Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-12 07:54 | Report Abuse

So much emphasis given, and so thick the syllabus, yet the school children fail to be taught the key lessons: Key lesson 1: Communities, countries or even civilization collapses when the people indulge in lowly cavemen's puzzles of agencies, delusions and superstitions.

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26 comment(s). Last comment by EngineeringProfit 2024-06-12 08:39

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-12 08:20 | Report Abuse

Historical examples often showcase how societies or civilizations collapse when they become too preoccupied with trivial or outdated issues, neglecting to address pressing contemporary challenges. For instance, empires like Rome faced internal decay and external threats partly due to bureaucratic inefficiencies and social unrest, diverting attention from vital matters like governance and defense.

History illuminates the importance of charting a meaningful and progressive course by addressing current issues effectively. Take the Industrial Revolution, for example. Instead of clinging to outdated agricultural practices, societies that embraced technological advancements flourished. Similarly, today's challenges, such as climate change and technological disruptions, demand proactive solutions for a sustainable future.

Studying history can help anticipate and prepare for future problems. The collapse of financial systems like the Great Depression or more recent economic crises teaches us the consequences of unchecked speculation and lack of regulatory foresight. By learning from such historical events, students can develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills to navigate uncertain futures.

A joke only when history education is only about memorizing dates and events; instead of about extracting valuable lessons that guide us in addressing contemporary challenges and shaping a better future.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-12 08:40 | Report Abuse

Key lesson 2: Communities, countries or even civilization make real progress by prioritising, supporting and initiating progressive morality, cutting-edge scientific enquiry and industrial revolution

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-12 08:44 | Report Abuse

Only by prioritizing these pillars of progress, communities and nations can pave the way for sustainable development, improved standards of living, and a brighter future for generations to come.

1. **Progressive Morality**: Prioritizing progressive morality involves fostering values like equality, justice, and human rights. When societies embrace these principles, they create an environment where everyone has equal opportunities to contribute to the collective progress. This inclusivity fosters innovation and creativity, leading to advancements in various fields.

2. **Cutting-Edge Scientific Enquiry**: Investing in scientific research and encouraging curiosity-driven exploration leads to groundbreaking discoveries and technological advancements. These advancements not only improve the quality of life but also drive economic growth through new industries and job opportunities.

3. **Industrial Revolution**: Embracing industrial revolution and technological advancements revolutionize productivity, efficiency, and standards of living. From the first industrial revolution to the digital age, each phase has propelled societies forward, creating new markets, enhancing global connectivity, and spurring innovation in various sectors.


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Posted by qqq47660 > 2024-04-12 11:09 | Report Abuse

What history class? No proper history taught in Malaysia

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-12 11:21 | Report Abuse

Then what you think their history teachers have been preaching? Fictions only? False narratives (value= indulgence in falsehood)? Plain lies (value= cheat and dishonesty)?

Posted by qqq47660 > 11 minutes ago | Report Abuse

What history class? No proper history taught in Malaysia

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-12 17:32 | Report Abuse

You are not thinking it has been a deep fake mongering, do you? Or you think it is just a delusion scamming class or something???


45 posts

Posted by SwingSOS > 2024-04-12 17:48 | Report Abuse

sejarah classes are outdated for 50 years

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-13 07:42 | Report Abuse

Key lesson 3: Communities, countries, or even entire civilizations face collapse when moral policing takes center stage:

"Beware the pitfalls of empowering a heavily funded moral police force. History's lessons echo from Iran to Gestapo, warning of absolute power's tendency to corrupt absolutely. It's a path that leads to barbaric brutality, mercilessly eroding universal human values within a nation."

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-13 07:53 | Report Abuse

Lesson 4: If pmx and his government fail to actively pursue reconciliation and unite the various communities in the country, there are potential consequences that could shape how history views his leadership. Here's an elaboration on that statement:

1. **Legacy of Division**: Without efforts towards reconciliation, divisions among communities can deepen, leading to long-lasting societal rifts. This can be detrimental to the country's stability and progress, creating a legacy of division rather than unity.

2. **Loss of Moderate Image**: Malaysia has historically been seen as a moderate nation, balancing diverse cultures, religions, and ideologies. If this balance is disrupted and extremism or polarization increases, it can tarnish Malaysia's image as a beacon of moderation.

3. **Economic Impact**: Social discord and instability can have adverse effects on the economy. Investors may be hesitant, and economic growth could stagnate if communal tensions are not addressed, impacting the livelihoods of citizens.

