Posted by kulimchan > 2013-05-01 17:13 | Report Abuse

这是星洲财经报道: 外資連20週買進‧4月綜指勁揚46點 大馬馬股分析 2013-04-30 17:25 外資湧入馬股,創下20週連買紀錄,令富時綜合指數漲勢一波接一波,帶動指數連連刷新歷史高位,今年4月走揚36點或2.16%。(圖:星洲網) (吉隆坡30日訊)全國大選千呼萬喚始出來,投資者卻出乎意料冷靜以對,其中外資更是瘋狂湧入馬股,創下20週連買紀錄,令富時綜合指數漲勢一波接一波,帶動指數連連刷新歷史高位,今年4月走揚46.02點或2.76%。 馬股今日開盤起2.61點,但國家能源(TENAGA,5347,主板貿服組)等權重股買壓沉重,令指數僅短暫歡愉即回吐漲幅,最低見1702.95點,挫5.14點或0.3%,好在馬來亞銀行(MAYBANK,1155,主板金融組)等藍籌股低處逢買盤,使得指數重新收拾腳步,早盤起1.05點至1709.02點。 週二再寫1717.65點新高 午盤後,馬股在買盤湧入推波助瀾下,漲勢火力全開,富時綜指盤中最高起10.47點至1718.44點,終場收報1717.65點,起9.68點,再創收盤新高。 回顧4月,馬股走勢猶如坐上過山車,月初表現受大選陰霾影響,整體走勢趨向動盪,其中富時綜指在國會解散日一度暴跌逾50點,拖累馬股跌至最低1632.28點,但與市場預測不同,馬股在國會解散後僅短暫低迷,隨後迎來一波又一波漲潮,帶領指數連創歷史新高。 歷經選舉隱憂干擾,馬股步入月中走勢趨向強穩,在外資龐大買盤支持下,馬股奮力上揚,成功突破1700點,刷下歷史新高紀錄,隨後在歐美等良好經濟數據支撐下,買氣進一步凝聚,指數最高上探至1718.08點。 分析員認為,這反映出投資者已將眼光放在全國大選以後,並已將國陣贏得大選的結果納入指數表現中。 但是,隨著選舉日逐步逼近,投資者又犯多愁善感毛病,讓富時綜指走勢一度陷入停滯不前窘境,在1700點至1710點水平來回拔河,惟外資不斷為馬股漲勢添薪火,令指數臨尾再上演一輪漲潮,單月創下46.02點或2.75%漲幅,表現冠絕全場。 馬股4月籠罩在濃厚政治氛圍內,聯昌集團(CIMB,1023,主板金融組)、國家能源、國油貿易(PETDAG,5681,主板貿服組)、商業高峰(PUNCAK,6807,主板基建計劃組)等政治相關類股表現大勇,股價大有斬獲。 綜指4度站上收盤新高 整體來算,富時綜指單在4月即5次刷新盤中新高,4度站上收盤新高,火爆程度非同一般。 統計4月份,馬股12項主要指數表現是8起4跌,種植指數走出原棕油價低迷不振情緒,單月走揚2.66%,位列全場第二。而反映馬股整體走勢的富時全股項指數以2.53%漲幅屈居第三。 相比之下,小資本股未跟上馬股此波漲潮,走勢被遠遠甩在後頭,創業板指數下挫1.38%,建築指數受大選不明朗因素影響,單月走跌0.51%,而礦務指數挫1.78%。 選後政治風險解除 馬股有望追上同儕 分析員認為,市場傳統視5月為“五窮月",而馬股因全國大選在即,勢必難逃一劫。 “全球股市迎向漲潮,而大馬擁有回歸政治穩定性前景,也帶動股市隨著樂觀情緒走揚,富時綜指將在1664點至1711點獲得良好支撐,阻力水平為1713點和1718點可能出現部份賣壓。" 興業研究指出,一旦政治風獲得解除,加上股權風險溢價(Equity risk premium)有所下跌,馬股可能追上區域同儕步伐。 該證券行說,隨著美國經濟復甦趨穩,加上中國經濟持續增長將為全球經濟,甚至是股市帶來穩定支撐。 “本地因素方面,隨著龐大基礎建設工程和消費者開銷穩定,新投資週期將逐步浮現,經濟增長將不是重大風險所在。" 因此,興業證券表示,在相關情況下,投資者宜放眼大選後因素,專注“如何把政治風險轉為機會",以取得超越市場表現。 “我們的策略是在保持防禦的同時,維持趁低買進的策略,建議投資者增持貝他和買進有望隨下半年經濟增長好轉的領域,其中銀行、石油與天然氣、產業和媒體領域都是趁低買進的

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13 comment(s). Last comment by bingo 2013-05-02 21:50


683 posts

Posted by phyroxus > 2013-05-01 17:47 | Report Abuse

i believe this is a tactic.

Those rich cronies transfer out huge money to setup investment company in foreign and go into KLSE to bosst up the index. Their capital is huge enoughh to manipulate the klse.

Then, there may have 2 situation to come:
if BN wins, they will bosst up the index higher and sell to the retailor.

if PKR wins, they are directed by the boss to slump the market and downturn it for continuous 5 years. Since stock market is the best benchmark to measure the economy growth, this will make pkr shamed not able to control the situation until next GE.

The first task that pkr need handle is to tackle the national debt of 53%. If in between there are sabotage towards the ruling party's development, MY will get even worse.

So, will MY end up like Thai? God knows.


76 posts

Posted by kulimchan > 2013-05-01 18:04 | Report Abuse

national debt is an issue only expert can answer,right now the pkr has to tackle mass resignation of their members.revolution of Indian member.34 members already sacked because contesting as independent candidate..but Idont care,I just want to know when to sell my shares.

