近期发现在外资逐步退出大马股市的当儿,却发现本地散户一股脑儿积极参与市场投资。从一般维持在占总成交值比率20%左右的本地散户,近期却一直维持在高于25%的比率,高居不下。上周四和周五竟然突破30%大关,向40%的总成交值迈进!我说啊,大马股市真幸福,有这般勇猛无畏的散户在积极地投资着,越多散户参与越好,是好事一桩!呵呵~ 可以很确定,这次的涨潮,应该成就了不少新富翁,从投资中致富,捞取第一桶金,很好,呵呵~
小陈说啊,切记凡事小心谨慎 - 小心驶得万年船~ 大家加油咯!
图:数据取自于“ 资汇The Busy Weekly”第270期
图:数据取自于“ 资汇The Busy Weekly”第271期
投资部落格 :http://cktan1984.blogspot.com/
面子书专页名称 :http://www.facebook.com/StockTangerine
电子邮箱 :tanchinkok@gmail.com
Just dun keep on buying. Take profit if you think your shares already overcooked. i dun think the bull will stop so soon but we definately have to control our greed.
2014-04-21 22:24
Thanks for the very fair statement.
I opine that there are not many people want to admit that their money making shares have been cooked and therefore take profit. I also have an opinion that only a few can control their greed. Most of the people in the current market are greedy. It is very sad to say that I am included. Sigh! Said is much easier than done.
2014-04-21 22:36
Did you went to pasar interview auntie and uncle or you're just speculating on your own assumption?
2014-04-21 23:50
The present market is too hot especially those penny stocks and a lot of people just follow the rumour or technical buy signal without emphasize on fundamental, or the stock they buy is at the right price. Many expected capital gain without thinking if the share price not growing , do they get a reasonable return which at least better than fd.
2014-04-22 08:03
Huang, 可能我们生活的环境不同,至今我没有感觉到好像你说那样90年代人人谈股那种热潮, 反而是危机论,崩盘论会到来的论调一大堆,很多都不敢进场。市场没人可以预测, 让我们拭目以待.
2014-04-22 08:24
dont hold so many counter.. when it is bearist... chop all your stock.... wait to buy in all at lower price..
experience tell me.. it works... since 1997..
2014-04-22 09:06
There must be a big enough problem which involve huge economical losses to bring the whole entire stock market down, right?
2014-04-22 15:07
2014-04-21 22:20