My Trading Adventure

Is car a neccesity?

Publish date: Wed, 30 Jan 2013, 09:46 AM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
DOW closed another 70 points higher, reaching 14, 000 feet soon. The air is getting thinner as we are scaling new heights ... we do need to be better prepared ... as when we are reaching 28,000 feet levels, we are certainly needs to weather the rough environment ... it is a new 'norm'.

A123 : Now trading in pink, google code of AONEQ, at 0.0370 ... WAS from USD10+ when I started to look at her(check my posts on her 3-4 yrs ago). It is certainly no longer green, and luckily I have cut-loss on her then. Green-sector is one of the most depressed sector at the moment --- no longer we heard governments talking about solar-wind powered energy ... those clean-indexed buildings, reducing of using of dirty energy resources(such as coals) ... and well, green-car is still a distant future for masses.

My younger bro is driving a green-car, those hybrid kinda cool vehicle. It is expensive, not for average wage earners like me.

BYD (code 1211): It is parabolic ... the 1-yr chart. This week, it is testing that higher again ... in 2008, when green-stocks was hot, BYD shot from below HKD10 to above HKD80, before reality seeped in. Well, WB bought into her, fuelled the needed craziness to have a piece of her. After all, WB could not be wrong, ok? Breaking that line, it is strong uptrend ... yet again. It went to about HKD13 recently. A 100% turn-around, ok? With very high PER(well, this is futuristic kinda thing ... long term investment vehicle), will you trust that more people will be driving cars with green-battery?

So, talking about cars, or transportation in Klang Valley(KV), rather ... it is a must for us to have our own transportation mode. Unlike Singaporeans, where travelling from a place to another is a 'breeze', it is a very stressful in KV. They are building those MRT and extension of LRT ... hopefully, many things could be done smoothly and we could be able to move from a place to anoher without our own vehicles. Well ... that is only a stressful dream in KV. We all knew that well  ... the increase in the populations, job opportunities ... and such, driving those from rurals ... or I shall add, those immigrants(will be localised each time nearing to election --- free citizenships?).

Ok ok ... I dislike driving in KV. So, having a kap-chai to travel to work(5km distance) is still the 'best' of choice. Not all could take the risk and the un-comfort of riding kap-chai, so a car is a neccesity.

Is car a neccesity? Yes, if you are staying in KV(or any part in Malaysia as our transportation system is NOT good at all).

Having a nice, expensive car to drive around is also becoming a status and attention grabbing!! As far as I read those financial books, they told us that car is a deprectiating 'asset'. Yes, once it is out of that show-room or on-the-road, its value starts to go lower ... and lower ... I do remember my best friend won a contest, an Alfa-Romeo 164, a total new one ... barely drove for a month and he sold for 30% depreciation(ok, Alfa does not fetch good sell-back price?).

I m driving the cheapest Proton(won't mind Kancil but my kids growing!!) ... I m a proud owner of the local car, the one that de-listed ... losing money company, remember? Oppss ... it was not de-listed. It was privatised, someone see the great future in Proton brands and bought over for a premium. Great. No no ... was it privitised or wat? I can't recall ... it is vague ... shhh ...

I have no intention to change my car or even buying a second car. Well, we all know too ... most household in KV do have 2(or more) cars. A second car becoming a neccesity too due to our poor transportation system and also our bad local plannings. My wife needs to use the cars to transport our kids ... and I have to come to work, so ... without a second car, how are we going to move around, right? I opted for the cheapest mode ... kap-chai. Since I m just using the kap-chai to travel from home to work, a second hand usable one is good enough. That is what I thought ...

... until someone told me, Hey ... you are a 'public figure' now, you see. You should not be riding on those cheap bike or driving the cheapest car around?  Huh ... now we are talking about 'status'. Like it or not, I have to 'accept' that ... facts? Wait a minute ... who placed such ridiculous status conditions? Who said I am a public-figure ... or someone 'well-known'? I m just a blogger ... enjoying writing here now ... and someone, somehow ... followed my writings. Not many .. but some loyal ones too. Those few ones that followed me for years ... and have somehow knew me 'personally'.

"If you don't know me  by now, you will never never never know me ... huuuuu"

o, for someone of us ... car = status. If you are driving some local cars, you are in lower bracket of levels of income levels. Instalments for a 1.3-Proton is around RM700 but an Accord worth something ... to show. Driving a BMW is a must to show you are successful(of coz, those like Benz, Audi, Volvo ... Porsche, Alfa ... name it). Is that true? Not really ...

