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170 comment(s). Last comment by EngineeringProfit 2019-11-25 16:55


7,640 posts

Posted by Aristocats > 2019-11-19 18:41 | Report Abuse

BN, PKR MPs gather at Azmin's official residence tonight

Shakira Buang
Published: 18 Nov 2019, 11:49 pm

BN MPs tonight gathered at Economic Affairs Minister Azmin Ali's official residence in Presint 10, Putrajaya.

The meeting began at around 9.30pm and lasted for about two hours...


Wow,Azmin playing big chess moves nowadays.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-19 20:33 | Report Abuse

Posted by Aristocats > Nov 19, 2019 5:48 PM | Report Abuse

Albert Einstein said it is insane for a person to get different results by continuing to perform the same thing


Can get Malaysia Baru with old leader?

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-19 20:38 | Report Abuse

Posted by andry_ong > Nov 19, 2019 5:10 PM | Report Abuse

Total Chinese voters is 16K, PH total 10K The figure simply don't tally 50% of Chinese vote for PH


Just back to square one but less than GE14. Say get 20% malay vote.....about 6000. Another 20% from chinese.....4000. So total 10000. Many stayed at home and Zzzzzz

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-19 20:40 | Report Abuse

Posted by Tan Sri Rick Walker > Nov 19, 2019 4:09 PM | Report Abuse

Tanjung Piai is a reminder that rakyat will vote for Umno Pas if PH refuse to perform! Like i said, don't continue to scare or blame the other parties! If you can't perform, you are out!


Cultism and Guruism belong to the past era. For 21st century, performance and results are the key determinants

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-19 20:45 | Report Abuse

SSLEE is very mature and saint-like. Sad that the 'so fake and damned lame education system cannot produce one like him. All products are too narrow-minded or retard..... or childish at best.


528 posts

Posted by amzarb44 > 2019-11-20 11:32 | Report Abuse

Singapore asalnya TANAH MELAYU diberikan pada CHINESE.... Masih x ckop lagi?


528 posts

Posted by amzarb44 > 2019-11-20 11:33 | Report Abuse

Actually you all ni TAMAK, after conquered economy Malaysia korang cuba nak control politik Malaysia pula, korang x malu ke ketrunan nenek moyang korang asal dari china?


528 posts

Posted by amzarb44 > 2019-11-21 00:19 | Report Abuse

Datangnya mereka dahulu menyembah, sekarang sudah berani menyanggah


528 posts

Posted by amzarb44 > 2019-11-21 01:24 | Report Abuse

Datangnya mereka dahulu menyembah, sekarang sudah berani menyanggah


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2019-11-21 02:36 |

Post removed.Why?


6,248 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2019-11-21 08:46 | Report Abuse

Dear amzarb44,
Please allow me to remind you, many of our current Malay leaders can trace their ancestor to India, Indonesia, Thailand, Turkey, Arab and etc.

So please stop you indoctrinate narrative that Malaysia only belong to Malay when Malaysia is make up of peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak.

My question to you, where were the corrupted UMNO and holy PAS Malay leaders when Malaysia were robbed by MO1 and lady Rosmah?
So please stop your “Ketuanan Melayu” race-baiting.

Another comment I posted at Tun’s blog
Please allow me to remind all politicians and Malaysians, a new Malaysia emerged after the 14th General Election on 9th May 2018. Malaysians decided to change the government, which had been in power for 61 years, i.e., since independence. We did this because the immediate past Government indulged in the politics of hatred, of racial and religious bigotry, as well as widespread corruption.

Malaysians want a new Malaysia that upholds the principles of fairness, good governance, integrity and the rule of law. We want a Malaysia that is a friend to all and enemy of none. We also want a Malaysia that will speak its mind on what is right and wrong, without fear or favour. A new Malaysia that believes in co-operation based on mutual respect, for mutual gain and Malaysians that truly embrace and celebrate our diversity where different ethnicity, religions and cultures can live in peace and harmony with mutual understanding, respect and acceptance. Malaysians want a PH’s government that is Incorruptible, Trustworthy, Responsible, Just, Competent and respecting our diverse multi-ethnic, multi-religious, multi-cultural and multi-lingual heritage.

So please my dear politicians from both side of the fence cease all the toxic divisive politics, the politics of one-upmanship and a very dangerous Machiavellian politics game of race, religion and numbers. We vote for PH (PKR, BERSATU, AMANAH, DAP and WARISAN) and in PH we give our mandate and put our trust for the next 5 years to reform and rebuild our new Malaysia and put us on the path towards unity, justice and prosperity. Any backdoor change of government before the 5 years mandate is unacceptable, unethical and an act of betrayal.

