My Trading Adventure

My mentor : Milan Doshi

Publish date: Tue, 31 Jan 2017, 07:24 PM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

Today ... markets re-open ... KLCI down 10points, DOW minus 120 points. Having a nice drink ... and relax for a while.

Yes .. someone asked me who my mentor(s) are ...  many of them, in my mind.

I read many books .... so, I shall say that I started from there. I read Milan Doshi's book wway before I came to KLSE ... and thru that book( read 2006), I learnt that stock-market is the best instrument for me as it requires 'small' capital. Well ... glad that I m in touch with Milan (thru facebook) and met him in person (coffee-date) in 2015.

So ... is Milan my mentor? Indirectly, yes ... as I read his book and learnt about RISK vs INSTRUMENTS. Then ... I chose stock-markets!!

I bought the blue-cover book in 2006 ... one of the first financial books I bought and read. In 2006, I was broke ... property is out of reach. But ... I was playing with the idea of going into KLSE ... well, eventually I managed to get some small capital to start in end-2007.

Yup ... after years ... I bought his black-cover book, the newer one. It is about property/real estate. Milan is a prominent speaker too ... and I m glad I m 'connected' to him.

This is what I did ... in 2005 (did you attend my e-meeting about FINANCIAL MINDSET?). One of the things I promised myself in 2005 ... when I was struggling is to READ and LEARN about financial. So ... I bought Milan's book in 2006 (after R.Kiyosaki's RDPD and Adam Khoo's) ... as part of my financial-mindset change!! I was diligent ... and with strong determination to CHANGE MYSELF ... my mindset.

LAW of ATTRACTION ... be with those RICH and EXPERIENCED ones ... they could be your mentors ... learn from them. Be with them. And continue to learn ...

In 2006 ... slowly I was leaving my 'colleagues' and waste no time on trivial things and issues. I learnt to see ... WHO  I should emulate and learn from. Slowly ... gradually ... I could see the way I see the FINANCIAL WORLD ... so differently.

That explains WHY the rich becoming richer and the poor being left behind (IT IS ALL IN THE MIND, today ... I could tell you that).

One of the point I have learnt is also ... to get a MENTOR.

So ... I do not have a single mentor but many of them. Books ... the way I started it all. Blogs too .... but in 2006-2008, there are not many financial-bloggers. I read books ... and I have listed many times books I read back then ... to the latest of the books I m reading.

Wanted to write about Uncle Ben, but that would be very lengthy ... as that is another highly respected individual I m privileged to know ... next?


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1 person likes this. Showing 6 of 6 comments


actually the only mentor that seem to fit in the above character is our sifu OTB

a person without any ego...just simply cool, simple and most importantly "passionate".

now...personally i think we should not have any mentor - as the teaching of great mentors is to realize there is no mentor.

2017-01-31 20:19


I agree. But where is sifu OTB going, haven't seen him recently.

2017-01-31 20:27


Ah, learn to be yourself & to hv your own investment style that best suit u is d key... I learn again! Thx!

2017-01-31 22:40


Will get ready to sacrifice some "tuition" fees to practice & learn more then... but on d other hand, I still trust a good mentor can help one to minimize that fee... right?

2017-01-31 22:51


Repost from comment on My Mentor: Mr. Koon Yew Yin
Dear all,
I think my last comment in i3 was on 18-1-2017: Blog Tun Mahathir Strikes Back.
Since Mr. Koon Yew Yin refrained from posting his investment blog in i3 which he often used harsh and provocation words/criticism on those held different views from him or have offended him. Thus in return attracted many angry and silly comments from i3 community. It had been relatively quiet and at time lacking that excitement of seeing the clash of personality in i3 blog. Since he is back with his three blogs on 29-1-2017, one on political blog and the other two on his share investment lecture he held on 26-1-2017 at his house.
I was there listening to his lecture, as usual to his true self he admitted he like to blow his own trumpet as he certainly earned it by his golden rule (I must make sure that the company can make more money in the current year than last year and its projected P/E ratio is less than 10) which had proven again and again in earning him extraordinary profit in share market. He believes in leverage on Margin Finance to make bigger profit as he invited the bankers to his lecture. (Note: The bankers have line up margin finance to the tune of many millions.) He is not afraid of margin call as he is buying uptrend share as such if he has to sell, he is still making profit.
The main takeaways from his lectures are: To make money during the crash was easy. All he needed was bravery and courage. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, that is to make extraordinary money during normal times which he had tried for many years with all the methods from all the investment Gurus Books he can lay his hand on but with little result. It is only the last 10 years that he found his secret recipe of making quick profit. His secret recipe is his share selection golden rule which he has elaborated in an article with the title “My Share Selection Golden Rule”.
And to be a true winner in share market, you have to be able to control your emotion such as fear and greed, your emotion to think logically. Most people cannot control their emotion to think logically. (I am very fortunate to have a chat with his neighbor during the dinner where he relate his personal life experience of how his family business was bankrupt during the Asian Financial Crisis 1997 and he just bought a one way ticket to USA and work illegally, holding two jobs for 10 years to make his first pot of gold and with that returned to Ipoh to start a small trading company but mostly earning a luxury living in share market. He earned his second bigger pot of gold during US Subprime Mortgage Crisis 2008 where he bought Citibank and AIA shares but with certain degree of regret that he sold the shares too early. Nowadays he trade shares thro’ his trusted personal Fund Manager because if he had to trade directly thro’ his own computer keyboard he cannot control his emotion thus he needs a second opinion to curtain his impulsive emotion)
Dear Mr. CP TEH,
I would not think any of the investment masters will have the time for mentorship as define in:
Anyhow many of the investment Gurus in i3 are readily sharing their diverse investment knowledge and methods for the benefit of all. It is up to individual what are the methods most suited them. Anyhow the parts that are the most difficult to acquire are the emotions? Do you have the required emotion discipline to become a Super-investor?
One participant rightly point out share market are full of pitfall as many syndicates manipulate the share price by pump and dump and the worst case are those insider owners that make fraud accounting in order to pump and dump thus even such an experience/veteran investors like Mr. Koon and Robert Kuok had also fallen into such pitfall before. Anyhow they just either hold on or move on without any loss of sleep or bitterness. That makes them a much better men then many of us who keep bemoaning loses no end and blaming and cursing those make the share recommendation without taking own responsibility that we make our own decision to buy the share willingly. Remember those punches that did not knock you out will make you stronger.
Please welcome back Mr. Koon Yew Yin for his very interest insight into his share selection golden rule that had proven to make extraordinary profit in share market.
(I think many people do miss him which is why this blog had attracted so many comments)

Wishing all a “Happy Chinese New Year, Gong Xi Fai Chai”. May the year of Rooster bring you and your family happiness, prosperity and good health.
For whom that interest in knowing how I spend my CNY.

Yours truly,

2017-02-01 23:25


Ya, I hv been havin d thought that this forum is a platform for all to freely share their thoughts & experiences w/o fear or being criticized 2 badly (a bit ok lar)... which in turn will make everyone richer in knowledge, or simply enhancing the skill to filter info that best suit one's needs. Hope such spirit will prevail here.. no "ban-ban" to any1 hor!

2017-02-02 10:49

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