Posted by kltrader > 2012-11-13 22:41 | Report Abuse

I can see that many of cpteh's recent posts are generating many comments from others - especially the ones where he is "attacked" by AlbertLim and Fat Cat. I wonder if all this attention is actually doing good in promoting him further.. I guess an honest and genuine man will prevail in the end..

1 person likes this.

144 comment(s). Last comment by tonylim 2012-11-20 22:17


531 posts

Posted by stock5678 > 2012-11-14 21:21 | Report Abuse

so bore about this topic.

Mat Cendana

2,336 posts

Posted by Mat Cendana > 2012-11-14 21:50 | Report Abuse

What Shirley says - Yes, that's what I hold on to. This forum is about OPINIONS, and everyone has the right to say what s/he thinks. In fact I'd say it is encouraged. No one knows what the future holds, and this is irregardless of whether one's opinion is based on fundamentals, technical analysis, gut feeling or a combination of these. Or just a wild guess. Sometimes we get it right, sometimes totally wrong. There's no guarantee of anything...and by anyone regardless of how long he has been in the market or/and how knowledgeable he may be. The onus is on each of us to make his own decisions. No matter how things turn out, the sole responsibility lies with us and no one else.

Live and let live - there's a place for everyone at this forum.


884 posts

Posted by AL833D > 2012-11-14 22:07 | Report Abuse

i3 = independent. intelligent. informed.

Posted by hattorihanzo > 2012-11-15 00:11 | Report Abuse

no more cats fight? lol... there's enough shark trying to prey on need to eat each other here...


727 posts

Posted by moven00 > 2012-11-15 00:26 | Report Abuse

Check and Balance is always GOOD.

SOme people just got their HEAD grew bigger and greedier....

people come and go.....I3 with or without us will operate as usual.

PureBULL .

2,537 posts

Posted by PureBULL . > 2012-11-15 03:28 | Report Abuse

Dear Mat Cendana, I like your objective view n collegiate spirit !

Many times I feel no incentive to continue sharing n stay here.
Not even a kind word !

There r crucial points on the stock mkt, like :
1. How to BUY well ?
2. How to SELL well ?
3. Like objective test. Where r the 5 places/ways to get money from mkt?
4. How to be RIGHT ? G Soros said, " Only if RIGHT, Buy big big = sailang... "

n much more...

Posted by Buy & Sell Sell & Buy > 2012-11-15 06:11 | Report Abuse

Everyone can post their opinions here. We dont even hv the time to quarrel bcos, maybe big sharks also is looking at i3 posts to form their strategies to kill bilis. Taking care of your investment(s) is more important & should b our final objective. Hopefully everyone can make a big fat profits frm following i3 postings here. Remember, make your own decision(s), dont follow blindly using the tips that u get from any investment guru.


1,895 posts

Posted by juggernault > 2012-11-15 07:21 | Report Abuse

today klse got trading?


1,887 posts

Posted by ktrader > 2012-11-15 07:34 | Report Abuse


Mat Cendana

2,336 posts

Posted by Mat Cendana > 2012-11-15 11:16 | Report Abuse

PureBULL, that is also one of the reasons why I'm attracted to this forum and have continued to do so although I do get disheartened when there are attacks and counterattacks against and amongst some of the participants here... i.e. in wanting to discover those crucial points of the stock market.

Again and again, I've discovered various useful things from the posts and comments here - important news, rumours and speculations; sound fundamental and technical analyses about different counters; new knowledge and information; wisdom etc. And these would come from different people, in different forms and in different posts and threads.

This is the ever-present danger whenever we give opinions: some people might actually think "we know something secret which they don't" and would place real money on these without doing their own research and evaluation. And they would be sore should these not pan out as hoped for.

Actually, sometimes an opinion can be BOTH i.e. wrong AND right! How so? The opinion might not be right over the immediate term of a week or so but would turn out to be outstandingly so over the course of a few months. CP Teh, for instance, had helped me with a decision over SKPetro - I remember him going in at 2.40 a few months ago. I had been considering it, and was encouraged to do so when I saw his post. It didn't work out immediately but I don't blame him for that... because *I* made my own decision.

