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2 months ago | Report Abuse

Solution for the many "lazy, poor" : Remove all the little napoleans in all corners

The existence of "little Napoleons" in Malaysia—individuals in minor positions of authority who wield their power in a self-serving, obstructive, or overly bureaucratic manner—plays a significant role in creating and perpetuating poverty by demotivating and disenfranchising the population. These individuals often act as gatekeepers who hinder progress, innovation, and efficiency, leading to systemic issues that disproportionately affect the poor.

1. **Bureaucratic Barriers**: Little Napoleons create unnecessary bureaucratic hurdles that obstruct access to essential services and resources. For the poor, who already struggle to navigate complex systems, these additional barriers can be insurmountable, leading to further marginalization and a lack of upward mobility.

2. **Corruption and Mismanagement**: The self-serving nature of little Napoleons often leads to corruption and mismanagement of funds and resources. This diverts resources away from programs that could benefit the poor, such as education, healthcare, and social services. As a result, the poor remain trapped in a cycle of poverty with limited opportunities for improvement.

3. **Demotivation and Disillusionment**: Encountering obstructive and corrupt officials can demotivate individuals, particularly the poor who might already feel disenfranchised. When people see that hard work and merit are not rewarded, but instead, navigating the system requires bribery or knowing the right people, it creates a sense of hopelessness and reduces motivation to strive for better opportunities.

4. **Education System Impact**: In the context of education, little Napoleons can stifle reform and innovation. They may resist changes that threaten their power or require accountability, leading to an outdated and ineffective education system. This particularly affects the poor, who rely on public education to escape poverty. Without a quality education, the cycle of poverty continues.

5. **Economic Stagnation**: By obstructing efficiency and innovation, little Napoleons contribute to economic stagnation. A dynamic and growing economy is crucial for job creation and improving living standards. When bureaucratic inefficiency and corruption are prevalent, economic growth is stifled, and the poor suffer the most as job opportunities remain limited.

Removing these little Napoleons is essential for meaningful reform and progress. By dismantling this rogue dark system, Malaysia can pave the way for a more transparent, efficient, and equitable society. Education reform, free from obstructive bureaucracy, can ensure that all citizens, regardless of their socio-economic background, have the opportunity to succeed and contribute to the nation's growth. This would ultimately lift many out of poverty and create a more motivated and empowered population.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Education Reform 101: The Very First Step......

Removing "little Napoleons"—those individuals in positions of minor authority who exercise power in a self-serving, obstructive, or overly bureaucratic manner—could indeed be a crucial first step toward education reform in Malaysia. Here are some points to support this argument:

### 1. **Improved Efficiency and Decision-Making**

**Argument**: Little Napoleons often create unnecessary red tape and bureaucratic hurdles, which can stifle innovation and slow down necessary reforms. By removing these individuals, the education system can operate more efficiently.

**Example**: Streamlined processes allow for quicker implementation of new curricula, educational technologies, and teaching methods. Teachers and lecturers can focus more on teaching and less on administrative tasks.

### 2. **Empowerment of Educators**

**Argument**: Teachers and lecturers, who are on the front lines of education, understand the needs of their students better than distant bureaucrats. Removing obstructive middle management empowers educators to make decisions that directly benefit their classrooms.

**Example**: Empowered teachers can adapt teaching methods to better suit their students' learning styles and needs, fostering a more dynamic and responsive educational environment.

### 3. **Enhanced Morale and Job Satisfaction**

**Argument**: The presence of little Napoleons can lead to a toxic work environment, where educators feel micromanaged and undervalued. Eliminating these figures can significantly boost morale and job satisfaction among teachers and lecturers.

**Example**: A supportive and respectful work environment encourages educators to be more passionate and committed to their work, which in turn benefits student learning outcomes.

### 4. **Promotion of Meritocracy**

**Argument**: Little Napoleons often rise to power not through merit but through connections or bureaucratic maneuvering. Removing them helps establish a meritocratic system where promotions and responsibilities are based on capability and performance.

**Example**: A merit-based system ensures that the most competent and dedicated individuals are in leadership positions, leading to better decision-making and more effective educational policies.

### 5. **Focus on Student-Centered Education**

**Argument**: Bureaucratic obstacles can shift the focus away from student needs and towards administrative compliance. Removing these obstacles allows for a greater focus on student-centered education.

**Example**: Policies and practices can be directly tailored to enhance student engagement, critical thinking, and holistic development, rather than merely meeting bureaucratic standards.

### 6. **Adaptability to Global Educational Trends**

**Argument**: In a rapidly changing global educational landscape, flexibility and adaptability are crucial. Little Napoleons often resist change, preferring to maintain the status quo. Their removal facilitates quicker adaptation to global best practices and innovations.

**Example**: Malaysia can more readily adopt international educational trends such as digital learning, interdisciplinary studies, and competency-based education, ensuring students are well-prepared for a globalized world.

### Conclusion

Removing little Napoleons from the educational system in Malaysia is not just about reducing bureaucratic inefficiencies. It's about creating an environment where teachers and lecturers can thrive, where decisions are made based on merit and student needs, and where the education system can swiftly adapt to global trends. This foundational change is essential for any further reforms to be effective and sustainable, ultimately leading to a more dynamic, responsive, and high-quality education system for all.

News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

In Malaysia, the presence of so-called "little Napoleons" in various government premises, departments, institutions, and ministries represents a significant misuse of taxpayers' funds. These individuals, often entrenched in positions of minor authority, tend to focus on bureaucratic control and self-serving agendas rather than contributing to the efficiency and job satisfaction of the dedicated workforce.

