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373 comment(s). Last comment by wt222 2014-03-03 09:57

Posted by Fat Cat Tim Buddy > 2014-02-28 22:56 | Report Abuse

jika ada tongkat memang senang la, tapi orang kuat dan sihat buat apa nak tongkat... kan kaki lu kuat , hanya orang cacat perlu tongkat lo...

mesti ada long visionary ma, jika kau orang kuat tapi selalu guna tongkat, cucu kamu tengok kamu dan belajar guna tongkat, generasi per generasi... kaum akan jadi lebih weaker, kaki tak kuat, semua perlu tongkat...

jika keluar negara lain, kaki tak kuat macam mana boleh menang orang lain? jadi pengemis macam tu boleh la... reality is harsh and cruel la bro...


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-02-28 22:57 | Report Abuse

Saufi, kena pemedih mata masuk lokak, mana Anwar tengok pun. Abang dari jauh saja dapat tengok, sekali sekala jambat tangan. Habuk pun tak ada abang dapat, perjuangan sia-sia ada. Rasa bodoh bukan main menyesal pun. Kawan lain dalam umno dah drive dan ti ggal mewah.


867 posts

Posted by pilindo > 2014-02-28 22:58 | Report Abuse

Majoriti di sabah adalah kadazan dusun. pastu bajau sulu. bukan melayu. semenanjung maju pun sebab kepandaian cina jugak. tahun 90an dan 20an baru ada kemajuan sikit bangsa lain. masalah sabah tu corruption terlalu besar. BN punya pasal.


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-02-28 22:59 | Report Abuse

Kawan yang setia umno dapat kemewahan, jangan dengar cakap kosong kena kutuk kaum tongkatlah, apa lah, mereka tu iblis.


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-02-28 23:01 | Report Abuse

Pilindo, majoriti di Sabah melayu. Yes, abang ada dengar minoriti sana memang bongkak keras kepala tapi miskin selalu kena tipu kaum......


804 posts

Posted by saufi74 > 2014-02-28 23:02 | Report Abuse

Betol tu abg duitbesar..dorang nie x pernah puas..patutlah mantan pm Australia pernah sound ngan dorang nie..kalo x puas hati..bole balek itu motherland..hahaha


543 posts

Posted by jsjy123 > 2014-02-28 23:03 | Report Abuse

pointless lah to argue dgn duitbesar....his midset alry fixed, that's it. No contructive arguments at all. mana boleh maju?


867 posts

Posted by pilindo > 2014-02-28 23:05 | Report Abuse

saya orang sabah. sekarang Australia la. Tahu 100% pasal sabah.

Susah hidup sana. Corruption banyak. Susah nak dapat projek kalau duit macam ciput jer. Kena kumpul duit lagi untuk buit bisness sana masa akan datang.


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-02-28 23:07 | Report Abuse

Saufi, jangan jadi macam minoriti Sabah, diorang ingat majoriti bongkak keras kepala dengar sangat bisikan iblis, tengok saja mereka, tinggal rumah panjang, masih tak sedar kena tipu, bodoh. Masih baik Umno membela nasib mereka.

Posted by Fat Cat Tim Buddy > 2014-02-28 23:08 | Report Abuse

i got a friend go to to bank lelong, the lelong lot is so nice and cheap... definitely a good buy, but because it is a bumi lot, so he cannot buy it, and in the lelong place, only got 1 bidder.... kikiki

if the property can be win by highest bidder regardless of their race... the owner and the bank will definitely get a higher and better price.. everyone happy.. but because of it is a bumi lot, the owner and bank can only have to settle with the lower bidder... kikiki


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-02-28 23:10 | Report Abuse

Fat cat, so maksud kamu bumi lot saja kena lelong?


867 posts

Posted by pilindo > 2014-02-28 23:10 | Report Abuse

You pun kena cakap baik2 la Duitbesar. Bila pasal cakap bansa ni boleh kena sembelih kepala. You melayu ker ape ker, semua bangsa ada maruah. Bila you cakap macam tu, you fikir bangsa lain tak lawan ker.


543 posts

Posted by jsjy123 > 2014-02-28 23:11 | Report Abuse

saufi74, kena ingat, ada di kalangan "melayu" punya motherland dekat indonesia, pakistan, india, bangla, dan lain lain...."melayu" di malaysia adalah define dlm contituition kita, bukan satu pure race, ok. that's what some of my good (rationale and forward thinking) malay friends told too.