4. **International Perception**: A failure to reconcile communities and maintain harmony can also affect how Malaysia is perceived internationally. It may lead to concerns about social cohesion and governance, potentially affecting diplomatic relations and global standing.

5. **Historical Judgment**: Leaders are often judged by their ability to navigate and resolve societal challenges. If Anwar Ibrahim's tenure is marked by escalating divisions and a lack of reconciliation efforts, history may view his leadership as contributing to the decline of Malaysia's moderate ethos.

6. **Social Cohesion**: Reconciliation efforts are crucial for fostering social cohesion and a sense of national identity. Without these efforts, the fabric of society can fray, leading to increased tensions and conflicts.

7. **Long-term Implications**: The consequences of failing to bring communities together can be felt for generations. It can shape the trajectory of politics, social dynamics, and national identity in ways that may be difficult to reverse.

In summary, actively pursuing reconciliation and unity is not just a political necessity but also a historical imperative for leaders like pmx to ensure a legacy of a cohesive, moderate, and thriving nation.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-13 08:39 | Report Abuse

Real sins and lessons from the distance past: Past civilizations often faced challenges that contributed to their collapse, and among these challenges were indulgence in infighting, corruption, and excessive focus on moral policing.

1. **Infighting and Division:** Internal conflicts and power struggles weakened many civilizations throughout history. When a society becomes consumed by infighting, whether due to political, social, or ideological differences, its energy and resources are diverted away from constructive endeavors towards maintaining control or dominance within the society itself.

2. **Corruption:** Corruption is a pervasive issue that has plagued civilizations across time. When leaders and institutions prioritize personal gain over the well-being of the society, trust erodes, resources are mismanaged, and opportunities for progress diminish. Corruption not only leads to economic instability but also undermines the social fabric by fostering a culture of dishonesty and inequality.

3. **Moral Policing and Resource Misallocation:** Overemphasis on moral policing, at the expense of addressing critical social, economic, and environmental challenges, can lead to a misallocation of resources. For example, dedicating significant resources to enforcing rigid moral codes or persecuting dissenters diverts attention from essential tasks such as infrastructure development, resource management, and societal innovation.

4. **Lack of Adaptability:** Successful civilizations are often characterized by their ability to adapt to changing circumstances, technologies, and societal needs. When a civilization becomes rigid, either due to internal conflicts or moral rigidity, it may struggle to respond effectively to external challenges such as environmental changes, economic shifts, or technological advancements.

In summary, indulgence in infighting, corruption, and excessive focus on moral policing can contribute to the downfall of civilizations by draining resources, eroding trust, stifling innovation, and reducing adaptability to changing conditions. Achieving a balance between social cohesion, ethical governance, and strategic resource allocation is crucial for the long-term sustainability of any civilization.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-13 18:30 | Report Abuse

A leader's first duty and primary skill should indeed revolve around their ability to effectively resolve conflicts and intervene swiftly in crises. Here's why:

1. **Maintaining Stability:** A leader's foremost responsibility is to ensure stability within their domain, whether it's a community, organization, or nation. Conflict resolution and crisis intervention directly contribute to this stability by addressing issues before they escalate.

2. **Protecting People:** Leaders are entrusted with the safety and well-being of their constituents. Promptly resolving conflicts and intervening in crises protects people from harm, whether physical, emotional, or social.

3. **Preserving Trust and Confidence:** Effective conflict resolution and crisis intervention build trust and confidence in a leader's ability to handle challenging situations. This trust is crucial for maintaining support and cooperation during both calm and turbulent times.

4. **Preventing Escalation:** Unresolved conflicts and unaddressed crises can quickly escalate, leading to more significant problems and potentially catastrophic outcomes. Leaders who excel in conflict resolution and crisis management can nip these issues in the bud.

5. **Fostering Collaboration:** By skillfully resolving conflicts, leaders can foster collaboration and unity among diverse groups. This collaboration is essential for progress, innovation, and sustainable development.

6. **Enhancing Reputation:** Leaders known for their adeptness in handling conflicts and crises gain a positive reputation not only locally but also internationally. This reputation can attract investment, partnerships, and goodwill, benefiting the entire community or nation.

7. **Promoting Growth:** When conflicts are resolved efficiently and crises are managed effectively, it creates an environment conducive to growth and prosperity. People feel secure and motivated to contribute their best efforts towards common goals.

