With this new diseases outbreak, US will panic to buy the glove for emergence use (USA have more than 350 million pupulation) since the Tariff 50% on China glove start yesterday, Trump will push Supermax to produce up to Phase 4 to complete the production of19.2 billions glove a year by this year, and Trump will further push Supermax for Phase 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 etc with additional 4.8 billion glove per phase. Supermax will become the largest glove production in the world with most profitable since no Tarriff. The share price will be more than higest price during covid if this new HMPV outbreak continue
Hahahaha ini eagle 🦅 biasa punya banyak semangat punya, hahahaha alamak selalu pun tak Jun punya hanya ada hot air punya. Hahahaha betul betul stand up comedian, betul betul Joker 😅 wakaka
Hahahaha alamak u selalu pergi sini lah,lagi banyak counters langsung pun tarak Jun punya,hanya gostan punya. Hahahaha tak lama u pun sudah hilang, betul betul Joker 😹 wakaka
Hahahaha u selalu pun Ada berita baik punya tetapi tak jadi punya,hanya u syok sekejap nanti u pun hilang di sini. Hahahaha u betul betul Joker 😹 wakaka
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
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Posted by Mini2021 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
Luen07: Omg how many units you sapu?