1. **Inefficiency and Redundancy**: The primary issue with these "little Napoleons" is their propensity to create redundant and obstructive policies. This not only hampers workflow but also leads to inefficiencies that waste valuable time and resources. Instead of streamlining processes, they introduce unnecessary layers of bureaucracy that complicate tasks for those genuinely committed to their work.

2. **Demoralization of Committed Employees**: The constant imposition of arbitrary and ever-changing rules by these minor officials demoralizes employees who are dedicated to their jobs. The lack of consistency and the unpredictable nature of these rules create a stressful and unstable working environment, leading to dissatisfaction and burnout among the workforce.

3. **Exodus of Talent**: High job satisfaction is crucial for retaining talented and committed employees. When these employees face persistent bureaucratic obstacles and a lack of support from their superiors, they are more likely to leave for better opportunities elsewhere. This exodus of skilled workers undermines the overall productivity and effectiveness of government institutions.

4. **Misallocation of Taxpayers' Funds**: Hiring and maintaining positions for individuals who do not contribute positively to the workforce is a clear misallocation of taxpayers' money. These funds could be better utilized in initiatives that directly enhance public services and employee satisfaction, such as training programs, technological upgrades, and incentives for exemplary performance.

5. **Negative Impact on Public Services**: The inefficiencies and demoralization caused by "little Napoleons" ultimately affect the quality of public services. When dedicated employees leave, their expertise and experience are lost, leading to a decline in service delivery. The public, who are the ultimate beneficiaries of government services, suffer the consequences of these internal inefficiencies.

In conclusion, the presence of "little Napoleons" in Malaysia's government sectors is a significant drain on resources and a barrier to achieving a high-performing public service. Addressing this issue requires a commitment to reducing bureaucratic inefficiencies, promoting merit-based appointments, and fostering a supportive environment for dedicated employees. By reallocating funds towards initiatives that genuinely improve job satisfaction and service delivery, Malaysia can better utilize taxpayers' money for the benefit of all citizens.

News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

Also stop paying multi-level little napoleans in every gomen department, institution and ministry with $$$$$$ from alcohol and betting businesses


2 months ago | Report Abuse

### Hypermodern Education Blueprint for the Children of the Current Millennium

#### Vision
To cultivate a generation of critically thinking, economically empowered, and socially responsible individuals equipped to thrive in and shape the post-Industrial Revolution 4.0 era.

#### Objectives
1. **Foster Critical Thinking and Intellectual Independence**: Encourage children to question, analyze, and understand the world around them.
2. **Promote Economic Self-Sufficiency**: Equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary for economic independence and growth.
3. **Ensure Transparent and Inclusive Governance Understanding**: Educate students on the importance of transparency, accountability, and inclusivity in governance.
4. **Develop Socially Responsible Citizens**: Instill values of social justice, equity, and civic responsibility.

#### Key Components

1. **Curriculum Reform**
- **Critical Thinking Skills**: Incorporate philosophy, logic, and debate into the curriculum to foster independent thinking.
- **STEM Education**: Emphasize science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to prepare students for future job markets.
- **Financial Literacy**: Teach personal finance, entrepreneurship, and economics to promote economic self-sufficiency.
- **Civic Education**: Include courses on governance, law, and political science to develop an understanding of transparent and inclusive governance.
- **Ethics and Social Justice**: Integrate lessons on ethics, human rights, and social justice to foster a sense of civic responsibility.

2. **Teaching Methods**
- **Project-Based Learning**: Encourage hands-on, real-world problem-solving projects.
- **Interdisciplinary Approach**: Promote learning that crosses traditional subject boundaries.
- **Technological Integration**: Use advanced technologies like AI, VR, and digital platforms to enhance learning experiences.
- **Collaborative Learning**: Foster teamwork and communication through group projects and discussions.

3. **School Environment**
- **Inclusive Culture**: Create an environment that respects diversity and promotes equality.
- **Safe Spaces for Dialogue**: Establish forums for open discussions on social, political, and economic issues.
- **Community Engagement**: Encourage students to participate in community service and local governance initiatives.

4. **Teacher Training and Development**
- **Continuous Professional Development**: Provide ongoing training for teachers in the latest educational methodologies and technologies.
- **Mentorship Programs**: Pair experienced educators with new teachers to share knowledge and best practices.
- **Performance Incentives**: Offer incentives for teachers who excel in promoting critical thinking and student engagement.

5. **Parental and Community Involvement**
- **Parent Education Programs**: Educate parents on the importance of critical thinking and economic self-sufficiency.
- **Community Partnerships**: Collaborate with local businesses, NGOs, and government bodies to provide practical learning experiences and opportunities.

6. **Assessment and Evaluation**
- **Holistic Evaluation**: Use a combination of standardized tests, project assessments, and peer reviews.
- **Feedback Loops**: Implement regular feedback systems for students, teachers, and parents to continually improve the educational process.

#### Policies to Ban and Reform

1. **Ban Religious Indoctrination in Public Education**
- **Secular Curriculum**: Ensure that public education remains secular, focusing on critical thinking and scientific inquiry rather than religious teachings.
- **Balanced Worldviews**: Teach about various religions and belief systems objectively without promoting any particular ideology.

2. **Reform Government Policies**
- **Transparent Governance**: Implement policies that promote transparency and accountability in government operations.
- **Anti-Corruption Measures**: Strengthen laws and regulations to combat corruption and ensure fair governance.
- **Inclusive Economic Policies**: Develop policies that promote economic opportunities for all, reducing dependency on exploitative promises.