In essence, a leader's ability to resolve conflicts and intervene in crises promptly and skillfully is foundational to their overall effectiveness and the well-being of those they lead.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-14 16:04 | Report Abuse

101 Crusade War: Iran Vs Israel

Buddhism is the only truly religion of peace, harmony and nonviolence.

Buddhism's core teachings emphasize non-violence (ahimsa) and compassion towards all living beings. This principle is deeply ingrained in Buddhist philosophy and guides followers to cultivate empathy and avoid causing harm.

Secondly, Buddhism promotes inner peace through practices like meditation and mindfulness. By focusing on self-awareness and emotional regulation, practitioners aim to achieve a state of inner harmony that can extend to their interactions with others and the world.

Additionally, Buddhism encourages non-attachment and non-hatred, teaching followers to let go of negative emotions such as anger, greed, and ill-will. This focus on mental clarity and equanimity contributes to a mindset that is less prone to conflict and violence.

Furthermore, Buddhist teachings often emphasize the interconnectedness of all beings and the importance of kindness and generosity. These values foster a sense of community, cooperation, and peaceful coexistence.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-21 14:55 | Report Abuse

The journey from universal subsidies to targeted subsidies, and eventually to no subsidies at all, reflects a troubling trajectory shaped by the government's inability to stem the tide of illegal smuggling facilitated by profit-driven syndicates with ties to untouchable VVIPs and enforcement agencies.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-22 08:55 | Report Abuse

There is serious disparity between the extensive emphasis placed on certain aspects of education, such as thick syllabi, and the failure to impart crucial lessons to school children. There is dangers of societal regression when individuals or groups prioritize and indulge in primitive, irrational beliefs and behaviors.

1. **Lowly Cavemen's Puzzles:** This refers to primitive or archaic thinking patterns akin to those of early humans. It implies a simplistic, unenlightened approach to problem-solving or decision-making, lacking the sophistication and rationality expected in modern society.

2. **Agencies:** In this context, agencies could refer to the attribution of supernatural or mystical forces to explain events or phenomena, instead of relying on empirical evidence, logic, or scientific understanding. It warns against the dangers of attributing agency to unproven or fantastical entities rather than understanding and addressing issues based on factual information and reasoned analysis.

3. **Delusions:** Delusions are false beliefs that persist despite evidence to the contrary. They can lead individuals or communities to make decisions based on misinformation or misinterpretation of reality, contributing to conflicts, misunderstandings, and societal dysfunction.

4. **Superstitions:** Superstitions are irrational beliefs or practices often rooted in cultural or historical traditions but lacking scientific validity. Indulging in superstitions can hinder critical thinking, promote fear-based decision-making, and impede progress by clinging to outdated or unfounded beliefs.

By highlighting these pitfalls, the lesson underscores the importance of fostering critical thinking, rationality, and evidence-based decision-making in education to prevent societal regression and promote a more enlightened and progressive future.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-05-25 09:00 | Report Abuse

Apartheidism, defined as a system of institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination, is one of the worst forms of moral and humanism violation.

1. **Denial of Basic Human Rights**: Apartheid denies individuals their basic human rights solely based on race or ethnicity. This includes the right to access to certain universities and employment/promotion opportunity. Such systemic exclusion violate the sense of moral, nobility and humanism.

2. **Perpetuation of Inequality**: By design, apartheid enforces and perpetuates inequality. It creates and maintains an unjust hierarchy where one group is considered superior and the other inferior, leading to widespread social and economic disparities that causes disunity.

3. **Psychological Harm**: Apartheid inflicts deep psychological wounds issues in the society, compromising harmony.

4. **Social Division and Conflict**: Apartheid fosters division and animosity between different racial groups. By institutionalizing segregation, it creates a society rife with mistrust, resentment, and often violence, leading to long-term social instability and conflict.

5. **Violation of Ethical Principles**: Apartheid stands in stark opposition to fundamental ethical principles such as justice, equality, and respect for human dignity. It represents an extreme form of moral failure by institutionalizing the belief that some human beings are inherently worth less than others.

6. **Global Condemnation**: The global community widely recognizes apartheid as a grave moral wrong. Historical examples, particularly in South Africa, have led to international sanctions, widespread condemnation, and efforts to dismantle such systems, underscoring its universal recognition as a profound injustice.

7. **Long-term Damage**: The effects of apartheid extend far beyond the period of its enforcement. The societal scars, economic damage, and entrenched prejudices it leaves behind can take decades, if not centuries, to heal, impacting multiple generations.

