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2024-06-06 16:18 | Report Abuse

Can recollect


2024-06-06 15:01 | Report Abuse

Need more power. Don't forget to pawn your castles, mansions and bungalows - all in here pls


2024-06-06 13:38 | Report Abuse

Was away whole morning. How come so huat suddenly?


2024-06-05 14:02 | Report Abuse

Masih laku kah? Huat ar



2024-06-04 17:43 | Report Abuse

Kena boikot by usa - msia semiconductor tak laku


2024-06-04 17:42 | Report Abuse

Kena boikot by usa - msia semiconductor tak laku


2024-06-04 09:14 | Report Abuse

Still not enough power, try to pawn your old socks too


2024-06-04 09:11 | Report Abuse dat sure very huat one


I guess I have to borrow from Ah Long or pawn my underwear and all in MYEG.


2024-06-04 08:01 | Report Abuse

No, tsh is just George of the Jungle- as strong as u and me


2024-06-03 14:29 | Report Abuse

The decline of the Islmic civilization in the 11th century is attributable to the increasing emphasis on religious orthodoxy and the proliferation of type m religious schools, which contributed to a shift in the negative intellectual as well as counterproductive cultural landscape.

News & Blogs

2024-06-03 12:35 | Report Abuse

Now Calvin is trying to selling his hdd- calling bilises to buy so that he can return to plantation - big discount now


2024-06-03 12:16 | Report Abuse

No more that big, Calvin. Since they started selling land, now down to <70,000 hectares only


2024-06-02 15:12 | Report Abuse

Academic apartheidism in Bolehland refers to the systemic segregation and preferential treatment in the education system based on ethnicity. This practice has contributed significantly to brain drain, where highly skilled and educated individuals leave the country for better opportunities abroad. Here’s how academic apartheidism has fueled this exodus:

### 1. **Quota Systems in Higher Education**
The implements of quota systems that favor certain ethnic groups, particularly in university admissions. This policy often limits access to higher education for qualified students from non-preferred ethnic groups. As a result, many talented students seek education opportunities abroad where admission is based solely on merit.

### 2. **Limited Scholarships and Funding Opportunities**
Government scholarships and funding are often distributed unevenly, with a preference for students from specific ethnic backgrounds. This disparity discourages talented students from non-preferred groups, pushing them to pursue education in countries where financial aid and scholarships are more equitably available.

### 3. **Job Market Discrimination**
Even after obtaining higher education, graduates from non-preferred ethnic groups may face discrimination in the job market. Preferential hiring practices and limited career advancement opportunities can drive these individuals to seek employment in countries with more equitable job markets, leading to brain drain.

### 4. **Stifling of Academic Freedom**
Academic apartheidism can create an environment where academic freedom is stifled. Researchers and academics may find their work undervalued or underfunded based on their ethnicity, leading them to move to institutions abroad where their research and contributions are more appreciated and supported.

### 5. **Lack of Inclusivity in Policy Making**
Policies shaped by academic apartheidism often exclude voices from diverse ethnic backgrounds. This lack of inclusivity can result in educational and research policies that do not cater to the needs of all groups, prompting those who feel marginalized to seek opportunities in more inclusive environments abroad.

### 6. **Impact on Social Cohesion**
The systemic segregation and discrimination foster a sense of alienation among affected groups. This erodes social cohesion and creates a less conducive environment for collaboration and innovation, pushing talented individuals to leave in search of more supportive communities.

### 7. **Global Opportunities and Competitiveness**
In an increasingly globalized world, many Malaysians are attracted to the idea of studying and working in countries that offer better infrastructure, research facilities, and career opportunities. Academic apartheidism amplifies this by making the local academic and professional environment less appealing in comparison.

### Consequences of Brain Drain:
1. **Loss of Talent**: The departure of highly skilled professionals leads to a shortage of expertise in critical sectors.
2. **Economic Impact**: The loss of potential innovators and entrepreneurs can stifle economic growth and innovation.
3. **Reduced Competitiveness**: A country’s global competitiveness is hampered when its brightest minds contribute to advancements elsewhere.
4. **Social Fragmentation**: Brain drain can exacerbate existing social divides, as those who feel marginalized leave, leading to less diverse and inclusive communities.

Addressing academic apartheidism and its resultant brain drain requires a comprehensive approach to creating a more inclusive and merit-based education and employment system, promoting policies that value diversity and equal opportunity for all citizens.


2024-06-02 15:00 | Report Abuse

And the corruptible SC officers too?

Posted by NatsukoMishima > 14 hours ago | Report Abuse

If in spore all the conmen already in jail atleast for 18 years , boleh land really boleh !