Thank you
P/S: Our national education had failed to empower Malaysians with the ability to think critically, logically, wisely and to make their own informed decisions, no matter the situation. We have failed to rise a whole generation of Malaysian to become great leaders and great thinkers, not of sheep and cowards.


528 posts

Posted by amzarb44 > 2019-11-21 11:58 | Report Abuse

Please learn history, this land is not malaya, we called it NUSANTARA or MALAY ARCHIPELAGO b4 invaded by outsider


528 posts

Posted by amzarb44 > 2019-11-21 11:59 | Report Abuse

Ir sslee, you voted, we voted too....so how?


528 posts

Posted by amzarb44 > 2019-11-21 12:13 | Report Abuse

Wikipedia cannot be trust, maybe somebody has edited


13,202 posts

Posted by qqq3 > 2019-11-21 13:06 | Report Abuse

sslee...things don't exist in theory alone nor does it exist in a vacuum..........critical thinking does not mean every thing also must criticise otherwise the youths all become like HK youths.

whether it is mahathir or LGE, PPBM or DAP.......its complex country, a developing country pretending to be a developed country..........things are fragile, situations change very fast,

fake news every where, sinister motives every where, and the PH government in office 1 + year only.

60 years under BN, want to go back to BN meh?

whether it is Mahathir or Anwar, I have no strong opinion, let them sort it out themselves

me? I believe whether it iis Mahathir or Anwar or LGE or DAP, I believe they are patriots and doing their best......let them sort it out. Come next GE, I will still vote PH.

its religion/ race of BN vs competence of PH....the choice is easy.

in this internet age , fake news age, the tendency is everyone has his opinion and in the end, the car is pulled in every direction and goes nowhere..........

does politics contribute to happiness? even the euphoria of winning an election last only a short time except for the office bearers.............


6,248 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2019-11-21 13:06 | Report Abuse

Dear amzarb44,
"Wikipedia cannot be trust, maybe somebody has edited"
Who edited what, by Historian or Politicians and for what purpose?
Your known history were the one edited by politicians

Once we were beautiful- Art Harun - On Jul 24, 2013
Years of political posturing utilizing religion and race have now begun to show its ugly consequences.
The so-called Islamisation that we embark upon, which is shorn of any meaningful spiritual understanding of the religion, but rather born out of political necessities, convenience and mired in political one-upmanship has now produced a nation which is unsure of itself and a people who are fractious, angry, suspicious and at odd with each other.
We need to take a real good look at ourselves and examine our ways. And we need to reboot our operating system if we want to avoid a total crash. And we need to reboot fast

May I ask why you feel so insecure and do you know the Malay culture had been taken over by Arabisation?

If you dislike the history of Malaysia, you can read the History of Indonesia.

Indonesia is an archipelagic country of 17,000 to 18,000 islands (8,844 named and 922 permanently inhabited) stretching along the equator in South East Asia. The country's strategic sea-lane position fostered inter-island and international trade; trade has since fundamentally shaped Indonesian history. The area of Indonesia is populated by peoples of various migrations, creating a diversity of cultures, ethnicities, and languages.

Please visit Bali Island and see for you self how Bali peoples are proud of their culture.

Thank you.


13,202 posts

Posted by qqq3 > 2019-11-21 13:09 | Report Abuse

people getting too critical............in search of excellence have no place for a new democracy......a country like Malaysia, democracy only means race, religion emotions and all short term stuffs................Mahathir is 94, Mahathir has seen it all and Mahathir has his vision and priorities.........Mahathir priority is to see Najib in jail, save the country finances, and ensure peace among the races.

Maybe he is not the most suitable PM material but I refuse to be a critic just for the sake of being a critic...............In search of excellence has no place for a democracy, a democracy in Malaysia only leads to the lowest common denominator of the majority which soon becomes race and religion...................There is no doubt in my mind, China has the most competent government in the world for the time being.

The Chinese has spend 60 years in the opposition......now in power for 1 year only, want to go back to opposition? Is that old habit or what? Why not count the blessings and help the new government?

I rather defend the new government than to oppose it.....better than going back to BN.................
u know...typical of all revolutions.....maximum chaos before and after successful revolution.....that is why we have the killing field of Cambodia and the chaos in China in the early years of PRC.........in every case, there are new excuses but the end results are the same.

the people has no patience, wants instant results, Mahathir is 94 years old, his view of time is different from a 20 years old. Mahathir's priority is save the country's finances.......That means patience, long term, sacrifices, virtues and living a life of philosophy...surely not the success factors in a modern democracy....................

