
ToneeFa | Joined since 2020-08-03

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2020-11-26 22:04 | Report Abuse


26/11/2020 8:13 PM
"The operation was conducted following a surge in Covid-19 cases linked to the company's factory in Selangor."
"We are also conducting similar operations in Johor, Kelantan, Kedah, and Negri Sembilan, involving subsidiary factories of the same company.

"During the raid, we found that the company had failed to maintain cleanliness in the houses.
On Nov 24, the factory workers' dormitory and surrounding areas in Kapar, Klang were placed under an enhanced movement control order (MCO)."
"If the company is found guilty, the employer could be fined a maximum of RM50,000 per worker," he said, adding that the government had given the company a grace period for compliance until Sept 1.

Sounds like belong to TG. The fine is RM 50k / workers if found guilty. Big fines coming for TG.


2020-11-26 18:47 | Report Abuse

@pharker Why glove counter price refused to scale higher despite supernormal profits ?

Investors are worried that the supernormal profits will not last going beyond next 2 to 3 quarters when the pandemic is under control, the profits will no longer be super but normalised. Their concern is justified, not at all baseless because share price today is not about condition today, it is forward looking into the future. But that being said, i believe supermax will be different and it will eventually decouple from the group of glove stock and shine on its own. Reasons :-

probably the management of supermax also sense this may happen, thats why they have taken the following steps to mitigate this

Building more factories in US and UK, , increasing production capacity closer to your major customers, although the labour cost there is more expensive than the banglas in malaysia, but this will be offset by the transportation cost saved.

Let say going forward 18 months, when pandemic under control and ASP decrease, supermax will make up the loss in ASP by increasing their sales. They will offset the decrease in margin by increasing sales, to maintain profit. So no worries for supermax, as for the rest of the glove counters, i am not sure.

One may argue, why buy from Supermax alone, there are existing big players, and also many new players coming in ( example mah sing etc), here lies the competitive advantage supermax has over others in time to come :

1. Their factory is is the home country of the major customers, faster delivery time, saved on transportation cost, but maybe offset by higher labour cost, no way can beat the bangla cost in malaysia

2. no need to go through customs, hence no risk of goods being held up for violation of this la that la ( remember TG)

3. since it is produced in the buyer home country, savings of of import tax, this saving can make them sell at better price to the customers

4. no need to worry about trade wars, sanctions, human rights group complaining about labour must remember, these mat salleh buyers are very concious about human rights issue, if they think that you engage in bad labour exploitation, they will ban your goods ( one of the big 4 glove counters always being targeted for this)

Thats why supermax recently did not do aggressive SBB unlike some other counter ,they are reserving their cash to ramp up new factories in US and UK, so that in the event ASP drops in the future, they make it up with volume, and they will have the first mover advantage when competing for volume compared to others.

Good move by Supermax
26/11/2020 4:20 PM


Just to add another point. I think likely Supermax won't built huge plants in foreign countries , esp the western nations bcos it's high cost to build and operate there as well. But bcos they build factories in those countries , Supermax will have priority to get long term supply contracts and have leverage to nego for good ASP , taking into account the high cost to build and operate there. However, there could be a strategy here to supplement any shortage in those oversea factories with supplies from Msia plants. In that way, they get higher ASP but portion of the supplies can come from the lower production cost here. So they can still average out and maintain a good margin post Covid pandemic , which is better than those OEM based companies.


2020-11-26 17:46 | Report Abuse

@Justicevin396 tan sri d hint 7 billion people need vaccination mean 7 billion glove needed, covid leave on surface and air just think you are doctor would you dare not wear glove prevent contract from your patients? will you not change every time a person vaccinated what if the virus is on the patient body. patient guys
26/11/2020 4:53 PM

Actually 7 billion ppl x 2 = 14 billion pieces x 2 doses = 28 pieces per year.


2020-11-26 17:31 | Report Abuse

@ Mabel No lah..

Gloves is like Diamonds..