2024-06-02 10:07 | Report Abuse

The segment & factory have been converted to produce affordable ssd for data centre

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2024-06-02 06:07 | Report Abuse

Or Eritrea from Ethiopia


2024-06-02 06:03 | Report Abuse

Sabah should follow Sarawak- the way forward - do NOT split the Borneo counterpart like what happened to India-Pakistan;


2024-06-02 05:18 | Report Abuse

In bolehland u can simply punch ppl and police will protect u by getting the victim to withdraw report....hehe

Likewise, here SC will help to close case so quickly


2024-06-01 19:19 | Report Abuse

TP MYR 0.70 to MYR 0.80


2024-06-01 19:09 | Report Abuse

Jepun Boleh!

Japan is indeed working on an ambitious project related to space transportation, but it's not exactly a bullet train to the moon in the traditional sense. The project, spearheaded by Kyoto University and Kajima Construction, involves the creation of an interplanetary transportation system known as the Hexatrack. This system aims to facilitate travel between Earth, the Moon, and Mars by using capsules with a hexagonal shape that maintain Earth-like gravity (1G) to mitigate the effects of prolonged exposure to low gravity during space travel.

Additionally, the project includes developing a habitat called "The Glass," a rotating conical structure designed to create artificial gravity and replicate Earth's environment with amenities such as green areas and water bodies. These habitats, dubbed "Lunaglass" on the Moon and "Marsglass" on Mars, are envisioned to support long-term human habitation..

While the complete implementation of these projects is expected to take several decades, with prototypes anticipated by 2050, the ultimate goal is to enable space migration and interplanetary tourism by the latter half of the 21st century.


2024-06-01 18:59 | Report Abuse

The necessity of checks and balances against absolute power stems from the fundamental principle that power can corrupt, and absolute power can corrupt absolutely.

1. **Prevent Abuse of Power**: Without checks and balances, those in power may exploit their position for personal gain, abuse their authority, and make decisions that serve their interests rather than the public's. Historical examples, such as dictatorial regimes, illustrate how unchecked power leads to oppression, corruption, and human rights violations (Key lesson from learning history!)

2. **Ensure Accountability**: Checks and balances ensure that leaders and institutions remain accountable to the law and the public. Mechanisms such as independent judiciaries, free press, and opposition parties provide oversight and can hold leaders accountable for their actions.

3. **Promote Fair Governance**: By distributing power across various branches of government (executive, legislative, and judicial), checks and balances prevent any single entity from monopolizing control. This balance promotes fair and equitable governance, where different branches can collaborate and counterbalance each other.

4. **Protect Individual Rights**: Checks and balances safeguard individual freedoms and rights by preventing the concentration of power that can lead to arbitrary and unjust actions against citizens. Constitutions and legal frameworks typically embed these mechanisms to protect civil liberties.

5. **Enhance Stability**: A system with checks and balances fosters political stability by preventing the rise of authoritarianism and ensuring that power transitions occur through democratic means. It reduces the risk of coups, revolutions, or civil unrest caused by tyrannical rule.

6. **Encourage Transparency**: Transparency in government operations is enhanced through checks and balances. Independent bodies, such as anti-corruption agencies and auditors, can scrutinize government activities, promoting openness and reducing the likelihood of covert corrupt practices.

7. **Foster Public Trust**: When people see that there are effective mechanisms to check government power, public trust in institutions increases. This trust is essential for the legitimacy of the government and the rule of law.


2024-06-01 18:24 | Report Abuse

In the context of an assault case involving a grab taxi driver named Ong IK, several breaches of trust, responsibility, and duty could be scrutinized, particularly among the involved police officers and the perpetrators.

### 1. Breach of Trust by Police Officers
**Failure to Protect the Victim:**
- Police officers have a fundamental duty to protect citizens from harm. If they fail to respond adequately to calls for help or to intervene in situations where someone's safety is at risk, they breach this trust.
- Inaction or delayed response can lead to a situation escalating, resulting in harm to individuals like Ong IK.

**Complicity or Corruption:**
- If any officers were found to be colluding with the perpetrators or accepting bribes to ignore the crime, this would be a severe breach of trust.
- Such actions not only betray the victim but also undermine the integrity of the police force and public confidence in law enforcement.

### 2. Breach of Responsibility by Police Officers
**Improper Investigation:**
- Conducting a lackluster or biased investigation can hinder justice. This includes failing to gather critical evidence, not interviewing witnesses properly, or neglecting to follow up on leads.
- Poor investigative practices can result in the perpetrators escaping accountability and further endanger public safety.