And I had expanded on his opinions about SKPetro with my own thinking. Instead of the mother, I bought the -CA warrant. I was wrong AND right with this. It was between 0.065-0.085 during that time and one would probably have lost money had he contra. And then it went as high as 0.29 last week!

That's my point here - as Buy & Sell says, our sole objective here is to make money and the posts and comments here can be a big help. But we must accept full responsibility for everything that happens. We might not like some people and their comments but there's an easier and less stressful way to handle this - instead of attacking and counter-attacking, just ignore these and move on. It's much better to use our time and energy on topics that can help achieve what Buy & Sell, PureBULL etc. have stated here rather than on hostilities.

Posted by Buy & Sell Sell & Buy > 2012-11-15 13:20 | Report Abuse

Mat Cendana what u just said is very true. I sometimes hv to sit on my investments for as long as 3 to4 months for me to get profits. People nowadays are vry impatient. They think that playing contra all the times & cut loss will make money. Well,nowadays l m vry patient, I can sit on my investment until i get the desire profit that I want base on TA. Last time, l m vry impatient, I want to play contra. Get 3% profits,l will immediately sell my shares. I lost 5k bcos of KNM. I don't look anymore at KNM. Vry bitter experience wth KNM. I adopt Jesse Livermore style in trading. Jesse said that "It is not our cleverness that gives us big profits. It is our sitting on our investment& let it runs until we catch the biggest trend that make us handsome profits. This is the style that, suit me the best that l discover after so may losses in the stock market.

PureBULL .

2,537 posts

Posted by PureBULL . > 2012-11-15 13:31 | Report Abuse

Buy & Sell Sell & Buy , I am glad u r so sharp to catch the key phase of Jesse Livermore. n what had happened will happen again...

BUT most stocks go up 10 % of its time, the rest of 90% is down or sideways. So buy n hold for Right stocks is Right. For wrong stocks, it is deadly.
Must check everyday to see it is still Right stock to hold.

Posted by Fat Cat Tim Buddy > 2012-11-15 13:42 | Report Abuse

why j livermore? he bankrupt and commit suicide.

I prefer g soros and warren buffett, picking stock like wb and trading like g soros , even the trade go wrong, but if the fundamental still intact there is nothing to worry about, that is like a double safety net :)

PureBULL .

2,537 posts

Posted by PureBULL . > 2012-11-15 13:50 | Report Abuse

Fat Cat Tim Buddy, U r so cute ! U r our superstar here !
If I may know, honestly how old r u now ?
R u 1, R u 2, R u 3, 4, 5, 6, .........


456 posts

Posted by ongtkong > 2012-11-15 13:53 | Report Abuse

Don't play play with him. He might be the next young billionaire who pick stocks like wb & trade like soros

Posted by Fat Cat Tim Buddy > 2012-11-15 14:06 | Report Abuse

purebull, did i offended you? if so, then im sorry..

i just telling the truth man, j livermore was bankrupt several times and commit suicide , and you wanna learn from this person?

well, good luck to you man, and have fun.

Posted by Buy & Sell Sell & Buy > 2012-11-15 14:11 | Report Abuse

Well, Fat Cat has his point too. This forum bcome vry hot bcos lots of traders or investors giv their different opinions. This makes this forum lively.

PureBULL .

2,537 posts

Posted by PureBULL . > 2012-11-15 14:24 | Report Abuse

Teohlah, Fat Cat,
AhPek is a chinaman. Want to know a bit more from u.
" mind ah ne lay ", my buddy.

Ram Cheong

450 posts

Posted by Ram Cheong > 2012-11-15 14:28 | Report Abuse

sometime i wonder myself why certain stocks can increase in price n volume for 1 day only n drop the second day n go sleeping again for long time , how do the goreng guy make money from this way , well we understand if no one push the price n volume it will not move but they push the price up n increase volume but stop next day . ......... how can they make money this way n why it happen this way , any sifu can enligthen me on this goreng method so i can have a clearer picture to buy or sell stocks at Right time as purebull qouted . ........