Meow Meow Meow Meow
26/11/2020 4:40 PM

Ya Mabel , so next time your bf can just propose to you by slipping a pair of rubber gloves on your hands :)


2020-11-26 14:34 | Report Abuse

@laychee KYY smashed TG to jack up Superman.
26/11/2020 2:26 PM

No la he didn't smash he only slap. He used very conservative rolling PE to illustrate a point. If @freetospeak sifu write, I think he will smash TG upside down :)


2020-11-26 14:26 | Report Abuse

@Trump2020 dormitory infections is very difficult to solve. In SG the numbers change from 1000 to 50,000 within one month. Let’s hope TG and glove makers consult the SG experts how to do this right. Even the elections in SG was doomed becos of the vast numbers that went out of control and took four months to calm down.
26/11/2020 2:19 PM

I hv seen some of these typical factory dorms before. 30-40 workers in one dorm, without much ventilation sharing a couple of bathrooms. The smell and humidity in side would be unbearable to normal ppl. If one worker got it, in such environment will spread like wild fire.


2020-11-26 14:15 | Report Abuse

@Agjl fren. After spending a fair bit of time in this forum i just picked up one important lesson that i was never taught in my MBA courses many years ago.....that is....never never ever argue or explain to a retard becos if you win, people will say that u are such a bully, bullying a retard. And if you lose, you will not be spared as well cos people will scold you why u r such a stupid fella even a tetard also u cant u see, either way, u lose.. and i also realise the only way i can be winning is thru my own decision to win in the market.....

So we all know which retard we are talking about...the one who will come out ans yell ans whine like a little boy that with his loolipoop on hands and hide and whime like a bitch in his filty hole.

We all can accept diferent opinions be it positives or negatives as long as it is constructive, logical and with respect for others and not individual seeming personal glory and self proclaimation aa GOD.....sometimes i just laught to tears...
26/11/2020 1:02 AM

hi Agjl my fren... the education courses like MBA or even PHD don't prepare us to deal with difficult ppl in the real world. If you can laugh to tears then you are doing ok, so long as you don't cry to tears :)


2020-11-26 13:50 | Report Abuse

@Omione .....With the rolling 4 QTR results published (inclusive of 2 QTR within the COVID-19 period), it is reasonably to say there are fair and square to compare the historical figures for now and projecting for the future next 2 QTR (By then the COVID-19 should be more or less under control with the vaccine, though gloves still very much in demand but not like before, considering the new (kids) plants production operating in full swing in Malaysia and overseas.
Omione, perhaps you are a bit too optimistic with the vaccine able to be rolled out and reduce the need for glove beyond the next 2 Qtr. I think there's a lot of questions and uncertainty facing the vaccines now. Even as and when they are rolled out, it will be in stages over many many months , and then after that the world population become the biggest vaccines trial participants in the history of mankind, then only we will be able to truly assess the real impact of the vaccine. We all hope for the best but our logic will tell us there's gonna be many problems arising. Reminds me of the first proton saga batch roll out and all the buyers paid money to become QC participants.


2020-11-26 13:26 | Report Abuse

@Goldberg ASP's to SKYROCKET -Here's a snapshots of what the major news media reported:
Forbes headline: “Major PPE Maker Shuts Factories After Nearly 2,500 Workers Test Positive For Covid-19.” The article’s major concern: “The extent to which the factory closures will further affect the world’s already tight supply of rubber gloves.”

Reuters headline: “Top Glove warns on deliveries after virus outbreak shuts plants.” The article’s major concern: “One analyst said Top Glove’s main rivals did not have spare capacity to increase supply to meet a shortfall, saying Hartalega and Supermax are already running at best full utilization rate.” (Note: Reuters’ news was carried by multiple news media.)

Medicalexpress headline: “World's top surgical glove maker shuts factories due to coronavirus.” The articles’ major concern: “A Malaysian company that is the world's biggest manufacturer of surgical gloves will close over half of its factories after a surge in coronavirus cases …”

CBS headline: “More than 2,400 workers at world's top glove maker test positive for coronavirus.” The article’s major concern: “We expect delays in some deliveries by about two to four weeks, as well as a longer lead time for orders ….”

USNews headline: “Virus Outbreak Delays Production at World's Top Glove Maker.” The article’s major concern: “…the world’s largest maker of rubber gloves, says it expects a two-to-four-week delay in deliveries … raising the possibility of supply disruptions during the pandemic.”
26/11/2020 1:09 PM
If Supermax can manage to prevent any Covid infection to its workers, won't be surprise to see PAT 2.5 to 3.0B at 3Q21 and 4Q21 result.

