Important time-tested proven market rules or tips

My answers to murali's questions

Publish date: Wed, 15 Jun 2016, 09:05 AM
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To educate investors the correct method to invest and trade stocks globally.
To educate investors to create a second income without having to quit their jobs.
To educate investors to make money from stock market consistently month after month.

Dear valued readers,

I believe a wrong picture had been painted by murali and it is very bias and unfair to me if I did not defend this accusation. The story created here had tarnished my name if I did not defend myself here again. All readers here will be influenced by his accusation.

I wish to answer his questions here one by one.

Posted by murali > Jun 14, 2016 03:53 PM Report Abuse 

What would he do first when he found a new most undervalued stock in the world ? 

1) Buy for himself first, his wife, his children, his parent,his mistress (if any),his in laws,his bro & sis etc... 

Ans : I buy for myself first. According to my statistic, the one buys first is not necessary the best or the lowest price. It depend on market sentiment or luck. Sometimes, buy last may be the lowest price.

2) Buy for VVIP 

Ans : VVIP buys in very big quantity, normally I want to see big volume in order to buy big for him. He does not care and he has no say on my purchase. He does not mind to buy at higher price. The advantage of VVIP client is this client has very big position, I can continue to average down if the price is low.

3) Buy for VIPS 
Ans : These clients has slight advantage over VVIP. They buy in smaller quantity. We prefer to buy low especially when market sentiment is not good. I do not want to chase when the price is high.

4) Broadcast to RM960 Clients 

Ans : Those stocks are covered in my weekly report. All subscribers included VVIP and VIP are emailed out at the same time. You need to take action and make final decision yourself. The buy signal is depended STRICTLY on Technical chart and FA report. These stocks must pass my stock selection criteria.

5) Seminars to the public who wanted free tips.

Ans : Those stocks are covered in my weekly report. The buy signal is depended on Technical chart and FA report. These stocks must pass my stock selection criteria.

The reason why VIP and VVIP still make big money in 2016 is because we loaded on Gamuda-WR, the profit made is very big in 2016. However, all subscribers were informed to buy Gamuda-WR. I told all subscribers that I withdrew FD to load on Gamuda-WR. Many subscribers missed out because it is a bit troublesome to subscribe for Gamuda-WE and also the time allowed is very short.

I repeat ..... The buy signal is depended STRICTLY on Technical chart and FA report. These stocks must pass my stock selection criteria. It is not true that I select the stock according to someone's instruction.

I hope it explains.

Thank you.






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Ooi Teik Bee

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2016-06-15 10:29


Yr RM960 cliets are not yr clients ah? Mostly not so happy this year woh

2016-06-15 10:30

Ooi Teik Bee

Posted by Up_down > Jun 15, 2016 10:21 AM | Report Abuse

The best option is to set-up a funds management company and be a funds managers drawing salary. No more people question your noble intention anymore.

Ans : I do not wish to set up fund management, I want to retire but I just cannot do that. I need to retire fast so that I can enjoy my holidays in China. I earn my money at the expense of my health. I still prefer health than wealth.
Thank you.

2016-06-15 10:32

Ooi Teik Bee

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2016-06-15 10:34


I see. So U dont really bother much on yr Subscribers (who are not yr clients)...No wonder.

2016-06-15 10:36


My personal opinion. If u want to make good money from OTB's skills and expertise,there are 2 options to u.

1) Pass Rm5 Million for him to manage then u get VVIP treatment.
2) Pass Rm100K (got increase or not?) then u get VIP treatment

if only got RM960 u may join CPTeh's Cohort 21, chances is that u may lose less money.

2016-06-15 10:39

Ooi Teik Bee

Post removed.Why?

2016-06-15 10:43


If CPTeh is really as good as what he claimed then u may be able to make some money..he may help u to buy IOICORP at 4.25 and sold at 4.30

2016-06-15 10:45


TQ Mr.OTB for yr clarification.

I will start to do saving now so that one day I can pass Rm5 Million to you.