Mat Cendana

2,336 posts

Posted by Mat Cendana > 2012-11-15 14:32 | Report Abuse

There are those who advocate "Buy and Hold" while others favour momentum etc. I favour anything that makes money:-) Buy and hold has its merits, definitely. In fact, often that is what separates those who make profits and those who lose money.

Two people may buy the same counter and at the same price. One guy gets fed up because his counter doesn't perform immediately and sells despite taking a loss (because he wants to use the capital to buy something else). The other just sits still. Often, over time, his counter goes up and he makes a profit because he can wait. The other person - he may or may not make a profit with his new counter/s.

I've had this happen to me before - I did my homework with the necessary research and analysis, and the counters were very good companies. But I was the impatient type and sold just because they were slow to perform. Needless to say, they eventually went up and up and it was heartbreaking to calculate the profit I might have made. *If only* I had waited instead of jumping into this and that counter!

But we must also be flexible and not stubbornly stick to our counters when variables change, insisting on "Buy and hold" right until the bitter end. We may have made the right decision when we first bought but some factor might have changed after that. Like a fundamental change in the company's business. Or the company being in a sector that is undergoing a downturn (plantations, for instance). In this situation, we will have to accept that what we had previously thought were "true" or "correct" may no longer be so. As such, it might be better to cut loss than to continue what might be a very long and fruitless wait.

Open-mindedness, humility, firmness when required and also flexibility - I believe having these will help with our trading and investing.


36 posts

Posted by Antz78 > 2012-11-15 14:40 | Report Abuse

Mat Cendana, like your post on

Posted by Mat Cendana > Nov 15, 2012 11:16 AM

Good opinions pointed out.

PureBULL .

2,537 posts

Posted by PureBULL . > 2012-11-15 14:44 | Report Abuse

Ram, There r lots of mkt making in the mkt everyday. Ecm block placement specialists will place out blocks of shares to strong stockists at a discount, say 10-15% lower.
Usually my stockist friends might take it n churn it out to the mkt like u n pocket the profit within a session.

Posted by Buy & Sell Sell & Buy > 2012-11-15 14:47 | Report Abuse

Fat cat, J.Livermore was painted as a bankrupt & commit suicide in public publications. In actual facts, if u search the Internet deepIy, he was not bankrupt & committed suicide. The real side of J. Livermore history is not portray in the public. For me, he is greater than G.Soros & W. Buffett combined.

PureBULL .

2,537 posts

Posted by PureBULL . > 2012-11-15 14:50 | Report Abuse

Mat Cendana, I really envy U n the so-called sifu Chong n CP Teh.
U all have so many supporters...
Am so long in the mkt. Have so much to share, real happening stuff...
But no fun here !

Posted by hattorihanzo > 2012-11-15 15:16 | Report Abuse

I think there's no need to regard them as gurus, sifus or's not good for their ego hehe...but to thank them for their opinion and insight...sometimes they're right, sometimes wrong but just don't blame them for our action...we take our action and we enjoy the consequence. I do enjoy all the pain and pleasure in stock market all this while :) thank you to all for making our klse a wonderful place...thanks to all the sharks as well with their target


1,141 posts

Posted by shirley1 > 2012-11-15 15:28 | Report Abuse

Fat Cat, buy&sell.. both of you are smart guys, just diff views and ur all maintain ur stance and won't switch easily. Hey y'know like aunloke stock selection n investment style too.. haha shh.. sharks watching here..

Uncle purebull, you are good guy also la.. dont be so emo la.


36 posts

Posted by Antz78 > 2012-11-15 15:37 | Report Abuse

Posted by shirley1 > Nov 15, 2012 03:28 PM



1,895 posts

Posted by juggernault > 2012-11-15 15:45 | Report Abuse

Days without trading=sucks.. Really bored...

Posted by Buy & Sell Sell & Buy > 2012-11-15 15:58 | Report Abuse

I think u r addicted to trading stocks. I come here every day to look thru & find any useful info. Luckily, i3 produce this chatting format, or else i will b vry bored.