- Instances of police misconduct, such as abusing their authority or mistreating the victim during the reporting process, constitute a breach of their professional responsibility.
- Victims may feel further victimized and reluctant to seek justice if mistreated by the very officers meant to protect them.

### 3. Breach of Duty by Perpetrators
**Legal and Ethical Violations:**
- The perpetrators have a clear legal and ethical duty not to harm others. Engaging in assault is a direct violation of this duty.
- Such actions demonstrate a disregard for the law and the rights of others, contributing to a breakdown in societal norms and safety.

**Intimidation or Retaliation:**
- If the perpetrators attempt to intimidate or retaliate against the victim or witnesses, they further breach their duty to uphold the peace.
- This behavior can hinder the legal process and deter other victims from coming forward.

### 4. Broader Implications
**Public Perception and Trust:**
- Breaches by both police officers and perpetrators affect public trust in the justice system. When law enforcement fails to act appropriately, it creates a perception of impunity for criminal behavior.
- Such breaches can lead to a loss of confidence in authorities and a reluctance among the public to cooperate with police efforts in the future.

**Systemic Issues:**
- The incident might reflect broader systemic issues within the police force, such as inadequate training, lack of accountability, or pervasive corruption.
- Addressing these systemic problems is crucial for restoring trust and ensuring that similar breaches do not occur in the future.

### Conclusion
In summary, breaches of trust, responsibility, and duty among police officers and perpetrators in the assault case of Ong IK can have serious repercussions. They not only affect the immediate parties involved but also have broader implications for public confidence in the justice system and societal safety. Ensuring accountability and addressing systemic issues are essential steps in preventing such breaches and maintaining the integrity of law enforcement.

News & Blogs

2024-05-31 16:43 | Report Abuse

Closing price?


2024-05-31 16:27 | Report Abuse

True. Luckily my principle is not to chase high


2024-05-31 16:25 | Report Abuse

Taken......holding foc tickets for now


2024-05-31 16:23 | Report Abuse

Whay are you waiting for?


2024-05-31 16:16 | Report Abuse

No, above 1.15, Calvin sold. Now bilises are cutting loss


2024-05-31 12:46 | Report Abuse

Why bad?

Posted by hng33

But, too bad to our EPF return


2024-05-31 11:54 | Report Abuse

So good to be reloaded 110%...hehe


2024-05-31 08:00 | Report Abuse

Just the end of the beginning.....let the game start


2024-05-31 07:59 | Report Abuse

That happened during the old gomen of kotor, lembab dan bohong. With the new gomen of bersih, cekap dan amanah, Hannah's hubby and Lagenda taugeh kena


2024-05-31 07:35 | Report Abuse

The bare minimum is clearly inadequate, hence the whole circus (including the corruptible ag & team) would fail to justify their compromised punishment when brought

Posted by Sslee > 24 minutes ago | Report Abuse

A clear cut case where people entrusted with authority choose to do the bare minimum and case closed


2024-05-31 06:56 | Report Abuse

Of injustice, corruptible ag prosecutors judges


2024-05-31 06:52 | Report Abuse

Public Bank Bhd faced monetary losses related to its involvement with Serba Dinamik Holdings Bhd due to defaults on multiple financing facilities. Specifically, Serba Dinamik defaulted on several loans, with the Public Islamic Bank Bhd (PIBB) alone reporting unpaid debts amounting to RM14.1 million as of early 2023. As a result, Public Bank initiated legal proceedings to auction off several properties of Serba Dinamik to recover these debts. The properties were valued at RM14.63 million, and orders for their sale were obtained in April and June 2023

Posted by TheGardener > 5 hours ago |

....... Did you all know "Public Bank Fund" lost until..........please!?


2024-05-31 06:48 | Report Abuse

Yes. Include the makan rasuah ag and his prosecutor teams. Let get all those who betray the their duties by taking bribe check into sg buloh together


2024-05-30 22:31 | Report Abuse

I'm ok with sendai. Not a smart investor.


2024-05-30 15:26 | Report Abuse

Profit is good. No need to feel guilty to take.....huat ar


2024-05-30 13:17 | Report Abuse

Be greedy when others are fearful...collected all the way from below 0.90 to 1.10....huat ar


2024-05-30 12:10 | Report Abuse

Sept 2024 (Simeprop-)

From 1.26 to double up

By paktua73

yes .soon rm1.60 also many will rushing buy in..
better load today price still lower..

remember ytlpowr from 1.10 now above rm5
vstec from 1.50 now 3.74

so simeprop now rm1.26 how????

tut tut
looking forward to see above rm2.50 by sept24


2024-05-30 11:41 | Report Abuse

Epic comeback kah?


2024-05-30 10:51 | Report Abuse

Unstoppable kah?