Please live long long and wait for me......

2016-06-15 10:47

Ooi Teik Bee

Post removed.Why?

2016-06-15 10:50


Thanks for the reply OTB. Very commendable to have a dialogue for this. I understand if you are motivated and afraid to lose your common clients as they are reliable passive cash flow.

But being active in discussion like this is commendable whether you are right or not. I don't think you are right personally. But I must give you credit for this. Like I said, I'm critical. So credit is given when it is due.

2016-06-15 11:01


Mr.OTB is good people, but will be better if u can be his clients.

2016-06-15 11:02

Koon Bee

Lol...this otb try to talk rubbish again

2016-06-15 11:02


Mr.OTB can always have discussion with all of us under a friendly and open manner...without calling people Liars n Stupid Idiots.

Dont worry, all are welcomed here.

2016-06-15 11:05


Please note that I am not a fund manager, I manage fund for Mr Koon is on friendly term only.
Above statement nailed it man...manage money on friendly term..murali let's be frens..then u give me money I manage very friendly for u...hahahaha

2016-06-15 11:16


If u are a young sweet lady I may withdraw my RM500 FD for you to manage it friendly

2016-06-15 11:17

Ooi Teik Bee

Post removed.Why?

2016-06-15 11:26

Jonathan Keung

market is not moving. might well divert from the topic. beware of Honey trap. first 500 then later snowball to 5000. just be careful guys

2016-06-15 11:29


OTB is the most noble person I know here, beside Calvin.
I don't know why people get into fight with him.

It is all jealously from ICON8888, using koon bee name to attack ppl now/.

2016-06-15 11:43


stock raider seldom here, or else he can explain more also

2016-06-15 11:44

Ooi Teik Bee

Posted by paperplane2016 > Jun 15, 2016 11:43 AM | Report Abuse

OTB is the most noble person I know here, beside Calvin.
I don't know why people get into fight with him.

It is all jealously from ICON8888, using koon bee name to attack ppl now/.

Ans : I know Icon8888 well, I do not think the aforesaid statement is true. Both paperplane2016 and Icon8888 are my good friends, I wish to see a friendly approach rather than a hostile one.
Thank you.

2016-06-15 11:54


Dear Mr Ooi , I respect you for your success in the market , and your returns in the last few years has been astonishing . Hardwork will always be paid off with rewards . But please do not treat us as fools , thinking what you do is unblemished and noble . I have been a subscriber of yours for the past 2 years , and i must admit I have made money from your recommendations . There have been misses , but the last few years has been good .

From last year , a close friend of mine have been recommending stocks to me , which seems uncanny like the stocks you recommend . Except , I was told of the info days , sometimes even weeks before you recommend it to your subscribes . Upon further questions , he confides he is close friends to one of your family . My friend will make money by selling , when the price shoots up when you broadcast it . I am not saying you do the same as i do not know . But obviously the doubt lingers ...

As a subscriber , do i begrudge you ? No .
Because this is only human nature . Its a dog eat dog world out there . Would i do the same ? maybe . Would other people , including your critics do the same ? maybe .
So please do yourself a favor and stop portraying your self as one who does no wrong .

2016-06-15 13:05

Ooi Teik Bee

Post removed.Why?

2016-06-15 13:06


just think how the syndicate earn money by promoting stock when price shoot up...again...I want to make a hero, u need a monster...
to make a winner, u need the loser, obviously is the retailers...
how...of course...

2016-06-15 13:17


你之前提过你只是small ikan bilis remisier
1. 你介绍股给kyy,你无意中会赚很多钱,同时也无意中会害惨你的subscribers,可能分分钟让你的 subscribers 用扫把“扫”你
2. 拒绝何kyy或者其它大户合作

2016-06-15 13:29


i3 now very scary...

2016-06-15 13:32

Ooi Teik Bee


You are so stupid, cannot understand simple English.
No one tell you to subscribe to my articles.
You are not my subscriber, you have no right to complain.