FY21 EPS 0.3+0.6+0.9+1.1 = 2.9 x PE 20 (KLCI + SGX) = RM 58 by end FY21 TP


2020-11-26 13:18 | Report Abuse

@glovefinish Stock market price only responds to the foreseen future events just like the earlier period people foreseen the glove companies's profit would increase to a super level due to pandemic that induced people,big players and funds to buy glove stocks. However, the stock market price does not respond to the event already happened or happening now just like the glove companies are now getting super profit but it's stock price is stagnant and even drop because the super profit of glove company is already known and expected by all people which is no surprise that doesn't induce people to buy it. Furthermore, those already bought it previously with the expectation of super profit are now selling off their glove stocks for profit taking. Some more, the glove stock price previously increased a lot because all the big players and funds moved out from all other sectors went into the glove sector that pushed up the glove stock price but now some big players and funds withdrew their funds from glove sector go back to the original sectors they invest to expect the recovery coming due to the discovery of vaccines.
26/11/2020 1:01 PM

You are always talking in the past. What you said is true one month ago. Common wake up! Soon its gonna be vaccinefinish, coz we all know now the vaccines are not able to solve the problem, its just a stop gap tool at the moment but may halp to give some confidence to the economy activities although yet to be seen that effectiveness and acceptance by the population. But one thing for sure, vaccine will further boost glove usage. In all scenarios, gloves will be in the greatest demand in the history of mankind in 2021 and may extend to 2022 as well.


2020-11-26 13:09 | Report Abuse

@Sinoboy According to Google, max speed of horse 88km/hr,
Puma 80km/hr :)
26/11/2020 12:57 PM

Haha you are a thorough(bred) guy. Both almost same speed on average but Puma can jump 15ft high, and that is the more important quality, can jump up very high.


2020-11-26 13:02 | Report Abuse


The Black Puma hunts alone, it doesn't need to hunt in packs. So Supermax has its own target to go after.

I bet for Supermax superbull, like the superbull legend Hai-O.
26/11/2020 12:48 PM

Yes bro Ibelieve, Its hunting alone in the OBM realm globally. Its targeting to set up factories in as many countries as possible that are willing to pay high ASP as well as providing long term supply contracts. This is the right time to negotiate such contracts as most countries are desperate for solutions to glove supply.


2020-11-26 12:41 | Report Abuse

@freetospeak at this price next yr pe 3
26/11/2020 11:17 AM
@freetospeak pe 3 still overvalued la...the correct pe for glove shld be 1....
26/11/2020 11:28 AM
@freetospeak when reach pe 1...still overvalued...shld be 0.1
26/11/2020 11:30 AM

Haha freetospeak .......apftly the most Overvalued Undervalued counter in the world title can only be applied to Supermax.


2020-11-26 12:34 | Report Abuse

@Goldberg Supermax - The leading black horse.
26/11/2020 12:28 PM

This writer also underestimated Supermax.....its not a leading black horse but a leading black Puma. Puma is way faster than a horse la.


2020-11-26 12:29 | Report Abuse

@Come Freetospeak, what u said just now is contradict with your previous statement. Previously u mentioned it's undervalued but now u said pe 3 is overvalued? I don't get u..
26/11/2020 11:48 AM

Actually what @freetospeak sifu really meant is Supermax is currently the most Overvalued Undervalued stock in the world. Its currently extremely undervalued but Mr Market is treating as if its still overvalued.


2020-11-26 00:44 | Report Abuse

Agjl Tan Sri fade up everyone bashed him and tg for the cause of teratai infections and eveyone wosh to see him die....finally he spoken.....and break traditiion to give e details of industrial sensitive information in regards to the effect of vaccines to supply and demand....future ASP people will catch it and act....fool will be still be in denial symdrom and keep shouting..

Tmrw we all can see ATEWIND YUCKS hiding in his dog house whining quietly...oh excise me, i mean STOCK GOD hiding underground....wakakakakak. Lets wait and see
26/11/2020 12:14 AM

This TSLWC all out for damage control. He did a good job on it as he realised the vultures were circling overhead, so he had to use his big gun to shoot up the sky to scare them away.
This ATEWIND YUCKS, not worth tallking about this loser, coz he kept promising me RM 5 a piece for Supermax will be coming. This self proclaim STOCK GODDOG keep putting his foot in his mouth, a bad doggie.