3. **Address Structural Inequalities**
- **Equal Opportunity Programs**: Implement affirmative action and other programs to level the playing field for marginalized communities.
- **Universal Access to Quality Education**: Ensure that all children, regardless of their socio-economic background, have access to high-quality education.

By implementing this hypermodern education blueprint, we can break the self-perpetuating cycle of poverty and dependency, empower the next generation, and build a more equitable and progressive future.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

The notion that "rich and poor is formed by history and temporary" is a simplistic view that fails to account for the complex and entrenched systems of economic disparity that persist over time. Historical factors certainly contribute to the distribution of wealth, but these disparities are perpetuated through systemic inequalities in education, employment opportunities, and social mobility. Wealth often consolidates through generational inheritance, where the affluent can provide their descendants with better resources, networks, and opportunities, creating a self-reinforcing cycle of privilege. Conversely, the poor face structural barriers that inhibit their ability to ascend economically, such as inadequate access to QUALITY education, CORRUPT discriminatory hiring practices, and limited access to capital due to PUBLIC FUND LEAKAGE. Just like the hiring and placement of multi-layered little napoleans in every gomen department, institution and ministry, these structural issues are deeply rooted and not easily resolved by itself without real effort. Often, simpletons only seen the final changes, but fail to appreciate the underlying heroic process.

News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

Government Exploitation via money-losing, public-fund-bailing GLCs that pay a hefty sums to their own families and cronies at the expense of increasing country debt and foreign borrowing- chanelling these ill-gotten money to overseas- continue to impoverish the majority of the morbidly deluded folks....

Intellectual Stagnation:

Lack of Education: By underfunding education and discouraging critical thinking, the government ensures that the population remains intellectually stunted. This prevents the poor from seeking alternative solutions or questioning the status quo.

Suppressing Innovation: An uneducated populace is less likely to innovate or pursue entrepreneurial ventures, thereby limiting economic growth and maintaining the cycle of poverty.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

The spiraling down phenomenon where the poor vote for religious promises of a heavenly afterlife while the government exploits them by keeping them poor and uneducated is a deeply concerning cycle. Breaking this cycle requires a concerted effort to promote education, critical thinking, and economic opportunity, coupled with political reform that ensures transparency and accountability. By addressing the root causes of poverty and promoting intellectual and economic empowerment, society can move towards a more equitable and progressive future.


Empowerment Through Education:

Critical Thinking, not Indoctrination: Promoting education and critical thinking skills can empower the poor to question the status quo and seek alternative solutions to their problems.

Economic Opportunity: Providing opportunities for economic growth and development can reduce dependency on religious promises and create a more self-sufficient populace.

Political Reform:

Transparent Governance: Ensuring transparent and accountable governance can reduce exploitation and corruption, allowing for policies that genuinely address poverty and promote social mobility.

Inclusive Policies: Developing inclusive policies that promote equal opportunity and social justice has been consistently proven to break the cycle of poverty and dependency, fostering a more equitable society.

What to ban? Who to axe?- in breaking the Self-Perpetuating Cycle

Vicious Circle:

Entrenched Beliefs: As the poor become more entrenched in religious beliefs that promise a better afterlife, they are less motivated to seek immediate, practical solutions to their problems. This reinforces their reliance on religious and political figures who exploit these beliefs.

Reinforced Dependency: The government's failure to address structural issues perpetuates poverty and dependency, ensuring a steady supply of voters who are easily swayed by religious rhetoric.

News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

The spiraling down phenomenon where the poor vote for religious promises of a heavenly afterlife while the government exploits them by keeping them poor and uneducated is a deeply concerning cycle. Breaking this cycle requires a concerted effort to promote education, critical thinking, and economic opportunity, coupled with political reform that ensures transparency and accountability. By addressing the root causes of poverty and promoting intellectual and economic empowerment, society can move towards a more equitable and progressive future.


Empowerment Through Education:

Critical Thinking, not Indoctrination: Promoting education and critical thinking skills can empower the poor to question the status quo and seek alternative solutions to their problems.

Economic Opportunity: Providing opportunities for economic growth and development can reduce dependency on religious promises and create a more self-sufficient populace.

Political Reform:

Transparent Governance: Ensuring transparent and accountable governance can reduce exploitation and corruption, allowing for policies that genuinely address poverty and promote social mobility.

Inclusive Policies: Developing inclusive policies that promote equal opportunity and social justice has been consistently proven to break the cycle of poverty and dependency, fostering a more equitable society.

What to ban? Who to axe?- in breaking the Self-Perpetuating Cycle

Vicious Circle:

Entrenched Beliefs: As the poor become more entrenched in religious beliefs that promise a better afterlife, they are less motivated to seek immediate, practical solutions to their problems. This reinforces their reliance on religious and political figures who exploit these beliefs.

Reinforced Dependency: The government's failure to address structural issues perpetuates poverty and dependency, ensuring a steady supply of voters who are easily swayed by religious rhetoric.

News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

Societal Implications:

Stifled Development: This cycle stifles societal development. A population focused on religious promises rather than economic and social progress is less likely to advocate for policies that promote education, healthcare, and economic opportunity.

Widening Inequality: As the gap between the wealthy and the poor widens, those in power can further entrench their position, creating an even greater disparity and perpetuating the cycle of exploitation.

News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

Government Exploitation via money-losing, public-fund-bailing GLCs that pay a hefty sums to their own families and cronies at the expense of increasing country debt and foreign borrowing- chanelling these ill-gotten money to overseas- continue to impoverish the majority of the morbidly deluded folks....

