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Bursa - GST Implementation

Tan KW
Publish date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014, 10:43 PM
Tan KW
0 485,156


With effect from 1 April 2015, Bursa Malaysia will charge GST at the standard rate of 6% (where applicable), as governed by the GST Act 2014.

GST Implementation

During the 2014 Budget Announcement, the Malaysian Government confirmed the implementation of the Goods & Services Tax ("GST") in Malaysia, which will replace the existing sales tax and service tax. GST will be implemented as of 1 April 2015, at a prevailing rate of 6%.

GST can only be charged by businesses that are registered for GST in Malaysia. Bursa will be registered for GST purposes from 1 April 2015.

With effect from 1 April 2015, Bursa Malaysia will charge GST at the standard rate of 6% (where applicable), as governed by the GST Act 2014.

Please refer to the FAQs on GST below for more information.

If you have further queries please refer to the Help Centre.

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that mean we will lose 6% after buying share immediately?? WTF!!

2014-12-13 15:01


6% of the brokege fee

2014-12-13 16:25

Andi Kamarul

someone please clarify this..
6% brokage fees is to big for us retailer!
it cant be!

2014-12-13 22:34


Hi Guys,

I think if Bursa follow Spore SGX there won't be 6% gst for shares or bond purchase.

However in Singapore 7% Gst is applicable to both new and 2nd hand properties.

So don't need to worry about Gst for share trading.

If you still contemplate about buying that new or 2nd hand property better buy now before others are aware. After April 2015 All will have to pay extra Gst fpr property purchase

2014-12-13 22:57


6% is for the commission charged by your broker. No doubt abt it.

2014-12-13 23:00


Calvin: non-residential properties are deem as standard rated hence gst would apply, whereas residential properties is an exempt supply hence no gst.

Applicable in the context of singapore and malaysia.

2014-12-13 23:08


If not mistaken, no gst applicable for residential houses n property for argiculture. Meaning both are excerpted. Please someone clarify or double confirm.

2014-12-13 23:17


Yes, Gst for commercial properties only.

2014-12-13 23:25


It's already announce in your e-statement

2014-12-13 23:25


Thanks Calvin. By the way do you know what is the cost of oil produce in malaysia? Is malaysia is a net big exporter, ie % high compare to import? Any forecast oil price bottom?

2014-12-13 23:30



Malaysia has very good quality tapis oil. So they are exported for the best price.

Then we import back cheaper oil (lower quality) for our own consumption.

Right now those shale oil guys are feeling the squeeze on price war.

I think oil won't drop for a prolonged period. At what price it will drop to is not certain yet.

2014-12-13 23:35


Thanks again Calvin, can I assume if USA produce quite a lot again beside OPEC n Russia, the oil price will quite difficult to see the high level as before in soonest time. Meaning oil n gas counter is difficult to see the high price as before.. Think better stay side line for time being.

2014-12-13 23:50


brokerage fee for shares traded in SGX is subjected for GST

2014-12-14 12:54


US manipulate crude oil price in slow down some country growth where their economy are heavily depending on oil export. With the development of shale oil + technological advancement estimate by yr 2018. US will not need to import any oil (able to self sustain). And by that time, OPEC and oil export country will be in deep trouble.

2014-12-14 20:57


Sigh. What I am worrying is not the price of oil and loss of profits. I worry about the price war that drive the producers to pump more every day to maintain their market share which will cause great calamities to our earth and we are bound to see more earthquakes, Tsunamis, global warming, etc. The position of the sun has moved from the East to about the North of my house in the last 4 years. The Earth's axis has tilted. Our lives are threatened. GST is nothing compared to the natural disasters going to befall us.

2015-01-02 11:07


If I wan to buy a GST I need to pay 6% GST?

2015-03-29 00:05


Ayam Tua,

What is lobster and what is oyster?

Why these foods can be exempted from GST tax? I thought infant milk les than 1 yr old can be exempted?

2015-03-29 00:36


ohh my god..luckily I am specialism in biology also if not really fainted in those biodiversity term.......

Government really AWESOME to specified everything....

thanks your government

Posted by AyamTua > Mar 29, 2015 12:48 AM | Report Abuse

My Dear Master Frodo Duit,

Much has been said (and not said) about the Goods and Services Tax ( GST) which is coming into effect in 2015. Whilst the government assured people that essential items will not be taxed; we wanted to know exactly what these ‘essential’ items are. We finally got our paws on the full exemption list and though we can’t stick the whole 30 odd pages here; we found some items worthy of mention simply because they made us chuckle.

2015-03-29 01:02

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