Posted by 3iii > 2018-08-12 08:05 | Report Abuse

My Golden Rule of Investing: Companies that grow revenues and earnings will see share prices grow over time.

17 people like this.

3,714 comment(s). Last comment by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ 2 weeks ago

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2023-03-15 17:39 | Report Abuse

The biggest risk in owning a bond is: INFLATION. With stocks, over the very long term, you can keep up with inflation and make a decent profit to boot. With bonds, you can't.

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2023-03-15 17:44 | Report Abuse

Fluctuation of Bond Prices

Short-term bonds, defined as those with a duration of less than 7 years, are not significantly affected by changes in the market. This applies to US Savings Bonds, which can be redeemed at anytime.

Long term bonds, however, may experience wide price swings as a result of fluctuations in the interest rate. Thus, long term bonds may seem attractive when discounted, but this practice often leads to speculation and losses.

Low yields correspond with high bond prices and vice versa; prices and yields are inversely related.

The period from 1960 to 1975 is marked by reversing swings in the price of bonds so much so that it reminded Graham of Newton’s law: “every action has an opposite and equal reaction.” Of course, nothing on Wall Street actually occurs the same way twice.

Graham acknowledges the impossibility of attempting to predict bond prices, even if common stock prices were predictable. Therefore, the investor must choose between long- term and short-term bonds chiefly on the basis of personal preference.

If the investor wishes to ensure that his market values will not decrease, then the investor is best served by US Savings Bonds. With higher yield long term bonds, the investor must be prepared to see their market values fluctuate.


6,251 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2023-03-15 17:46 | Report Abuse

If only you hold bond to maturity then only you will be redeemed back with the full face value.

What happen to SV bank is because the bank place customer deposits into long term US bond that pay less than 1% yield. When Federal Reserve interest hike to 4.5-4.75% too fast the short term US bond pay higher yield rate causing the long term US bond officially trade below the face value and SV bank holding billions in unrealised US long term bond loss in the book greater then shareholder capital.

When customers withdraw money the SV bank force to liquidate this long term Bond at billion in realised loss to meet withdrawal demand. The rest is history.


3,784 posts

Posted by brightsmart > 2023-03-15 18:24 | Report Abuse

And the toxic asset is uncle Sam bonds


56,242 posts

Posted by calvintaneng > 2023-03-21 22:19 |

Post removed.Why?


56,242 posts

Posted by calvintaneng > 2023-03-25 21:33 |

Post removed.Why?


56,242 posts

Posted by calvintaneng > 2023-03-25 21:47 | Report Abuse

this 3iii has only harped on dinosaur historic stuff of time past and never recommend one good current stock which people can invest in ( he so afraid less he underperform so he acts like a Real Coward)

and hiding behind some fake protection he pass comments on others

This is toxic behavior

a real waste of people ' s time as he only a busy body of little practical use

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2023-03-26 09:22 | Report Abuse

Portfolio Management - The Portfolio Management Process

The portfolio management process is the process an investor takes to aid him in meeting his investment goals.

The procedure is as follows:
Create a Policy Statement -A policy statement is the statement that contains the investor's goals and constraints as it relates to his investments.

Develop an Investment Strategy - This entails creating a strategy that combines the investor's goals and objectives with current financial market and economic conditions.

Implement the Plan Created -This entails putting the investment strategy to work, investing in a portfolio that meets the client's goals and constraint requirements.

Monitor and Update the Plan -Both markets and investors' needs change as time changes. As such, it is important to monitor for these changes as they occur and to update the plan toadjust for the changes that have occurred.

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2023-03-26 09:26 | Report Abuse

There is nothing in the price action of the stock that tells you whether you should keep owning the stock. What tells you to keep owning it is - what do you expect the company to do in the future versus the price you are selling now.and compare to the other opportunity which you think you know equally well and make the same comparison.

You can check your portfolio regularly to see how to optimise the stocks in your portfolio. There is nothing to stop you from checking this daily. However, don't do it too frequently.

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2023-03-26 09:29 | Report Abuse

Investors in marketable securities will not have predictable annual results

Unlike many areas of endeavor, there is no near-annuity of profitable business, no backlog of upcoming investment returns.

Heinz ketchup will have a reasonably predictable volume of sales year in and year out. In a sense, its profits of tomorrow were partially earned yesterday when its franchise was established.

Investors in marketable securities will not have predictable annual results, however, even if they possess shares representing fractional ownership of the same company.