Intellectual Stagnation:

Lack of Education: By underfunding education and discouraging critical thinking, the government ensures that the population remains intellectually stunted. This prevents the poor from seeking alternative solutions or questioning the status quo.

Suppressing Innovation: An uneducated populace is less likely to innovate or pursue entrepreneurial ventures, thereby limiting economic growth and maintaining the cycle of poverty.

News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

Maintaining the Status Quo (but time and tide wait for no stupig people- see how SGD catches up with AUD; while RM continues to slide.......bottomless):

Political Manipulation: Governments may exploit religious promises to secure a loyal voter base. By emphasizing religious rhetoric, they divert attention from their failure to address poverty, education, and economic growth.

Control Through Poverty: Keeping the population poor and dependent makes them more susceptible to manipulation. A population struggling to meet basic needs is less likely to demand systemic change or question authority.

News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

The phenomenon of the poor voting for religious promises of heavenly afterlife while the government takes advantage by keeping them in poverty and intellectually stifled is a dangerous and self-perpetuating cycle.

The poor often cling to religious promises of a better afterlife as a source of hope and psychological comfort. This offers a respite from their harsh realities. Religious leaderswould then conspire with politicians to exploit this emotional vulnerability by offering simplistic and emotionally charged promises of heavenly rewards, rather than tangible solutions to their worldly problems. It's kind of willing buyers and willing sellers....hehe

News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

Wow!! Spot on! That's lacking in our education philosophy....hehe

Posted by Sslee > 38 minutes ago | Report Abuse

If your religion told you your fate already predetermined by almighty god or you are born poor because of your karma and will remain poor for your whole life.

Will you just resigned to your fate or have the courage to change your fate by working double hard?

News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

Lazy poor are nations plagued by majority who choose blind belief and voting for leaders based on religious promises is a form of intellectual laziness that hinders personal and societal growth. In contrast, actively seeking truth, embracing paradigm shifts, and voting for technocrats who use the best available knowledge and technology to lead are crucial for advancing our understanding of the universe and improving human life. The pursuit of truth and innovation, coupled with informed decision-making, leads to a more enlightened and progressive society.

Break into 2 parts:

Part 1: "Lazy"

Lazy are blind believers find comfort in established religious doctrines without questioning or seeking deeper understanding. They got trap in the comfort zone that discourages intellectual curiosity and the pursuit of truth. Lazy is lacking of the vigour to pursuit modern days' answers but avoiding the complexities and uncertainties inherent in scientific inquiry and philosophical exploration.

Corresponding part 2: Poor

Poor are those who have eyes and sight but simply submit to blind adherence to fundamentalism that leads to resistance against new ideas and scientific discoveries that contradict traditional beliefs, stifling innovation and progress.

Coming up next: Solution- based on tackling the root cause- transfroming fakeducation to realducation

News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse


1. Yes, there's a breakout this month. (yey!)

2. The first target to me is the 38.2% Fibonacci Retracement which points to RM1.45.

3. The second target to me is the 50% Fibonacci Retracement which points to RM1.59.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

By emphasizing these unique strengths, Amanah can carve out a distinct and appealing identity among rural voters, particularly those who are seeking a balance between religiosity and modern governance, as well as those disillusioned with the status quo offered by PAS, UMNO, and even PKR- leading to irrreversible ballooning of country debt, progressive shrinking of ringgit value and inexcusable wastage of public funding of gaji buta little napoleans in every gomen building, institution, department and ministry.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Utilize social media platforms to reach out to younger voters, highlighting Amanah’s initiatives and success stories in a relatable manner.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Work with influential community figures, including local business owners, educators, and leaders, who can advocate for Amanah’s policies and vision.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Revitalise economic by transforming rural folks from morbid consumerism trap to empowered self-reliant industrial players, creating job opportunities in rural areas, including the development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and rural tourism.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Amanah’s best strategy to gain ground among voters, particularly in rural areas, should focus on leveraging its unique strengths through programs that reflect programs that reflect Amanah’s values of social justice, inclusivity, and ethical governance. And promote policies that support women’s rights and gender equality, engaging with women’s groups and communities directly.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Cheap now I can recollect for another round

News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

Keep doing the same thing will only get same outcome. Keep going down like the value of ringgit.

Posted by Sslee > 3 days ago | Report Abuse

Education had failed Malaysians.
Sekolah Kebangsaan is now almost like a religion school.

Soon every state will be like Kelantan if PAS managed to capture the state government.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Religiosity often relies on supernatural explanations for the origin and complexity of life and the universe. However, scientific principles from biology, thermodynamics, and the study of LUCA offer natural explanations that do not require invoking a deity. Evolution explains the diversity of life, thermodynamics describes the behavior of energy and entropy in the universe, and LUCA and abiogenesis provide insights into the origins of life. These scientific understandings highlight the redundancy of supernatural explanations, presenting a view of religiosity as unnecessary and potentially inconsistent with our knowledge of the natural world.

News & Blogs

2024-07-08 13:21 | Report Abuse

First, Forever First; Third, foever third: Quality of leaders, mentality of the people

First world takes lead - raise and pocket funding. Third world fork out borrowed money- hutang keliling pinggang - bayar bunga pun tak habis-habis; weakening their own currency and buying power; fueling even more intensive corruption and white collar crimes


2024-07-08 12:51 | Report Abuse

Keep doing the same thing and expect different results????