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-02-28 23:14 | Report Abuse

Saufi, tengok tu, kata melayu pendatang pulak, tu pasal abang cakap, jangan dengar bisikan iblis ni. Dulu abang pun percaya, skg tak.

Posted by Fat Cat Tim Buddy > 2014-02-28 23:16 | Report Abuse

duitbesar, jangan begitu sensitive .. kikiki... maksud saya, policy race itu ada flaw la, jika tak ada bumi/non-bumi lot, semua orang akan jadi lebih happy, highest bidder will win the lelong, the owner and bank get the most money, semua orang gembira..

tapi.. dengan bumi/non-bumi lot policy, hanya orang kaya bumi tu happy lo.. u get it?


519 posts

Posted by Rambotan > 2014-02-28 23:16 | Report Abuse

They are not a race....they are a Budaya.......


543 posts

Posted by jsjy123 > 2014-02-28 23:19 | Report Abuse

pendatang ke bukan, ada ic, itulah malaysian!


804 posts

Posted by saufi74 > 2014-02-28 23:20 | Report Abuse

Jsjy123...Gua study chinese school..11tahun..primary n secondary..gua tau sgt lu org punya mindset..dulu tecer selalu kutuk malai kungfu..hang tuah lembik...so sape yg ajar racist?? So jgn ckp org aje beb..lu tgk diri lu dulu..


543 posts

Posted by jsjy123 > 2014-02-28 23:20 | Report Abuse

my greatgrand parents are pendatang dari china, tapi saya dilahirkan di sini, adakah saya pendatang? dari mana? Malaysia kan?


519 posts

Posted by Rambotan > 2014-02-28 23:22 | Report Abuse

Aiya Saufi, Lu tak betul lah.....Jadi spy dekat Chinese school.....Ke yi chiang Hua yi??

Posted by Fat Cat Tim Buddy > 2014-02-28 23:22 | Report Abuse

pas/pkr/dap bukan sempurna... of course la, mana ada orang ialah perfect 1.. superman spiderman also have flaw lo, but for your next generation sake... the future of malaysia, we must all work together lo, if unmo can change their mindset and policy , we also will support them ma... but those elite is so happy with the status quo, nobody will get a damn lo...

we will have to wait for something like mass protest like ukraine or arabian spring, or french/thai revolution or maybe even war... then only we will see some major change.. kikiki... hopefully not..


519 posts

Posted by Rambotan > 2014-02-28 23:23 | Report Abuse

Boleh kah??.....cakap lah sikit kita kasi respect.....


543 posts

Posted by jsjy123 > 2014-02-28 23:23 | Report Abuse

saufi74, i understand some chinese are also so-called rasis, but im not, are you? if each one of us do our best, less people will become racist.


519 posts

Posted by Rambotan > 2014-02-28 23:25 | Report Abuse

Saufi.....chiang lah Hua yi......11 tahun tak akanlah Duma Boleh cakap malai Kung fu....


519 posts

Posted by Rambotan > 2014-02-28 23:26 | Report Abuse

Gua mau Jadi Kawan Lu and duit besar.....


804 posts

Posted by saufi74 > 2014-02-28 23:27 | Report Abuse

Wo ke yi chiang gua yi..wo tuk hwa siau ken cong siet..chung hwa fu yong..hwa siau le..siau ka mik sing chun..


443 posts

Posted by Seek > 2014-02-28 23:27 | Report Abuse

Many years ago I was a contractor class ex and then to help the bumis all contracts must be given to bumis. The govt started at class f 25k and below bumis only. Then ex 100k and below for bumis only. Then class d, bumis only. Then class c and all way up. Where I went? To Felda and Felcra, for at that time the World Bank finance the projects so it was open tender. Slowly the koperasi came in and there less and less contracts for us. So have to sub contract or Alibaba. Looking back we just made do with whatever barriers we faced then. Adversity make us stronger. Though not a level playing field, I don't begrudge that for the bumis needed help. Now what is the results of such a noble idea of empowering the bumis. We find an elite group of bumis sapu all the big deals through negotiated tender and left thousands of other bumis contractor with small contracts. No more level playing field among them. You think the small ones won't grumble? There is only so much that can go around. Why always enrich a few when they are already billionaire?!