The world is full of people who can write eloquently, but if you put them in charge of a complex place such as Malaysia, they will also fail.

politics is not very conducive to happiness. Best is stay clear of over indulgence in politics ...worse case like the HK youths, like drug addicts already.


6,213 posts

Posted by ahbah > 2019-11-21 13:24 | Report Abuse

When asked if the absence of MPs should be read as a "rebellious" act against his leadership, Dr Mahathir told reporters on the sidelines of the International Social Well-being Conference 2019 that he hoped any such feelings can be expressed openly instead.

"There are many other ways of expressing their views. If they don't like me, they can say so openly.


528 posts

Posted by amzarb44 > 2019-11-21 16:02 | Report Abuse

IR SSLEE, actually korang ni TAMAK MAHU KUASA betul x?


528 posts

Posted by amzarb44 > 2019-11-21 16:08 | Report Abuse

Chinese get SINGAPORE x ckop lg kami bagi? Sekarang mahu MALAYsia pula?


6,213 posts

Posted by ahbah > 2019-11-21 16:56 | Report Abuse

Mahathir's priority is save the country's finances.......That means patience, long term, sacrifices, virtues and living a life of philosophy...surely not the success factors in a modern democracy....................

Dr M got save our mkt here ?

I oredi kena banyak teruk from the mkt !

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-21 17:16 | Report Abuse

Wait for his goons to take over all business first before push up mah

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-21 17:21 | Report Abuse

Good company no worries like GCB, DUFU, etc

Companies in good hands, no worries - but if entrusted to crooks, then....

Compny is like a person. His character is everything. His delusion is personal, as long as not causing distress to others


6,248 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2019-11-21 20:13 | Report Abuse

Dear amzarb44,
IR SSLEE, actually korang ni TAMAK MAHU KUASA betul x?
"...with great power there must also come -- great responsibility!"

UMNO: The main founding member of the Alliance/BN represents Malay interest and won independent from British colony power. The early UMNO founder’s spirit of service above self is now relegated into history shelf. Money politics, bribery, corruption, abuse of power, cronyism, nepotism, arrogance, thuggish, cheating, lying through their teeth and brutal disregard to rule of law has becomes an inseparable part of today’s UMNO culture. The current UMNO president looks like and sounds like everything except a respectful leader …. MALU APA BOSSKU!

PAS: An Islamist political party eager to run the country according to Islamic law rather than raising the peoples’ standard of living. Used to be a very clean political party under the late Tok Guru Nik Aziz, but not perceived so under the recent Tuan Guru Haji Hadi.

So may I ask, are the current BN and PAS leaders “TAMAK MAHU KUASA” Tapi bila dapat kuasa tak berkerja atau tak tahu berkerja untuk kemajuan Negara dan meningkatkan taraf hidup rakyat Malaysia? Korang tu cuma tahu tamak haloba, nafsu, kuasa dan kekayaan hingga jadi billionaire.Sedangkan rakyat B40 kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang.

“Chinese get SINGAPORE x ckop lg kami bagi? Sekarang mahu MALAYsia pula?”
Singapore belongs to Singaporean. If you are interest to learn the history of Singapore below is the link:

• President
Halimah Yacob

• Prime Minister
Lee Hsien Loong

• Parliament Speaker
Tan Chuan-Jin

• Chief Justice
Sundaresh Menon

Thank you


528 posts

Posted by amzarb44 > 2019-11-21 21:23 | Report Abuse

Ir SSLEE, betulke MALAYSIA x maju no progress under UMNO? Now under DAP ekonomi jadi makin bagus???

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2019-11-21 22:21 | Report Abuse

If no right reforms to bad policies,bad economy will remain even it is controlled by genius so it is useless to debate as there won't be any solutions.Just save your breathe n prepare for the worst for your own family to survive soundly.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-21 22:27 | Report Abuse

Klepto goons attracted dodgy partners as investors. When saint took over, all fled.

Good guys-investors are waiting for corrupt-free policies before coming in.

