My Trading Adventure

Living frugally?

Publish date: Sun, 02 Sep 2012, 09:26 AM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
I was reading a 'financial freedom' book, written by a young author. It is interesting to see that at such a young age, he is able to think logical, money-sense. He is LCW(not our badminton hero, haha) who attended my first trading class 2 years ago ... yes, much earlier than my cohort-1. My cohort-1 started exactly a year ago.

Anyway, reading his simple book is to refresh what I have been reading for past few years, to brain wash myself into acheving my definition of financial freedom. I have to say such as my definition of 'financial freedom' is certainly NOT similar to majority who is dreaming of have big houses, fast and expensive cars, shop with loads of cash in hands etc etc ... FAR from that. If you have read some simple charity posts I placed, perhaps ... just maybe ... you will be amazed how 'stupid' I m when it comes to money, actually. I am not saying I am selfless ... saint person. I just prefer to stay simple and help others, rather. I do believe every religion teaches us to be good ... and sharing is caring?

 Back to the topic ... living frugally.  I am still not sure if I am frugal enough as I think I am living in 'luxury', for my standard. I could afford so many things!! So, I need to remind myself to keep my simple living and not to follow the crowd. Well, it is easier for me as I am not THE norm.

Here are few larger items I have upgraded since I came to KL mere 3 years ago.

1. TV ... yes, upgraded from my 21" Sony 20+years to flat LED.
2. PC ... bought this desktop last year, mainly for my teaching of trading purposes but carrying to 'center' each time I have meetings there.
3. Notebook ... bought last night at IT-fair(Mid Valley) so that I do not need to carry my desktop anymore .... for teaching purposes too but it took me a year to be able to afford it(less than RM2k type)
4. Handphone ... upgraded my 4yrs plus Sony-Eriksson hp to Samsung Smartphone, only to see that I am not smart enough to use it
5. Apartment ... from staying in a small mother-in-law room, to renting a house in KK ... and recently managed to buy a small apartment for simple living. It is RM160k, and that is very expensive for me.
6. Speaker ... bought a new Altec-lansing speaker to replace my old 8-yr old AL speaker.
7. Earphone ... bought a nice RM120 earphone for listening to music/songs recently.
8. Camera ... bought a Panasonic RM500(during sales) digital to replace my old Sony 10yr ones.
9. Workstation ... pampered myself with a nice, yet simple place to work from home(from Ikea) ... as I was using a simple RM100 desk for past 2 years.
10. Unifi ... upgraded recently from Stremyx for faster internet connection as I need to upload clips for my e-learning, and now for my e-meeting.
11. Clothes ... could afford to buy a few t-shirts and pants(buy during sales, please ... make sure it is 50%-70% discount and no brands needed). I used to wear(and still is) those shirts given by my uncles and brothers or those free t-shirts.
12. Shoes ... yeah, managed to buy a RM80 shoe for comfort(50% off, actually) and hope to wear it for another 3-5 years? Used to wear those RM30 china-made shoes to work. But, I m still wearing less than RM20 slipper each time I go out.

There are still few items ... but you get the picture that I have upgraded myself ... so, at times I feel I am no longer as frugal as I wish? Tho I m definitely living below my means and still working very hard ...

The only large expenses I do have is 'dinner' with family. If I m having dinner by myself, a simple RM5 mee is OK with me ... but I m willing to spend RM50 for a dinner with my wife/kids.

I am still going to office riding my second-hand kapcai which I bought for RM3k when I came back to KL here. I do hope it could last me another 5years ... and perhaps I might be afford to buy a bike of my choice(I am more a biker, I do not fancy cars, ok?). So, I m putting some saving to buy my 'dream' bike in 5 years time. Do you know it takes time to accumulate money enough to buy items you wish for? And a person like me ... I do not have many things I wanted in this world, I rather give away ...

Happy frugal week ahead. I have to go for another class to earn some money, perhaps ... to buy a new spec by year end? My current one giving me some 'head'ache.


We live in a greedy little world--
that teaches every little boy and girl
To earn as much as they can possibly--
then turn around and
Spend it foolishly
We've created us a credit card mess
We spend the money that we don't possess
Our religion is to go and blow it all
So it's shoppin' every Sunday at the mall

All we ever want is more
A lot more than we had before
So take me to the nearest store

Can you hear it ring
It makes you wanna sing
It's such a beautiful thing--Ka-ching!
Lots of diamond rings
The happiness it brings
You'll live like a king
With lots of money and things

When you're broke go and get a loan
Take out another mortgage on your home
Consolidate so you can afford
To go and spend some more when
you get bored

All we ever want is more
A lot more than we had before
So take me to the nearest store

[Repeat Chorus]

Let's swing
Dig deeper in your pocket
Oh, yeah, ha
Come on I know you've got it
Dig deeper in your wallet

All we ever want is more
A lot more than we had before
So take me to the nearest store

[Repeat Chorus]

Can you hear it ring
It makes you wanna sing
You'll live like a king
With lots of money and things

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3 people like this. Showing 14 of 15 comments


CP TEH. I felt touch with your story, really. You are a respectable man. May you prosper and be rewarded for your hard work and kind heart of sharing. Keep it up!!