Posted by hattorihanzo > 2012-11-15 16:02 | Report Abuse

shirley1, today sharks can watch only...cannot eat hahaha

Mat Cendana

2,336 posts

Posted by Mat Cendana > 2012-11-15 16:24 | Report Abuse

@hattorihanzo is right. Calling and putting labels like sifu etc. adds unnecessary pressure on those involved. It's more important that we just share our experiences and give our opinions here - maybe debate this and that - so that we can be more informed make better decisions.


36 posts

Posted by Antz78 > 2012-11-15 16:30 | Report Abuse

B&SS&B, you are right..
I, too, visit i3 to learn and look thru for any useful info.
It is a good platform albeit all the unnecessary noises.
Mat, hope all the experience traders will continue to guide the newbies/novices in making good trading call.
I am no newbie to the market but still consider a novice as ever learning each day...

Posted by Fat Cat Tim Buddy > 2012-11-15 16:40 | Report Abuse

antz78, sorry to say this

-stock market is not charity, it is a place where individual will do their best for their own best interest.

-honesty is an expensive gift, dont expect it from cheap people.

yes, basic information, most people will give it out of good will ( tonylim junjunforty is the exception LOL )

but guide? good trading call?

dont expect any honesty at all, make your own decision.

learning is a slow process and teaching is a hard process, do not expect you will get it fast, and dont expect anyone will just teach you about it.

ermm.. talk too much already

:) good luck in your investment and happy holiday.


1,895 posts

Posted by juggernault > 2012-11-15 16:43 | Report Abuse



36 posts

Posted by Antz78 > 2012-11-15 16:49 | Report Abuse

FCTB, yes.. market is a cruel place as I have learned the hard way.
we make mistakes but most important, are we learning from it ?
yes, decision made is of own call..
many advices here and there but buy call has to be from own judgement.
thanks and happy holiday to you too... :)

p/s : i still believe there are some good souls out there...

Mat Cendana

2,336 posts

Posted by Mat Cendana > 2012-11-15 19:08 | Report Abuse

I was first involved with the market since the early 1990's. But I wouldn't consider myself as a veteran because it wasn't continuous. It was only since March this year that I came back; hopefully wiser from the previous experiences and with a better temperament - not the impatient, close-minded and stubborn trader that I was. But even so I still continue to make mistakes - it just goes to show that this will be an ever-continuous life-long learning where one will just have to try and improve himself.

I was also one of those really unlucky chaps who had actually missed the Great Bull Run of late 1992-early 1994. I was actively involved for a couple of years before that, made some losses (not heavy though) from trading and impatience, and got discouraged. And the bull run started just a few weeks after I left! I was tormented to see the counters which I had sold off going up and up - KLK, sold at 3.60 or so going to 24.00... UEM from around that to almost the same! "If only" I had just let things be...

Now there is one GREAT equalizer which the older ones didn't have back then - the internet and the wonderful components and services that it carries. Like online trading and various resources including i3investor which help to level the playing field. I was in Kelantan during the 1990's (in fact well until 2010 before I moved to KL/Selangor) and there was all of one stockbroker - Lee & Kee. Research was ZERO.

Opinions? It was limited to those fellow investors/traders whom you get to know at the brokerage over the months. You might know 10 or so people and that's it. Often, it's the one-eyed man leading the blind... sometimes it's the blind leading the fellow blind Haha! No one knew about things like Moving Average etc. Even if we did, how could we ever get the computing equipment and up-to-date data to utilise technical analysis? Heck, we didn't even have access to most Annual Reports!

I'm really very appreciative of forums like i3investor - especially the people who contribute in posts, comments, charts and links. Even newbies can be of help - I'd look at why they are so excited over some counter and see whether they are really on to something. Now, before I buy, I'd look at the counter's thread just to reassure myself. Sometimes a negative comment about something would make me reevaluate my decision... maybe cancel a buy. That person might not be right but it's always useful to read a different opinion about something.