Sadly, despite all their Dawkinsonian delusion, majority are just to corruptible


6,248 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2019-11-21 23:14 | Report Abuse

Dear amzarb44,
Wawasan 2020 (Jawi: واوسن ٢٠٢٠) or Vision 2020 is a Malaysian ideal introduced by the fourth (now seventh) Prime Minister of Malaysia, Mahathir Mohamad during the tabling of the Sixth Malaysia Plan in 1991.[2] The vision calls for the nation to achieve a self-sufficient industrialised nation by the year 2020, encompasses all aspects of life, from economic prosperity, social well-being, educational worldclass, political stability, as well as psychological balance. To achieve Vision 2020, Mahathir lamented that the nation required an annual growth of 7% (in real terms) over the thirty-year period 1990–2020, so that the economy would be eightfold stronger than its 1990 GDP of RM115 billion. This would translate to a GDP of RM920 billion (in 1990 Ringgit terms) in 2020

Mahathir outlined nine strategic challenges that Malaysia must overcome to achieve Vision 2020.
• Challenge 1: Establishing a united Malaysian nation made up of one Bangsa Malaysia (Malaysian Race).
• Challenge 2: Creating a psychologically liberated, secure and developed Malaysian society.
• Challenge 3: Fostering and developing a mature democratic society.
• Challenge 4: Establishing a fully moral and ethical society.
• Challenge 5: Establishing a matured liberal and tolerant society.
• Challenge 6: Establishing a scientific and progressive society.
• Challenge 7: Establishing a fully caring society.
• Challenge 8: Ensuring an economically just society, in which there is a fair and equitable distribution of the wealth of the nation.
• Challenge 9: Establishing a prosperous society with an economy that is fully competitive, dynamic, robust and resilient.

That is the development Malaysia should had achieved if only our BN leaders did not succumbed to corrupting tendencies of power and indulged in the politics of hatred, of racial and religious bigotry, as well as widespread corruption.

And if only our national education had set the priority right in preparing Malaysians with the right skills and empower them with the ability to think critically, logically, wisely and to make their own informed decisions. Then today we will not have this youth unemployment problem.

So tell me, if not for PH government today we will still be in the dark as of the scale of scandals/corruptions and problems swap under carpet and covered up by BN highly paid PR Guru.

Thank you.


528 posts

Posted by amzarb44 > 2019-11-22 00:09 | Report Abuse

Ir SSLEE, you said BN corrupt, but until now thw court has yet to proof it, the corruprion tainted on UMNO was only potrayed by the DAP, they hv their own agenda, MALAYSIAN MALAYSIA...... THEY WILL NOT SUCCEED!!!

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-22 07:00 | Report Abuse

History has been twisted....or else will write that they fail the nation as a nation....

.....the people as homo sapiens (wise thinking man......hence silliest question is to hear a grown up as another grown up whom he calls guru......what he should be thinking......what his stand should be on day-to-day bread-and-butter issues.....how their lives will be in afterlife

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-22 07:04 | Report Abuse

Age of maturity around 25......age of wisdom 40

Confucius wouod label them having a wasted life if so incapable of thinking by 40

Jokers here began learning how to get deluded after 40??

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-22 07:13 | Report Abuse

By the way, cakap tak serupa bikin is lying.....and local tradition has warned ......BERCAKAP BOHONG LAMA-LAMA MENCURI

Evidence? Rising poverty rate and national debt, and increasing unemployment and failed business

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-22 07:35 | Report Abuse

When two cats fight over a fish, the fox will win.

When the people are divided, unscrupulous, irresponsible and selfishly self enriching opportunistic politicoians will get a role

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-22 07:36 | Report Abuse

Fake and low quality education do not help the ppl to think

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-22 07:38 | Report Abuse

...just serve as self fulfilling public fund draining prophecy

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-22 07:46 | Report Abuse


Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-22 07:46 | Report Abuse

Teaching others about one's delusion should never be public education - ot's mind pollution!

Personal and private, then ok

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-22 07:54 | Report Abuse

Similarly, child marriage perpetuates health, psychosocial and poverty problems. Vertical transmission of misery, ignorance and social illnesses. Identify and deal with the root of the problem have to be the priority. Got stucked debating whether it should be acceptable or not?

Simple....but simply stup


6,248 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2019-11-22 07:56 | Report Abuse

Dear amzarb44,
This is what Tun’s wrote about M01 aka Najib: http://chedet.cc/?p=2830
• Najib malu jika Perdana Menteri (PM) Malaysia terdiri dari orang tua berumur 90 tahun lebih.
• Tetapi Najib tak berasa malu apabila Malaysia mempunyai PM yang dunia kenal sebagai kleptokrat, perasuah dan pencuri.
• Negara malu mempunyai Perdana Menteri yang seluruh dunia percaya telah selewengkan berbillion Ringgit duit Kerajaan. Negara malu Malaysia diklasifikasi sebagai negara rasuah dan kleptokrasi. Demikianlah rakyat berasa malu sehingga tidak mengakui rakyat Malaysia apabila ditanya di luar negara.
• Sesungguhnya amat pelik Perdana Menteri Malaysia ini. Apalah nasib rakyat Malaysia mendapat Perdana Menteri yang dipandang hina oleh dunia dan tak tahu malu.
• Najib tak malu; tak malu apabila berjumpa dengan pemimpin negara lain dengan berlagak sebagai seorang yang boleh nasihat pemimpin negara lain.