2024-07-08 12:47 | Report Abuse

The ruling coalition that faces an uphill battle to regain voter confidence and address the diverse concerns of Malaysia’s multiracial electorate, underscoring the importance of balanced and inclusive policies that resonate across all segments of the population


2024-07-08 12:19 | Report Abuse

DAP : Failed social responsibilities - standing up against the weak, fighting against injustice, as well as punishing outlaw vigilante

The Democratic Action Party (DAP) has faced criticism for its perceived failure to protect businesses such as KK Super Mart and Vern Shoes from damaging accusations and business sabotage. Allegations of corruption, fitnah (slander), and targeted attacks have emerged, pointing to a lack of robust defense and advocacy from DAP in safeguarding these enterprises against unjust actions. This perceived inaction has led to concerns about the party's commitment to justice and business integrity, potentially undermining trust and confidence among the business community and the public.


2024-07-08 12:18 | Report Abuse

DAP : Failed social responsibilities - standing up against the weak, fighting against injustice, as well as punishing outlaw vigilante

The Democratic Action Party (DAP) has faced criticism for its perceived failure to protect businesses such as KK Super Mart and Vern Shoes from damaging accusations and business sabotage. Allegations of corruption, fitnah (slander), and targeted attacks have emerged, pointing to a lack of robust defense and advocacy from DAP in safeguarding these enterprises against unjust actions. This perceived inaction has led to concerns about the party's commitment to justice and business integrity, potentially undermining trust and confidence among the business community and the public.


2024-07-08 12:12 | Report Abuse

DAP is failing as MCA 2.0

The Democratic Action Party (DAP) has faced significant criticism for its perceived failure to effectively address economic inequalities and social issues impacting the Chinese and Indian communities in Malaysia. Despite being a part of the ruling coalition at various points, DAP has struggled to secure substantial business opportunities for these communities, often finding themselves outmaneuvered in the political arena where Bumiputera policies dominate. Funding for vernacular schools remains a contentious issue, with many Chinese and Indian schools receiving insufficient support compared to national schools. Additionally, equitable distribution of government resources continues to be a challenge, leaving many in these communities feeling marginalized and underserved. Critics argue that DAP's efforts have been insufficient in creating meaningful change and improving the socio-economic conditions of their constituents.

News & Blogs

2024-07-08 12:09 | Report Abuse

Backdoor policies and unis by wolves' in sheep's clothing are the surest ways to produce ignoble, self-deceiving and unscrupulous people to manage public fund irresponsibly and run the gomen and nation to lowliness

News & Blogs

2024-07-08 11:49 | Report Abuse

Of course, we wouldn't want to be part of the nation with endless backdoor policies, unis and people. We better combine the Ss- Singapore, Sabah & Sarawak to be the world top 1 in education, happiness and currency strength


2024-07-08 11:01 | Report Abuse

One backdoor leads to another- more and more

Opening backdoor would inevitably pathing way towards a backward nation with tolet-paper rate currency, morbid debt and deficit in global competitiveness- truly a land of endless backdoors


2024-07-08 10:11 | Report Abuse

Cheating education system produces dishonest individuals

The transformation of naive children into deluded never-truly-grown-ups is indeed a concerning issue. It highlights the detrimental impact of certain educational and societal processes on young minds. Here’s an elaboration:

### The Issue:
Many educational systems and societal structures are designed in ways that can stifle critical thinking, creativity, and individuality. Instead of nurturing independent thought and personal growth, these systems often promote conformity, rote learning, and unquestioning obedience. This process can waste public funds and valuable human potential, resulting in several negative outcomes:

1. **Loss of Innocence and Curiosity:**
- Children are naturally curious and eager to learn. However, an overly rigid and standardized educational approach can suppress their curiosity, making learning a tedious task rather than an exciting journey.

2. **Stifling Critical Thinking:**
- When education focuses on memorization rather than understanding, it prevents children from developing critical thinking skills. They may grow up lacking the ability to question, analyze, and make informed decisions.

3. **Promoting Docility and Conformity:**
- Encouraging conformity over individuality can lead to adults who are more likely to follow the status quo without question. This docility can prevent societal progress and innovation.

4. **Mental Health Implications:**
- The pressure to conform and succeed in a narrow definition of success can lead to stress, anxiety, and a sense of inadequacy. Children might grow into adults who struggle with mental health issues due to these pressures.

5. **Economic and Social Costs:**
- Wasting public funds on ineffective educational practices not only fails the individuals but also the society at large. It leads to a workforce that may lack essential skills, creativity, and problem-solving abilities, ultimately impacting the economy and social progress.

### The Nightmare for Adults:
For thoughtful adults who see the potential in every child, witnessing this transformation is a nightmare because:

1. **Wasted Potential:**
- Seeing bright, eager young minds being dulled by ineffective systems is heartbreaking. It's a loss of potential that could have been harnessed for the betterment of society.

2. **Future Consequences:**
- Adults understand that the future of society depends on the younger generation. When children are not adequately prepared to think critically and innovate, it poses a risk to future societal development and problem-solving capabilities.

3. **Ethical and Moral Concerns:**
- There is a moral obligation to provide children with the best possible start in life. Failing to do so feels like a betrayal of that responsibility.

### Moving Forward:
Addressing this issue requires a concerted effort to reform educational systems and societal attitudes:

1. **Educational Reforms:**
- Implementing curricula that prioritize critical thinking, creativity, and practical knowledge over rote learning.
- Providing teacher training that focuses on fostering these skills in students.

2. **Societal Support:**
- Creating environments that celebrate individuality and diverse talents.
- Encouraging lifelong learning and adaptability in an ever-changing world.

3. **Mental Health Awareness:**
- Promoting mental well-being and resilience in children from a young age.
- Reducing the stigma around mental health issues and providing adequate support systems.

In essence, the transformation from naive children to deluded never-truly-grown-ups is a critical issue that requires attention and action to ensure a brighter, more thoughtful future for all.