Depending on how we define success ... that is subjective and I am not going to go there.

I still have a view that a car is just a vehicle to bring me from a spot to another spot. Well, some safety features will be good. So, I do hope I could maintain my so-called cheap Proton(it is NOT cheaper for normal wage-earners with salary below RM5k, ok?) ... for years to come. Another 3-5 years will be great ... but Proton after 3 yrs(mine) showing signs of wear-tear .. just changed the gear-box, the back wind-screen, repaired the power-window ... tyres. More problems cropping up ... soon.

Well ... time to work again. Wish I could be a 'free' ... and also freely to write blogs!! Will want a photograhy visual kinda blog in future ...

KLCI in slight green .. nothing much. Friday is another off day for KL-lites.

Classes till 6.30pm today.

Berhati-hati di jalanraya ... pandu cermat, jiwa selamat.

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I am back.... oppssss !!!!!!... Mr.Teh still around... now talking about his Saga & kapchai... Car is definitely necessity. Driving a Saga or Audi makes no different. Its all about affordability. If u can afford Audi A6 why not? If Mr Teh got like say 200 tratles where each pays around average RM50 p/mth... he should take home RM10k a month. With RM10k a month , he still drives Saga? hmmm.... 2 things I can sum up ... 1 - He is damn stingy & very ah pek mentality. or 2 - he is very thrifty with his cash. Which one is he? I dont know lor... he already said If u dont know me by now... u never never ever know me... hahahaha
all this income not including his fixed salary as maths teacher....
no wonder he got some many young naive tratles in his group... so this people can b suckers who pays for his dinner/ yam char/do his new or old blog.... Damn cheap man Mr Teh is....

2013-01-30 13:06


same old proton and kapchai story, serious ? reader like to read same story ?

talking bout cars, fyi. sometime having a nice car not necessary status crazy, some got passion for cars like hobby, some rich man like collect expensive cars not for driving on the road, put in an air cond room to enjoy themself.. expensive hobby huh.. came across these ppl ?

Also, if you entitle a company car like bmw, mercedes, audi, lexus, honda or etc. will you say no, and say l would like a kancil or kapchai ?

frankly, i like a better car..

2013-01-30 20:39


well said Shirley....
he is entitle to say this in his blog... its his blog & he can write what ever he likes... but to have it such stories linked here... i dont see a reason for it beside telling the world he is humble nice person.... likeable person so many will adore him n join his cohort & tratles group...
all this are his tricks to lure more & more readers to join him....
wonder when will it ends?

2013-01-31 00:22


I think good nice car not always bad la, at least i know there is ppl doing this, if one is working class and in one day you reach the highest tax bracket, you will appreciate the beauty of a nice car if you have the capability and know how to nego ur pay package with ur paymaster.

well depending on the income, the car can help save a lot on ur expenses and maybe save on tax. its good the car depreciate too, then you can use the extra money to invest or for other purpose. wouldnt it be nice driving a nice car with all the benefits, and someone help you to maintain and not for status. haha

2013-01-31 07:31


Unfortunately safe cars are always expensive in Malaysia.
Drive a good car for the safety.
No point spending hundreds on life insurance premium which will be paid out after you have died in a car accident in which your death could have been totally preventable if your car was good.

2013-01-31 08:17


If you drive a volvo you are likely to survive in a car crash becasue of high standards of safety designed in volvos.just compare witha japanese designed cars which looks lighter to reduce weight e.g honda ,toyotas and up agaimst peugeot,citroen,audi ,mercedes,,volks, would be impressed that their door panels are solid and thick,heavy to minimze of any side impacts during an accident.
In any accident scenario major hazrds are not only unsafe drivers but also unsafe conditins.very well established facts pointed that reasons of mortalities in car accidents in malaysia .were poor judgment during overtaking of another vehicle contributed largely to head on incidents . Facts that cannot be denied : japanese cars are made to suit to japanese drivers who are well known for road safety manners in japanese road environment.JIS (japanese industrial standards) set their top speed of their cars are at only 160kmh to cut down excessive speed. For these reasons you can see top speed range in top japanese models are regulated at 160kmh only because compliance to JIS.

2013-01-31 08:51

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