In essence, apartheidism's systematic denial of fundamental human rights, perpetuation of deep social and economic inequalities, and long-lasting harmful effects on individuals and society make it one of the worst forms of moral violation. Its comprehensive assault on human dignity and justice places it among the most reprehensible practices in human history.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-05-25 14:51 | Report Abuse

Government-linked corporations (GLCs) are gateways to inefficiency, corruption, and money laundering.

1. **Inefficiency**: GLCs can suffer from bureaucratic inefficiencies due to their close ties with the government. Decision-making processes in these corporations are often slower, as they are subject to political considerations and regulatory constraints that do not typically burden private sector companies. This can lead to delays, higher operational costs, and an overall lack of competitiveness compared to their private counterparts.

2. **Corruption**: The intersection of government and business in GLCs can create fertile ground for corruption. Political interference in corporate governance can lead to appointments based on political loyalty rather than merit, resulting in a lack of accountability and transparency. This environment can foster corrupt practices such as bribery, embezzlement, and kickbacks. When government officials have vested interests in these corporations, there is also a greater risk of conflicts of interest and favoritism in the awarding of contracts and business opportunities.

3. **Money Laundering**: GLCs can be used as vehicles for money laundering due to their complex structures and the significant flow of funds they handle. The close relationship with government entities can provide a shield against regulatory scrutiny, making it easier to conceal illicit financial activities. Additionally, the international operations of many GLCs offer opportunities to move and launder money across borders under the guise of legitimate business transactions.

4. **Lack of Accountability**: GLCs often lack the same level of scrutiny and accountability as private sector firms. They may be subject to less rigorous auditing and regulatory oversight, particularly if there is a perception that they are protected by the government. This lack of oversight can enable corrupt practices and financial mismanagement to go unchecked for extended periods.

5. **Political Patronage**: The presence of political patronage in GLCs can undermine their efficiency and integrity. Politicians may use these corporations to reward loyal supporters with jobs or contracts, regardless of their qualifications or the impact on the corporation’s performance. This can result in a workforce and management team that is more focused on serving political interests than on achieving business goals, further entrenching inefficiency and corruption.

6. **Economic Distortions**: GLCs can distort market competition by benefiting from preferential treatment such as subsidies, government bailouts, and exclusive contracts. This can create an uneven playing field, discouraging private investment and innovation. Over time, the lack of competitive pressure can lead to complacency and inefficiency within GLCs.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-05-29 08:05 | Report Abuse

The concept of "Malaysian Malaysia" envisions a nation where all citizens, regardless of ethnicity, religion, or culture, are treated equally and have equal opportunities. While this ideal seeks to foster unity, progressiveness, and equity, it faces several significant challenges:

1. **Dilution of Cultural Identities**:
- Malaysia is home to a rich tapestry of ethnic and cultural groups, each with its unique traditions, languages, and customs. A push towards a homogenized national identity risks eroding these distinct cultural identities, leading to a loss of heritage and cultural richness. For many communities, maintaining their cultural practices and values is crucial for their sense of identity and belonging.

2. **Exacerbation of Social and Economic Disparities**:
- Despite the goal of equality, a blanket approach to unity might overlook the historical and socio-economic disparities that exist among different groups. For instance, the bumiputra policy, which provides certain privileges to the Malay majority, was instituted to address economic imbalances. Abandoning such policies without addressing underlying inequalities could widen the gap between communities, leading to increased social tensions.

3. **Destabilization of Political Balance**:
- Malaysia's political landscape is heavily influenced by its ethnic composition, with political parties often aligned along ethnic lines. A move towards a "Malaysian Malaysia" might disrupt this delicate balance, potentially leading to political instability. Ethnic-based parties might resist changes that threaten their traditional support bases, leading to heightened political friction.

To achieve true unity and progress in Malaysia, the following approaches could be more effective:

1. **Respect and Celebrate Diversity**:
- Policies that recognize and celebrate the diverse cultural landscape of Malaysia can promote mutual respect and understanding. Celebrating cultural festivals, preserving languages, and supporting cultural education can help maintain the rich cultural heritage of various communities while fostering national pride.

2. **Address Specific Community Needs**:
- Tailored policies that address the unique needs of different communities can help bridge socio-economic gaps. For example, affirmative action programs that target underrepresented or economically disadvantaged groups can promote equity without neglecting the needs of the majority. This targeted approach ensures that progress is inclusive and benefits all segments of society.