2020-11-26 00:31 | Report Abuse

@kltower yeah bro toneefa, it is possible but always conservative a bit ...

no wonder Tan Sri LWC so confident everyday sbb non stop, because he foresee 2b...3b... on the way coming..
25/11/2020 11:58 PM

Yo bro kltower, true, whats 1B SBB nowadays, sub sub d water. I can't wait for Supermax to announce 2B PAT in 3Q21. That would be explosive! )
0.3+0.6+0.73+0.73 = 2.36 EPS for FY21. X PE15 = RM 35.40


2020-11-26 00:21 | Report Abuse

@Arsenewenger8383 (Nov 25): A leading Chinese vaccine developer has applied for authorization to bring its Covid-19 shot to the market, seeking to get a jump on Western rivals as the race for a working inoculation against the virus enters the final stretch.
25/11/2020 11:36 PM

All these vaccine developers are arse wankers. They all try to get approval for mass vaccination before they even submit the full trial result data for peer verification.


2020-11-25 23:47 | Report Abuse

@kltower above is top glove selling price, Supermax usually sell higher due to obm...

assuming the Feb to May 2021 nitrile price predicted by Tan Sri LCW is correct, even we consecutively use top glove price as calculation, Supermax still can make 1.5b profit after tax between Feb to May 2021...

if obm, should be more than 1.5b... so scary
25/11/2020 10:50 PM
Possibly 3Q21 can hit PAT 2B


2020-11-25 19:44 | Report Abuse

@see2sea Maybe hope for recovery is too high now..loss making company in months to higher and higher valuation.

Most of the investors invest with emotion (HOPE).

Few are investing in facts and figures.

Vaccine news is just giving u higher and higher hope each day.

Sometimes, the world need to accept the fact this virus will never again disappear.

We just hope we dont die from this virus is consider lucky enough.

Happy invest in Supermax

2nd bull run coming soon 2021..load up and prepare for the ride.
25/11/2020 7:07 PM

Supermax is going to be the indisputable Champion of KLSE in FY21.
No 1 - Highest EPS in KLSE
No 1 - Highest PAT margin (~70%) in the entire history of KLSE
All others will be pale in comparison.


2020-11-25 19:37 | Report Abuse

@sense maker Kyy is promoting supermx non-stop. A sign of desperation. His trick is by now well known to others.
25/11/2020 7:05 PM

As long as he is promoting, we should not criticize him. Although my feeling is Supermax actually do not need any hard sell going forward as can be seen today, strong momentum is slowly building up. Anyway, the more promoter the merrier :)


2020-11-25 19:31 | Report Abuse

@stockraider Remember loh...!!

A Genuine Bull Run Comes like Incoming Waves on the Sea Shore





Advanced Vocabulary for English Language Learners: A flash in the pan













The physics of a boiling kettle – my question to the commission! | Roger Helmer MEP


25/11/2020 1:36 PM


Stockraider, good quip but I think your kettle is a bit limited. Trust me Supermax kettle is gonna heat up from room temperature again to Steaming Hot then to Super Steaming hot and finally to Super Maximum Steaming Hot !! It will turn Flash in the Pan to become Cash in the Pants. Just imagining it I am oredi getting Flash in the Pants.


2020-11-25 18:59 | Report Abuse

@maggiemee Craziest fox hard sell supermx liao ah. You all jaga jaga to buy ticket let him clear his position ya. ;)
25/11/2020 6:53 PM

He won't clear now la...wait maybe RM 18 only he will dump, around 70% of his TP.


2020-11-24 23:01 | Report Abuse

And the vaccine companies will enjoy impunity against any harm caused from the use of their vaccines. So they have no liabilities to answer to. Very dangerous situation for the general population to be in.


2020-11-24 22:56 | Report Abuse

When all the vaccine companies are competing furiously to out do each other, it will never have a good outcome, bcos all of them will do subtle manipulations to make their results look good thru omissions or adjustments. There's billions of profit involved, so nobody want to lose out.


2020-11-24 22:44 | Report Abuse

@Agjl ToneeFa...what about Moderna or Astra.? Are they work the same as pfizer? Or they exibit diferent level of efficacy such as preventing virus transmission?
24/11/2020 10:00 PM

Moderna and Pfizer both cannot stop asymptomatic infection. But they claim Astrazeneca vaccine can reduce asymptomatic infection, although they still need to pour over all the trials data coming out in next month.