Moreover, attractive returns earned by Heinz may not correlate with the returns achieved by investors in Heinz; the price paid for the stock, and not just business results, determines their return.

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2023-03-26 09:31 | Report Abuse

Portfolio Management

Portfolio management encompasses

- trading activity
- as well as the regular review of one's holdings.

In addition, an investor's portfolio management responsibilities include

- maintaining appropriate diversification,
- making hedging decisions, and
- managing portfolio cash flow and liquidity.

All investors must come to terms with the relentless continuity of the investment process.

Although specific investments have a beginning and an end, portfolio management goes on forever.


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2023-03-26 10:50 | Report Abuse

Mistakes loh!
SV should immediate approach FED for help, instead of liquidate its bond portfolio when there is a bank run loh!

If they manage to hold to maturity their bonds portfolio....SVB will not being bankrupted loh!

Posted by Sslee > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

If only you hold bond to maturity then only you will be redeemed back with the full face value.

What happen to SV bank is because the bank place customer deposits into long term US bond that pay less than 1% yield. When Federal Reserve interest hike to 4.5-4.75% too fast the short term US bond pay higher yield rate causing the long term US bond officially trade below the face value and SV bank holding billions in unrealised US long term bond loss in the book greater then shareholder capital.

When customers withdraw money the SV bank force to liquidate this long term Bond at billion in realised loss to meet withdrawal demand. The rest is history.

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2023-03-27 07:12 | Report Abuse

it is important to understand that managers can brag about simple averages but you can only spend compound returns.

Our goal is to execute safe investment strategies that capture the most of bull markets while preserving gains in bear markets to provide superior long-term compound returns.

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2023-03-27 07:18 | Report Abuse

Compound returns are the most precise and accurate reflection of your portfolio's bottom line and thus, they are of utmost concern for you.

Compound returns are a reference to the cumulative impact of gains or losses on your portfolio, they are a reflection of your ability in your investing and they are indications of how much money is in your account. Simple returns, on the other hand, are the returns that occur each day, month or year and are only a snapshot look at an investment's performance without regard to its history.

For example, if a portfolio is down 10% one year and up 10% the next, the simple return on this portfolio is 0% and the manager can report a "break-even" performance over these two years if he refers to his simple returns. However, when it comes to compound returns, which reflect the net effect to your account, the portfolio is actually down 1%. The loss in year one reduced the amount of capital invested for the following year and therefore, a higher performance was needed simply to return the investment to breakeven. It would take an 11% gain to make up for a 10% loss, regardless of the order of the gain/loss.

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2023-03-27 07:21 | Report Abuse

Intrinsic Value Basics
Theoretically and practically, the value received for owning a business or a security is the dollar return amount received over time from your investment.

That return may come
- as a single payment at the end of the ownership period for selling the stock or business,
- as payments at regular intervals during ownership, or
- (often) as a combination of the two.

But growth and time value of money have a major impact on the final valuation of equity investment returns. In fact, intrinsic valuation is a lot about assessing the effects of future growth on future returns and then assigning a present value to those returns.

The following "how" questions can guide the appraisal of business returns.

How much?
How soon?
How long?
How consistent?
How valuable?

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2023-03-27 07:25 | Report Abuse

The following "how" questions can guide the appraisal of business returns.

How much?
How soon?
How long?
How consistent?
How valuable?

How much?

How many dollars of return will the business produce, either to distribute to shareholders or to invest productively in the business?

Key drivers are profitability and growth rates - and the collection of business factors that drive that profitability and growth.

How soon?

Big payoffs are nice, but if you have to wait 30 years for them, they aren't as valuable. Remember the time value of money.

If two companies produce the same return, but one does it sooner, that company has more value because those dollars can be reinvested elsewhere sooner for more return.

How long?

Although future returns have less value than current returns, they do have substantial value; and 20, 30, or 50 years of those returns can't be ignored, particularly in a profitable, growing business.

How consistent?

A company producing slow, steady growth and return is usually more valuable than one that's all over the map.

A greater variability, or uncertainty, around projected returns calls for more conservative growth and/or discounting assumptions.

How valuable?

Finally, after assessing potential returns (how much, how soon, how long, how consistent), you must assign a current value to those returns.

That value is driven by the value of the investment money as it may be used elsewhere. A return may look attractive - until the investor realizes that he or she can achieve the same return with a bond or a less risky investment.

