sir” when they happen to meet me.

As of me, you can read the below blog to understand how it feel to being Chinese.

Thank you


6,248 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2019-11-18 13:02 | Report Abuse

Dear Tan Sri Rick Walker,
For all the faults Tun might had committed, we had no choice but to come together to vote out the corrupted MO1 & BN’s decadent, Kleptocratic Government in GE14 to save Malaysia form falling into a failed state.

Refer below blog:

Visiting the citadel of the Lims, Dr M apologized for all the blood he has spilled. And for putting both of them in jail previously. "If I save the country from the God of Negativity, Najib, will I finally rest in peace?"

The Lims answered.
"For half a century we have fought the likes of You. We've always lost. Yet now is no time to revisit past quarrels. You are the only one of us who cannot be killed or imprisoned. For you are 92 years old. The protective magic of Public Opinion will not allow BN to harm you."

And so Dr M received the Flaming Sword of 1MDB to fight the darkness.

Thank you


528 posts

Posted by amzarb44 > 2019-11-18 13:16 | Report Abuse

Ir sslee, you wrote blog to condemned the budget allocated for JAKIM is totally UNACCEPTABLE..... Yes everything about ISLAM will be given MORE ACCORDING TO CONSTITUTION, that is the everybody shud not question


1,902 posts

Posted by andry_ong > 2019-11-18 13:28 | Report Abuse

Tanjung pial election was a good election. The result speak for itself. Let me express my humble opinion.

1. Statistic shows the voters are not racist in nature.
2. The voters demand were difference now
3. Mature thinking of voters in selecting their leaders

I hope in the future, the election commission can lay down more stringent requirements for any candidate not only health condition but must possesses certain leadership quality to be pre-requisite for election like university degree etc.


1,902 posts

Posted by andry_ong > 2019-11-18 13:42 | Report Abuse

@amzarb44, Society at large can question any of the government policy as the government is make up of the society leader. Government policy and budget are income derived from society if you can understand. If a leader only taking care of a race, he or she can only be the community leader or ketua kampung not a member of parliment or a minister. A Prime Minister cannot only taking care Malay but the rest of the Malaysia. If he behave in that manner he ought to go with immediate effect.

zhen wei & JP

1,173 posts

Posted by zhen wei & JP > 2019-11-18 14:02 | Report Abuse

Local chinese trusted social media more, they have not seen who is the one struggling and contribute to the society.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-18 14:17 | Report Abuse

I suspect cultism and guruism are antics - belongs to the era when no commoners can question the authority. Way way backward to the past - way way passed time. Anyone still got stucked in those antic time capsule?

Joker, 2019


1,902 posts

Posted by andry_ong > 2019-11-18 14:50 | Report Abuse

The result not show MCA victory but PH failure.


6,248 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2019-11-18 18:02 | Report Abuse

Dear Tan Sri Rick Walker,

May I ask you where MCA’s men were when the country was being robbed by “Cash is King” Ah Jib Gor and his First Lady Rosmah?

Did MCA’s MP play a check and balance roles or censure UMNO for their excess in abuse of power, rampant corruption, cronyism, arrogance, thuggish behavior and etc? Do I need to mention MCA is still behave as if 1MDB did not happen and they are still trying hard to legitimate their ill-gotten bribe the stolen money from 1 MDB’s coffer and believing Ah Jib Gor is as innocent as a new born baby or a god send “angel”, the benevolent and protector of our beloved “Boleh land”

Please tell me, after Umno and PAS signed their so-called “Piagam Muafakat Nasional” (national unity charter), they talked about how it will be non-discriminatory and of benefit to all Malaysians. Now we see their true colours: their charter is nothing more than a thinly disguised scheme to divide the non-Muslim population into those who have submitted to Umno-PAS (dhimmi) and those who do not (kafir). Those who submit will be accorded limited privileges; those who do not will be demonised and excluded. It takes the Ketuanan Melayu ideology to a whole new level, doesn’t it?

It will be interesting to see how the MCA will respond to this characterisation of their status as dhimmi. If they have any decency and self-respect, they would immediately end their cooperation with Umno-PAS. Better for them to die in the political wilderness than live in vassalage to Umno-PAS. To stay would be to acquiesce in this ghastly plan to subjugate the non-Malays.

Thank you

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-18 18:53 | Report Abuse

pH's 2018 diehard supporters had cheered as much and loudly as per 9th May 2018' night!

I told ya a joke ya


528 posts

Posted by amzarb44 > 2019-11-18 20:17 | Report Abuse

Sslee the way you talks is your kind wanna be a boss too... Am I right? Cannot maa, the malay is the boss but that does not meant we exclude you all.... You all chinese only 22% population yet talk like want to having same power as malay which has 68% population in this country.... . Can aaa like that SSLEE?

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