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-02-28 23:28 | Report Abuse

Kalau sangat tak puas hati dengan Malaysia, dan perlembagaan Malaysia, sistem diraja melayu, abang rasa lebih baik cari negara yang ideal untuk yang segelintir ni. Sebab menganggu majoriti yang puas hati. Adakah salah majoriti menerima Malaysia seadanya? Kata korupsi, lepas tu persoal hak, lepas tu persoal macam2 lain. Melayu bukan bangsa buat salah dengan mana2 kaum pun. Bukan bawa kaum lain jadi hamba abdi ke, jadi buruh murah ke, bukan melayu yang buat, dan tak pernah buat pun. Apa melayu pernah buat semasa merdeka beri kerakyatan, so harap saudara cina happy bersama2. Korang 6 juta sangat lucky banding berbillion yang tak dapat special kerakyatan. Sorry, mungkin korang marah, tapi ini realitinya.


519 posts

Posted by Rambotan > 2014-02-28 23:31 | Report Abuse

Aik.....Boleh cakap woh.....u should be an ambassador mah.....for racial peace.....why you Pergi taroh Chinese???..........racist is everywhere lah brother......those can see those cannot see......so should the Chinese whack every Malays because of Ibrahim Ali??
And should the malay whack every Chinese because of Chua Soi Lek.....look the Chinese don't every support that fella.....so why why???

Posted by Fat Cat Tim Buddy > 2014-02-28 23:37 | Report Abuse

the bank and the owner that lelong the property is definitely not puas hati kikiki... RM 3.2 tukar 1 dollar *, 90% population also not puas hati , but those business that focus on export will be very happy lo kikiki...

segelintir... cina have 25% , indian have 7-9% population , this is not segelintir already lo, in listed company 5% already is consider as substantial shareholder lo... jajaja...

reality is when cina and all the talent ( including orang melayu ) is out, malaysia akan jadi brunei atau iran or nigeria... kikiki itu la reality...


543 posts

Posted by jsjy123 > 2014-02-28 23:40 | Report Abuse

fatcat, i think peopls like duitbesar wouldn't understand the implications of the current race policy, all he knows is jgn kacau saya punya race, kalau tak suka.. migrat ja, it saja punya argument.


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-02-28 23:40 | Report Abuse

Fat cat, siapa suruh houseowner lelong rumah? Dia marah, bank marah salah siapa? Abang pun beli non bumi lot tau! Sebab senang jual, owner tu bodoh, kalau nak bumi lot pastikan bayar bank tak sangkut, memang masa lelong susah jual.


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-02-28 23:42 | Report Abuse

Fat cat, itulah abang cakap, mula2 cakap tentang BN sebab korupsi, then persoal bumi lot, persoal hak2 bumi. Itu pasal abang perasaan Pakatan hanya nak hak2 dihakis.


804 posts

Posted by saufi74 > 2014-02-28 23:45 | Report Abuse

Fat cat sudah start tunjuk colour..rambotan...i'm not racist..i'm just tellling the truth..


443 posts

Posted by Seek > 2014-02-28 23:45 | Report Abuse

So many bumis in kampong in West Malaysia, pri bumis in Sabah and Sarawak has so little to go by each day and especially with Barang Naik life is really tough for them. It is time to improve their lot. The govt is responsible to see to this.


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-02-28 23:46 | Report Abuse

Jsjy, you tau ke Malaysia ini perlembagaan apa? Kalau you tak ambil tahu terus hantam then sorry. Negara ni bukan untuk mereka yang nak hancurkan Malaysia. Bagi abang lambat laung yang beberapa juta yang tak puas hati ini akan senyap juga. Tengok Sabah, dulu bukan main minoriti sana lawan, last2 jadi yes men terbesar.


543 posts

Posted by jsjy123 > 2014-02-28 23:49 | Report Abuse

pointless argue. duitbesar, you will know siapa yg hancur negara ini...living in denial.

Posted by Fat Cat Tim Buddy > 2014-02-28 23:51 | Report Abuse

kikiki... ur special right will only weaken u la just telling the truth, i no care about ur right la, when i get enough money, i will go out la, why so susah stay at malaysia... jajaja

Posted by Fat Cat Tim Buddy > 2014-02-28 23:54 | Report Abuse

duitbesar orang is obviously the rich orang melayu that bought over those cheap lelong bumi lot lo...

from his stand of point, of cuz he dont want other ppl go outbid him la.. lol duit besar kikiki.. RM 3.2 : 1 dollar also is duit besar meh kikiki...