2012-09-02 11:29

Fat Cat Tim Buddy

only loser will write blog every weekend :D , note* its a blog, not a diary, no one wanna read your shit.. fuck.. i was thinking to delete this comment and leave you alone.. but heck! just do it man ;p

this sunday no bla bla anymore? hell you know your blog is really a pain in the ass, sorry i occasionally cannot tahan and have to spill it.. i leave your alone now...

2012-09-02 12:20

KC Loh

fat cat, why you so upset la how he wants to live his life? relax and live yours to the fullest! :)

2012-09-02 12:33



haha ... u r still around?

yes, check who is the loser here?

But u r not a pain to me at all, honestly. I m still smiling. Just wonder how young u r?

Oh yes, will only write the blah blah ... perhaps later since I want to rest, it is Sunday.

Happy Sunday to you, tho my postings causing u 'pain'? Weird ... how is that?


2012-09-02 12:48

Fat Cat Tim Buddy

come on , the spill is over now, i back to normal level.. have a nice sunday cipeteh.. sorry again.. even though i din even read your blog ( crap) >.< ,lol but i still wish you happy living frugally..

2012-09-02 12:52


thanks. U too, learn to live your own lives more meaningful by not being mean to me? Hmm ... it is a crap, I admit. LOL


2012-09-02 13:43

PureBULL .

Hi CP Teh, Many people all over, more so in north america r mean. They just whole heartedly want to hurt n make u angry. I know the true meaning of mean now. Worse still many people do not know how to choose the real difference between RIGHT n wrong, GOOD n bad people/ideas. Many times wrong n bad people get promoted n r fully recognized. So just Love them n U will be perfectly ok. This perpetual efficient machine called stock mkt will take care of it for U over time...

2012-09-02 21:29


Morning PureBULL

Thanks for ur words. I do not have love-hate, certainly not towards things posted in noisy forums. I do feel appreciative towards those giving morale support, such as Donpazac(thanks) and I could ignore those bad words. Afterall, I am just writing a dairy for my own reading purposes. I do know many not so-good human around and I m for sure drawing boundaries to eliminate their bad 'vibes'. No worry.

My blog is featured here ... and I was told there is educational values that i3-admin seen in my blog and hoping I will share and guide those newbies. I have written my blog in daily basis for MY own recordings but if it helps others in changing their mindset, motivating some of them to be better than themselves, inspiring new newbies to be a good trader ... etc etc ... positively added values, why not?

But if my blog becoming not relevent ... readers may choose not to waste their time to read those craps(which I do admit that. haha), or if i3-admin feels it is no longer serving their purposes, it is very OK to me not to be featured here. Remember, I do not asked to be here.

Anyway, I do not read many noises here much, those I wish to spend quality time to guide and sharing some "Q&A" with many newbies. Seeing many good seniors here guiding, I think it is OK for me to move away from this forum.

I do have few from i3 becoming my tratles and also some e-mailed me and we becoming friends in facebook. Again, it doesn't matter to me ... I told everyone before ... even my blog without a single reader, I will still write as it is ... my dairy.

Yes, let the stock market speaks for itself.

Good trading ahead.


2012-09-03 08:46

kl foong

CP Teh, keep on writing. i am with you.

2012-09-03 09:09


Nothing wrong with living frugally. I find it more fulfilling as you don't need 'blings blings' or other material stuff to keep you happy. Means that you have found your peace in life.

Also not all 'poor' people live frugally, a lot of rich people especially the last generation, scrimp and save yet they can build a business empire.

WB is also known for his very very frugal habits :P

2012-09-03 10:17


I have always living frugality despite achieved nearly 10 figure net asstes....but with one exception that not worthy to mention here.....kikikiki

2012-09-03 10:18


Interesting lifestyle, I reckon...... :)

2012-09-03 10:23


Living frugally, way of life only for those confident in themselves. They do not need to show off to satisfy themselves and show others.

2012-09-03 11:52


If u dun inherited any asset from yr parent.....then this is the first thing to do in frugality!

2012-09-03 11:06

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