2024-07-08 10:06 | Report Abuse

With the infiltration of pathological Arabisation and the adoption of imported jahiliyyah values from the Middle East, our local values have eroded significantly. The once cherished principles of "Kata ITU Kota/Kerbau berpegang kepada tali" (trustworthiness), "Harimau Mati Tinggal Belang" (gloriness and nobility), and "Biar Mati Anak Jangan Mati Adat" (originality) are now fading memories. Since the departure of Singapore from Malaysia, poor leadership has progressively eroded the rich civilization of Sundaland and its authentic legacy. The great cultural heritage that once defined us is being overshadowed by foreign influences, leading to a gradual loss of our unique identity and values.

Posted by speakup > 13 minutes ago | Report Abuse

i'm not going vote in GE 16 becoz i dont like PN and I dont like PH. PN is racist, PH is break-promises. both bad
this time, i just sit at home watch tv eat popcorn.


2024-07-08 09:43 | Report Abuse

Worst nightmare for many innocent minds, souls and children.

This public fund wasting process of transformation from naive children to deluded never-truly-grown-ups is the worst nightmare for any sensible, sane and thoughtful adults.

Posted by Sslee > 19 minutes ago | Report Abuse

I did not vote during the last election because you just need to walk into Sekolah Kebangsaan and know instantly the writing's on the wall that PAS had already take over our Sekolah Kebangsaan.


2024-07-08 09:14 | Report Abuse

PH has forsaken its base supporters- the moderate Msian first people of all creeds and skin colours

The Democratic Action Party (DAP) has been criticized by some as having deteriorated into what they refer to as "MCA 2.0." This comparison implies that DAP has become similar to the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA), a party that has historically been part of the Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition and seen as ineffective in advocating for the rights of the Chinese community in Malaysia. Critics argue that DAP, once seen as a staunch opposition party, has shifted its stance and failed to deliver on its promises, especially to the Chinese and Indian communities. Here are some points commonly raised:

1. **Policy Compromises**: DAP's participation in coalition governments, such as Pakatan Harapan (PH), has led to compromises that some supporters feel betray the party’s original ideals. For example, issues like the recognition of the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) and other educational reforms have seen little progress.

2. **Economic and Social Issues**: Critics argue that DAP has not effectively addressed economic inequalities and social issues affecting the Chinese and Indian communities, such as business opportunities, vernacular school funding, and equitable government resource distribution.

3. **Leadership and Representation**: Some feel that DAP's leadership has become too elitist and disconnected from grassroots concerns. They argue that the party’s representatives are more focused on maintaining power within coalitions than advocating for their constituents.

4. **Public Perception and Trust**: Over time, public trust in DAP has eroded among some segments of the Chinese and Indian communities. This perception is driven by a belief that DAP, much like MCA, has become too comfortable within the political establishment and is no longer a true voice of opposition or reform.

5. **Political Strategy**: The strategic decisions made by DAP, including alliances and policy stances, have sometimes alienated their core supporters. The shift towards broader, multi-ethnic policies within coalition politics has led to a perception that DAP is not prioritizing the specific needs of the Chinese and Indian communities.

Despite these criticisms, DAP still retains significant support among many Malaysians who view the party as a critical component of the opposition landscape. The future direction of DAP and its ability to address these criticisms will be crucial for its standing in upcoming general elections.


2024-07-03 11:40 | Report Abuse

Sslee, have you increased your investment in this counter? Or still only 1000 lot?

News & Blogs

2024-06-27 12:59 | Report Abuse

Why not withold all the nonperforming politicians' perks and slash their salaries- wouldn't rakyat will be happier?- After all, it's government fo the people, for the people


2024-06-27 12:54 | Report Abuse

Socratic Truth Compass

The Socratic method, characterized by questioning and dialogue, can be a powerful tool to cultivate pluralism and diverse thinking among school children from a young age. Here's how it can be effectively applied:

### Promoting Inquiry
Encouraging children to ask questions about their beliefs and the world around them is foundational to the Socratic method. Teachers can foster an environment where curiosity is valued by posing thought-provoking questions and encouraging students to do the same. This habit of inquiry helps children recognize that knowledge is not static but evolves with new information and perspectives.

### Dialogical Learning
Facilitating discussions where multiple viewpoints are explored is crucial. In a Socratic classroom, teachers act as guides, prompting students to consider different angles on a topic. For example, when discussing historical events, teachers can ask, "How might this event be viewed differently by people from different cultures?" This practice helps students appreciate the richness of diverse perspectives.

### Emphasizing Self-Reflection
The Socratic method encourages self-reflection, prompting students to examine their own beliefs and biases. Questions like "Why do you think this way?" or "What experiences have shaped your perspective?" help students understand that their viewpoints are one of many possible interpretations, fostering empathy and open-mindedness.

### Exposing to Diverse Perspectives
Introducing students to a wide range of cultural, historical, and philosophical viewpoints broadens their understanding. Teachers can use Socratic questioning to explore these perspectives, asking, for example, "What might someone from a different background think about this issue?" This exposure helps students see beyond their immediate experiences and appreciate the validity of other viewpoints.

### Real-World Applications
Applying the Socratic method to current events or ethical dilemmas encourages students to think critically about real-world issues. By exploring questions such as "What are the different perspectives on this issue?" or "How can we find a solution that respects all viewpoints?" students learn to navigate complexity and develop a nuanced understanding of pluralism.

### Creating a Safe Environment
A safe and respectful classroom environment is essential for honest dialogue. Students should feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and questioning others without fear of ridicule. This openness promotes intellectual risk-taking and the exploration of diverse ideas.

