My Trading Adventure


Publish date: Mon, 17 Aug 2015, 11:43 AM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

BJAuto : Saw this chart ... when I read Focus(since The Edge banned). Support at 2.10 might be vunerable as at the moment it is trading at 2.13 level (down 8% now).

Anything we bought last week or much early, if we do not cut-loss ... we could be stuck with paper-loss ... and yes, paperloss is loss.

11.25 am : KLCI is minus 25 now ... excited? At 1570 now ... tonight e-meeting will be very interesting.

I wanted to write ... so so many DIVING like crazy ... SKPetrol is below RM1.80 now. Avoid O&G counters ... AirAsia at RM1.13 now, wont be seein light any time soon as AirAsia with high foreign funds is another AVOID.

I really want to write ... but need to spend 30mins in gym and then fetch my girl!!

Afternoon ... full with classes and night is e-meeting. How to find some time to post many waterfalls?

Keep cash and wait for the reversal. Do not catch the knives ... it is painful.

Public-talk : Planning a talk this Sunday ... to share my opinions on current markets. Are we in correction or market crash? How should we prepare for market crash?

Contact me if you are coming to meet me (in person). I appreciate opinions too.

Have a nice week (in case I cant find the time to write)

More articles on My Trading Adventure
Updates on ABMB and AirAsia

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Waterfall : LKL

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Oct 2nd : DOW minus 343

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23rd Sept : One week to go

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Formula for success

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Steps to be 'successful'

Created by CP TEH | Sep 17, 2019

1 person likes this. Showing 21 of 21 comments


Ini jualan cut loss & tutup terus kedai ....bungkusssssss !!!!

2015-08-17 12:26


boh chow xcccccc

2015-08-17 12:26


tutup balik in dec

2015-08-17 12:27



KLCI PE now 15....... will bleed till PE 11 ??!!??

AirAsias forward PE around 7...


2015-08-17 12:28



After bleeding.. 2.. 3.. % daily last few days...

FBM Small Cap PE now 14....... will bleed till PE 11??

AirAsias forward PE around 7...

2015-08-17 12:31


Its over cook..:)..will 'self rebound'..:)..near to end already this bloodbath n megasales..:) will be MEGABUYING

2015-08-17 12:33


Ini macam punya pancung......, kedai boleh bungkus , menyara KL juga boleh terjun kikikiki

2015-08-17 12:34


Abg apanama..... Nak start menanam padi dah ka ???

Dok kemarau la ni , takut benih padi tak tumbuh....tanggung loss lagi...

2015-08-17 12:36


It's just a mini mega sales. I'm waiting for run for life mega sales.

2015-08-17 12:38


IT IS NOT BEAR YET! KLCI high range is around 1750-1800, drop 20% is around 1400 range. Now not even 1500 yet! only if drop towards 1400-1250 range consider bear!

And if it do happen, BUY LIKE NO TOMOLO LIKE 97/98, 2008/2009

2015-08-17 13:24


sounds like almighty, knows already one month ago reversal is forming

2015-08-17 13:31


CP Teh won't lose money or cut loss either bull or bear market.
He always manages to buy at lowest and manages to sell with profit.
Actually should address him "King of KLSE"!

2015-08-17 13:32


like no bottom...

2015-08-17 15:13


Nothing is cheap yet la CP Teh. 1400 only I start buying la. Now short first. MEga sales now my ass. Until Inari 6-7x PE only mega sales la sorchai. Or when Tenaga is 5x. lawll

2015-08-17 18:53


FF has disposed RM 20.5 billion or almost 60% of the entire portfolio from 2014 until now. They still have another 40% to dump the market without mercy. Be prepared to pick up dead chicken in next 3 months.

2015-08-17 19:02


Just like 10-20% sales nia... not intriguing enough yet..

2015-08-18 00:16


hi alphajack. really like your posts. hope can learn from you

2015-08-18 05:24


Why alphajack never say myEg is expensive? He keep saying it should worth above RM3. If CI 1400 MyEg should worth RM1. Why MyEg don't drop like other stocks?

2015-08-18 05:39


1200 until all those corrupt politicians are out of office. The worst is yet to come meanwhile get your popcorn and enjoy the show

2015-08-18 09:13


wah, still got 300 pts to go.......,masak.

2015-08-18 09:14


Today gv u happy masuk bck ... then next few days drop lagi.

2015-08-18 14:32

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