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108 comment(s). Last comment by Slc1 2020-06-21 11:00


3,263 posts

Posted by chinaman > 2020-06-20 15:13 | Report Abuse

ok. at least, Pak Din this time give a fair answer to Sarawakian with 10% sales tax on state oil revenue, right albeit downturn of this industry?

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-06-20 15:55 | Report Abuse

Moo got no choice.........................he's cornered north-south-east-west.......

(...........and malignant rot from within)


6,253 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2020-06-20 16:19 | Report Abuse

Anyone knew how much under declared tax money (timber and natural resources) “Government Money” ends up with greedy tycoons and corrupted “White Hair” Taib and dirty politicians.

Tan Sri Shamsul Azhar Abbas, Petronas:
“It’s so difficult to do an honest day’s job. You spend a lot of time away from your true function (of running Petronas).”

“It’s not just people outside [who are making things difficult but] also people in the government — the bureaucrats. Bureaucratic interference makes things difficult."

“I’m a Malay too, I’m proud to be one … you think I don’t want to help my own people? Of course I want to help them, but in the proper way -- not through handouts and spoon-feeding."

“Everybody can see that we at Petronas are under immense pressure … We take pride in telling the whole world, telling the whole of Malaysia, that we are a Fortune 500 company, but do we behave like one?”

“This is what the fighting is all about, trying to give ourselves some independence, so that at the end of the day, we are measured in terms of our performance, delivery and results, and not having anyone intervening and telling us what we have to do and that we have to give handouts to all.”

“The government wants us to be like an international oil company, comparable with the Shells and ExxonMobils of the world, so we try to be one. But Shell and ExxonMobil are not harassed by their governments.”

“In the Petroleum Development Act, it is very clear — oil and gas belong to all Malaysians. It doesn’t say oil and gas belong to the bumiputeras, it doesn’t say that … it says all Malaysians, so they can be in the government, they can be in the opposition, they can be wherever … and we are the custodians.”

“It is amanah … diamanahkan … the word amanahkan is very strong — as a Muslim, it would be a huge sin if I abused ‘amanah’.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-06-20 18:08 | Report Abuse

Edward de Bono's H + is more transparent.....

.....humility, happiness, health, help and hope

while HoPeless sounds desperate

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-06-21 09:10 | Report Abuse

Mamktir said: "If Past Hope is seen as a multiracial outfit, I don't think the peninsular bumi MPs would support us. Without their support, there is no need to talk about anyone being prime minister or becoming anything. Without support (from peninsular bumi MPs), you would not have the support needed to form a government.*

What's wrong? If not uninitiating dumping of currently unworthy brainwashing and delearning the wrong thinking;.......

.......and relearning a new mindset with only quality education.....

How else to solve the problem as stated?

The hallmark of leadership par excellence is the ability to EDUCATE the commoners........

.........toxic elements* of nation-building that they shpild shun away from

* include the malignancy of racism

Anti-Racism education from young age (MELENTUR BULUH BIARLAH DARI REBUNGNYA): Fighting Hate Politics

Children have been exposed from early childhood all types of hate- favourism, racism and homophobia, warping their views about diversity and inclusion.

The hallmark of leadership par excellence is knowing that....

the fight against bigotry is about putting malevolent events and beliefs into context, dispelling little ones’ misapprehensions, and empowering the young minds to be forces for good....

During premarital course, all potential parents must be educated to ensure their children from ages 0 to 6 .........to lay positive groundwork, addressing hate by cultivating its opposite—compassion and tolerance.

A leader par excellence knows that.....

scientifically, all children have a head start: an innocent indifference to what sets people apart.

Kids are very aware of ways we differ, but they aren’t born identifying people with a particular race, gender, or ethnicity, They don’t naturally discriminate.

When, where and how do they learn to be bigotry?

Education is the answer. Formal education for those ages 6 to 8 must address this malignant issue.

A leader par excellence knows that.......

......little kids are very attuned to what’s fair and not fair.......

...and intuitively owning a strong basis against injustice.

So, what could have gone so wrong? What is being fed into their mindset in real/family/school life?

A leader par excellence knows that.......

......every parents must learn to keep the conversation at the right level—of reassurance, honesty, and detail with their young ones about the malignancy of bigotry

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-06-21 09:52 | Report Abuse

That's why while exemplary leaders par excellence such as...

Martin Luther King's speech went:

" I have a dream today.......that little boys and girls of all creeds and background can join hands and walk together like a family....

" I have a dream today ......crooked places will be made straight and every valley shall be exalted......"

And Barack Hussein Obama:

"Let's be the generation that reshapes our national economy to compete in the challenging digital age....

Let's be the generation that recruits a new army of righteous teachers with exemplary self-integrity for more accountability and performance....

Let's be the generation that invests in scientific research and lays down broadband lines through every heart of inner cities and rural towns nationwide....

Let's be the generation that ensure rich politicians and statemen work responsibly and share their wealth with tgepoor and needy.....

Let's be the generation that make it possible for hard-working ppl to save for a decent living post-retirement......

Let's be the generation that whips GLCs to perform and earn......and allow workers'unions to lift up the stand of living for those in the middle class....

......his speech could only go:

I am an unforgivable icon of failure because I choose to be stubbornly bound to win, but fail to be bound to be true.

I am an unforgivable icon of failure because I have been egoistically bound to succeed, but fail to be bound to live by the light that I have....

I am an unforgivable icon of failure because I have been oblivious to stand with anybody that stands right, and fail to part with them for good when they go the wrong path....

I am an unforgivable icon of failure because I fail to empower the people with the ability to think critically, logically, wisely and to make their own informed decisions, no matter the situation......

I am an unforgivable icon of failure because I fail to raise a new generation of leaders and great thinkers, but merely not of sheep and cowards qualities...

I am unforgivable for putting the political numbers game first......

......people's interest second

I am unforgivable for failing to ensure proper education of the young ones on what its really right and good for the nation....

I am an unforgivable icon of failure because I fail to identify and tackle lies, slanderous remarks and racism....Yes, I have given too much power to toxic racism.....and do nothing to put it out

I am an unforgivable icon of failure because I have allowed the country to go down the drain ....

I am an unforgivable icon of failure because I fail to reform education and forge public awareness so that everyone will stand up against this trend.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-06-21 10:03 | Report Abuse

Back to Basics: Education for Nation-Building

The good news is all children have a head start as they were born with an innocent indifference to what sets people apart. Although they are aware of ways we differ, but they aren’t born identifying people with a particular race, gender, or ethnicity, They don’t naturally discriminate.

Then beg the question : When, where and how do they learn to be bigotry?

Education and upbringing are the answer. Formal education for those ages 6 to 8 must address this malignant issue. An educator par excellence knows that little children are very attuned to what’s fair and not fair. And intuitively owning a strong basis against injustice.

So, what could have gone so wrong? What has been instilled into their minds in real/family/school life?

A country leader par excellence knows that every parents must learn to keep the conversation at the right level — of reassurance, honesty, and detail with their young ones about the malignancy of bigotry.

If he were to reform education and mentor the ministers, does he have these qualities?


855 posts

Posted by Slc1 > 2020-06-21 11:00 | Report Abuse

TDM only interested in PM9 position.

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