Sslee blog

An open letter to Mr. Jon Choivo

Publish date: Sun, 26 Aug 2018, 05:54 PM
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This is my blog

Dear Jon,

There are many ways to say the same things, get your message across and get the job done. The best way to get the job done is when the job is done all the participants shall have the feeling that we own it and did it together and give ourselves a pat on the back for doing a good job.

I recently describe Mr. Koon as;

In person Mr. Koon is a very friendly elder and nice to have a coffee-chit chat with if you can find a common topic (politic) to start with. But when come to his writing he is very opinionated, aggressive, egoistic and difficult to talk to. He disdain different of opinion and can be very abusive.

Nowadays even Mr. Koon also learnt and show some diplomatic in his latest writing; “When 3 persons see the Malaysian flag flapping in the wind. One would say that the flag is waving, another would say that the wind is blowing and the third would say that they are all wrong. It is your thinking is waving. All the 3 persons are right!!! “ 

i3 still has one self proclaimed super-investor/stock god  the great Herbert Chua see how he end up with Lay Hong.

Jon is young, bright, knowledgeable, has good command in English, ambitious and surely will have a very successful future. But please do not equal knowledge with wisdom and learn about humility.

The best advice given so far to Jon is from sojinhou I reproduce below:

Thank you


26/08/2018 11:55

Jon, your article is very offensive because it suggests that people who espouse quarter to quarter strategy carries an ulterior motive to ensnare the investing public for self-benefit. Despite our different strategies, you may be surprised that actually I find most what you wrote agreeable, and most suited for passive investment, where one gets reasonably good return with minimum effort. Guess what general advice I dispense to people? If you do not have the time to monitor the stocks you buy, or the appetite for adventure, then you should not buy what I buy. You should instead follow KC Chong’s method of low risk steady return, similar to yours.

I’m an engineer by training. I make money by understanding things around me and try to use knowledge as a tool to gain superior returns. At the time of writing, I never fool people into believing things that are untrue. However, because macro environment changes quickly, there’s no telling how long a conducive business environment can last.

Sure I’ve written about stocks that went Holland. In fact, I recently got bitten by my first fraud case in my investment career. But then, I also had AEM that returned 1100% in 2 years. I made a tidy sum from O&G theme in 2012, furniture theme in 2014 as well as technology theme in 2016, all of which lasted at least a year before business environment turned sour. Not only for me, many i3 forumers too made good money employing short term thematic strategy.

Point is, in a high risk high reward quarter to quarter strategy, nobody can accurately predict what will come next. But that doesn’t mean promoters wrote what they wrote with the specific intention of ensnaring the gullible public. A homerun like AEM was achieved based on an understanding of their product and just 1 quarter of good result. Just as AEM was a magnificent call, I also lost money in ND Paper when I was slow to respond to China’s cutting waste paper import quota causing waste paper price to rise substantially. I don't blame other's, I blame myself for being slow to react.

The holier than thou attitude of yours is disgusting. None of us ever claim to be gods of fortune, we just share what we can piece together with whatever information we get to understand the complex world around us, and hopefully in the process make some money from our effort. Sometimes, when forecasts turns out the way we envisioned, the sky rained gold, sometimes, when forecasts turn awry, we get a river of blood. We take higher risks, and we demand higher returns, and most of us work diligently to see the road ahead before it becomes obvious and the stock re-rate.

Ultimately, I agree with your title. In the market, nobody is your friend. If you have no intention of putting in effort, then don’t buy volatile stocks. There’s always Public Bank for the uninitiated and uninterested. But that doesn’t mean those who dabble in them and write about them are evil who is trying to find the next victim. Your article is absolutely offensive and I’ve no intention of wasting any more time replying to you.

4 people like this. Showing 21 of 21 comments

Jon Choivo

Noted. Thanks for the constructive advice.

I'll take it to heart and think properly.