Valuing the returns involves discounting (using a discount rate) to bring future returns back to fair current value. The discount rate is your personal cost of capital - in this case, the rate of return you expect to deploy capital here versus elsewhere.

Sooner isn't always better.

A business producing quick, short-term bucks may not be more valuable than one that produces slow, steady growth.

The quick-bucker may be cyclical and go through years of diminished or even negative returns. Even though the quick-bucker produces a lot of value in the first few years, that may not be better than sustained growth and value produced later on by the slower, steadier comapny.

The quick-bucker may be relying on a technology or some other competitive advantage that could dissipate or dissapper altogether. Likewise, a company with a long-term and sustainable advantage, sometimes known as a "moat" keeping competitors away, may beat a company with very high but only short-term returns.

Bottom line:

It's a combination of how much, how soon, how long, and how consistent.
The tortoise often beats the hare.

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2023-03-27 07:41 | Report Abuse

Quick short term bucker versus slow, steady grower

Sooner isn't always better.

A business producing quick, short-term bucks may not be more valuable than one that produces slow, steady growth.

The quick-bucker may be cyclical and go through years of diminished or even negative returns. Even though the quick-bucker produces a lot of value in the first few years, that may not be better than sustained growth and value produced later on by the slower, steadier comapny.

The quick-bucker may be relying on a technology or some other competitive advantage that could dissipate or dissapper altogether. Likewise, a company with a long-term and sustainable advantage, sometimes known as a "moat" keeping competitors away, may beat a company with very high but only short-term returns.


13,983 posts

Posted by i3lurker > 2023-03-27 10:04 | Report Abuse

Short term is always better coz in the long run a whole city of apparel fashion companies goes bankrupt.

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2023-03-28 16:21 | Report Abuse

Insider purchases and sales are noteworthy milestones but are no road map to investing success.

Be careful before you follow in a CEO's footsteps. Knowing how much stock to put into an insider's actions, literally and figuratively, is a tricky business.

"The most important aspect that the lay investor should keep in mind is that it is a first screen."

"When you see an executive put large sums of money on the line, clearly that's a signal that he feels very confident, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the stock's going to go up. "

Savvy investors will view a CEO's big buy in context.

One good overall indicator is how much of a stake insiders have in their companies. In general, the more shares they own, the better for investors.

But don't drive yourself crazy trying to assess the meaning of a big transaction if the evidence seems mixed. It's best not to view insider moves in isolation.

"You're building a mosaic to decide whether you want to be invested in a company; this is just one piece of the puzzle."

An example:

Dell Inc. CEO Michael Dell bought $100 million of the computer maker's stock last September 2008.

Talk about bad timing. The shares lost more than half their value in 10 weeks during the market meltdown. As of February 2009 Michael Dell had lost $55 million on the investment.

A wildly unpredictable economy like this one, in other words, makes it even harder to interpret the significance of insider transactions.

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2023-03-28 16:24 | Report Abuse

While it's hard to imagine that a $100 million stock purchase like Dell's was simply window dressing or a statement to investors, it's possible that smaller purchases could be aimed largely at drumming up more buying.

lExecutives could be playing off the widespread notion that insiders have an early read on where the company is going.

"They may hope that the publicity of their having bought will have a positive effect on the direction of the market price."

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2023-03-30 15:50 | Report Abuse

Security Last PE DY% Div cts ROE ttm marg
CARLSBG (Food) 21.3 20.54 4.1 88 207.4 13.1
NESTLE (Food) 137.5 51.98 1.9 262 99.07 9.3
HEIM (Food) 26.76 19.58 3 81 84.35 14.5
BAT (Personal) 10.98 11.94 8 88 69.65 10.1

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2023-03-30 15:53 | Report Abuse

Security LastPr PE DY% Divcts ROE ttm-marg
MRDIY (Retailers) 1.57 31.34 1.4 2.17 32.96 11.9
GASMSIA (Gas, Water & Multi-utilities) 3.16 10.42 5.6 17.67 30.46 5.1
HIBISCS (O&G) 0.99 2.73 2 2 30.43 29.3
AMWAY (Retailers) 5.24 11.2 7.3 38 30.37 5.1
ELSOFT (Technology) 0.6 9.46 5 3 30.19 153

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2023-03-30 15:55 | Report Abuse