Ooi Teik Bee

11,481 posts

Posted by Ooi Teik Bee > 2013-05-01 18:35 | Report Abuse

National debt is everyone issue, this involve yourself, your children and your grand children. Top guns take money, they can fly off to other country and said bye bye.
Only those who are loyal to this country will stay back to revive the economy, to repay the debts and to save this country.
Someone has USD 44 billion in wealth, will he takes out his money to help to pay Malaysia debt ? You should know the answer, please do not be naive and still say good words for them. Please touch your heart whether you had done justice to all good friends in Malaysia. Your good friends in Malaysia are victim of circumstance.

What we should care and do now is to save this country, please vote them out so that this beloved country is safe. Since they cannot do a good job to manage our economy well, why we must keep them ?

Please vote them out, please vote wisely.

Stock market will not perform well as long as the same government is still in power. The same policy will not work, we need a change for a better government. We need "meritocracy" in stock market so that more foreign investors will come back to Malaysia. The same policy in last 40 years will make us backward. KLSE is the worst market in SEA in last 15 years after we imposed capital control since 1998.

We need a breakout and a new policy to take KLCI to another new high. The present KLCI index is a bullshit index. More than 60% of stocks listed in KLSE is < 1.00 in stock price. What a disgrace to others ?

I am talking facts and figures here, you can verify them.

Thank you.


2,650 posts

Posted by alenac > 2013-05-01 18:36 | Report Abuse

"national debt is an issue only expert can answer ....."

Another bullshitter, another cybertrooper.........possible for Najib to do a Greece? Janji dicapati!!!!!!!!!! They go around the country saying what they promised will be fullfilled.......but I have seen time and time they promised to reduce corruption but they themselves indulged in corruption.

Ooi Teik Bee

11,481 posts

Posted by Ooi Teik Bee > 2013-05-01 18:57 |

Post removed.Why?


681 posts

Posted by max8 > 2013-05-01 20:03 | Report Abuse

Bro Ooi, why waste time on these upah-troopers, especially in such hilarious defending mode. I doubt whoever hiring them really do a brief IQ check before putting them on field, or they are just like minds with like standards. And worst still, placing them at i3investor site.


560 posts

Posted by jacko > 2013-05-01 20:35 | Report Abuse

Kulimchan if you are right national debt is by experts, the 500+ billion or 53% of GDP debt is from Fed Govt. Not only is from BN but it has been mentioned many times..are u sure u are on top of info or not?? Now ppl talk of contingency debt and if you look at the top 30 market cap companies and BN cronies especially Syed Mokthar , this guarantor debt cannot be less than 300 billion ....not unless you cannot count in billions.

Also note Refsa and ISIS ( both experts) has concur the 800+ billion in debt added the two. The only thing is the figure was last years number and not this year. So my guess easily should 5 % increase ( though my info says 8%)

If you Kulimchan say expert to confirm the number, GDP is also suspicious as expose by the experts. BN claim 5 to 6% we will be accumulating another 3% deficit at least. So I will be very cautious in using the word experts. The two institution above are experts In their area not unless u are smarter than them. If so show your figures. If not, open the window and jump ok! Very


76 posts

Posted by kulimchan > 2013-05-01 21:50 | Report Abuse

I don't know at all.What I know is Lim Kit Siang harping about the national debt,and saying that Malaysia is going to bankrupt for almost 42 years. today,Malaysia is considered as a prosperous country in this region,those in Singapore who want to migrate ,56% of them chose Malaysia as their permanent home, they must have some reason.


560 posts

Posted by jacko > 2013-05-02 00:23 | Report Abuse

.?? Kulimchan....pls check on Wikipedia what is our per capita vs Singapore. Also check on our debt vs Singapore and finally check on our reserve vs Singapore. Don't always listen to ppl. Find out...!!!
If ppl sentiment are not happy, financials in the country is poor vs its debt, racial tension is at its highest and projects are benefitting conies......what is there to support a country?


46 posts

Posted by Zhenghoe > 2013-05-02 01:24 | Report Abuse

Dont argue with Kulimchan ... He get pay from BN rm5000 per we just share what we see what we feel and what what we get!!! I believe he will disappear after 5 may 2013... Ini kali dia! Ubah

Frank Soweto

3,425 posts

Posted by Frank Soweto > 2013-05-02 01:35 | Report Abuse

zhenghoe is right - no point arguing with kulimchan - here the people are concern about the corruptions and skyrocketing debts and kulimchan is arguing about exodus of PKR members :)

Posted by kulimchan > May 1, 2013 06:04 PM | Report Abuse

national debt is an issue only expert can answer,right now the pkr has to tackle mass resignation of their members.revolution of Indian member.34 members already sacked because contesting as independent candidate..but Idont care,I just want to know when to sell my shares.

Just like the MCA song - love is in the air - have u guys seen the video? Love is in the air???? - what were these fellas thinking :( OMG I have not had a good laugh for years but after that reality set in - we are indeed as a country spiraling out of control due to the mismanagement by the Jokers :(


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2013-05-02 01:50 | Report Abuse

Anyway, these Barang Naik people are very irresponsible. They like to twist, turn, say they don't know and forget. Like mahaikutty always say he forgot if he does not want to answer you.

national debt is an issue only expert can answer,right now the pkr has to tackle mass resignation of their members.revolution of Indian member.34 members already sacked because contesting as independent candidate..but Idont care,I just want to know when to sell my shares.

This statement is a very irresponsible and a selfish statement. And he is trying to change topic to PKR. Well, if debt increase, who is going to suffer? Sure the people will suffer. For sure more harga Barang Naik.


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-05-02 21:50 | Report Abuse

If You Are A Malaysian, PLEASE Watch This Video.

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