IBanker - Smell The Golden Opportunities

(IBanker) Masteel - A Rainbow After the Rain? (2)

Publish date: Wed, 14 Mar 2018, 01:44 PM


As we can see from the latest chart above, Masteel's share price has dropped to the level of RM0.835 at 12.30pm today. At this price, any technical analysis indicators would show sell signals to all the punters and short term traders. At current broad market sentiment, any fundamental analysis and facts would not be listened by most of the traders, or even investors - mainly driven by intense fear and anxiety. 


Straight to the point, to consider an action, (Buy, Sell or Hold) at this critical moment requires balls of steel. There are THREE key points should be known by the investors now, they would be:-


1. Massive Selling Could Be Over - Already Triggered All Technical Analysis Sell Signals

With massive selling pressure and all the negative TA indicators, traders and short term shareholders would have already sold their position in the stock. Who are the ones who own the Masteel's shares now? If they are share operators, long term and value investors, it would be a strong sign showing that the downside is limited now. 


2. No Change in Fundamental in This Panic Selling

The panic selling was triggered by intense margin calls followed by the chain-effect of panic selling. Prospect remains bright (please read the published articles and news to read more).


3. Buy Low or Chase High?

There's a golden opportunity in stock market, presently and historically, when the stock market sentiment was being affected negatively without significantly changing the fundamental of the economy and businesses. These include: War Threat from North Korea, BREXIT, Presidential Election in US and etc. All these are temporary. I repeat, all these are temporary.

Each of them provides a good buying opportunity for investors, however, most of them chose to chase the stocks when these stock prices had rebounded strongly. 



Last but not least, always remember, equity investors will always have to BUY BACK the shares in stock market after they have sold them earlier, especially when the broad market shows positive sentiment and when all the share prices start going up. The faster and the more it plunges, the faster and stronger it would rebound, given that fundamental and prospect remain positive. 


I added more Masteel shares today. You have to decide for yourself. Good luck! 


Note: Masteel has made annoucements on share buyback of 514,000 units of shares and 517,000 units of shares on 9 & 12 March. The buyback prices are in the range between RM0.95 to RM0.985.

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4 people like this. Showing 19 of 19 comments


good move

2018-03-14 14:05



2018-03-14 14:13


OTB sell call Masteel?

2018-03-14 14:26


OTB like to cut because he always stick to his rubbish TA. Expensive time he say break and ask you to chase high and once very cheap time he advise u to cut loss. The other way round from those like warren buffett, peter lynch to buy low and sell high.

2018-03-14 15:20


Post removed.Why?

2018-03-14 15:23


cost control ada address?

2018-03-14 15:23


Agreed but sold off after 2 steps. Sigh.

hng33 Agreed
14/03/2018 14:13

2018-03-14 15:29


Dear IBanker,
Agreed, some private run fund will purposely selling down, feed fear and create negative sentiment or margin call/ panic sell not to cut losses but with the knowledge that they are able to buy back at lower price to make a future huge profit. Masteel fundamental have not change and prospect remain bright. The current price is below resent Private Placement Price.
Thank you.

2018-03-14 15:38

Ricky Yeo

The most humble thing one can do is to admit he doesn't know anything, instead of trying to explain what's happening. Because if he himself don't see it coming, hindsight will not do much to help him foresee what is to come.

2018-03-14 15:55


with the permission of shortselling allowed by the authority, further downtrend is unavoidable

2018-03-14 16:00


Masteel share price has rebounded strongly today after my article in the noon. Another stock to focus would be Hiaptek, QR would be released in this month, should expect an excellent result. No more impairment losses, huge forex gains and higher selling prices n margins for their steel products. A no-brainer buy at current price for Hiaptek. I'll be publishing an article, my analysis on Hiaptek soon, should be by tmr noon.

2018-03-14 17:07


Starting of the rainbow or ending of rainbow? Rainbow is a curve.. and the ending is dropping onr

2018-03-14 17:11


Why has this stock been impacted my Trump tariffs than any other Korean steel stocks? Haha

2018-03-14 22:01


Impact of Trump tariffs on Malaysian steel makers should be much smaller compared to Korean
steel makers.

2018-03-14 22:03


just buy on weakness. masteel FA is good

2018-03-15 00:05


- Dow Jones drop from around +100 to -249.
- China Rebar price keep dropping. Refer to link as below.
- Parliament dissolve very soon. Election coming soon.



2018-03-15 08:18


Flood after haevy rain

2018-03-15 10:51


Many uncertainties ahead. Beware

2018-03-15 15:19

Ooi GC

Time to go up.

2018-03-16 16:05

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