Security LastPr PE DY% Divcts ROE ttm-marg
PADINI (Retailers) 4.08 11.56 2.5 10 23.68 13.7
VITROX (Semiconductors) 7.95 37.39 0.6 4.58 22.96 26.8
KGB (Industrial Engineering) 1.47 17.11 1.7 2.5 22.85 4.4
FRONTKN (Semiconductors) 3.12 40 1.3 4 22.29 23.8

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2023-03-30 16:59 | Report Abuse

Security LastPr PE DY% Divcts ROE ttm-marg
ALSREIT (Reit) 0.49 4.34 5.1 2.5 10.23 91.1
IGBREIT (Reit) 1.73 15.68 5.7 9.86 10.22 71.2
PAVREIT (Reit) 1.34 10.3 6.3 8.37 10.12 69.8

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2023-04-04 12:10 | Report Abuse

Companies within this list have demonstrated positive Earnings per Share (EPS) growth on a year-over-year basis.

This list has performed -3.33% over the past year. By comparison, FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI Index is -10.55% over the same period. The beta of this list, which is a measure of volatility, is Moderately Low at 0.85. List Beta is calculated using an equally weighted average beta of the securities within this list. This list includes 20.00% of Consumer Non-Cyclicals stocks, 20.00% of Financials stocks, 10.00% of Utilities stocks, 10.00% of Industrials stocks, 10.00% of Basic Materials stocks, 10.00% of Healthcare stocks, 10.00% of Consumer Cyclicals stocks, 10.00% of Technology stocks.

List performance is calculated using an equal-weight methodology. This list is generated by scanning the web and using our algorithms to surface potentially relevant securities to the topic. The list is intended to be educational and includes securities that may be suitable for a watchlist. It is not intended for investment or trading purposes. Microsoft does not recommend using the data and information provided as the basis for making any investment decision.

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2023-04-07 07:07 | Report Abuse

In 1980s, the long term Bond interest rate was 15%.   A company earning ROE of 15% at that time was worth no more than its book value.  A company earning ROE of 12% was a subpar business.

OTOH, a business earning ROE of 12% is an excellent business when long term bond interest rate is at 3%.

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2023-04-13 08:55 | Report Abuse

Making investing enjoyable, understandable and profitable…

Is it not true, that the really big fortunes from common stocks have been garnered by those
- who made a substantial commitment in theearly years of a company in whose future they had great confidence and
- who held their original shares unwaveringly while they increased 10-fold or 100-fold or more in value?

The answer is "Yes."

Investment performance is not guaranteed and future returns may differ from past returns. As investment conditions change over time, past returns should not be used to predict future returns. The results of your investing will be affected by a number of factors, including the performance of the investment markets in which you invest.

Observation over many years has taught us that the chief losses to investors come from the purchase of low-quality securities at times of favorable business conditions.

Basically, Graham is saying that most stock investors lose money because they invest in companies that seem good at a particular point in time, but are lacking the fundamentals of a long-lasting stable company.

This seems obvious on the surface, but it’s actually a great argument for thinking more carefully about your individual stock investments. If most of your losses come from buying companies that seem healthy but really aren’t, isn’t that a profound argument for carefully studying any company you might invest in?

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2023-04-20 07:40 | Report Abuse

Trap 1: Focusing too much on return on equity (ROE)

The much-vaunted ROE seems pure: take net profits, divide by shareholders' equity, and you see how efficient a business is with investors' money. ROE is Warren Buffet's favourite ratio, and executive pay is sometimes tied to it.

When it's a trap: When it's enhanced by debt. Borrowing funds to make more money for shareholders isn't necessarily evil, and is sometimes beneficial. But investors strictly watching ROE will miss the additional risk taken by a management team 'gearing up' to meet performance targets.

Protect yourself: Add return on invested capital (ROIC) to your arsenal. Using the same principle as ROE, ROIC essentially compares after-tax operating profits to both debt and equity capital, and thus provides a better measure of operational success that can't be inflated by a financing decision.

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2023-04-20 08:13 | Report Abuse

Investors can avoid a lot of bad investments if they analyze a company's operating cash flow. It's not hard to do, but you'll need to do it, because the talking heads and analysts are all too often focused on EPS.


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2023-04-20 11:06 | Report Abuse

Generally the key points raise by 3iii is quite good & sound loh!

But one very important never never overpay for matter the stock quality of the stock is so good mah!

For instance Dlady use to be above Rm 60, but now below Rm 30 loh!