Maybe sometimes we get a bit too sensitive when someone contradicts and challenges our opinion. Or maybe we should be less aggressive in giving our opinions. Or whatever. But the point is this - we must appreciate the various resources that we already have here and help to protect these, After all, it's to our mutual benefit and advantage. We are just small fries in a cold, hard investing world which can often be cruel. But a forum like this does help... and a lot too. So, even when we feel we "are in the right", rather than create hostilities and tension, often it's better that we just turn the other cheek and ignore the perceived wrong... for everyone's sake, including ours.


36 posts

Posted by Antz78 > 2012-11-15 19:46 | Report Abuse

MatC.. thanks for your sharing..
damn.. got to get i3 admin to provide an option
to post a "like" just like FB..


852 posts

Posted by jester > 2012-11-15 20:19 | Report Abuse

Thanks MatCendana for his sharing.

I don't think i3 should have like or anything.
This is not a social site. It's meant for sharing.
Having options such as 'Like' would defeat i3 purpose.

Just my opinion bro Antz78. I'm not rejecting your proposal.
U did good giving opinions.


Posted by hattorihanzo > 2012-11-15 20:30 | Report Abuse

wanna appreciate the sharing?? Just make good use of whatever shared by whoever to survive in stock market...thats good enough.


852 posts

Posted by jester > 2012-11-15 20:46 | Report Abuse

Right ninja!

However, the definition of 'sharing' must be parallel to what i3 users need.

and That will be good enough. :D


805 posts

Posted by investor77 > 2012-11-15 20:59 | Report Abuse

To me, CP Teh, has done a great service to investors as he shares his honest opinion on listed companies.

I have been following his blog and I find it very useful, with lots of insight and good advice.

I hope i3 will still carry his blog.


36 posts

Posted by Antz78 > 2012-11-15 21:04 | Report Abuse

Yup Bro Jester.. You are right..
I overlook this.. ya.. wouldn't want to make i3 a competitor to FB.. hehe.
I do agree on the sharing..
We do appreciate positive input that can benefit everyone here..


1,918 posts

Posted by tommylou > 2012-11-15 21:38 | Report Abuse

Selling the right thing is essential.....self selling or misleading ...not wanted!


4,796 posts

Posted by tonylim > 2012-11-15 21:53 | Report Abuse

a depressed fat cat talking like he is owner of this forum.
talk like an angel of who he like or dont like

Posted by Fat Cat Tim Buddy > 2012-11-15 22:09 | Report Abuse

hahaha did i sound depressed?

who wants 10% return everyday, please reg your name below.

Aug 8, 2012 12:45 AM | Report Abuse

me at


Aug 4, 2012 10:40 PM | Report Abuse

Me too at

thank you junjunforty for making me LOL all the time, my health say thank you :p

whenever i feel depress, i think of you junjunforty and yamateh, i instantly feeling a lot better and happier LOL


296 posts

Posted by fatty_tang > 2012-11-15 22:15 | Report Abuse

if no one points out fags like these they will have have their way exploiting the newbies


281 posts

Posted by AlbertLim > 2012-11-15 22:50 | Report Abuse

Hahaha... kinda interesting reading whilst sitting back & having my coffee. Some make sense & logic whilst other utter rubbish.

I have nothing against other blogger, only ONE... why him? Bcos exploiting of newbie or some senior trader.


449 posts

Posted by alexlulu > 2012-11-15 22:55 | Report Abuse

a chicken blogging n teaching other chicken and duck how to swim well.


1,895 posts

Posted by juggernault > 2012-11-15 23:02 | Report Abuse

lol... many chicks here. If you saw some shit comment, just read and forget, but If its useful, take it and say thanks. :D


4,796 posts

Posted by tonylim > 2012-11-15 23:39 | Report Abuse

fat cat, don't talk like an angel when you are a devil.
how can one be an angel when you are so spiteful as to spam my email in half of your postings in october and in some postings in november as what you can see now.

if you are of kindy bred behave like one. Don't dictate who should or should not be here.

Even my cat with a much smaller brain size know some humility.

btw i dont think you are any way near my bursa experience. so dont talk big.

have you learnt how to interpret group accounts, still learning

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