Let readers here decide who is the bastard.

2016-06-15 13:33


You guys wanted this topic to be another headlines on The Star news? potential free promotion for Murali man.

2016-06-15 13:43


True also....can promote my roti canai...

2016-06-15 13:45


Must print a hardcopy of this n get it framed...can show to my grandchildren since i didnt buy xinquan for them

2016-06-15 13:46


you must get ready your roti canai blog first. nanti you keram kabut when your appearing on newspape. People cant find the address. any tapao online?

2016-06-15 13:48

Ooi Teik Bee

Post removed.Why?

2016-06-15 13:48


basic for a professional must be SEEN to be transparent, no conflict of interest...if you cant fufill the basic requirement , the TRUST will be dented.

2016-06-15 14:02


Posted by murali > Jun 15, 2016 01:46 PM | Report Abuse

Must print a hardcopy of this n get it framed...can show to my grandchildren since i didnt buy xinquan for them

Hahaha.. I laugh at this reference I'm so sorry.

2016-06-15 14:26

Ooi Teik Bee

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2016-06-15 14:38


Gamuda PE = 10? How about Tecguan, Genetec, Kim Hin, WTK(2016 OTB stock picks)?

Posted by sostupid > Jun 15, 2016 03:20 PM | Report Abuse

PER = 10, EV/EBIT < 8, Margin of safety > 30%, Earning yield > 12, ROE > 10%, EPS growth > 10%, EBIT growth > 10%, Price to book < 1.5, Price to CFFO < 15, Price to FCF < 20 etc.
All aforesaid ratios are in checklist to ensure I do not make any mistake to select bad stock.
Thank you.
14/06/2016 19:53

2016-06-15 15:29

Ooi Teik Bee

Post removed.Why?

2016-06-15 16:28


mayb time for otb 2 change profession.. politics?

2016-06-15 16:58


need 2 learn 2 take critiism.. u thk u r perfect??

2016-06-15 16:58


have u forgotten yor horendos errors? e.g. frontken..

2016-06-15 17:01


take years to build a reputation and minutes to ruin it...

2016-06-15 17:35


Is there anything else which are more useful or meaningful to do in life, murali?

2016-06-15 18:28


Haiya defend defend defend...until forget the cause for defending..timing of recommendations had always been a doubt...But he will argue no one ask u to subscribe...which is fair market so to speak...but slowly but surely all "noble" intention will be well known...u can con some ppl sometimes but not all the ppl all the time...btw why should any1 pay...if someone challege this guy one day in this forum he will feel challenged and let out his recommendations for free ppl pay or don't pay same only

2016-06-15 19:12


my advise don't waste time on negative thing...
let it be...karma will come for the ppl it should be...not in term of losing money if he intentionally cheat ppl and cause ppl loss...he might loss something greater than
so...if kena tipu...then just continue the life with positive thinking...
like stock market, karma also is matter of time only...

2016-06-15 19:16


1. 一位良心发现的交易员自述:我们是怎么玩弄散户的

2. 怎样在股市赚第一桶金吗?


第一看: 看钱 (fundamental analysis : profit and loss, cash flow statement, balance sheet)
第二看: 看图 (technical analysis : moving average price, trend line ie support and resistance, etc)
第三看 : 看趋势 (什么生意将会红子鸡?这将决定你的成功)

这将会让你找出未来爆发股。e. g IFCAMSC from 0.08 to 1.8 因为GST for property business, GESHEN, POHUAT, LIIHEN lead by export theme due to strong USD, SKPRES from 0.10 to 1.50 due to new customer sales pipeline.
接下来我是要找出High speed train :)

happy reading...for share...if u still stick in kena cheat...

2016-06-15 19:24


aiyoh give this man a break. hes a human after all. you want to follow, follow. dont want, move aside.

2016-06-15 20:02


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2016-06-15 21:54


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2016-06-15 22:04


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2016-06-16 10:28

Ooi Teik Bee

Post removed.Why?

2016-06-16 11:56

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