### Gradual Complexity
As students' critical thinking skills develop, the complexity of the questions should increase. This keeps them engaged and continually challenges their cognitive abilities, preventing the formation of rigid thinking patterns.

By implementing the Socratic method, educators can foster a classroom culture where diverse thinking and pluralism are valued. This approach helps children understand that multiple perspectives can coexist and that exploring these differences enriches their understanding of the world. Ultimately, it cultivates open-mindedness and resilience against fanaticism and cognitive rigidity.


2024-06-27 12:50 | Report Abuse

Plato Enlightment

The Allegory of the Cave by Plato, which illustrates the journey from ignorance to enlightenment, can be a powerful tool in cultivating open-mindedness among school children, freeing them from fanaticism and cognitive rigidity. Here's how it can be effectively applied:

### Storytelling and Discussion
Begin by presenting the allegory through a simplified story or animated video, ensuring it is accessible and engaging. Follow up with discussions that encourage children to reflect on the story's themes of perception and reality. Ask questions about what the shadows in the cave represent in their lives and how stepping out of the cave can lead to greater understanding.

### Encouraging Curiosity
Promote a culture of curiosity by encouraging children to ask questions and explore different perspectives. Create a "Curiosity Corner" where students can post their queries about the world. Dedicate time to explore these questions together, fostering a habit of inquiry and skepticism toward unquestioned beliefs.

### Critical Thinking Skills
Teach critical thinking through activities that help children analyze and evaluate information. This includes distinguishing between facts and opinions, understanding biases, and recognizing logical fallacies. Use simple exercises, such as identifying the main idea in a story or discussing different viewpoints on a topic, to build these skills.

### Experiential Learning
Provide opportunities for experiential learning outside the traditional classroom setting. Field trips to museums, nature reserves, or science centers can broaden their horizons and challenge their preconceived notions. Follow up with discussions on how these experiences changed their understanding.

### Media Literacy
In today’s digital age, teaching media literacy is crucial. Conduct lessons on evaluating the credibility of online sources and recognizing misinformation. This helps children navigate information critically and avoid falling prey to fanaticism and cognitive rigidity.

By incorporating these strategies, the Allegory of the Cave can guide children toward enlightenment, fostering critical thinking, curiosity, and an open-minded approach to the world, thereby freeing them from the constraints of fanaticism and cognitive rigidity.


2024-06-27 12:44 | Report Abuse

Ethanian Universalism

When you consume food, drink liquids, or even breathe, many of those atoms become part of your body. Conversely, when you sweat, exhale, or excrete matter, those atoms return to Earth's biosphere, potentially becoming part of other people's bodies. This interconnectedness raises fascinating questions about the atoms in our bodies and their shared history with other humans and living beings.

The human body is conventionally seen as a collection of organs and cells. However, from a cellular standpoint, only 4% of the cells in your body are your own, while the remaining 96% are blood cells and bacterial cells that inhabit your body. Blood cells, mostly red, live for about four months before being broken down and replaced. Bacteria thrive on your skin and in your digestive tract, numbering in the millions per square inch of skin and tens of trillions in the digestive tract.

In terms of atoms, the human body consists mainly of a few elements by weight: 65% oxygen, 18.5% carbon, 9.5% hydrogen, 3.2% nitrogen, and about 4% other elements, including calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, sulfur, chlorine, and magnesium. Despite this, the number of atoms in a human body is staggering, exceeding the number of stars in the Universe.

With each passing year, over 90% of the atoms in your body are replaced. Cells break down and are excreted, while new atoms are ingested and breathed in, forming new molecules and cells. On average, an adult human body contains approximately 4 × 10^27 hydrogen atoms, 2 × 10^27 oxygen atoms, 3 × 10^26 carbon atoms, and 8 × 10^25 nitrogen atoms. These numbers highlight the vast number of atoms within us, prompting the question of their origins.

Most of the oxygen and hydrogen in our bodies come from water and air, while carbon and nitrogen primarily come from food. Considering that atoms are neither created nor destroyed, some of the atoms we breathe in today were once in the lungs of historical figures like Julius Caesar or Cleopatra. This suggests a method to approach the problem by considering the number of atoms in Earth's atmosphere and water bodies.

The Earth's biosphere, the part we interact with, is a small fraction of the planet's mass. The total mass of Earth's water bodies is about 1.35 × 10^21 kg, while the atmosphere weighs about 5.15 × 10^18 kg. Converting these masses to the number of atoms gives us approximately 4.1 × 10^40 oxygen atoms in the atmosphere, 4.5 × 10^43 oxygen atoms in water, and 9.0 × 10^43 hydrogen atoms in water.

Despite these large numbers, they are insufficient to account for the atoms in a human body. If we assume that atoms mix thoroughly in Earth's biosphere, then on average, one out of every 21 quadrillion hydrogen atoms and one out of every 26 quadrillion oxygen atoms in the atmosphere and water once came from your body. This implies that each of us contains hundreds of billions of atoms that were in others' bodies a year ago.

The notion that our bodies are constantly expelling atoms through exhalation, urination, and other processes, and simultaneously incorporating new atoms through breathing, drinking, and eating, underscores the interconnectedness of life on Earth. At an atomic level, we are deeply connected to one another and to all living beings throughout history. The atoms that compose our bodies today were once part of dinosaurs, ancient plants, and even single-celled organisms.

This profound connection highlights the shared nature of our existence. Every breath we take, every sip of water we drink, and every bite of food we consume incorporates atoms that were once part of other humans and living beings. We all share the same planet, the same biosphere, and the same atoms, emphasizing the fundamental interconnectedness of all life on Earth.