2,518 posts

Posted by xiaoeh > 2023-04-22 12:36 | Report Abuse

stockaider, would u mind sharing how u justify u r not overpay for stock u bought?


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2023-04-23 12:46 | Report Abuse

Pakai otak to think 1st loh!
If u pays Rm 60.00 at PE 60x for a stock only has shareholders fund of only Rm 4.00 and div 50 sen, surely u can see overpayment for stock loh!


2,518 posts

Posted by xiaoeh > 2023-04-24 09:21 | Report Abuse

Hi stockraider, i guess u will never buy tech stocks as their PE is way above norm.

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2023-04-25 06:37 | Report Abuse

Cracks appear in interest rate sensitive parts of the economy.

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2023-04-25 08:16 | Report Abuse

Various types of Smart Money:

1. Owners
Comment: May not be reliable

2. Local institutions
Comment: Have the influence on mid-cap stocks but not as strong as foreign funds.

3. Share buyback
Comment: Generally, the impact is not so strong.

4. Insiders
Comments Impact varies but temporary

5. Syndicates
Comment: Impact varies but temporary

6. Foreign funds
Comment: Have strong influence on stocks.


6,251 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2023-04-25 08:28 | Report Abuse

Mike call you ethical Sifu 3iii.
Do you feel ashame of his behaviour of going every forum to insult and namecalling others who gave their opinions based on facts, figures and reasoning?


45,527 posts

Posted by Mikecyc > 2023-04-25 08:46 |

Post removed.Why?


45,527 posts

Posted by Mikecyc > 2023-04-25 08:48 |

Post removed.Why?


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2023-04-25 11:21 | Report Abuse

The problem is 3iii being admired by someone that is very non ethical like kon mike loh!

Posted by Sslee > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse

Mike call you ethical Sifu 3iii.
Do you feel ashame of his behaviour of going every forum to insult and namecalling others who gave their opinions based on facts, figures and reasoning?

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2023-05-10 16:03 | Report Abuse

Company … Market Cap … Last Price … PE … DY … ROE
AASIA (7054)MAIN … 72.60m … 0.11 … - … 0 … -2.16
BKAWAN (1899)MAIN … 8.694b … 21.76 … 8.06 … 5.06 … 14.32
BLDPLNT (5069)MAIN … 964.92m … 10.32 … 38.28 … 0.48 … 3.49
BPLANT (5254)MAIN … 1.602b … 0.72 … 2.69 … 20.21 … 19.98
CEPAT (8982)MAIN … 211.77m … 0.67 … 6.71 … 6.02 … 7.74
CHINTEK (1929)MAIN … 743.70m … 8.14 … 9.06 … 5.16 … 9.86
DSR (03055)LEAP … 284.77m … 0.91 … - … 0 … -
DUTALND (3948)MAIN … 241.14m … 0.29 … - … 3.51 … -3.14
FAREAST (5029)MAIN … 2.286b … 3.85 … 10.52 … 4.68 … 15.31
FGV (5222)MAIN … 5.290b … 1.45 … 4 … 10.34 … 21.2
GENP (2291)MAIN … 5.357b … 5.97 … 11.36 … 5.7 … 9.04
GLBHD (7382)MAIN … 57.96m … 0.26 … - … 0 … -12.92
GOPENG (2135)MAIN … 153.33m … 0.38 … - … 2.63 … -1.38
HARNLEN (7501)MAIN … 403.67m … 0.73 … - … 0 … -
HSPLANT (5138)MAIN … 1.456b … 1.82 … 6.92 … 6.59 … 10.91
INCKEN (2607)MAIN … 176.72m … 0.42 … - … 0 … -1.61
INNO (6262)MAIN … 622.52m … 1.3 … 7.32 … 14.23 … 28.21
IOICORP (1961)MAIN … 24.009b … 3.82 … 13.1 … 3.66 … 16.11
JTIASA (4383)MAIN … 652.39m … 0.67 … 4.55 … 4.18 … 10.76
KLK (2445)MAIN … 23.480b … 21.72 … 11.68 … 4.6 … 14.72
KLUANG (2453)MAIN … 243.21m … 3.85 … - … 0.7 … -0.95
KMLOONG (5027)MAIN … 1.783b … 1.84 … 10.97 … 8.15 … 19.51
KRETAM (1996)MAIN … 1.455b … 0.63 … 13.21 … 1.6 … 13.48
MALPAC (4936)MAIN … 60.00m … 0.8 … 20.83 … 0 … 1.66
MATANG (0189)ACE … 215.03m … 0.09 … 39.13 … 2.44 … 2.09
MHC (5026)MAIN … 175.91m … 0.9 … 5.08 … 7.82 … 11.22
NPC (5047)MAIN … 216.00m … 1.8 … - … 0 … -0.31
NSOP (2038)MAIN … 238.69m … 3.4 … 8.62 … 4.12 … 4.75
PINEPAC (1902)MAIN … 52.43m … 0.35 … - … 8.57 … -5.4
PLS (9695)MAIN … 373.68m … 0.85 … 24.01 … 0 … 5.1
RSAWIT (5113)MAIN … 285.84m … 0.14 … - … 0 … -0.12
RVIEW (2542)MAIN … 220.49m … 3.4 … 15.66 … 11.76 … 3.84
SBAGAN (2569)MAIN … 214.25m … 3.23 … - … 2.17 … -2.65
SHCHAN (4316)MAIN … 90.79m … 0.31 … 6.07 … 0 … 5.74
SIMEPLT (5285)MAIN … 30.291b … 4.38 … 12.17 … 3.66 … 15.18
SOP (5126)MAIN … 2.208b … 2.48 … 4.6 … 4.03 … 14.59
SWKPLNT (5135)MAIN … 596.40m … 2.13 … 6.17 … 9.39 … 13.55
TAANN (5012)MAIN … 1.459b … 3.28 … 4.63 … 12.2 … 17.97
TDM (2054)MAIN … 301.50m … 0.18 … - … 3.66 … -3.61
THPLANT (5112)MAIN … 464.02m … 0.53 … 6.75 … 5.71 … 9.85
TSH (9059)MAIN … 1.396b … 1.01 … 3.01 … 10.4 … 24.31
UMCCA (2593)MAIN … 1.112b … 5.3 … 15.56 … 2.83 … 5.05
UTDPLT (2089)MAIN … 6.660b … 16 … - … 8.75 … -