"The Oxford-AZ vaccine, from the preliminary results, shows that it works across all age groups — including the elderly. Plus, there’s a really interesting hint in the preliminary data that the regimen is also able to reduce asymptomatic infection. Both these aspects are being seen as big advantages over the initial trial results put out by the Pfizer-BioNTech combine and Moderna."


2020-11-24 21:23 | Report Abuse

@Imagine333 Pfizer's "vaccine" is not really a vaccine. It merely reduces the symptoms. It is like taking cough syrups to prevent cough and cold from getting worse? No wonder the CEO offloaded his shares

Check out the attached link

It will slowly sink in for everyone that "vaccines" for now are only stop gap tools that are still in works until the final more effective versions are discovered, maybe a few years down the line. Meanwhile, this the best they can do for now. They produce the vaccines not with the intention of putting gloves totally out of use like what our naysayers nut heads here are touting everyday, but with the intention of helping the economic activities to at least sustain a bit better for now, but still the SOP and gloves use are necessary to prevent further infections.


2020-11-24 21:14 | Report Abuse

@Ibelieve @Arsenewenger8383 is also another faggot imposter or pretender ya, naysaying here but then pretend he's a shareholder when he wanna join cheerleading here ya, with only 1000 unit shares ya. I notice you K-powder sniffler.
24/11/2020 8:54 PM

These naysayers just enjoy disrupting the party but at the same time they are trying to punt on the dip and to sell high later. If you notice there's pattern to their behavior, when the price dips they will be out spreading fears and fake news. Then when the price goes up next day they will disappear, but in reality they are quietly selling down. And the pattern repeats. They are happy to make small gains each time, but you will know when they suffer losses , bcos they will then talk in more nasty tones.


2020-11-24 20:52 | Report Abuse

@Agjl dear fren...dont waste time on this ATEWIND YARP GOD...everynite before go to bed, get some josticks, paper monies 5bn denimination, prepare one bowl of rice...go road side pray to him can already. This is how we praise GOD arent we.....

24/11/2020 8:36 PM

Actually I m more interested to discuss about the real issues facing our investment here. But I guess the naysayers disruption got the better of some of us. As for me, I don't really take them too seriously, as I believe in free speech and expression. In fact, in a way I welcome such devil's advocates approach as they may have some good points once a while. Of all the forums in i3, I believe Supermax forum draw the most colorful and interesting characters, as well as the craziest nuts as well. Anyway, we are all drawn to this forum because of this endless tug of war and get a good laugh out of it as it provides a distraction from our mundane day to day tasks.


2020-11-24 20:33 | Report Abuse

@Ibelieve, I guess we don't have to trouble ourselves like AT investors, ran until their factory to witness with their own eyes. Supermax is only 1 year younger than EdwinYap86, its old and we'll established enough.
24/11/2020 8:14 PM

Haha U r right bro, 1 year younger but many times more mature. AT Wind (Y)up...empty factory just like an empty vessel.


2020-11-24 20:20 | Report Abuse

@Sinoboy Moderna's chief medical officer says that vaccine trial results only show that they prevent people from getting severely sick — not necessarily that recipients won't still be able to transmit the virus.

Came out today-Business Insider

Scary actually, after being vaccinated you can still transmit the virus
24/11/2020 7:51 PM

It will slowly sink in for everyone that "vaccines" for now are only stop gap tools that are still in works until the final more effective versions are discovered, maybe a few years down the line. Meanwhile, this the best they can do for now. They produce the vaccines not with the intention of putting gloves totally out of use like what our naysayers nut heads here are hoping and praying everyday, but with the intention of helping the economic activities to at least sustain a bit better for now, but still the SOP and gloves use are necessary to prevent further infections.


2020-11-24 20:10 | Report Abuse

@Ibelieve If Superman has been cleaning his underwear himself according to SOP, there is no need to make any special announcement.
24/11/2020 7:29 PM

Ibelieve, I believe that there is an extremely high incentive to put in higher level of stringent controls on the workers now. I believe cost is of no concern going forward, The glove company that can fully control and prevent the Covid from infecting their workers, will be the clear winner in benefitting from the record breaking ASP in the making. So this should become highest priority in their spending now. System to track all workers movements and pay the workers extra bonus for following very stringent SOP are some measures that can be taken.


