Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-07-08 09:14 | Report Abuse

PH has forsaken its base supporters- the moderate Msian first people of all creeds and skin colours The Democratic Action Party (DAP) has been criticized by some as having deteriorated into what they refer to as "MCA 2.0." This comparison implies that DAP has become similar to the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA), a party that has historically been part of the Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition and seen as ineffective in advocating for the rights of the Chinese community in Malaysia. Critics argue that DAP, once seen as a staunch opposition party, has shifted its stance and failed to deliver on its promises, especially to the Chinese and Indian communities. Here are some points commonly raised: 1. **Policy Compromises**: DAP's participation in coalition governments, such as Pakatan Harapan (PH), has led to compromises that some supporters feel betray the party’s original ideals. For example, issues like the recognition of the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) and other educational reforms have seen little progress. 2. **Economic and Social Issues**: Critics argue that DAP has not effectively addressed economic inequalities and social issues affecting the Chinese and Indian communities, such as business opportunities, vernacular school funding, and equitable government resource distribution. 3. **Leadership and Representation**: Some feel that DAP's leadership has become too elitist and disconnected from grassroots concerns. They argue that the party’s representatives are more focused on maintaining power within coalitions than advocating for their constituents. 4. **Public Perception and Trust**: Over time, public trust in DAP has eroded among some segments of the Chinese and Indian communities. This perception is driven by a belief that DAP, much like MCA, has become too comfortable within the political establishment and is no longer a true voice of opposition or reform. 5. **Political Strategy**: The strategic decisions made by DAP, including alliances and policy stances, have sometimes alienated their core supporters. The shift towards broader, multi-ethnic policies within coalition politics has led to a perception that DAP is not prioritizing the specific needs of the Chinese and Indian communities. Despite these criticisms, DAP still retains significant support among many Malaysians who view the party as a critical component of the opposition landscape. The future direction of DAP and its ability to address these criticisms will be crucial for its standing in upcoming general elections.

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11 comment(s). Last comment by Tanleechoo 2 months ago


6,261 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2024-07-08 09:23 | Report Abuse

I did not vote during the last election because you just need to walk into Sekolah Kebangsaan and know instantly the writing's on the wall that PAS had already take over our Sekolah Kebangsaan.


26,855 posts

Posted by speakup > 2024-07-08 09:36 | Report Abuse

i'm not going vote in GE 16 becoz i dont like PN and I dont like PH. PN is racist, PH is break-promises. both bad
this time, i just sit at home watch tv eat popcorn.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-07-08 09:43 | Report Abuse

Worst nightmare for many innocent minds, souls and children.

This public fund wasting process of transformation from naive children to deluded never-truly-grown-ups is the worst nightmare for any sensible, sane and thoughtful adults.

Posted by Sslee > 19 minutes ago | Report Abuse

I did not vote during the last election because you just need to walk into Sekolah Kebangsaan and know instantly the writing's on the wall that PAS had already take over our Sekolah Kebangsaan.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-07-08 10:06 | Report Abuse

With the infiltration of pathological Arabisation and the adoption of imported jahiliyyah values from the Middle East, our local values have eroded significantly. The once cherished principles of "Kata ITU Kota/Kerbau berpegang kepada tali" (trustworthiness), "Harimau Mati Tinggal Belang" (gloriness and nobility), and "Biar Mati Anak Jangan Mati Adat" (originality) are now fading memories. Since the departure of Singapore from Malaysia, poor leadership has progressively eroded the rich civilization of Sundaland and its authentic legacy. The great cultural heritage that once defined us is being overshadowed by foreign influences, leading to a gradual loss of our unique identity and values.

Posted by speakup > 13 minutes ago | Report Abuse

i'm not going vote in GE 16 becoz i dont like PN and I dont like PH. PN is racist, PH is break-promises. both bad
this time, i just sit at home watch tv eat popcorn.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-07-08 10:11 | Report Abuse

Cheating education system produces dishonest individuals

The transformation of naive children into deluded never-truly-grown-ups is indeed a concerning issue. It highlights the detrimental impact of certain educational and societal processes on young minds. Here’s an elaboration:

### The Issue:
Many educational systems and societal structures are designed in ways that can stifle critical thinking, creativity, and individuality. Instead of nurturing independent thought and personal growth, these systems often promote conformity, rote learning, and unquestioning obedience. This process can waste public funds and valuable human potential, resulting in several negative outcomes:

1. **Loss of Innocence and Curiosity:**
- Children are naturally curious and eager to learn. However, an overly rigid and standardized educational approach can suppress their curiosity, making learning a tedious task rather than an exciting journey.