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2023-05-10 16:47 | Report Abuse


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Posted by Patient Investor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse

@calvintaneng are you speaking at the Investment Summit 2023?

Patient investor

Yes Calvin will be speaking at Investment Summit 2023 at the kind invitation of MQ Trader and i3 investor

Do come and join us

See you there on 20 May 2023 in Kl

Hope the great calvintaneng will share with us his promotion on Netx and allow us to fathom his thinking behind his enthusiasm in this stock. :-)
News & Blogs
Blog: Easy way to read financial statement with case study | Kronologi Asia Berhad

4 days ago | Report Abuse

Good review of its business model in the video. Thks


1 week ago | Report Abuse

A smart manipulator always distributes his shares to others during the period when the price is on the way up.

News & Blogs

2 weeks ago | Report Abuse


Posted by calvintaneng > 3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

This 3iii has tunnel vision

Forgot great stocks like super enterprize, kulim, tmakmur, ijmplant, weida, daiman, thestore, kwantas, karambunai, bonia, texchem, complete logistic, harrison, ancomny


1. Great minds talk about ideas
2. Good minds talk about things
3. Weak minds talk about people


My Golden Rule of Investing

2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Various types of Smart Money:

1. Owners
Comment: May not be reliable

2. Local institutions
Comment: Have the influence on mid-cap stocks but not as strong as foreign funds.

3. Share buyback
Comment: Generally, the impact is not so strong.

4. Insiders
Comments Impact varies but temporary

5. Syndicates
Comment: Impact varies but temporary

6. Foreign funds
Comment: Have strong influence on stocks.

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2023-05-10 16:48 | Report Abuse