2020-11-24 20:01 | Report Abuse

@dusti TQ ToneeFa. So the gloves companies live happily ever after !
24/11/2020 7:46 PM

Yes, more gloves for vaccination and then still more gloves for SOP to avoid the virus. In fact there will be greater paranoia because most carriers will be asymptomatic. Even if you are vaccinated, you will still want to avoid the virus if possible. So you will take extra precaution bcos you really don't know who is carrying the virus now, bcos the carrier will look happy and healthy now. Won't come down with symptoms in 2 weeks like before. Ppl will still wear mask and practice social distancing until they feel safe, which is don't know how long.


2020-11-24 19:43 | Report Abuse

@Ibelieve If Superman has been cleaning his underwear himself according to SOP, there is no need to make any special announcement.
24/11/2020 7:29 PM

If they have the confidence to announce and be transparent to clear the air, I believe there will be great exodus of investors from the other Big3 into Supermax.


2020-11-24 19:22 | Report Abuse

@SpaceMarine fbm klci imminent....this is very good news

soon many funds will buy in.

index, foreign, public, insurance u name it

supermax should also sue those giving fake malicious news about the company.

i fully support it. from giving bad stuupid statements to making malicious and damning fake news. they deserve it. these ppl are really the lowest of the low...scumbags....

lock them up...hehe
24/11/2020 7:02 PM

3rd week Dec onwards will exciting for SuperMax fanboys and girls club. KLCI official inclusion coinciding with next QR announce in early Jan21. Also the inevitable dark winter Covid storm in northern hemisphere will be rearing its ugliest head (nothing to be exited about on this but its just a matter of factly)

I hope Supermax management will clear the air by announcing its current status on the workers condition, and announcing extra stringent measures they will take to ensure that similar situation as TG will not happen in their factories. Measures such as stringent testing and social and work place segregation of workers and constant monitoring of the workers movements and so on.


2020-11-24 19:09 | Report Abuse

@dusti THE Latest issue of TIME magazine reported that Pfizer’s vaccine is NOT a vaccine . Check it out
24/11/2020 6:40 PM
watch the above link to have a clear explanation too.
Pfizer and moderna vaccines do not prevent ppl from contracting the virus , but to just avoid the serious symptoms of the virus. Which means, ppl would still have to practice SOP and social distancing and using PPE and gloves to avoid contracting the virus. The vaccines only reduce the chance of dying or serious symptoms associated to Covid19. So the demand for gloves will still be high as ppl still want to avoid getting the virus.


2020-11-24 18:54 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-11-24 18:19 | Report Abuse

@EdwinYap86 Tomorrow achieve our target price RM5
24/11/2020 6:05 PM

I would really want to believe you as I hv put aside huge reserve fund waiting for the big drop to happen. But every time your lousy prediction never came true. Don't need RM5, even RM 6 is good enough for me to go all in. But as usual you just talk kok only.


2020-11-24 18:13 | Report Abuse

@Geek2020 Just buy and hold. The business owners are supporting it. TS Lim Topglove is buying back shares in record volume. Im also sure Dato Stanley is busy promoting Supermax to foreign funds. That is why KLCI inclusion is a great news. Index Linked Funds can invest in Supermax.
24/11/2020 5:33 PM

I think TSLWC is planning to issue big share dividend for coming QR in Dec. SPM was doing the same before the last QR announce. Maybe this time round TG may stick to the dividend on 50% PAT policy. If that happens it will help lift up the Big4 together.


2020-11-24 13:43 | Report Abuse

@LjGlove Supermax boss Stanley Thai & wife arrested
24/11/2020 1:31 PM

You make really nasty and evil intentioned speculation ,
Stanley is age 60 and with Datuk Seri title.
Arrested guy is age 63 with Datuk title.
You deserve an appointment with SaveMsiaFronPHGovt for a good one.


2020-11-24 13:37 | Report Abuse

@newkid Old fox never expect covid made gloves industries shine, and covid also will make it s downfall !!He die die also will fork out his reserve to support 3 of his gloves counters ! Eventually dry up all his asset......It is called karma .....
24/11/2020 11:44 AM

Old fox dump Supermax at RM 10, pump AT up to 0.30 then quickly dump AT and then pump back into Supermax at RM 7. How many of you can do that? And now he is back to promoting Supermax bcos he see no other counters worth his time to park his money.