2024-06-27 12:35 | Report Abuse

By replacing obsolete school societies and associations with these innovative and interdisciplinary clubs, the education system can better prepare students for the challenges and opportunities of Industrial Revolution 5.0 and beyond. These clubs will foster a holistic, forward-thinking approach to learning, emphasizing creativity, critical thinking, ethical reasoning, and technological proficiency.


2024-06-27 12:35 | Report Abuse

Implementation Strategies

1. **Mentorship and Guidance:**
- Each club should have dedicated mentors, including teachers and industry professionals, to provide guidance and support.
- Regular workshops and guest lectures from experts in relevant fields.

2. **Interdisciplinary Projects:**
- Encouraging collaboration between different clubs on interdisciplinary projects.
- Organizing annual innovation fairs to showcase student projects and achievements.

3. **Resource Allocation:**
- Providing adequate resources, including technology, materials, and funding, to support club activities.
- Creating dedicated spaces like maker labs, tech hubs, and art studios.

4. **Student Leadership:**
- Empowering students to take leadership roles within clubs to develop management and organizational skills.
- Establishing student councils to oversee club activities and foster a collaborative environment.

5. **Community and Industry Partnerships:**
- Forming partnerships with local businesses, tech companies, and universities to provide real-world exposure and opportunities.
- Organizing internships, field trips, and collaborative projects with industry partners.

6. **Recognition and Incentives:**
- Recognizing and rewarding outstanding achievements and contributions within clubs.
- Offering incentives like scholarships, internships, and certifications for active participation and excellence.


2024-06-27 12:35 | Report Abuse

To align school societies and associations with the objectives of a futuristic education system for Industrial Revolution 5.0 and beyond, traditional clubs can be replaced with innovative, interdisciplinary clubs that promote critical thinking, creativity, technological proficiency, and ethical reasoning. Here are some proposed clubs:

### Proposed Clubs for a Futuristic Education System

1. **AI and Robotics Club:**
- Focus: Exploring robotics, artificial intelligence, and their applications.
- Activities: Building robots, programming AI, participating in competitions, collaborating on projects.

2. **Sustainability and Environmental Science Club:**
- Focus: Promoting environmental awareness and sustainable practices.
- Activities: Organizing clean-up drives, conducting experiments on renewable energy, participating in sustainability projects, advocating for environmental policies.

3. **Digital Arts and Media Club:**
- Focus: Exploring digital arts, multimedia production, and creative storytelling.
- Activities: Creating digital artwork, producing videos, designing VR experiences, hosting digital art exhibitions.

4. **Entrepreneurship and Innovation Club:**
- Focus: Encouraging entrepreneurial thinking and innovative problem-solving.
- Activities: Developing business ideas, participating in startup incubators, hosting pitch competitions, learning from successful entrepreneurs.

5. **Global Citizenship and Cultural Exchange Club:**
- Focus: Promoting intercultural understanding and global awareness.
- Activities: Organizing cultural exchange programs, hosting international student panels, learning about global issues, advocating for social justice.

6. **Tech Explorers Club:**
- Focus: Investigating emerging technologies and their societal impact.
- Activities: Exploring new tech trends, experimenting with gadgets, hosting tech talks, visiting tech companies.

7. **Health and Biohacking Club:**
- Focus: Understanding human biology and optimizing health through biohacking.
- Activities: Learning about nutrition, fitness, and mental health, conducting biohacking experiments, promoting wellness practices.

8. **Ethics and Philosophy Club:**
- Focus: Fostering ethical reasoning and philosophical inquiry.
- Activities: Debating moral dilemmas, discussing philosophical concepts, exploring the ethics of technology, organizing ethics workshops.

9. **Maker and DIY Club:**
- Focus: Encouraging hands-on creativity and innovation.
- Activities: Building DIY projects, experimenting with 3D printing, collaborating on maker challenges, showcasing inventions.

10. **Data Science and Analytics Club:**
- Focus: Exploring data science, analytics, and their applications.
- Activities: Analyzing datasets, learning programming languages like Python, working on data-driven projects, participating in hackathons.

11. **Civic Engagement and Policy Club:**
- Focus: Promoting active citizenship and understanding of public policy.
- Activities: Engaging in community service, discussing policy issues, organizing debates on current events, advocating for civic initiatives.

12. **Future of Work and Skills Club:**
- Focus: Preparing for the evolving job market and future careers.
- Activities: Exploring future job trends, learning new skills, networking with professionals, participating in career readiness workshops.

13. **Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Club:**
- Focus: Developing VR and AR experiences and understanding their applications.
- Activities: Creating VR/AR content, experimenting with VR/AR tools, showcasing projects, discussing the future of VR/AR technology.

14. **Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Club:**
- Focus: Understanding blockchain technology and the cryptocurrency landscape.
- Activities: Learning about blockchain, trading cryptocurrencies, developing blockchain projects, discussing the implications of decentralized finance.

15. **Space Exploration and Astronomy Club:**
- Focus: Investigating space science and astronomy.
- Activities: Observing celestial events, building model rockets, discussing space missions, collaborating with space agencies.


2024-06-27 12:31 | Report Abuse

By adopting a futuristic education system that emphasizes interdisciplinary learning, critical thinking, technological proficiency, and ethical reasoning, Malaysia can prepare its students for the challenges and opportunities of Industrial Revolution 5.0 and beyond. This system would replace outdated and divisive content with a curriculum that promotes innovation, inclusivity, and global citizenship, ensuring a brighter and more prosperous future for all.