This is what police seized from former Malaysian PM's properties (USD 273m of goods)

This is what Tun’s vision 2020:
• Challenge 1: Establishing a united Malaysian nation made up of one Bangsa Malaysia (Malaysian Race).
So tell me what you understand about “one Bangsa Malaysia (Malaysian Race)” and “Malaysian Malaysia”?

Thank you


13,970 posts

Posted by i3lurker > 2019-11-22 08:05 | Report Abuse

Dun be stupid
All Cabinet Ministers and all NGOs shut up immediately

Posted by EngineeringProfit > Nov 22, 2019 7:54 AM | Report Abuse
Similarly, child marriage perpetuates health, psychosocial and poverty problems. Vertical transmission of misery, ignorance and social illnesses. Identify and deal with the root of the problem have to be the priority. Got stucked debating whether it should be acceptable or not?

Simple....but simply stup

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-22 08:07 | Report Abuse

So much hypocrisy as part of the global champion league for peace, health and prosperity?

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-22 08:16 | Report Abuse

Anyway, we rumah panjang ppl are charting an alternative way forwaed , albeit for Sarawak only


7,640 posts

Posted by Aristocats > 2019-11-22 08:54 | Report Abuse

Very simple lah.

Every race/kaum di Msia, tak kira APA bangsa sekalipun, hanya perlu Tanya hati nurani sendiri (self conscience) tentang soalan ini,

Soalan 1) Adakah APA yang dibuat oleh ahli politik di Msia selama ini, dibuat untuk kepentingan negara Msia, ataupun dibuat untuk kepentingan sendiri atau untuk kepentingan keluarga sendiri???

Ingat, kita semua hanya hidup sekali saja di dunia ini.
Jadi semua kesalahan yang bertentangan dengan agama harus ditanggung oleh diri sendiri di Akhirat nanti.

Soalan 2) Soalnya Sekarang, sanggupkah kita tanggung dosa kita Sendiri yang perlu dibayar di Akhirat SELAMA-LAMANYA??? Akhirat adalah selama-lamanya, jangan main-main dengan nasib sendiri di Alam akhirat nanti.

Fikir-fikir lah, wahai semua insan di Msia.
Sekian saja, terima kasih.


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2019-11-22 09:39 | Report Abuse

If u agree with Nusantara thing, then whole malaysia should belong to indonesia loh....!!

The official religion of Nusantara is Hindu not islam loh....!!

Posted by amzarb44 > Nov 21, 2019 11:58 AM | Report Abuse

Please learn history, this land is not malaya, we called it NUSANTARA or MALAY ARCHIPELAGO b4 invaded by outsider


528 posts

Posted by amzarb44 > 2019-11-22 10:43 | Report Abuse

Ir SSLEE, najib wrongdoing masih dibicara di mahkamah, bagaimana anda bole buat kesimpulan najib bersalah berdasarkan blog chedet? Dumb??

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-22 11:53 | Report Abuse

With a mind that is capable of thinking and an excellent moral compass, a blind shall see and the deaf shall hear.

Lack of honesty, truthfulness and integrity, even a judge can be despicable and deliver irresponsible verdict.

Trust no one, but....

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-11-22 11:56 | Report Abuse

Clear cut case needs simple evidence. Only extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence


528 posts

Posted by amzarb44 > 2019-11-22 12:10 | Report Abuse

Malay voted PH only 5%...so be prepared to be KERAJAAN SEPENGGAL


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2019-11-22 12:23 | Report Abuse

This Tg Piai election, Malay support for PH fell from 30% to 20% mah....!!

The chinese support for PH fell from 70% to only 52% loh....!!

No way malay support for PH only 5% loh....!!

Looking at the fall of malay & chinese support PH is likely to lose GE 15, if PH to continue the current course & direction mah....!!

PH won GE 14 with about 90% nationwide chinese & indian support but malay support about slightly more than 30% loh....!!

Posted by amzarb44 > Nov 22, 2019 12:10 PM | Report Abuse

Malay voted PH only 5%...so be prepared to be KERAJAAN SEPENGGAL

Posted by amzarb44 > Nov 22, 2019 12:09 PM | Report Abuse


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