2. **Stifling Critical Thinking:**
- When education focuses on memorization rather than understanding, it prevents children from developing critical thinking skills. They may grow up lacking the ability to question, analyze, and make informed decisions.

3. **Promoting Docility and Conformity:**
- Encouraging conformity over individuality can lead to adults who are more likely to follow the status quo without question. This docility can prevent societal progress and innovation.

4. **Mental Health Implications:**
- The pressure to conform and succeed in a narrow definition of success can lead to stress, anxiety, and a sense of inadequacy. Children might grow into adults who struggle with mental health issues due to these pressures.

5. **Economic and Social Costs:**
- Wasting public funds on ineffective educational practices not only fails the individuals but also the society at large. It leads to a workforce that may lack essential skills, creativity, and problem-solving abilities, ultimately impacting the economy and social progress.

### The Nightmare for Adults:
For thoughtful adults who see the potential in every child, witnessing this transformation is a nightmare because:

1. **Wasted Potential:**
- Seeing bright, eager young minds being dulled by ineffective systems is heartbreaking. It's a loss of potential that could have been harnessed for the betterment of society.

2. **Future Consequences:**
- Adults understand that the future of society depends on the younger generation. When children are not adequately prepared to think critically and innovate, it poses a risk to future societal development and problem-solving capabilities.

3. **Ethical and Moral Concerns:**
- There is a moral obligation to provide children with the best possible start in life. Failing to do so feels like a betrayal of that responsibility.

### Moving Forward:
Addressing this issue requires a concerted effort to reform educational systems and societal attitudes:

1. **Educational Reforms:**
- Implementing curricula that prioritize critical thinking, creativity, and practical knowledge over rote learning.
- Providing teacher training that focuses on fostering these skills in students.

2. **Societal Support:**
- Creating environments that celebrate individuality and diverse talents.
- Encouraging lifelong learning and adaptability in an ever-changing world.

3. **Mental Health Awareness:**
- Promoting mental well-being and resilience in children from a young age.
- Reducing the stigma around mental health issues and providing adequate support systems.

In essence, the transformation from naive children to deluded never-truly-grown-ups is a critical issue that requires attention and action to ensure a brighter, more thoughtful future for all.


6,261 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2024-07-08 10:38 | Report Abuse

Everyone know matriculation is a backdoor/easy path to university or a form of cheating and now even 10A SPM students do not mind the backdoor or cheating.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2 months ago | Report Abuse

One backdoor leads to another- more and more

Opening backdoor would inevitably pathing way towards a backward nation with tolet-paper rate currency, morbid debt and deficit in global competitiveness- truly a land of endless backdoors

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2 months ago | Report Abuse

DAP is failing as MCA 2.0

The Democratic Action Party (DAP) has faced significant criticism for its perceived failure to effectively address economic inequalities and social issues impacting the Chinese and Indian communities in Malaysia. Despite being a part of the ruling coalition at various points, DAP has struggled to secure substantial business opportunities for these communities, often finding themselves outmaneuvered in the political arena where Bumiputera policies dominate. Funding for vernacular schools remains a contentious issue, with many Chinese and Indian schools receiving insufficient support compared to national schools. Additionally, equitable distribution of government resources continues to be a challenge, leaving many in these communities feeling marginalized and underserved. Critics argue that DAP's efforts have been insufficient in creating meaningful change and improving the socio-economic conditions of their constituents.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2 months ago | Report Abuse

DAP : Failed social responsibilities - standing up against the weak, fighting against injustice, as well as punishing outlaw vigilante

The Democratic Action Party (DAP) has faced criticism for its perceived failure to protect businesses such as KK Super Mart and Vern Shoes from damaging accusations and business sabotage. Allegations of corruption, fitnah (slander), and targeted attacks have emerged, pointing to a lack of robust defense and advocacy from DAP in safeguarding these enterprises against unjust actions. This perceived inaction has led to concerns about the party's commitment to justice and business integrity, potentially undermining trust and confidence among the business community and the public.


48 posts

Posted by Rocket888 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse

PAS thanked the non-Malay voters in Sungai Bakap.


424 posts

Posted by Tanleechoo > 2 months ago | Report Abuse

i am fr Penang . I definitely will not vote DAP as disappointed with all the empty promises

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