3. **Ensure All Groups Feel Valued**:
- Creating an inclusive environment where every group feels their contributions and identities are recognized and valued is essential for national unity. This can be achieved through inclusive policymaking, equitable representation in government, and encouraging cross-cultural interactions and collaborations. When all communities feel they have a stake in the nation's future, it fosters a stronger sense of unity and shared purpose.

By balancing the aspirations for a unified national identity with respect for cultural diversity and addressing socio-economic disparities, Malaysia can achieve a more harmonious and progressive society.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-06-03 14:29 | Report Abuse

The decline of the Islmic civilization in the 11th century is attributable to the increasing emphasis on religious orthodoxy and the proliferation of type m religious schools, which contributed to a shift in the negative intellectual as well as counterproductive cultural landscape.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-06-11 07:50 | Report Abuse

The case involving Fir Wong and his covert conversion tactics of minors in public schools has raised several key moral issues:

1. **Deception and Dishonesty**: Wong's approach includes instructing minors to hide their conversions from their parents and authorities. This practice of encouraging children to lie and engage in secretive behaviors undermines the values of honesty and transparency that are fundamental in both familial and societal contexts.

2. **Parental Rights**: The tactics used by Wong infringe upon the rights of parents to determine the religious upbringing of their children. Article 12 of the Malaysian Constitution explicitly states that the faith of a minor should be determined by their parents or guardians. By bypassing parental consent, these actions violate constitutional protections and erode parental authority.

3. **Ethical Concerns in Education**: Wong, being a secondary school teacher, is expected to uphold a duty of care towards his students. Engaging in religious conversion discussions without parental involvement breaches the trust placed in educators and raises questions about their responsibility and ethical conduct.

4. **Authenticity of Conversion**: Encouraging minors to convert without a deep understanding and genuine belief in the religion raises doubts about the authenticity and sincerity of these conversions. Genuine religious belief should be based on informed understanding rather than coercion or manipulation.

5. **Legal and Constitutional Violations**: The methods described by Wong contravene clauses of the Malaysian Constitution that protect the religious rights of individuals and uphold parental rights regarding the religious education of their children. These actions call for legal scrutiny and intervention by relevant authorities to uphold the rule of law.

These issues highlight the significant ethical and legal concerns surrounding covert religious conversion practices, especially when they involve minors and bypass established parental and constitutional rights.


8,926 posts

Posted by qqq47660 > 2024-06-11 12:16 | Report Abuse

Be careful what u write.

Close to crossing boundaries of being seditious


8,926 posts

Posted by qqq47660 > 2024-06-11 12:18 | Report Abuse

Anwar wrote a book called Asian renaissance.

U don't believe rise of Asia meh?


8,926 posts

Posted by qqq47660 > 2024-06-11 12:19 | Report Abuse

When Asia rises all the problems will be solved


8,926 posts

Posted by qqq47660 > 2024-06-11 12:22 | Report Abuse

Politics attracts the worse people.

But don't worry. When Asia rises the good people will far out number the bad people


8,926 posts

Posted by qqq47660 > 2024-06-11 12:23 | Report Abuse

Just make sure we don't have bang bang Marcus kind of people in Malaysia


8,926 posts

Posted by qqq47660 > 2024-06-11 12:53 | Report Abuse

U know the bright side is China and middle east has never been closer. This will change everything.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-06-12 08:39 | Report Abuse

Condemning the covert conversion of minors from one religion to another without involving their parents is important for several reasons:

1. **Parental Rights**: Parents have the fundamental right to be involved in the religious upbringing of their children. Any conversion without their knowledge or consent undermines this right.

2. **Child's Best Interest**: The welfare of the child should always be the priority. A sudden and covert conversion can cause significant confusion and distress to the child, potentially affecting their emotional and psychological well-being.

3. **Trust and Transparency**: Covert actions erode trust between the state, religious institutions, and the public. Ensuring transparency and involving parents in such significant decisions promotes a more harmonious and trusting society.

4. **Legal and Ethical Standards**: Many legal frameworks and ethical standards around the world emphasize the importance of parental involvement in significant decisions affecting minors. Upholding these standards ensures that the rights of all parties are respected.

To protect the rights of minors and their families, it's crucial that any conversion process involves open communication and the active participation of parents. This approach fosters respect for family dynamics and supports the child's overall well-being.

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