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-02-28 23:55 | Report Abuse

UMNO dah lebih 50 tahun tadbir Malaysia, mana bankrap? Malah ekonomi Malaysia tahun meningkat! Korang tau ke sekarang export semakin meningkat sebab barangan Malaysia jauh lebih kualiti dan kos dah sama dengan China. Aircon terbaik didunia dari Malaysia, electronik lain pun Malaysia. Realitinya hanya beberapa juta saja yang tak puas hati, tunggu5 tahun lagi suara sumbang ni makin miskin, lepas 10 tahun minta tongkat dah. Percaya cakap abang


867 posts

Posted by pilindo > 2014-02-28 23:56 | Report Abuse

Pendapat saya pasal sapura kencana ni. Saya kerja offshore Australia. Pada mulanya saya fikir Sapura dan kencana ni curi duit malaysia masa meraka mula2 dulu dulu. Mungkin betul, mungkin tidak. Tapi sekarang mereka buat projek bukan di Malaysia jer. mereka buat projek di Brazil, arab, amerika. Di Australia mereka beli offshore contruction company. Nak cakap di orang curi duit malaysia, tak boleh. sebab client sekarang dan tender project dengan orang putih. untung pun duit daripada buat kerja untuk orang putih ni.

Sapura Kencana buat saya bangga di sini. sebab company malaysia yang buat project untuk orang putih. Macam2 bangsa yang buat kerja di sapaura kencana ni, melayunya, cinanya, indianya, sarawak/sabah nya.


804 posts

Posted by saufi74 > 2014-02-28 23:58 | Report Abuse

Fat cat..then better u migrate faster...dont talk only..


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-02-28 23:59 | Report Abuse

Pilindo, sapura kencana anak Tun Mahathir buat M&A. Gua malas dengar kena jadi modal politik. Tengok saja heading Uncle Koon, apa dia kata!


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 00:00 | Report Abuse

Fat Cat, you migrate ada berbillion di China nak jadi rakyat Malaysia. Gua suggest swap saja dengan citizen sana. Kikikiki


519 posts

Posted by Rambotan > 2014-03-01 00:01 | Report Abuse

Saufi, what if I accept ur truth and u accept my truth.....can we walk away as friends??

I find it strange....years ago when I was abroad as a student and on business and a westerner makes fun of Malaysia, we defend the country and we defend our leader.......but because of politics today, I find it hard to do so ......the non Malays are also angry that the govt did not take action on extremist like Perkasa and the other dumb UMNO minsters......but are they against malays??

Hey I was brought up in a mix school where we could call melayu BODOH and Malays can call Cina BODOH...etc as a growing up joke without malice and anger......is that really racist or just student who understand the difference in race.....they r still very close friend till today......I can go to Sabah KK and have lunch with my colleague who are Malays on the same table where Chinese non halal food is serve. Is that wrong???


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 00:02 | Report Abuse

Lu swap citizen dengan orang Beijing, 5 tahun paru2 jadi hitam sebab udara terlalu jerebu sana. Kikikiki


804 posts

Posted by saufi74 > 2014-03-01 00:03 | Report Abuse

Bile org kita jadi jutawan aje..dorang buat kecoh..x puas hati..tapi tgk lah top10...sape yg ramai??? X nak lak dorang ckp psl tu..tu pon x puas hati lagi..cool abg duitbesar..


2,658 posts

Posted by arv18 > 2014-03-01 00:03 | Report Abuse

whoaaaaa... furious passion, however the general intelligence is quite low. how sadddd. all this special rights, still can't speak english properly. oh well. can thank dr m & co. for that.. how sad and pathethic.

Posted by Fat Cat Tim Buddy > 2014-03-01 00:03 | Report Abuse

u give me a tons of money then i will move out asap lo... kikiki.. i dont have tongkat la, have to work harder and longer, so letih only can untung sikit ... life is so susah, i really dont want my next generation so susah lo, untung cukup money cukup mesti go out lo jajaja


543 posts

Posted by jsjy123 > 2014-03-01 00:05 | Report Abuse

saufi74, saya hairan kenapa kamu belajar di sekolah cina...dan apa yg kamu belajar sampai rasis sangat ni. Don't worry, if we think the time is up for us to move on, we will migrate. you better make sure your future generation are not migrating anywhere, stick to this land forever. if not, you have to call them pendatang nanti.....

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