2020-11-24 13:27 | Report Abuse

@niubility666 12 by Mar 21, 18 by Sept 21 reasonable la
24/11/2020 1:09 PM

12 by Dec 20 (official KLCI inclusion + anticipate RM 1.5B PAT 2Q21 * special dividend)
18 by Apr 21 conservatively ( another 1.5B PAT 3Q21 +SGX dual listing + bonus issue)


2020-11-24 11:04 | Report Abuse

@freetospeak super and harta pe so big gap as index stock is not logical...underown fund will naturally move more weigtage to super b4 its rerated and move to correct valuation.

Supermax revaluation is imminent.
24/11/2020 9:46 AM

Good point. Once in KLCI , Supermax should hv PE closer to Harta and TG. Easily min around PE 20. Assuming FY21 EPS around 1.5 x 20 = RM 30. This is not a joke or exaggeration but a conservative estimate.


2020-11-24 10:58 | Report Abuse

@Goldberg TY YAP favouring SUPERMAX- And rightly so.
24/11/2020 9:40 AM

@freetospeak all sifu is jumping in supermax already...epf waiting for wat...
24/11/2020 9:39 AM

TY Yap is very behind time. @Freetospeak sifu and @Giantpanda have been talking about this many moons ago. Maybe sometimes not good to be too ahead of time. So gotta be patient to wait for everyone to slowly catch up, especially EPF , coz they are waiting for Everything Perfect First (EPF) before they jump in.


2020-11-23 22:59 | Report Abuse

@Arsenewenger8383 Maybe newbie forgot what happen in July when TG gloves banned in US.. all gloves counter crashed like waterfall before Bursa server down for the whole day.. hehe.. let c tmrw..
23/11/2020 10:52 PM

You may have a point, as there is fear of uncertainty of what ifs. Therefore ,I believe its important Supermax management immediately undertake even more stringent controls on top of what is oredi being done, and publicly announce such super stringent measures and provide assurance to the shareholders. Who can successfully do that quickly and convincingly will be the winner going forward.


2020-11-23 22:46 | Report Abuse

@accure TG gloves banned in US, now factory close. this will benefit Supermax greatly since they have distribution in US...Now TG US customers have to find new supplier, which will be Supermax.
23/11/2020 10:09 PM

@Primeinvestor asp breach 120 soon, gonna be mad, tomorrow golden chance
23/11/2020 10:06 PM

Below are likely scenarios to happen:
1. More % of US and Europe glove market will go to Supermax
2. The ASP will increase further for the next 2 months.
3. TG investors will sell some shares and shift to Supermax, since Supermax is almost confirmed
to be included in KLCI soon.
4 Supermax will likely undertake more stringent controls to ensure similar situation as TG would
be avoided. Hopefully they will announce these additional measures to give assurance to
shareholders soon.


2020-11-23 14:11 | Report Abuse

@freetospeak i supported supermax from an abandoned child until now its going to be included in klci index. I am very glad supermax didnt disappoint me. and i hope i didnt disappoint my readers.

Hope supermax will continue to bring super reward to its shareholder after its inclusion into klci index..
23/11/2020 1:55 PM

I believe the KLCI will have a very positive impact to Supermax too. I m sure , so far, many have gain positively from your input, if only they are not easily swayed by the naysayers. Anyway, Mr Hades is coming after the naysayers now, even as we speak :)


2020-11-23 13:53 | Report Abuse

@freetospeak toneefa...thanks for your support...enough writing oledi...not going to update much ...leave some surprises for the market in per audience request.
23/11/2020 1:42 PM

Noted, what you have written so far shall suffice to last us till the next QR. Going forward, what would be interesting to know is more details and clearer info on the on-going global expansion plan of Supermax. How many more countries have they penetrated in terms signing of long term supply contracts and what sort of profit projections arising form there.


2020-11-23 13:39 | Report Abuse

@Stockisnotfun Rubberex is the best performer. Open your eye kyy. Know you love supermax very much but need to look at the no numbers la.
23/11/2020 1:15 PM

KYY is right bro. Stock is no fun until you put all your money into Supermax going forward. Then the fun will start. Pls take note all the IBs research houses oredi u-turn and promoting Supermax strongly, means they already taken strong position in Supermax and now will conspire to bring out the real value of Supermax OBM potential. Likely they have rebalance their portfolio to be heavyweight on Supermax oredi.