In the next blog, IPO - Farm Fresh (Part 2) Analysis & MQ Trader Views, we will share more on the financial position and our view of Farm Fresh IPO. Stay tuned!
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Chart | Stock Name | Last | Change | Volume |
FFBPE36 for a milk company, where price of basic items all up up up. Even some tech counter also kalah.... not interesting at all, more of a chance for long term investor to take profit only.
2022-02-28 22:48
where can i get this farm fresh prospectus? cannot find it anywhere on the net.
2022-03-01 00:18
Hi @zulhairi, you may check the full report from the Bursa website or you may stay tuned on part 2, we will write down our analysis about this IPO
2022-03-01 08:53
MQTrader Jesse..I am waiting to read your analysis. If can include their profit margin as well as comparison of margin and PE to local peers such as F&N and Dutch Lady will be great.
2022-03-01 17:16
@Cipta Sure, we will add this information into our part 2 analysis blog. Stay tuned ya !
2022-03-01 17:51
Hi @kyappc, Kyabram Facility is fully automated, with a control centre that oversees and manages the entire
process flow from the receiving of raw milk to packaging, palletising and exporting to the Malaysian processing facilities.
2022-03-01 17:52
Overvalued stock. Holland soon. Selling milk only, few products in markets. Do you think the company annual report is multi million income? Haha
2022-03-02 08:59
IPO - Farm Fresh (Part 2) Analysis & MQ Trader Views
Is Farm Farm IPO worth to apply?
IPO Farm Fresh Part 2:
2022-03-03 08:40
@VTrade The company is not tax-free company. Farm Fresh has the company has been granted tax incentive (Agricultural Tax Incentive) under MOA and East Coast Economic Region Incentive for income earned from dairy milk processing activities.
As the management disclose, these incentives have led to Farm Fresh incurring effective tax rate in Malaysia of 5.1% in FYE 31 March 2019, 5.8% in FYE 31 March 2020 and 8.5% (excluding impact of the tax reversal of RM 10,490,033) in FPE 30 September 2021, respectively which were lower than the Malaysian statutory tax rate of 24.0% for each of FYE 31 March 2019, FYE 31 March 2020 and FPE 30 September 2021.
For more information regard the tax incentive you may refer Prospectus part 2 pg 292.
2022-03-04 15:23
very good responce IPO
over subscribed nearly 20 X
RM 2 - 3 possible. - another MR DIY
2022-03-13 08:06
"Khazanah Nasional Bhd-backed Farm Fresh Bhd (formerly known as Holstein Milk Company Sdn Bhd),"
GLC = Guranteed Lingkup Company.
2022-02-28 19:14