2018-08-26 18:02


up to you la....
u can decide to be a diplomat/politician or be a stock market man...

needs different personality

2018-08-26 18:05


Rm5000 subscription fees. Mari mari

2018-08-26 18:44


Flintstones > Aug 26, 2018 06:44 PM | Report Abuse

Rm5000 subscription fees. Mari mari

really ah? then need to be polite ...say thank you with every post...

2018-08-26 18:51


Come, I charge 3k only. Promotion~

2018-08-26 19:06


It's ok bro Jon,

We are all learning everyday from everyone.


2018-08-26 19:13


Jon becomes very famous oredi in I3...a very good marketer

2018-08-26 19:15


321 comments...should be one of the top 5 records in I3...

2018-08-26 19:18


Posted by CharlesT > Aug 26, 2018 07:15 PM | Report Abuse

Jon becomes very famous oredi in I3...a very good marketer

For his age Jonathan is brilliant!

2018-08-26 19:22


True also

2018-08-26 19:26


There is a chinese read a thousand books is inferior to travelling a thousand miles.If you have only 1 yr experience,talk less n listen more.There are more hidden dragons n crouching tigers in i3 than your whole kampung in olden china.

2018-08-26 19:34


Most of the time stock mkt is not 1+1=2

2018-08-26 19:37


actually we all can adopt Jon Choivo as our adopted child in i3...

he is full of energy...lets encourage him to find a superstock so that we all can benefit.

even Koon's superinvestor powers are dissipating...
everyone' magic charm is disappearing..

Jon, i am confident you will discover the superstock that can give 100% return for us to recover all our losses by end of the year.

look forward for you to share the discovery soon

thank you

2018-08-26 19:52


There will be no super stock for now.Go see the charts of apple,amazon,alibaba...etc.They look erriely like bitcoin before it crashed.What would happen to nasdaq n dow n the rest of the world if they crashed?Of course Jon would not know.He does not participate in zero sum gains game.

2018-08-26 20:02


This is the best of times.This is the worst of times.Good luck to Jon baby.

2018-08-26 20:03

Koon Bee

Jon baby now like those top active stock and too high risk until SC has issue an investor alert to investor. When Jon baby will become a designated counter har?

2018-08-26 20:21


yalo, that's why alex ask ma, ah jon give public buy call, that's the best way to prove himself. if gooding track record, ppl will line up 5k subscription say what? kiki

2018-08-26 20:47


SooJinHou has said it well. I agreed with his points and comments.
If I were Jon, i would read the comments a few times, take it to heart and really reflect on them.
Pride is the root of all evil. There is no wisdom in pride.

2018-08-26 21:20


good will hunting?
lol, I'm probably too carried away.

2018-08-26 21:44

Jon Choivo


I'm not so cheap one. It's Rm5,000 for the research report of only One company. Hahahaha

Tell you what, if the stock becomes expensive and need to goreng, I will write it out and share to you OK?

Koon Bee,

I don't choose which stock to like. I just see what is a good opportunity and value buy, and go there.

And when I rwally like the company, I very diam one. My preference is to collect forever.


Investing is both arrogance and humility. When I buy, I am telling the other person he is wrong to sell and I am right. When I sell, I cam telling him he is stupid to buy and I am smart to sell.

And yet, I also have to be humble enough to constantly question if I am wrong. To constantly search for what I missed out or whatever error I might have made.

Every post I do, I always look for people to criticise me. To show me where I miss out. I don't see what other humility you want me to have.

Having said that, I have this special ability to be humble in an arrogant way. So I do get what you mean. Hahahahaha.

When it comes to Investing, I think it's key for one to be able to defend their viewpoints like a fanatic, and yet, when new information that proves one to be wrong, you must be both intellectually honest and open minded enough, to admit it instantly and take corrective action.

If you think I've failed in any of the above in my writing here, please quote it out, so I can learn.

2018-08-27 00:47

Jon Choivo

Unlike otb or kc,

I will only give you for one company. That's it, not going to recommend you new one every week or every month hahaha.

2018-08-27 00:50

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