Plantation Stocks

Company … Market Cap … Last Price … PE … DY … ROE
AASIA (7054)MAIN … 72.60m … 0.11 … - … 0 … -2.16
BKAWAN (1899)MAIN … 8.694b … 21.76 … 8.06 … 5.06 … 14.32
BLDPLNT (5069)MAIN … 964.92m … 10.32 … 38.28 … 0.48 … 3.49
BPLANT (5254)MAIN … 1.602b … 0.72 … 2.69 … 20.21 … 19.98
CEPAT (8982)MAIN … 211.77m … 0.67 … 6.71 … 6.02 … 7.74
CHINTEK (1929)MAIN … 743.70m … 8.14 … 9.06 … 5.16 … 9.86
DSR (03055)LEAP … 284.77m … 0.91 … - … 0 … -
DUTALND (3948)MAIN … 241.14m … 0.29 … - … 3.51 … -3.14
FAREAST (5029)MAIN … 2.286b … 3.85 … 10.52 … 4.68 … 15.31
FGV (5222)MAIN … 5.290b … 1.45 … 4 … 10.34 … 21.2
GENP (2291)MAIN … 5.357b … 5.97 … 11.36 … 5.7 … 9.04
GLBHD (7382)MAIN … 57.96m … 0.26 … - … 0 … -12.92
GOPENG (2135)MAIN … 153.33m … 0.38 … - … 2.63 … -1.38
HARNLEN (7501)MAIN … 403.67m … 0.73 … - … 0 … -
HSPLANT (5138)MAIN … 1.456b … 1.82 … 6.92 … 6.59 … 10.91
INCKEN (2607)MAIN … 176.72m … 0.42 … - … 0 … -1.61
INNO (6262)MAIN … 622.52m … 1.3 … 7.32 … 14.23 … 28.21
IOICORP (1961)MAIN … 24.009b … 3.82 … 13.1 … 3.66 … 16.11
JTIASA (4383)MAIN … 652.39m … 0.67 … 4.55 … 4.18 … 10.76
KLK (2445)MAIN … 23.480b … 21.72 … 11.68 … 4.6 … 14.72
KLUANG (2453)MAIN … 243.21m … 3.85 … - … 0.7 … -0.95
KMLOONG (5027)MAIN … 1.783b … 1.84 … 10.97 … 8.15 … 19.51
KRETAM (1996)MAIN … 1.455b … 0.63 … 13.21 … 1.6 … 13.48
MALPAC (4936)MAIN … 60.00m … 0.8 … 20.83 … 0 … 1.66
MATANG (0189)ACE … 215.03m … 0.09 … 39.13 … 2.44 … 2.09
MHC (5026)MAIN … 175.91m … 0.9 … 5.08 … 7.82 … 11.22
NPC (5047)MAIN … 216.00m … 1.8 … - … 0 … -0.31
NSOP (2038)MAIN … 238.69m … 3.4 … 8.62 … 4.12 … 4.75
PINEPAC (1902)MAIN … 52.43m … 0.35 … - … 8.57 … -5.4
PLS (9695)MAIN … 373.68m … 0.85 … 24.01 … 0 … 5.1
RSAWIT (5113)MAIN … 285.84m … 0.14 … - … 0 … -0.12
RVIEW (2542)MAIN … 220.49m … 3.4 … 15.66 … 11.76 … 3.84
SBAGAN (2569)MAIN … 214.25m … 3.23 … - … 2.17 … -2.65
SHCHAN (4316)MAIN … 90.79m … 0.31 … 6.07 … 0 … 5.74
SIMEPLT (5285)MAIN … 30.291b … 4.38 … 12.17 … 3.66 … 15.18
SOP (5126)MAIN … 2.208b … 2.48 … 4.6 … 4.03 … 14.59
SWKPLNT (5135)MAIN … 596.40m … 2.13 … 6.17 … 9.39 … 13.55
TAANN (5012)MAIN … 1.459b … 3.28 … 4.63 … 12.2 … 17.97
TDM (2054)MAIN … 301.50m … 0.18 … - … 3.66 … -3.61
THPLANT (5112)MAIN … 464.02m … 0.53 … 6.75 … 5.71 … 9.85
TSH (9059)MAIN … 1.396b … 1.01 … 3.01 … 10.4 … 24.31
UMCCA (2593)MAIN … 1.112b … 5.3 … 15.56 … 2.83 … 5.05
UTDPLT (2089)MAIN … 6.660b … 16 … - … 8.75 …

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2023-05-12 05:53 | Report Abuse

The following "how" questions can guide the appraisal of business returns.

How much?
How soon?
How long?
How consistent?
How valuable?

When a speaker focuses on these economic fundamentals of a business, the talk is more educational and the approach to investing is safer.

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2023-05-12 05:57 | Report Abuse

Charlie Munger was incapable of looking at a business without thinking the economic fundamentals of it.

Quoting Warren Buffett

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2023-05-12 08:38 | Report Abuse

A game you will wish to be involve using a simple rule.

You can make a lot of money from the foolishness of fellow players in the market.

To buy from them when they panic and sell their stocks at undervalued prices. To sell to them when they are exuberant to own stocks at overvalued prices.

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